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FAA 14 CFR PART 171-2011 Non-federal navigation facilities《非联邦航空设施》.pdf

1、760 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 170.21 170.21 Scope. This subpart sets forth establishment and discontinuance criteria for LORAN-C. 170.23 LORAN-C establishment cri-teria. (a) The criteria in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section, along with general facility and navigational aid establish

2、ment requirements, must be met before a runway can be eligible for LORAN-C approach. (1) A runway must have landing sur-faces judged adequate by the FAA to accommodate aircraft expected to use the approach and meet all FAA-re-quired airport design criteria for non-precision runways. (2) A runway mus

3、t be found accept-able for instrument flight rules oper-ations as a result of an airport airspace analysis conducted in accordance with the current FAA regulations and provi-sions. (3) The LORAN-C signal must be of sufficient quality and accuracy to pass an FAA flight inspection. (4) It must be poss

4、ible to remove, mark, or light all approach obstacles in accordance with FAA marking and lighting provisions. (5) Appropriate weather information must be available. (6) Air-to-ground communications must be available at the initial ap-proach fix minimum altitude and at the missed approach altitude. (

5、b) A runway meets the establish-ment criteria for a LORAN-C approach when it satisfies paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section and the estimated value of benefits associated with the LORAN-C approach equals or exceeds the estimated costs (benefit- cost ratio equals or exceeds one). As defin

6、ed in 170.3 of this part, the ben-efit-cost ratio is the ratio of the present value of the LORAN-C life- cycle benefits (PVB) to the present value of LORAN-C life-cycle costs (PVC): PVB/PVC 1.0 (c) The criteria do not cover all situ-ations that may arise and are not used as a sole determinant in den

7、ying or granting the establishment of non-pre-cision LORAN-C approach for which there is a demonstrated operational or air traffic control requirement. 170.25 LORAN-C discontinuance cri-teria. A LORAN-C nonprecision approach may be subject to discontinuance when the present value of the continued ma

8、intenance costs (PVCM) of the LORAN-C approach exceed the present value of its remaining life-cycle bene-fits (PVB): PVB/PVCM 2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00770 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

9、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-761 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 171.3 Subpart FSimplified Directional Facility (SDF) 171.101 Scope. 171.103 Requests for IFR procedure. 171.105 Minimum requirements for approval. 171.107 Definition. 171.109 Performance requirements

10、. 171.111 Ground standards and tolerances. 171.113 Installation requirements. 171.115 Maintenance and operations require-ments. 171.117 Reports. Subpart GDistance Measuring Equipment (DME) 171.151 Scope. 171.153 Requests for IFR procedure. 171.155 Minimum requirements for approval. 171.157 Performan

11、ce requirements. 171.159 Installation requirements. 171.161 Maintenance and operations require-ments. 171.163 Reports. Subpart HVHF Marker Beacons 171.201 Scope. 171.203 Requests for IFR procedure. 171.205 Minimum requirements for approval. 171.207 Performance requirements. 171.209 Installation requ

12、irements. 171.211 Maintenance and operations require-ments. 171.213 Reports. Subpart IInterim Standard Microwave Landing System (ISMLS) 171.251 Scope. 171.253 Definitions. 171.255 Requests for IFR procedures. 171.257 Minimum requirements for approval. 171.259 Performance requirements: General. 171.2

13、61 Localizer performance requirements. 171.263 Localizer automatic monitor sys-tem. 171.265 Glide path performance require-ments. 171.267 Glide path automatic monitor sys-tem. 171.269 Marker beacon performance require-ments. 171.271 Installation requirements. 171.273 Maintenance and operations requi

14、re-ments. 171.275 Reports. Subpart JMicrowave Landing System (MLS) 171.301 Scope. 171.303 Definitions. 171.305 Requests for IFR procedure. 171.307 Minimum requirements for approval. 171.309 General requirements. 171.311 Signal format requirements. 171.313 Azimuth performance requirements. 171.315 Az

15、imuth monitor system require-ments. 171.317 Approach elevation performance re-quirements. 171.319 Approach elevation monitor system requirements. 171.321 DME and marker beacon perform-ance requirements. 171.323 Fabrication and installation require-ments. 171.325 Maintenance and operations require-me

