1、293 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 125 (i) Pacific oceanic areas between the U.S. West coast and Australia, New Zealand and Polynesia. (ii) South Atlantic oceanic areas. (iii) Indian Ocean areas. (iv) Oceanic areas between Australia and South America. (2) The operator must designate the ne
2、ar-est available ETOPS Alternate Airports along the planned route of flight. (3) The airplane-engine combination must be type-design-approved for ETOPS greater than 180 minutes. (k) ETOPS beyond 240 minutes. (1) The FAA grants approval to conduct ETOPS with di-version times beyond 240 minutes for op
3、er-ations between specified city pairs on routes in the following areas: (i) The Pacific oceanic areas between the U.S. west coast and Australia, New Zealand, and Polynesia; (ii) The South Atlantic oceanic areas; (iii) The Indian Oceanic areas; and (iv) The oceanic areas between Australia and South
4、America, and the South Polar Area. (2) This approval is granted to certificate holders who have been operating under 180- minute or greater ETOPS authority for at least 24 consecutive months, of which at least 12 consecutive months must be under 240-minute ETOPS authority with the air-plane-engine c
5、ombination to be used. (3) The operator must designate the near-est available ETOPS alternate or alternates along the planned route of flight. (4) For these operations, the airplane-en-gine combination must be type-design-ap-proved for ETOPS greater than 180 minutes. Section II. ETOPS Approval: Pass
6、enger-car-rying Airplanes With More Than Two Engines. (a) The FAA grants approval to conduct ETOPS, as follows: (1) Except as provided in 121.162, the air-plane-engine combination must be type-de-sign-approved for ETOPS. (2) The operator must designate the near-est available ETOPS Alternate Airports
7、 within 240 minutes diversion time (at one-en-gine-inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air). If an ETOPS alter-nate is not available within 240 minutes, the operator must designate the nearest avail-able ETOPS Alternate Airports along the planned route of flight. (3) The MEL
8、limitations for the authorized ETOPS diversion time apply. (i) The Fuel Quantity Indicating System must be operational. (ii) The communications systems required by 121.99(d) or 121.122(c) must be oper-ational. (4) The certificate holder must operate in accordance with the ETOPS authority as containe
9、d in its operations specifications. Section III. Approvals for operations whose airplane routes are planned to traverse either the North Polar or South Polar Areas. (a) Except for intrastate operations within the State of Alaska, no certificate holder may operate an aircraft in the North Polar Area
10、or South Polar Area, unless authorized by the FAA. (b) In addition to any of the applicable re-quirements of sections I and II of this appen-dix, the certificate holders operations speci-fications must contain the following: (1) The designation of airports that may be used for en-route diversions an
11、d the require-ments the airports must meet at the time of diversion. (2) Except for supplemental all-cargo oper-ations, a recovery plan for passengers at des-ignated diversion airports. (3) A fuel-freeze strategy and procedures for monitoring fuel freezing. (4) A plan to ensure communication capa-bi
12、lity for these operations. (5) An MEL for these operations. (6) A training plan for operations in these areas. (7) A plan for mitigating crew exposure to radiation during solar flare activity. (8) A plan for providing at least two cold weather anti-exposure suits in the aircraft, to protect crewmemb
13、ers during outside ac-tivity at a diversion airport with extreme climatic conditions. The FAA may relieve the certificate holder from this requirement if the season of the year makes the equip-ment unnecessary. Doc. No. FAA20026717, 72 FR 1883, Jan. 16, 2007 PART 125CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS: AIR
15、O. 106 NOTE Subpart AGeneral Sec. 125.1 Applicability. 125.3 Deviation authority. 125.5 Operating certificate and operations specifications required. 125.7 Display of certificate. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00303 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles
16、 on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-294 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) Pt. 125 125.9 Definitions. 125.11 Certificate eligibility and prohibited operations. Subpart BCertification Rules and Miscellaneous Requirement
17、s 125.21 Application for operating certificate. 125.23 Rules applicable to operations subject to this part. 125.25 Management personnel required. 125.27 Issue of certificate. 125.29 Duration of certificate. 125.31 Contents of certificate and operations specifications. 125.33 Operations specification
18、s not a part of certificate. 125.35 Amendment of operations specifica-tions. 125.37 Duty period limitations. 125.39 Carriage of narcotic drugs, mari-huana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. 125.41 Availability of certificate and oper-ations specifications. 125.43 Use of operations spe
19、cifications. 125.45 Inspection authority. 125.47 Change of address. 125.49 Airport requirements. 125.51 En route navigation facilities. 125.53 Flight locating requirements. Subpart CManual Requirements 125.71 Preparation. 125.73 Contents. 125.75 Airplane flight manual. Subpart DAirplane Requirements
20、 125.91 Airplane requirements: General. 125.93 Airplane limitations. Subpart ESpecial Airworthiness Requirements 125.111 General. 125.113 Cabin interiors. 125.115 Internal doors. 125.117 Ventilation. 125.119 Fire precautions. 125.121 Proof of compliance with 125.119. 125.123 Propeller deicing fluid.
