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FCC 47 CFR PART 97-2010 AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE《业余无线电业务》.pdf

1、587 Federal Communications Commission 97.1 90.377(e) and (f) of this chapter will apply. Disputes concerning non-pri-ority DSRCSOBU communications not associated with RSUs are governed by paragraph (b) of this section. 71 FR 52750, Sept. 7, 2006 PART 97AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE Subpart AGeneral Provisio

2、ns Sec. 97.1 Basis and purpose. 97.3 Definitions. 97.5 Station license required. 97.7 Control operation required. 97.9 Operator license grant. 97.11 Stations aboard ships or aircraft. 97.13 Restrictions on station location. 97.15 Station antenna structures. 97.17 Application for new license grant. 9

3、7.19 Application for a vanity call sign. 97.21 Application for a modified or renewed license grant. 97.23 Mailing address. 97.25 License term. 97.27 FCC modification of station license grant. 97.29 Replacement license grant document. Subpart BStation Operation Standards 97.101 General standards. 97.

4、103 Station licensee responsibilities. 97.105 Control operator duties. 97.107 Reciprocal operating authority. 97.109 Station control. 97.111 Authorized transmissions. 97.113 Prohibited transmissions. 97.115 Third party communications. 97.117 International communications. 97.119 Station identificatio

5、n. 97.121 Restricted operation. Subpart CSpecial Operations 97.201 Auxiliary station. 97.203 Beacon station. 97.205 Repeater station. 97.207 Space station. 97.209 Earth station. 97.211 Space telecommand station. 97.213 Telecommand of an amateur station. 97.215 Telecommand of model craft. 97.217 Tele

6、metry. 97.219 Message forwarding system. 97.221 Automatically controlled digital sta-tion. Subpart DTechnical Standards 97.301 Authorized frequency bands. 97.303 Frequency sharing requirements. 97.305 Authorized emission types. 97.307 Emission standards 97.309 RTTY and data emission codes. 97.311 SS

7、 emission types. 97.313 Transmitter power standards. 97.315 Certification of external RF power amplifiers. 97.317 Standards for certification of exter-nal RF power amplifiers. Subpart EProviding Emergency Communications 97.401 Operation during a disaster. 97.403 Safety of life and protection of prop

8、-erty. 97.405 Station in distress. 97.407 Radio amateur civil emergency serv-ice. Subpart FQualifying Examination Systems 97.501 Qualifying for an amateur operator license. 97.503 Element standards. 97.505 Element credit. 97.507 Preparing an examination. 97.509 Administering VE requirements. 97.511

9、Examinee conduct. 97.513 VE session manager requirements. 97.51597.517 Reserved 97.519 Coordinating examination sessions. 97.521 VEC qualifications. 97.523 Question pools. 97.525 Accrediting VEs. 97.527 Reimbursement for expenses. APPENDIX 1 TO PART 97PLACES WHERE THE AMATEUR SERVICE IS REGULATED BY

10、 THE FCC APPENDIX 2 TO PART 97VEC REGIONS AUTHORITY: 48 Stat. 1066, 1082, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 154, 303. Interpret or apply 48 Stat. 10641068, 10811105, as amended; 47 U.S.C. 151155, 301609, unless otherwise noted. SOURCE: 54 FR 25857, June 20, 1989, unless otherwise noted. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomencla

11、ture changes to part 97 appear at 63 FR 54077, Oct. 8, 1998. Subpart AGeneral Provisions 97.1 Basis and purpose. The rules and regulations in this part are designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principles: (a) Recognition and enhancem

12、ent of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications. VerDate Mar2010 11:43 Jan 07, 2011 Jkt 220204 PO 00000 Frm 00597 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:TEMP220204.XXX 220204rmajette on DSK29S0YB1

13、PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-588 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 97.3 (b) Continuation and extension of the amateurs proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art. (c) Encouragement and improvement of t

14、he amateur service through rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communication and technical phases of the art. (d) Expansion of the existing res-ervoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts. (e) Continuation and extension of the a

15、mateurs unique ability to enhance international goodwill. 97.3 Definitions. (a) The definitions of terms used in part 97 are: (1) Amateur operator. A person named in an amateur operator/primary license station grant on the ULS consolidated licensee database to be the control op-erator of an amateur

