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FCC 47 CFR PART 400-2010 E 11 GRANT PROGRAM《E11授予计划》.pdf

1、793 PART 400E911 GRANT PROGRAM Sec. 400.1 Purpose. 400.2 Definitions. 400.3 Who may apply. 400.4 Application requirements. 400.5 Approval and award. 400.6 Distribution of grant funds. 400.7 Eligible uses for grant funds. 400.8 Non-compliance. 400.9 Financial and administrative require-ments. 400.10


3、se noted. 400.1 Purpose. This part establishes uniform appli-cation, approval, award, financial and administrative requirements for the grant program authorized under the Ensuring Needed Help Arrives Near Callers Employing 911 Act of 2004 (EN-HANCE 911 Act), as amended. 400.2 Definitions. As used in

4、 this part Administrator means the Adminis-trator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. Department of Transportation. Assistant Secretary means the Assist-ant Secretary for Communications and Information, U.S. Department of Com-merce, and Administrator of the Na-tional

5、Telecommunications and Infor-mation Administration (NTIA). Designated E911 charges mean any taxes, fees, or other charges imposed by a State or other taxing jurisdiction that are designated or presented as dedicated to deliver or improve E911 services. E911 Coordinator means a single offi-cer or gov

6、ernmental body of the State that is responsible for implementing E 911 services in the State. E911 services mean both phase I and phase II enhanced 911 services, as de-scribed in 47 CFR 20.18. Eligible entity means a State or local government or tribal organization, in-cluding public authorities, bo

7、ards, commissions, and similar bodies cre-ated by such governmental entities to provide E911 services. ICO means the National E911 Imple-mentation Coordination Office estab-lished under 47 U.S.C. 942 for the ad-ministration of the E911 grant pro-gram, located at the National Highway Traffic Safety A

8、dministration, US De-partment of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., NTI140, Wash-ington, DC 20590. Integrated telecommunications services mean those entities engaged in the pro-vision of multiple services, such as voice, data, image, graphics, and video services, which make common use of a

9、ll or part of the same transmission fa-cilities, switches, signaling, or control devices. IP-enabled emergency network or IP-en-abled emergency system means an emer-gency communications network or sys-tem based on a secured infrastructure that allows secured transmission of in-formation, using Inter

10、net Protocol, among users of the network or system. Phase II E911 services mean phase II enhanced 911 services, as described in 47 CFR 20.18. PSAP means a public safety answer-ing point, a facility that has been des-ignated to receive emergency calls and route them to emergency personnel. State incl

11、udes any State of the United States, the District of Colum-bia, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 400.3 Who may apply. In order to apply for a grant under this part, an applicant must be a State applying on behalf of all eligible enti-ties

12、within its jurisdiction. 400.4 Application requirements. (a) Contents. A States application for funds for the E911 grant program must consist of the following components: (1) State 911 Plan. A plan that details the projects and activities proposed to be funded for the implementation and operation of

13、 Phase II E911 services or migration to an IP-enabled emergency network, establishes metrics and a VerDate Mar2010 11:43 Jan 07, 2011 Jkt 220204 PO 00000 Frm 00803 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:TEMP220204.XXX 220204rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

14、permitted without license from IHS-,-,-794 47 CFR Ch. IV (10110 Edition) 400.4 time table for grant implementation, and describes the steps the State has taken to (i) Coordinate its application with local governments, tribal organiza-tions, and PSAPs within the State; (ii) Ensure that at least 90 pe

15、rcent of the grant funds will be used for the di-rect benefit of PSAPs and not more than 10 percent of the grant funds will be used for the States administrative expenses related to the E911 grant pro-gram; (iii) Give priority to communities without 911 capability as of August 3, 2007 to establish P

16、hase II coverage by identifying the percentage of grant funds designated for those commu-nities or provide an explanation why such designation would not be prac-ticable in successfully accomplishing the purposes of the grant; (iv) Involve integrated telecommuni-cations services in the implementation

17、 and delivery of Phase II E911 services or for migration to an IP-enabled emer-gency network; and (v) Employ the use of technologies to achieve compliance with Phase II E911 services or for migration to an IP-en-abled emergency network. (2) Project budget. A project budget for all proposed projects

