1、5 SUBCHAPTER AGENERAL PART 0COMMISSION ORGANIZATION Subpart AOrganization GENERAL Sec. 0.1 The Commission. 0.3 The Chairman. 0.5 General description of Commission orga-nization and operations. OFFICE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR 0.11 Functions of the Office. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL 0.13 Functions of the
3、1 Functions of the Office. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU 0.51 Functions of the Bureau MEDIA BUREAU 0.61 Functions of the Bureau. OFFICE OF WORKPLACE DIVERSITY 0.81 Functions of the Office. WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU 0.91 Functions of the Bureau. OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 0.101 Function
4、s of the office. ENFORCEMENT BUREAU 0.111 Functions of the Bureau. 0.121 Location of field installations. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU 0.131 Functions of the Bureau. CONSUMER AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU 0.141 Functions of the Bureau. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES 0.151 Functions of t
5、he Office. HOMELAND SECURITY, DEFENSE AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS 0.181 The Defense Commissioner. 0.185 Responsibilities of the bureaus and staff offices. 0.186 Emergency Relocation Board. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU 0.191 Functions of the Bureau. 0.192 Emergency Response Int
6、eroperability Center. Subpart BDelegations of Authority GENERAL 0.201 General provisions. 0.203 Authority of person, panel, or board to which functions are delegated. 0.204 The exercise of delegated authority. COMMISSIONERS 0.211 Chairman. 0.212 Board of Commissioners. 0.218 Authority of, and delega
7、ted to, an in-dividual Commissioner or Commis-sioners. MANAGING DIRECTOR 0.231 Authority delegated. CHIEF ENGINEER 0.241 Authority delegated. 0.247 Record of actions taken. GENERAL COUNSEL 0.251 Authority delegated. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU 0.261 Authority delegated. 0.262 Record of actions taken. OFFIC
8、E OF STRATEGIC PLANNING AND POLICY ANALYSIS 0.271 Authority delegated. CHIEF, MEDIA BUREAU 0.283 Authority delegated. 0.284 Actions taken under delegated author-ity. 0.285 Record of actions taken. VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 22
9、0200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) Pt. 0 CHIEF, WIRELINE COMPETITION BUREAU 0.291 Authority delegated. 0.301 Reserved 0.302 Record of actions taken. 0.303 Reserved 0.30
10、4 Authority for determinations of ex-empt telecommunications company sta-tus. ENFORCEMENT BUREAU 0.311 Authority delegated. 0.314 Additional authority delegated. 0.317 Record of action taken. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU 0.331 Authority delegated. 0.332 Actions taken under delegated author-ity
11、. 0.3330.337 Reserved ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGES 0.341 Authority of administrative law judge. 0.347 Record of actions taken. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE 0.351 Authority delegated. 0.357 Record of actions taken. CONSUMER AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS BUREAU 0.361 Authority delegated. OFFICE OF COMMUNICA
12、TIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 0.371 Authority delegated. NATIONAL SECURITY AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS DELEGATIONS 0.381 Defense Commissioner. 0.383 Emergency Relocation Board, author-ity delegated. 0.387 Other national security and emer-gency preparedness delegations; cross reference. OFFICE OF WORKP
13、LACE DIVERSITY 0.391 Authority delegated. PUBLIC SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY BUREAU 0.392 Authority delegated. Subpart CGeneral Information GENERAL 0.401 Location of Commission offices. 0.403 Office hours. 0.405 Statutory provisions. 0.406 The rules and regulations. 0.408 OMB control numbers and ex
14、piration dates assigned pursuant to the Paper-work Reduction Act of 1995. 0.409 Commission policy on private printing of FCC forms. PRINTED PUBLICATIONS 0.411 General reference materials. 0.413 The Commissions printed publica-tions. 0.414 The Communications Act and other statutory materials. 0.415 T
15、he rules and regulations (looseleaf service). 0.416 The Federal Communications Commis-sion Record. 0.417 The Annual Reports. 0.420 Other Commission publications. FORMS AND DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST 0.421 Application forms. 0.422 Current action documents and public notices. 0.423 Information b
16、ulletins. LISTS CONTAINING INFORMATION COMPILED BY THE COMMISSION 0.431 The FCC service frequency lists. 0.434 Data bases and lists of authorized broadcast stations and pending broadcast applications. PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS 0.441 General. 0.442 Disclosure to other Federal gover
