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本文(FAA 14 CFR PART 170-2011 Establishment and discontinuance criteria for air traffic control services and navigational facilities《空中交通管制服务和航空设施的建立和废止标准》.pdf)为本站会员(刘芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

FAA 14 CFR PART 170-2011 Establishment and discontinuance criteria for air traffic control services and navigational facilities《空中交通管制服务和航空设施的建立和废止标准》.pdf

1、757 SUBCHAPTER JNAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES PART 170ESTABLISHMENT AND DISCONTINUANCE CRITERIA FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICES AND NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES Subpart AGeneral Sec. 170.1 Scope. 170.3 Definitions. Subpart BAirport Traffic Control Towers 170.11 Scope. 170.13 Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATC

2、T) establishment criteria. 170.15 ATCT discontinuance criteria. Subpart CLORAN-C 170.21 Scope. 170.23 LORAN-C establishment criteria. 170.25 LORAN-C discontinuance criteria. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 4010340107, 40113, 44502, 4470144702, 4470844709, 44719, 4472144722, 46308. SOURCE: 56 FR 341, Ja

3、n. 3, 1991, unless oth-erwise noted. Subpart AGeneral 170.1 Scope. This subpart sets forth establishment and discontinuance criteria for naviga-tion aids operated and maintained by the United States. 170.3 Definitions. For purposes of this subpart Air navigation facility (NAVAID) means any facility

4、used, available for use, or designated for use in the aid of air navigation. Included are landing areas; lights; signaling, radio direction- finding, or radio or other electronic communication; and any other struc-ture or mechanism having a similar purpose of guiding or controlling flight or the lan

5、ding or takeoff of aircraft. Air traffic clearance means an author-ization by air traffic control for an air-craft to proceed under specified traffic conditions within controlled airspace for the purpose of preventing collision between known aircraft. Air traffic control (ATC) means a serv-ice that

6、promotes the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic, includ-ing airport, approach, departure, and en route air traffic control. Air traffic controller means a person authorized to provide air traffic serv-ice, specifically en route and terminal control personnel. Aircraft operations mean

7、s the airborne movement of aircraft in controlled or noncontrolled airport terminal areas, and counts at en route fixes or other points where counts can be made. There are two types of operations: local and itinerant. (1) Local operations mean operations performed by aircraft which: (i) Operate in t

8、he local traffic pat-tern or within sight of the airport; (ii) Are known to be departing for, or arriving from flight in local practice areas located within a 20-mile radius of the airport; or (iii) Execute simulated instrument approaches or low passes at the air-port. (2) Itinerant operations mean

9、all air-craft operations other than local oper-ations. Airport traffic control tower means a terminal facility, which through the use of air/ground communications, vis-ual signaling, and other devices, pro-vides ATC services to airborne aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport and to aircraf

10、t operating on the airport area. Alternate airport means an airport, specified on a flight plan, to which a flight may proceed when a landing at the point of first intended landing be-comes inadvisable. Approach means the flight path es-tablished by the FAA to be used by air-craft landing on a runwa

11、y. Approach control facility means a ter-minal air traffic control facility pro-viding approach control service. Arrival means any aircraft arriving at an airport. Benefit-cost ratio means the quotient of the discounted life cycle benefits of an air traffic control service or naviga-tion aid facilit

12、y (i.e., ATCT) divided by the discounted life cycle costs. Ceiling means the vertical distance between the ground or water and the VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00767 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for

13、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-758 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 170.3 lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phe-nomena that is reported as broken, overcast, or obstruction. Control TowerSee Airport Traffic Control Tower. Criteria means the standards used by

14、the FAA for the determination of es-tablishment or discontinuance of a service or facility at an airport. Departure means any aircraft taking off from an airport. Discontinuance means the withdrawal of a service and/or facility from an air-port. Establishment means the provision of a service or faci