16、nts. 171.327 Operational records. AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 4010340107, 40109, 40113, 44502, 4470144702, 4470844709, 44711, 4471944721, 45303, 46308. SOURCE: Docket No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, unless otherwise noted. Subpart AVOR Facilities 171.1 Scope. This subpart sets forth minimum re

17、-quirements for the approval and oper-ation on non-Federal VOR facilities that are to be involved in the approval of instrument flight rules and air traf-fic control procedures related to those facilities. Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 1712, 31 FR 5408, Apr. 6, 1966;

18、Amdt. 1717, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970 171.3 Requests for IFR procedure. (a) Each person who requests an IFR procedure based on a VOR facility that he owns must submit the following in-formation with that request: (1) A description of the facility and evidence that the equipment meets the performanc

19、e requirements of 171.7 and is installed in accordance with 171.9. (2) A proposed procedure for oper-ating the facility. (3) A proposed maintenance organiza-tion and maintenance manual that meets the requirements of 171.11. (4) A statement of intention to meet the requirements of this subpart. (5) A

20、 showing that the facility has an acceptable level of operational reli-ability and an acceptable standard of performance. Previous equivalent oper-ational experience with a facility with identical design and operational char-acteristics will be considered in show-ing compliance with this paragraph.

21、VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00771 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-762 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 171.5 (b) After the FAA

22、 inspects and evalu-ates the facility, it advises the owner of the results and of any required changes in the facility or the mainte-nance manual or maintenance organi-zation. The owner must then correct the deficiencies, if any, and operate the facility for an in-service evaluation by the FAA. Doc.

23、 No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 1717, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970 171.5 Minimum requirements for ap-proval. (a) The following are the minimum requirements that must be met before the FAA will approve an IFR procedure for a non-Federal VOR: (1) The facilitys performance, as d

24、e-termined by air and ground inspection, must meet the requirements of 171.7. (2) The installation of the equipment must meet the requirements of 171.9. (3) The owner must agree to operate and maintain the facility in accord- ance with 171.11. (4) The owner must agree to furnish periodic reports, as

25、 set forth in 171.13, and must agree to allow the FAA to in-spect the facility and its operation whenever necessary. (5) The owner must assure the FAA that he will not withdraw the facility from service without the permission of the FAA. (6) The owner must bear all costs of meeting the requirements

26、of this sec-tion and of any flight or ground inspec-tions made before the facility is com-missioned, except that the Federal Aviation Administration may bear cer-tain of these costs subject to budgetary limitations and policy established by the Administrator. (b) If the applicant for approval meets

27、the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the FAA commis-sions the facility as a prerequisite to its approval for use in an IFR proce-dure. The approval is withdrawn at any time the facility does not continue to meet those requirements. Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as amended b

28、y Amdt. 1716, 35 FR 10288, June 24, 1970 171.7 Performance requirements. (a) The VOR must perform in accord-ance with the International Standards and Recommended Practices, Aero-nautical Telecommunications, Part I, paragraph 3.3 (Annex 10 to the Conven-tion on International Civil Aviation), except t

29、hat part of paragraph specifying a radio frequency tolerance of 0.005 percent, and that part of para-graph 3.3.7 requiring removal of only the bearing information. In place thereof, the frequency tolerance of the radio frequency carrier must not ex-ceed plus or minus 0.002 percent, and all r

30、adiation must be removed during the specified deviations from estab-lished conditions and during periods of monitor failure. (b) Ground inspection consists of an examination of the design features of the equipment to determine that there will not be conditions that will allow unsafe operations becau

31、se of compo-nent failure or deterioration. (c) The monitor is checked periodi- cally, during the in-service test evalua-tion period, for calibration and sta-bility The tests are made with a stand-ard Reference and variable phase sig-nal generator and associated test equipment, including an oscillosc

32、ope and portable field detector. In general, the ground check is conducted in accord- ance with section 8.4 of FAA Handbook AF P 6790.9 Maintenance In-struction for VHF Omniranges, adapt-ed for the facility concerned. (d) Flight tests to determine the fa-cilitys adequacy for operational re-quirement