17、n-ment agencies of information submitted to the Commission in confidence. 0.445 Publication, availability and use of opinions, orders, policy statements, in-terpretations, administrative manuals, and staff instructions. 0.451 Inspection of records: Generally. 0.453 Public reference rooms. 0.455 Othe
18、r locations at which records may be inspected. 0.457 Records not routinely available for public inspection. 0.458 Nonpublic information. 0.459 Requests that materials or informa-tion submitted to the Commission be withheld from public inspection. 0.460 Requests for inspection of records which are ro
19、utinely available for public inspection. 0.461 Requests for inspection of materials not routinely available for public inspec-tion. 0.463 Demand by competent authority for the production of documents or testi-mony concerning information contained therein. 0.465 Request for copies of materials which
20、are available, or made available, for pub-lic inspection. 0.466 Definitions. 0.467 Search and review fees. 0.468 Interest. 0.469 Advance payments. 0.470 Assessment of fees. VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B
21、1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-7 Federal Communications Commission 0.3 PLACES FOR MAKING SUBMITTALS OR RE-QUESTS, FOR FILING APPLICATIONS, AND FOR TAKING EXAMINATIONS 0.471 Miscellaneous submittals or requests. 0.473 Re
22、ports of violations. 0.475 Applications for employment. 0.481 Place of filing applications for radio authorizations. 0.482 Application for waiver of wireless radio service rules. 0.483 Applications for amateur or commer-cial radio operator licenses. 0.484 Amateur radio operator examinations. 0.485 C
23、ommercial radio operator examina-tions. 0.489 Applications for ship radio inspection and periodical survey. 0.491 Application for exemption from com-pulsory ship radio requirements. 0.493 Non-radio common carrier applica-tions. Subpart DMandatory Declassification of National Security Information 0.5
24、01 General. 0.502 Purpose. 0.503 Submission of requests for mandatory declassification review. 0.504 Processing requests for declassifica-tion. 0.505 Fees and charges. 0.506 FOIA and Privacy Act requests. Subpart EPrivacy Act Regulations 0.551 Purpose and scope; definitions. 0.552 Notice identifying
25、 Commission sys-tems of records. 0.553 New uses of information. 0.554 Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a system of records. 0.555 Disclosure of record information to in-dividuals. 0.556 Request to correct or amend records. 0.557 Administrative review of an initial de-cisio
26、n not to amend a record. 0.558 Advice and assistance. 0.559 Disclosure of disputed information to persons other than the individual to whom it pertains. 0.560 Penalty for false representation of identity. 0.561 Exemptions. Subpart FMeeting Procedures 0.601 Definitions. 0.602 Open meetings. 0.603 Bas
27、es for closing a meeting to the pub-lic. 0.605 Procedures for announcing meetings. 0.606 Procedures for closing a meeting to the public. 0.607 Transcript, recording or minutes; availability to the public. Subpart GIntergovernmental Communication 0.701 Intergovernmental Advisory Com-mittee. AUTHORITY
28、: Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 1068, as amend-ed; 47 U.S.C. 155, 225, unless otherwise noted. Subpart AOrganization AUTHORITY: Secs. 5, 48 Stat. 1068, as amend-ed; 47 U.S.C. 155. GENERAL 0.1 The Commission. The Federal Communications Com-mission is composed of five (5) mem-bers who are appointed by the presi-de
29、nt subject to confirmation by the Senate. Normally, one Commissioner is appointed or reappointed each year, for a term of five (5) years. 53 FR 29054, Aug. 2, 1988 0.3 The Chairman. (a) One of the members of the Com-mission is designated by the President to serve as Chairman, or chief execu-tive off
30、icer, of the Commission. As Chairman, he has the following duties and responsibilities: (1) To preside at all meetings and ses-sions of the Commission. (2) To represent the Commission in all matters relating to legislation and legislative reports; however, any other Commissioner may present his own
31、or minority views or supplemental re-ports. (3) To represent the Commission in all matters requiring conferences or communications with other govern-mental officers, departments or agen-cies. (4) To coordinate and organize the work of the Commission in such a man-ner as to promote prompt and efficie
32、nt disposition of all matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission. (b) The Commission will, in the case of a vacancy in the Office of the Chair-man of the Commission, or in the ab-sence or inability of the Chairman to serve, temporarily designate one of its members to act as Chairman until the
33、 cause or circumstance requiring such VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 E