15、lity at a candidate air-port. Instrument approach means a series of predetermined maneuvers for the or-derly transfer of an aircraft under in-strument flight conditions from the be-ginning of the initial approach to a landing, or to a point from which a landing may be made visually. It is prescribed

16、 and approved for a specific airport by competent authority. Instrument flight rules (IFR) means rules governing the procedures for con-ducting flight under instrument mete-orological conditions (IMC) instrument flight. Instrument landing system (ILS) means an instrument landing system whereby the p

17、ilot guides his approach to a run-way solely by reference to instruments in the cockpit. In some instances, the signals received from the ground can be fed into the automatic pilot for auto-matically controlled approaches. Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) means weather conditions below the

18、 minimums prescribed for flight under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). Instrument operation means an air-craft operation in accordance with an IFT flight plan or an operation where IFR separation between aircraft is pro-vided by a terminal control facility or air route traffic control center (ARTCC). Life

19、 cycle benefits means the value of services provided to aviation users over the life span of a facility or service. Life cycle costs means the value of re-search and development costs, invest-ment costs, operation costs, mainte-nance costs, and termination costs over the life span of a facility or s

20、erv-ice. LORAN-C means an electronic navi-gational system by which hyperbolic lines of position are determined by measuring differences in time of recep-tion of synchronized pulse signals from two fixed transmitters. Maintenance costs means the costs in-curred in servicing and maintaining a facility

21、 after establishment. Mean sea level (MSL) means the base commonly used in measuring altitudes. Microwave landing system (MLS) means a landing system which enables equipped aircraft to make curved and closely spaced approaches to properly instrumented airports. Noncommercial traffic means all air-cr

22、aft operations that are conducted free of compensation. Nonprecision approach procedure means an FAA standard for approach-ing an IFR runway where no electronic glide slope is available. Nonscheduled commercial service means the carriage by aircraft in air com-merce of persons or property for com-pe

23、nsation or hire that are not operated in regularly scheduled service such as charter flights. Present value (PV) means the value of a stream of future benefits or costs that are discounted to the present. PVB or BPV means the discounted value of life cycle benefits. PVC or CPV means the discounted v

24、alue of life cycle benefits. PVCM or CMPV means the dis-counted value of operations and main-tenance costs less termination costs over a facilitys remaining life cycle. Runway means a defined rectangular area on a land airport prepared for the landing and takeoff of aircraft along its length. Runway

25、 visual range means an instru-mentally derived value based on stand-ard calibrations that represent the hor-izontal distance a pilot will see down the runway from the approach end. Scheduled commercial service means the carriage by aircraft in air com-merce under parts 121 and 135 of per-sons or pro

26、perty for compensation or hire based on published flight sched-ules. Separation means the spacing of air-craft in flight and while landing and taking off to achieve their safe and or-derly movement. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00768 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX

27、223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-759 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 170.15 Takeoff clearance means authoriza-tion by an airport traffic control tower for an aircraft to take off. Towe

28、r cab means an ATC facility lo-cated at an airport. Controllers at these facilities direct ground traffic, takeoffs, and landings. Traffic advisories means advisories issued to alert pilots to other known or observed air traffic which may be in such proximity to the position or in-tended route of fl

29、ight of their aircraft to warrant attention. Traffic pattern means the flow of air-craft operating on and in the vicinity of an airport during specified wind con-ditions as established by appropriate authority. VFR traffic means aircraft operated solely in accordance with Visual Flight Rules. Visual

30、 flight rules (VFR) means rules that govern the procedures for con-ducting flight under visual conditions. The term VFR is also used in the United States to indicate weather con-ditions that are equal to or greater than minimum VFR requirements. In addition, VFR is used by pilots and controllers to

31、indicate the type of flight plan. Visual meteorological conditions (VMC) means meteorological conditions ex-pressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds, and ceiling equal to or better than specified minima. 56 FR 341, Jan. 3, 1991, as amended by Amdt. 1703, 66 FR 21067, Apr. 27, 2001 Subpar