33、s and compliance with appli-cable Standards and Recommended Practices are conducted in accordance with the U.S. Standard Flight Inspec-tion Manual, particularly section 201. (e) After January 1, 1975, the owner of the VOR shall modify the facility to perform in accordance with paragraph of A

34、nnex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation within 180 days after receipt of notice from the Administrator that 50 kHz channel spacing is to be implemented in the area and that a requirement exists for suppression of 9960 Hz subcarrier harmonics. Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 196

35、4, as amended by Amdt. 1717, 35 FR 12711, Aug. 11, 1970; Amdt. 1719, 38 FR 28557, Oct. 15, 1973 VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00772 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

36、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-763 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 171.11 171.9 Installation requirements. (a) The facility must be installed ac-cording to accepted good engineering practices, applicable electric and safe-ty codes, and the installation must meet at least the Federal C

37、ommunica-tion Commissions licensing require-ments. (b) The facility must have a reliable source of suitable primary power, ei-ther from a power distribution system or locally generated, with a supple-mental standby system, if needed. (c) Dual transmitting equipment with automatic changeover is prefe

38、rred and may be required to support certain IFR procedures. (d) There must be a means for deter-mining, from the ground, the perform-ance of the equipment, including the antenna, initially and periodically. (e) A facility intended for use as an instrument approach aid for an airport must have or be

39、supplemented by (de-pending on circumstances) the fol-lowing ground-air or landline commu-nications services: (1) At facilities outside of and not im-mediately adjacent to controlled air-space, there must be ground-air com-munications from the airport served by the facility. Separate communications

40、channels are acceptable. (2) At facilities within or imme-diately adjacent to controlled airspace, there must be the ground-air commu-nications required by paragraph (e)(1) of this section and reliable communica-tions (at least a landline telephone) from the airport to the nearest FAA air traffic co

41、ntrol or communication facility. Paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this sec-tion are not mandatory at airports where an adjacent FAA facility can communicate with aircraft on the ground at the airport and during the entire proposed instrument approach procedure. In addition, at low traffic density airpo

42、rts within or immediately adjacent to controlled airspace and where extensive delays are not a fac-tor, the requirements of paragraphs (e) (1) and (2) of this section may be re-duced to reliable communications (at least a landline telephone) from the airport to the nearest FAA air traffic control or

43、 communication facility, if an adjacent FAA facility can commu-nicate with aircraft during the pro-posed instrument approach procedure, at least down to the minimum en route altitude for the controlled airspace area. Doc. No. 5034, 29 FR 11337, Aug. 6, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 1717, 35 FR 12711, Au

44、g. 11, 1970; Amdt. 17116, 56 FR 65664, Dec. 17, 1991 171.11 Maintenance and operations requirements. (a) The owner of the facility must es-tablish an adequate maintenance sys-tem and provide qualified maintenance personnel to maintain the facility at the level attained at the time it was commissione

45、d. Each person who main-tains a facility must meet at least the Federal Communications Commissions licensing requirements and show that he has the special knowledge and skills needed to maintain the facility includ-ing proficiency in maintenance proce-dures and the use of specialized test equipment.

46、 (b) The owner must prepare, and ob-tain FAA approval of, an operations and maintenance manual that sets forth mandatory procedures for oper-ations, preventive maintenance, and emergency maintenance, including in-structions on each of the following: (1) Physical security of the facility. (2) Mainten

47、ance and operations by authorized persons only. (3) FCC licensing requirements for operating and maintenance personnel. (4) Posting of licenses and signs. (5) Relations between the facility and FAA air traffic control facilities, with a description of the boundaries of con-trolled airspace over or n

48、ear the facil-ity, instructions for relaying air traffic control instructions and information (if applicable), and instructions for the operation of an air traffic advisory service if the VOR is located outside of controlled airspace. (6) Notice to the Administrator of any suspension of service. (7)

49、 Detailed and specific maintenance procedures and servicing guides stating the frequency of servicing. (8) Air-ground communications, if provided, expressly written or incor-porating appropriate sections of FAA manuals by reference. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00773 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r

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