16、station. (2) Amateur radio services. The ama-teur service, the amateur-satellite service and the radio amateur civil emergency service. (4) Amateur service. A radiocommunication service for the purpose of self-training, intercommuni-cation and technical investigations carried out by amateurs, that i

17、s, duly authorized persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. (5) Amateur station. A station in an amateur radio service consisting of the apparatus necessary for carrying on radiocommunications. (6) Automatic control. The use of de-vices and pro

18、cedures for control of a station when it is transmitting so that compliance with the FCC Rules is achieved without the control operator being present at a control point. (7) Auxiliary station. An amateur sta-tion, other than in a message for-warding system, that is transmitting communications point-

19、to-point within a system of cooperating amateur sta-tions. (8) Bandwidth. The width of a fre-quency band outside of which the mean power of the transmitted signal is at-tenuated at least 26 dB below the mean power of the transmitted signal within the band. (9) Beacon. An amateur station trans-mittin

20、g communications for the pur-poses of observation of propagation and reception or other related experi-mental activities. (10) Broadcasting. Transmissions in-tended for reception by the general public, either direct or relayed. (11) Call sign system. The method used to select a call sign for amateur

21、 sta-tion over-the-air identification pur-poses. The call sign systems are: (i) Sequential call sign system. The call sign is selected by the FCC from an al-phabetized list corresponding to the ge-ographic region of the licensees mail-ing address and operator class. The call sign is shown on the lic

22、ense. The FCC will issue public announcements detail-ing the procedures of the sequential call sign system. (ii) Vanity call sign system. The call sign is selected by the FCC from a list of call signs requested by the licensee. The call sign is shown on the license. The FCC will issue public announc

23、e-ments detailing the procedures of the vanity call sign system. (iii) Special event call sign system. The call sign is selected by the station li-censee from a list of call signs shown on a common data base coordinated, maintained and disseminated by the amateur station special event call sign data

24、 base coordinators. The call sign must have the single letter prefix K, N or W, followed by a single numeral 0 through 9, followed by a single letter A through W or Y or Z (for example K1A). The special event call sign is sub-stituted for the call sign shown on the station license grant while the st

25、ation is transmitting. The FCC will issue public announcements detailing the procedures of the special event call sign system. (12) CEPT radio amateur license. A li-cense issued by a country belonging to the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) that has adopted

26、 Recommenda-tion T/R 6101 (Nice 1985, Paris 1992, Nicosia 2003). (13) Control operator. An amateur op-erator designated by the licensee of a station to be responsible for the trans-missions from that station to assure compliance with the FCC Rules. VerDate Mar2010 11:43 Jan 07, 2011 Jkt 220204 PO 00

27、000 Frm 00598 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:TEMP220204.XXX 220204rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-589 Federal Communications Commission 97.3 (14) Control point. The location at which the control operator funct

28、ion is performed. (15) CSCE. Certificate of successful completion of an examination. (16) Earth station. An amateur station located on, or within 50 km of, the Earths surface intended for commu-nications with space stations or with other Earth stations by means of one or more other objects in space.

29、 (17) Reserved (18) External RF power amplifier. A de-vice capable of increasing power output when used in conjunction with, but not an integral part of, a transmitter. (19) Reserved (20) FAA. Federal Aviation Adminis-tration. (21) FCC. Federal Communications Commission. (22) Frequency coordinator.

30、An entity, recognized in a local or regional area by amateur operators whose stations are eligible to be auxiliary or repeater stations, that recommends transmit/re-ceive channels and associated oper-ating and technical parameters for such stations in order to avoid or mini-mize potential interferen

31、ce. (23) Harmful interference. Interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunication service operating in accordance with the Radio Regula-tions. (24) IARP (International Am

32、ateur Radio Permit). A document issued pur-suant to the terms of the Inter-Amer-ican Convention on an International Amateur Radio Permit by a country signatory to that Convention, other than the United States. Montrouis, Haiti. AG/doc.3216/95. (25) Indicator. Words, letters or nu-merals appended to

33、and separated from the call sign during the station identi-fication. (26) Information bulletin. A message directed only to amateur operators consisting solely of subject matter of direct interest to the amateur service. (27) International Morse code. A dot- dash code as defined in ITUT Rec-ommendati