32、t BAirport Traffic Control Towers 170.11 Scope. This subpart sets forth establishment and discontinuance criteria for Airport Traffic Control Towers. 170.13 Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) establishment criteria. (a) The following criteria along with general facility establishment stand-ards mu

33、st be met before an airport can qualify for an ATCT: (1) The airport, whether publicly or privately owned, must be open to and available for use by the public as de-fined in the Airport and Airway Im-provement Act of 1982; (2) The airport must be recognized by and contained within the National Plan

34、of Integrated Airport Systems; (3) The airport owners/authorities must have entered into appropriate as-surances and covenants to guarantee that the airport will continue in oper-ation for a long enough period to per-mit the amortization of the ATCT in-vestment; (4) The FAA must be furnished appro-p

35、riate land without cost for construc-tion of the ATCT; and (5) The airport must meet the ben-efit-cost ratio criteria specified herein utilizing three consecutive FAA annual counts and projections of future traffic during the expected life of the tower fa-cility. (An FAA annual count is a fiscal yea

36、r or a calendar year activity sum-mary. Where actual traffic counts are unavailable or not recorded, ade-quately documented FAA estimates of the scheduled and nonscheduled activ-ity may be used.) (b) An airport meets the establish-ment criteria when it satisfies para-graphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of

37、this sec-tion and its benefit-cost ratio equals or exceeds one. As defined in 170.3 of this part, the benefit-cost ratio is the ratio of the present value of the ATCT life cycle benefits (BPV) to the present value of ATCT life cycle costs (CPV). BPV/CPV1.0 (c) The satisfaction of all the criteria li

38、sted in this section does not guar-antee that the airport will receive an ATCT. 170.15 ATCT discontinuance criteria. An ATCT will be subject to dis-continuance when the continued oper-ation and maintenance costs less ter-mination costs (CMPV) of the ATCT exceed the present value of its remain-ing li

39、fe-cycle benefits (BPV): BPV/CMPV2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00769 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-760 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 1

40、70.21 170.21 Scope. This subpart sets forth establishment and discontinuance criteria for LORAN-C. 170.23 LORAN-C establishment cri-teria. (a) The criteria in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section, along with general facility and navigational aid establishment requirements, must be met be

41、fore a runway can be eligible for LORAN-C approach. (1) A runway must have landing sur-faces judged adequate by the FAA to accommodate aircraft expected to use the approach and meet all FAA-re-quired airport design criteria for non-precision runways. (2) A runway must be found accept-able for instru

42、ment flight rules oper-ations as a result of an airport airspace analysis conducted in accordance with the current FAA regulations and provi-sions. (3) The LORAN-C signal must be of sufficient quality and accuracy to pass an FAA flight inspection. (4) It must be possible to remove, mark, or light al

43、l approach obstacles in accordance with FAA marking and lighting provisions. (5) Appropriate weather information must be available. (6) Air-to-ground communications must be available at the initial ap-proach fix minimum altitude and at the missed approach altitude. (b) A runway meets the establish-m

44、ent criteria for a LORAN-C approach when it satisfies paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section and the estimated value of benefits associated with the LORAN-C approach equals or exceeds the estimated costs (benefit- cost ratio equals or exceeds one). As defined in 170.3 of this part, the ben

45、-efit-cost ratio is the ratio of the present value of the LORAN-C life- cycle benefits (PVB) to the present value of LORAN-C life-cycle costs (PVC): PVB/PVC 1.0 (c) The criteria do not cover all situ-ations that may arise and are not used as a sole determinant in denying or granting the establishmen

46、t of non-pre-cision LORAN-C approach for which there is a demonstrated operational or air traffic control requirement. 170.25 LORAN-C discontinuance cri-teria. A LORAN-C nonprecision approach may be subject to discontinuance when the present value of the continued maintenance costs (PVCM) of the LOR

47、AN-C approach exceed the present value of its remaining life-cycle bene-fits (PVB): PVB/PVCM 2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00770 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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