34、dition) 0.5 designation has been eliminated or cor-rected. 32 FR 10569, July 19, 1967 0.5 General description of Commis-sion organization and operations. (a) Principal staff units. The Commis-sion is assisted in the performance of its responsibilities by its staff, which is divided into the followin
35、g principal units: (1) Office of Managing Director. (2) Office of Engineering and Tech-nology. (3) Office of General Counsel. (4) Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis. (5) Office of Media Relations. (6) Office of Legislative Affairs. (7) Office of Inspector General. (8) Office of Communi
36、cations Busi-ness Opportunities. (9) Office of Administrative Law Judges. (10) Office of Workplace Diversity (11) Wireline Competition Bureau. (12) Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. (13) International Bureau. (14) Media Bureau. (15) Enforcement Bureau. (16) Consumer and Governmental Af-fairs Burea
37、u. (17) Public Safety and Homeland Se-curity Bureau. (b) Staff responsibilities and func-tions. The organization and functions of these major staff units are described in detail in 0.11 through 0.151. The de-fense and emergency preparedness functions of the Commission are set forth separately, begin
38、ning at 0.181. For a complete description of staff functions, reference should be made to those provisions. (See also the U.S. Government Organization Manual, which contains a chart showing the Commissions organization, the names of the members and principal staff offi-cers of the Commission, and ot
39、her in-formation concerning the Commis-sion.) (c) Delegations of authority to the staff. Pursuant to section 5(c) of the Commu-nications Act, the Commission has del-egated authority to its staff to act on matters which are minor or routine or settled in nature and those in which immediate action may
40、 be necessary. See subpart B of this part. Actions taken under delegated authority are subject to review by the Commission, on its own motion or on an application for review filed by a person aggrieved by the action. Except for the possi-bility of review, actions taken under delegated authority have
41、 the same force and effect as actions taken by the Commission. The delegation of author-ity to a staff officer, however, does not mean that he will exercise that author-ity in all matters subject to the delega-tion. In non-hearing matters, the staff is at liberty to refer any matter at any stage to
42、the Commission for action, upon concluding that it involves mat-ters warranting the Commissions con-sideration, and the Commission may instruct the staff to do so. (d) Commission action. Matters requir-ing Commission action, or warranting its consideration, are dealt with by the Commission at regula
43、r monthly meet-ings, or at special meetings called to consider a particular matter. Meetings are normally held at the principal of-fices of the Commission in the District of Columbia, but may be held elsewhere in the United States. In appropriate circumstances, Commission action may be taken between
44、 meetings by circulation, which involves the sub-mission of a document to each of the Commissioners for his approval. (e) Compliance with Federal financial management requirements. Any Bureau or Office recommending Commission action that may affect agency compli-ance with Federal financial manage-me
45、nt requirements must confer with the Office of Managing Director. Such items will indicate the position of the Managing Director when forwarded to the Commission. Any Bureau or Office taking action under delegated author-ity that may affect agency compliance with Federal financial management re-quir
46、ements must confer with the Office of the Managing Director before taking action. (Secs. 4(i), 303(r) and 5(c)(i), Communications Act of 1934, as amended; 47 CFR 0.61 and 0.283) 32 FR 10569, July 19, 1967 EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci-tations affecting 0.5, see the List of CFR Sections Aff
47、ected, which appears in the VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-9 Federal Communications Commissi
48、on 0.13 Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access. OFFICE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR 0.11 Functions of the Office. (a) The Managing Director is ap-pointed by the Chairman with the ap-proval of the Commission. Under the supervision and direction of the Chair-man, the Managing Director sh
49、all serve as the Commissions chief operating and executive official with the fol-lowing duties and responsibilities: (1) Provide managerial leadership to and exercise supervision and direction over the Commissions Bureaus and Of-fices with respect to management and administrative matters but not sub-stantive regulatory matters such as regulatory policy and rule making, au-thorization of service, administration of sanct
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