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本文(FAA 14 CFR PART 183-2011 Representatives of the administrator《行政官的代表》.pdf)为本站会员(bowdiet140)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

FAA 14 CFR PART 183-2011 Representatives of the administrator《行政官的代表》.pdf

1、840 SUBCHAPTER KADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS PART 183REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Subpart AGeneral Sec. 183.1 Scope. Subpart BCertification of Representatives 183.11 Selection. 183.13 Certification. 183.15 Duration of certificates. 183.17 Reports. Subpart CKinds of Designations: Privileges 183

2、.21 Aviation Medical Examiners. 183.23 Pilot examiners. 183.25 Technical personnel examiners. 183.27 Designated aircraft maintenance in-spectors. 183.29 Designated engineering representa-tives. 183.31 Designated manufacturing inspection representatives. 183.33 Designated Airworthiness Represent-ativ

3、e. Subpart DOrganization Designation Authorization 183.41 Applicability and definitions. 183.43 Application. 183.45 Issuance of Organization Designation Authorizations. 183.47 Qualifications. 183.49 Authorized functions. 183.51 ODA Unit personnel. 183.53 Procedures manual. 183.55 Limitations. 183.57

4、 Responsibilities of an ODA Holder. 183.59 Inspection. 183.61 Records and reports. 183.63 Continuing requirements: Products, parts or appliances. 183.65 Continuing requirements: Oper-ational approvals. 183.67 Transferability and duration. AUTHORITY: 31 U.S.C. 9701; 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44702, 45

5、303. SOURCE: Docket No. 1151, 27 FR 4951, May 26, 1962, unless otherwise noted. EDITORIAL NOTE: For miscellaneous amend-ments to cross references in this part 183, see Amdt. 1831, 31 FR 9211, July 6, 1966. Subpart AGeneral 183.1 Scope. This part describes the requirements for designating private per

6、sons to act as representatives of the Administrator in examining, inspecting, and testing persons and aircraft for the purpose of issuing airman, operating, and aircraft certificates. In addition, this part states the privileges of those represent-atives and prescribes rules for the exer-cising of t

7、hose privileges, as follows: (a) An individual may be designated as a representative of the Adminis-trator under subparts B or C of this part. (b) An organization may be des-ignated as a representative of the Ad-ministrator by obtaining an Organiza-tion Designation Authorization under subpart D of t

8、his part. Doc. No. FAA200316685, 70 FR 59946, Oct. 13, 2005 Subpart BCertification of Representatives 183.11 Selection. (a) The Federal Air Surgeon, or his or her authorized representatives within the FAA, may select Aviation Medical Examiners from qualified physicians who apply. In addition, the Fe

9、deral Air Surgeon may designate qualified foren-sic pathologists to assist in the med-ical investigation of aircraft accidents. (b) Any local Flight Standards In-spector may select a pilot examiner, technical personnel examiner, or a des-ignated aircraft maintenance inspector whenever he determines

10、there is a need for one. (c)(1) The Manager, Aircraft Certifi-cation Office, or the Managers des-ignee, may select Designated Engineer-ing Representatives from qualified per-sons who apply by a letter accom-panied by a Statement of Qualifica-tions of Designated Engineering Rep-resentative. (2) The M

11、anager, Aircraft Certifi-cation Directorate, or the Managers designee, may select Designated Manu-facturing Inspection Representatives VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00850 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot

12、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-841 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 183.21 from qualified persons who apply by a letter accompanied by a Statement of Qualifications of Designated Manufac-turing Inspection Representative. (d) The Associate Administ

13、rator for Air Traffic, may select Air Traffic Con-trol Tower Operator Examiners. (e) The Director, Aircraft Certifi-cation Service, or the Directors des-ignee, may select Designated Air-worthiness Representatives from quali-fied persons who apply by a letter ac-companied by a Statement of Quali-fica

14、tions of Designated Airworthiness Representative. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 21200035) (Secs. 313(a), 314, 601, 603, 605, and 1102, Fed-eral Aviation Act of 1958, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1354(a), 1355, 1421, 1423, 1425, and 1502); sec. 6(c) Department of Tran

15、sportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1655(c) Doc. No. 1151, 27 FR 4951, May 26, 1962, as amended by Amdt. 1837, 45 FR 32669, May 19, 1980; Amdt. 1838, 48 FR 16179, Apr. 14, 1983; Amdt. 1839, 54 FR 39296, Sept. 25, 1989; Amdt. 18313, 73 FR 43066, July 24, 2008 183.13 Certification. (a) A Certificate of Designat