18、and activities to be funded by the grant funds identi-fied for the State in Appendix A and matching funds. Specifically, for each project or activity, the State must: (i) Demonstrate that the project or activity meets the eligible use require-ment in 400.7; and (ii) Identify the non-Federal sources,

19、 which meet the requirements of 49 CFR 18.24, that will fund at least 50 percent of the cost; except that as provided in 48 U.S.C. 1469a, the requirement for non-Federal matching funds (including in-kind contributions) is waived for American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Vi

20、rgin Islands for grant amounts up to $200,000. (3) Supplemental project budget. States that meet the qualification require-ments for the initial distribution of E 911 grant funds may also qualify for ad-ditional grant funds that may become available. To be eligible for any such additional grant fund

21、s that may be-come available in accordance with 400.6, a State must submit, with its application, a supplemental project budget that identifies the maximum dollar amount the State is able to match from non-Federal sources meet-ing the requirements of 49 CFR 18.24, and includes projects or activities

22、 for those grant and matching amounts, up to the total amount in the project budget submitted under paragraph (a)(2) of this section. This information must be provided to the same level of detail as required under paragraph (a)(2) of this section and be consistent with the State 911 Plan required un

23、der paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (4) Designated E911 Coordinator. The identification of a single officer or gov-ernment body to serve as the E911 Co-ordinator of implementation of E911 services and to sign the certifications required under this part. If the State has established by law or regul

24、ation an office or coordinator with the author-ity to manage E911 services, that of-fice or coordinator must be identified as the designated E911 Coordinator and apply for the grant on behalf of the State. If the State does not have such an office or coordinator established, the Governor of the Stat

25、e must appoint a single officer or governmental body to serve as the E911 Coordinator in order to qualify for an E911 grant. If the designated E911 Coordinator is a governmental body, an official rep-resentative of the governmental body shall be identified to sign the certifi-cations for the E911 Co

26、ordinator. The State must notify NHTSA in writing within 30 days of any change in ap-pointment of the E911 Coordinator. (5) Certifications. (i) The certification in Appendix B to this part, signed by the E911 Coordinator, certifying that the State has complied with the re-quired statutory and progra

27、mmatic conditions in submitting its applica-tion. The State must certify that dur-ing the time period 180 days preceding the application date, the State has not diverted any portion of designated E 911 charges imposed by the State for any purpose other than the purposes for which such charges are de

28、signated, that no taxing jurisdiction in the State that will be a recipient of E911 grant funds has diverted any portion of des-ignated E911 charges imposed by the VerDate Mar2010 11:43 Jan 07, 2011 Jkt 220204 PO 00000 Frm 00804 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:TEMP220204.XXX 220204rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD wi

29、th CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-795 NTIA, DOC, and NHTSA, DOT 400.9 taxing jurisdiction for any purpose other than the purposes for which such charges are designated, and that nei-ther the State nor any taxing jurisdic-tion in t

30、he State that is a recipient of E911 grant funds will divert des-ignated E911 charges for any purpose other than the purposes for which such charges are designated throughout the time period during which grant funds are available. (ii) Submitted on an annual basis 30 days after the end of each fisca

31、l year during which grant funds are available, the certification in Appendix C to this part, signed by the E911 Coordinator, making the same certification as re-quired under paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section concerning the diversion of des-ignated E911 charges. (b) Due date. The State must submit

32、the application documents identified in this section so that they are received by the ICO no later than August 4, 2009. Failure to meet this deadline will pre-clude the State from receiving consid-eration for an E911 grant award. 400.5 Approval and award. (a) The ICO will review each applica-tion fo

33、r compliance with the require-ments of this part. (b) The ICO may request additional information from the State, with re-spect to any of the application submis-sion requirements of 400.4, prior to making a recommendation for an award. Failure to submit such addi-tional information may preclude the S

34、tate from further consideration for award. (c) The Administrator and Assistant Secretary will jointly approve and an-nounce, in writing, grant awards to qualifying States no later than Sep-tember 30, 2009. 400.6 Distribution of grant funds. (a) Initial distribution. Subject to paragraph (b) of this