21、 125.125 Pressure cross-feed arrangements. 125.127 Location of fuel tanks. 125.129 Fuel system lines and fittings. 125.131 Fuel lines and fittings in designated fire zones. 125.133 Fuel valves. 125.135 Oil lines and fittings in designated fire zones. 125.137 Oil valves. 125.139 Oil system drains. 12
22、5.141 Engine breather lines. 125.143 Firewalls. 125.145 Firewall construction. 125.147 Cowling. 125.149 Engine accessory section diaphragm. 125.151 Powerplant fire protection. 125.153 Flammable fluids. 125.155 Shutoff means. 125.157 Lines and fittings. 125.159 Vent and drain lines. 125.161 Fire-exti
23、nguishing systems. 125.163 Fire-extinguishing agents. 125.165 Extinguishing agent container pres-sure relief. 125.167 Extinguishing agent container com-partment temperature. 125.169 Fire-extinguishing system mate-rials. 125.171 Fire-detector systems. 125.173 Fire detectors. 125.175 Protection of oth
24、er airplane compo-nents against fire. 125.177 Control of engine rotation. 125.179 Fuel system independence. 125.181 Induction system ice prevention. 125.183 Carriage of cargo in passenger com-partments. 125.185 Carriage of cargo in cargo compart-ments. 125.187 Landing gear: Aural warning device. 125
25、.189 Demonstration of emergency evacu-ation procedures. Subpart FInstrument and Equipment Requirements 125.201 Inoperable instruments and equip-ment. 125.203 Communication and navigation equipment. 125.204 Portable electronic devices. 125.205 Equipment requirements: Airplanes under IFR. 125.206 Pito
26、t heat indication systems. 125.207 Emergency equipment requirements. 125.209 Emergency equipment: Extended overwater operations. 125.211 Seat and safety belts. 125.213 Miscellaneous equipment. 125.215 Operating information required. 125.217 Passenger information. 125.219 Oxygen for medical use by pa
27、s-sengers. 125.221 Icing conditions: Operating limita-tions. 125.223 Airborne weather radar equipment requirements. 125.224 Collision Avoidance System. 125.225 Flight data recorders. 125.226 Digital flight data recorders. 125.227 Cockpit voice recorders. 125.228 Flight data recorders: filtered data.