16、ion and an appropriate Identification Card is issued to each Aviation Medical Exam-iner and to each forensic pathologist designated under 183.11(a). (b) A Certificate of Authority speci-fying the kinds of designation for which the person concerned is qualified and stating an expiration date is issue

17、d to each Flight Standards Designated Representative, along with a Certifi-cate of Designation for display pur-poses, designating the holder as a Flight Standards Representative and specifying the kind of designation for which he is qualified. (c) A Certificate of Authority, stat-ing the specific fu

18、nctions which the person concerned is authorized to per-form and stating an expiration date, is issued to each Designated Airworthi-ness Representative, along with a Certificate of Designation for display purposes. (Secs. 601 and 602, 72 Stat. 752, 49 U.S.C. 1421 1422; secs. 313(a), 314, 601, 603, 6

19、05, and 1102, Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1354(a), 1355, 1421, 1423, 1425, and 1502); sec. 6(c) Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1655(c) Doc. No. 1151, 27 FR 4951, May 26, 1962, as amended by Amdt. 1832, 32 FR 46, Jan. 5, 1967; Amdt. 1838, 48 FR 16179, Apr. 14, 198

20、3 183.15 Duration of certificates. (a) Unless sooner terminated under paragraph (b) of this section, a designa-tion as an Aviation Medical Examiner or as a Flight Standards or Aircraft Certification Service Designated Rep-resentative as described in 183.21, 183.23, 183.25, 183.27, 183.29, 183.31, or

21、 183.33 is effective until the expiration date shown on the document granting the authorization. (b) A designation made under this subpart terminates: (1) Upon the written request of the representative; (2) Upon the written request of the employer in any case in which the rec-ommendation of the empl

22、oyer is re-quired for the designation; (3) Upon the representative being sep-arated from the employment of the em-ployer who recommended him or her for certification; (4) Upon a finding by the Adminis-trator that the representative has not properly performed his or her duties under the designation;

23、(5) Upon the assistance of the rep-resentative being no longer needed by the Administrator; or (6) For any reason the Administrator considers appropriate. Doc. No. FAA200727812, 73 FR 43066, July 24, 2008 183.17 Reports. Each representative designated under this part shall make such reports as are p

24、rescribed by the Administrator. Subpart CKinds of Designations: Privileges 183.21 Aviation Medical Examiners. An Aviation Medical Examiner may VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00851 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided b

25、y IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-842 14 CFR Ch. I (1111 Edition) 183.23 (a) Accept applications for physical examinations necessary for issuing medical certificates under part 67 of this chapter; (b) Under the general supervision of the Federal

26、Air Surgeon or the appro-priate senior regional flight surgeon, conduct those physical examinations; (c) Issue or deny medical certificates in accordance with part 67 of this chap-ter, subject to reconsideration by the Federal Air Surgeon or his authorized representatives within the FAA; (d) Issue s

27、tudent pilot certificates as specified in 61.85 of this chapter; and (e) As requested, participate in inves-tigating aircraft accidents. (Secs. 601 and 602, 72 Stat. 752, 49 U.S.C. 1421 1422) Doc. No. 1151, 27 FR 4951, May 26, 1962, as amended by Amdt. 1832, 32 FR 46, Jan. 5, 1967; Amdt. 1835, 38 FR

28、 12203, May 10, 1973 183.23 Pilot examiners. Any pilot examiner, instrument rat-ing examiner, or airline transport pilot examiner may (a) As authorized in his designation, accept applications for flight tests nec-essary for issuing pilot certificates and ratings under this chapter; (b) Under the gen

29、eral supervision of the appropriate local Flight Standards Inspector, conduct those tests; and (c) In the discretion of the appro-priate local Flight Standards Inspec-tor, issue temporary pilot certificates and ratings to qualified applicants. 183.25 Technical personnel exam-iners. (a) A designated

30、mechanic examiner (DME) (airframe and power plant) may (1) Accept applications for, and con-duct, mechanic, oral and practical tests necessary for issuing mechanic certificates under part 65 of this chap-ter; and (2) In the discretion of the appro-priate local Flight Standards Inspec-tor, issue temp

31、orary mechanic certifi-cates to qualified applicants. (b) A designated parachute rigger ex-aminer (DPRE) may (1) Accept applications for, and con-duct, oral and practical tests necessary for issuing parachute rigger certifi-cates under part 65 of this chapter; and (2) In the discretion of the appro-