35、section, grant funds for each State that meets the re-quirements in 400.4 will be distrib-uted (1) 50 percent in the ratio which the population of the State bears to the total population of all the States, as shown by the latest available Federal census; and (2) 50 percent in the ratio which the pub

36、lic road mileage in each State bears to the total public road mileage in all States, as shown by the latest avail-able Federal Highway Administration data. (b) Minimum distribution. The dis-tribution to each qualifying State under paragraph (a) of this section shall not be less than $500,000, except

37、 that the distribution to American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands shall not be less than $250,000. (c) Supplemental distribution. Grant funds that are not distributed under paragraph (a) of this section will be re-distributed among qualifying States that have

38、met the requirements of 400.4, including the submission of a supplemental project budget as pro-vided in 400.4(a)(3), in accordance with the formula in paragraph (a) of this section. 400.7 Eligible uses for grant funds. Grant funds awarded under this part may be used only for the acquisition and dep

39、loyment of hardware and soft-ware that enables the implementation and operation of Phase II E911 serv-ices, for the acquisition and deploy-ment of hardware and software to en-able the migration to an IP-enabled emergency network, for the training in the use of such hardware and software, or for any

40、combination of these uses, provided such uses have been identified in the State 911 Plan. 400.8 Non-compliance. In accordance with 49 U.S.C. 942(c), where a State provides false or inac-curate information in its certification related to the diversion of E911 charges, the State shall be required to r

41、eturn all grant funds awarded under this part. 400.9 Financial and administrative requirements. (a) General. The requirements of 49 CFR part 18, the Uniform Administra-tive Requirements for Grants and Co-operative Agreements to State and Local Governments, including applica-ble cost principles refer

42、enced at 49 CFR 18.22, govern the implementation and VerDate Mar2010 11:43 Jan 07, 2011 Jkt 220204 PO 00000 Frm 00805 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:TEMP220204.XXX 220204rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-796 47

43、CFR Ch. IV (10110 Edition) 400.10 management of grants awarded under this part. (b) Reporting requirements(1) Per-formance reports. Each grant recipient shall submit an annual performance re-port to NHTSA, following the proce-dures of 49 CFR 18.40, within 90 days after each fiscal year that grant fu

44、nds are available, except when a final re-port is required under 400.10(b)(2). (2) Financial reports. Each grant re-cipient shall submit quarterly finan-cial reports to NHTSA, following the procedures of 49 CFR 18.41, within 30 days after each fiscal quarter that grant funds are available, except wh

45、en a final voucher is required under 400.10(b)(1). 400.10 Closeout. (a) Expiration of the right to incur costs. The right to incur costs under this part expires on September 30, 2012. The State and its subgrantees and con-tractors may not incur costs for Fed-eral reimbursement past the expiration da

46、te. (b) Final submissions. Within 90 days after the completion of projects and ac-tivities funded under this part, but in no event later than the expiration date identified in paragraph (a) of this sec-tion, each grant recipient must sub-mit (1) A final voucher for the costs in-curred. The final vou

47、cher constitutes the final financial reconciliation for the grant award. (2) A final report to NHTSA, fol-lowing the procedures of 49 CFR 18.50(b). (c) Disposition of unexpended balances. Any funds that remain unexpended by the end of fiscal year 2012 shall cease to be available to the State and sha

48、ll be returned to the government. APPENDIX A TO PART 400MINIMUM GRANT AWARDS AVAILABLE TO QUALIFYING STATES State name Minimum E911 grant award Alabama . $686,230.25 State name Minimum E911 grant award Alaska 500,000.00 American Samoa . 250,000.00 Arizona . 627,067.26 Arkansas 594,060.05 California

49、2,841,352.77 Colorado 662,637.98 Connecticut 500,000.00 Delaware 500,000.00 District of Columbia . 500,000.00 Florida 1,579,728.30 Georgia 1,063,089.13 Guam . 250,000.00 Hawaii 500,000.00 Idaho 500,000.00 Illinois . 1,343,670.10 Indiana . 783,700.36 Iowa . 668,545.47 Kansas . 770,896.23 Kentucky 584,385.38 Louisiana . 511,974.11 Maine . 500,000.00 Maryland 500,000.00 Massachusetts . 527,000.57 Michigan 1,108

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