34、on F.1 (March, 1998), Divi-sion B, I. Morse code. (28) ITU. International Telecommuni-cation Union. (29) Line A. Begins at Aberdeen, WA, running by great circle arc to the intersection of 48 N, 120 W, thence along parallel 48 N, to the intersection of 95 W, thence by great circle arc through the sou

35、thernmost point of Du-luth, MN, thence by great circle arc to 45 N, 85 W, thence southward along meridian 85 W, to its intersection with parallel 41 N, thence along parallel 41 N, to its intersection with meridian 82 W, thence by great circle arc through the southernmost point of Bangor, ME, thence

36、by great circle arc through the southernmost point of Searsport, ME, at which point it terminates. (30) Local control. The use of a control operator who directly manipulates the operating adjustments in the station to achieve compliance with the FCC Rules. (31) Message forwarding system. A group of

37、amateur stations partici-pating in a voluntary, cooperative, interactive arrangement where com-munications are sent from the control operator of an originating station to the control operator of one or more destination stations by one or more forwarding stations. (32) National Radio Quiet Zone. The

38、area in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia Bounded by 3915 N on the north, 7830 W on the east, 3730 N on the south and 8030 W on the west. (33) Physician. For the purpose of this part, a person who is licensed to prac-tice in a place where the amateur serv-ice is regulated by the FCC, as either a

39、Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or a Doctor of Osteophathy (D.O.) (34) Question pool. All current exam-ination questions for a designated writ-ten examination element. (35) Question set. A series of examina-tion questions on a given examination selected from the question pool. (36) Radio Regulations. The

40、latest ITU Radio Regulations to which the United States is a party. (37) RACES (radio amateur civil emergency service). A radio service using amateur stations for civil defense communications during periods of local, regional or national civil emer-gencies. VerDate Mar2010 11:43 Jan 07, 2011 Jkt 220

41、204 PO 00000 Frm 00599 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:TEMP220204.XXX 220204rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-590 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 97.3 (38) Remote control. The use of a con-trol operator who indirect

42、ly manipu-lates the operating adjustments in the station through a control link to achieve compliance with the FCC Rules. (39) Repeater. An amateur station that simultaneously retransmits the transmission of another amateur sta-tion on a different channel or channels. (40) Space station. An amateur

43、station located more than 50 km above the Earths surface. (41) Space telemetry. A one-way trans-mission from a space station of meas-urements made from the measuring in-struments in a spacecraft, including those relating to the functioning of the spacecraft. (42) Spurious emission. An emission, or f

44、requencies outside the necessary band-width of a transmission, the level of which may be reduced without affect-ing the information being transmitted. (43) Telecommand. A one-way trans-mission to initiate, modify, or termi-nate functions of a device at a dis-tance. (44) Telecommand station. An amate

45、ur station that transmits communica-tions to initiate, modify or terminate functions of a space station. (45) Telemetry. A one-way trans-mission of measurements at a distance from the measuring instrument. (46) Third party communications. A message from the control operator (first party) of an amate

46、ur station to another amateur station control oper-ator (second party) on behalf of an-other person (third party). (47) ULS (Universal Licensing System). The consolidated database, application filing system and processing system for all Wireless Telecommunications Serv-ices. (48) VE. Volunteer exami

47、ner. (49) VEC. Volunteer-examiner coordi-nator. (b) The definitions of technical sym-bols used in this part are: (1) EHF (extremely high frequency). The frequency range 30300 GHz. (2) HF (high frequency). The fre-quency range 330 MHz. (3) Hz. Hertz. (4) m. Meters. (5) MF (medium frequency). The fre-

48、quency range 3003000 kHz. (6) PEP (peak envelope power). The average power supplied to the antenna transmission line by a transmitter dur-ing one RF cycle at the crest of the modulation envelope taken under nor-mal operating conditions. (7) RF. Radio frequency. (8) SHF (super-high frequency). The fr

49、equency range 330 GHz. (9) UHF (ultra-high frequency). The frequency range 3003000 MHz. (10) VHF (very-high frequency). The frequency range 30300 MHz. (11) W. Watts. (c) The following terms are used in this part to indicate emission types. Refer to 2.201 of the FCC Rules, Emis-sion, modulation and transmission char-acteristics, for information on emission type designators. (1) CW. International Morse code te-legraphy emissions hav

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