32、priate local Flight Standards Inspec-tor, issue temporary parachute rigger certificates to qualified applicants. (c) An air traffic control tower oper-ator examiner may (1) Accept applications for, and con-duct, written and practical tests nec-essary for issuing control tower oper-ator certificates

33、under part 65 of this chapter; and (2) In the discretion of the Associate Administrator for Air Traffic issue temporary control tower operator cer-tificates to qualified applicants. (d) A designated flight engineer ex-aminer (DFEE) may (1) Accept applications for, and con-duct, oral and practical te

34、sts necessary for issuing flight engineer certificates under part 63 of this chapter; and (2) In the discretion of the appro-priate local Flight Standards Inspec-tor, issue temporary flight engineer certificates to qualified applicants. (e) A designated flight navigator ex-aminer (DFNE) may (1) Acce

35、pt applications for, and con-duct, oral and practical tests necessary for issuing flight navigator certificates under part 63 of this chapter; and (2) In the discretion of the appro-priate local Flight Standards Inspec-tor, issue temporary flight navigator certificates to qualified applicants. (f) A

36、 designated aircraft dispatcher examiner (DADE) may (1) Accept applications for, and con-duct, written and practical tests nec-essary for issuing aircraft dispatcher certificates under part 65 of this chap-ter; and (2) In the discretion of the appro-priate local Flight Standards Inspec-tor, issue te

37、mporary aircraft dis-patcher certificates to qualified appli-cants. Doc. No. 1151, 27 FR 4951, May 26, 1962, as amended by Amdt. 1839, 54 FR 39296, Sept. 25, 1989 183.27 Designated aircraft mainte-nance inspectors. A designated aircraft maintenance inspector (DAMI) may approve mainte-nance on civil

38、aircraft used by United States military flying clubs in foreign countries. VerDate Mar2010 08:29 Feb 24, 2011 Jkt 223045 PO 00000 Frm 00852 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML223045.XXX 223045WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

39、icense from IHS-,-,-843 Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 183.31 183.29 Designated engineering rep-resentatives. (a) A structural engineering rep-resentative may approve structural en-gineering information and other struc-tural considerations within limits pre-scribed by and under the general sup

40、er-vision of the Administrator, whenever the representative determines that in-formation and other structural consid-erations comply with the applicable regulations of this chapter. (b) A power plant engineering rep-resentative may approve information relating to power plant installations within lim

41、itations prescribed by and under the general supervision of the Administrator whenever the represent-ative determines that information complies with the applicable regula-tions of this chapter. (c) A systems and equipment engi-neering representative may approve engineering information relating to eq

42、uipment and systems, other than those of a structural, powerplant, or radio nature, within limits prescribed by and under the general supervision of the Administrator, whenever the rep-resentative determines that informa-tion complies with the applicable regu-lations of this chapter. (d) A radio eng

43、ineering representa-tive may approve engineering informa-tion relating to the design and oper-ating characteristics of radio equip-ment, within limits prescribed by and under the general supervision of the Administrator whenever the represent-ative determines that information complies with the appli

44、cable regula-tions of this chapter. (e) An engine engineering representa-tive may approve engineering informa-tion relating to engine design, oper-ation and service, within limits pre-scribed by and under the general super-vision of the Administrator, whenever the representative determines that in-f

45、ormation complies with the applicable regulations of this chapter. (f) A propeller engineering represent-ative may approve engineering infor-mation relating to propeller design, op-eration, and maintenance, within lim-its prescribed by and under the general supervision of the Administrator when-ever

46、 the representative determines that information complies with the ap-plicable regulations of this chapter. (g) A flight analyst representative may approve flight test information, within limits prescribed by and under the general supervision of the Adminis-trator, whenever the representative de-term

47、ines that information complies with the applicable regulations of this chapter. (h) A flight test pilot representative may make flight tests, and prepare and approve flight test information relat-ing to compliance with the regulations of this chapter, within limits pre-scribed by and under the gener

48、al super-vision of the Administrator. (i) An acoustical engineering rep-resentative may witness and approve aircraft noise certification tests and approve measured noise data and eval-uated noise data analyses, within the limits prescribed by, and under the general supervision of, the Adminis-trator

49、, whenever the representative de-termines that the noise test, test data, and associated analyses are in con-formity with the applicable regulations of this chapter. Those regulations in-clude, where appropriate, the meth-odologies and any equivalencies pre-viously approved by the Director of En-vironment and Energy, for that noise test series. No designated acoustical engineering repres

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