28、 Subpart GMaintenance 125.241 Applicability. 125.243 Certificate holders responsibilities. 125.245 Organization required to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration. 125.247 Inspection programs and mainte-nance. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00304 Fmt
29、8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-295 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 125 125.248 Reserved 125.249 Maintenance manual requirements. 125.251 Required
30、inspection personnel. Subpart HAirman and Crewmember Requirements 125.261 Airman: Limitations on use of serv-ices. 125.263 Composition of flightcrew. 125.265 Flight engineer requirements. 125.267 Flight navigator and long-range navigation equipment. 125.269 Flight attendants. 125.271 Emergency and e
31、mergency evacu-ation duties. Subpart IFlight Crewmember Requirements 125.281 Pilot-in-command qualifications. 125.283 Second-in-command qualifications. 125.285 Pilot qualifications: Recent experi-ence. 125.287 Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements. 125.289 Initial and recurrent flight att
32、end-ant crewmember testing requirements. 125.291 Pilot in command: Instrument pro-ficiency check requirements. 125.293 Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, accepted standards. 125.295 Check airman authorization: Appli-cation and issue. 125.296 Training, testing, and checking con-ducted by
33、 training centers: Special rules. 125.297 Approval of flight simulators and flight training devices. Subpart JFlight Operations 125.311 Flight crewmembers at controls. 125.313 Manipulation of controls when car-rying passengers. 125.315 Admission to flight deck. 125.317 Inspectors credentials: Admiss
34、ion to pilots compartment: Forward observers seat. 125.319 Emergencies. 125.321 Reporting potentially hazardous me-teorological conditions and irregularities of ground facilities or navigation aids. 125.323 Reporting mechanical irregularities. 125.325 Instrument approach procedures and IFR landing m
35、inimums. 125.327 Briefing of passengers before flight. 125.328 Prohibition on crew interference. 125.329 Minimum altitudes for use of auto-pilot. 125.331 Carriage of persons without compli-ance with the passenger-carrying provi-sions of this part. 125.333 Stowage of food, beverage, and pas-senger se
36、rvice equipment during airplane movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing. Subpart KFlight Release Rules 125.351 Flight release authority. 125.353 Facilities and services. 125.355 Airplane equipment. 125.357 Communication and navigation fa-cilities. 125.359 Flight release under VFR. 125.361 Flig
37、ht release under IFR or over- the-top. 125.363 Flight release over water. 125.365 Alternate airport for departure. 125.367 Alternate airport for destination: IFR or over-the-top. 125.369 Alternate airport weather mini-mums. 125.371 Continuing flight in unsafe condi-tions. 125.373 Original flight rel
38、ease or amend-ment of flight release. 125.375 Fuel supply: Nonturbine and turbo-propeller-powered airplanes. 125.377 Fuel supply: Turbine-engine-powered airplanes other than turbopropeller. 125.379 Landing weather minimums: IFR. 125.381 Takeoff and landing weather mini-mums: IFR. 125.383 Load manife
39、st. Subpart LRecords and Reports 125.401 Crewmember record. 125.403 Flight release form. 125.405 Disposition of load manifest, flight release, and flight plans. 125.407 Maintenance log: Airplanes. 125.409 Service difficulty reports. 125.411 Airworthiness release or mainte-nance record entry. Subpart
40、 MContinued Airworthiness and Safety Improvements 125.501 Purpose and definition. 125.503 Reserved 125.505 Repairs assessment for pressurized fuselages. 125.507 Fuel tank system inspection pro-gram. 125.509 Flammability reduction means. APPENDIX A TO PART 125ADDITIONAL EMER-GENCY EQUIPMENT APPENDIX
42、4705, 4471044711, 44713, 4471644717, 44722. SOURCE: Docket No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, unless otherwise noted. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00305 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo
43、reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-296 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 125.1 SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. 89 EDITORIAL NOTE: For the text of SFAR No. 89, see part 121 of this chapter. SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. 97 EDITORIAL NOTE: For the text of SFA
44、R No. 97, see part 91 of this chapter. SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. 106 EDITORIAL NOTE: For the text of SFAR No. 106, see part 121 of this chapter. Subpart AGeneral 125.1 Applicability. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section, this part prescribes rules gover
45、ning the oper-ations of U.S.-registered civil airplanes which have a seating configuration of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more when common carriage is not in-volved. (b) The rules of this part do not apply to the operations of airplanes specified in paragra
46、ph (a) of this section, when (1) They are required to be operated under part 121, 129, 135, or 137 of this chapter; (2) They have been issued restricted, limited, or provisional airworthiness certificates, special flight permits, or experimental certificates; (3) They are being operated by a part 12
47、5 certificate holder without carrying passengers or cargo under part 91 for training, ferrying, positioning, or maintenance purposes; (4) They are being operated under part 91 by an operator certificated to operate those airplanes under the rules of parts 121, 135, or 137 of this chapter, they are b
48、eing operated under the ap-plicable rules of part 121 or part 135 of this chapter by an applicant for a cer-tificate under part 119 of this chapter or they are being operated by a foreign air carrier or a foreign person engaged in common carriage solely outside the United States under part 91 of thi
49、s chapter; (5) They are being operated under a deviation authority issued under 125.3; (6) They are being operated under part 91, subpart K by a fractional owner as defined in 91.1001 of this chapter; or (7) They are being operated by a frac-tional ownership program manager as defined in 91.1001 of this chapter, for training, ferrying, positioning, mainte-nance, or demonstration purposes under part 91 of this chapter and with-out carrying passe
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