1、Manufacturing Standards Ford Motor Company PAINT SPRAYING SYSTEM, SKALL PARTS,AUTOk!TIC 1. SCOPE u This Standard 6hall apply to automtic 6pmying equipment designed for paint- big 6d.lph6tia Or160ti p6rtS that 66y Or may not r!ukt nuking, such a6 iXl6tiIlt ClII6tOr 9Ule16, taillight 1011616, a6h tXYL
2、y COVOr6, glove comp however, deflector type6 are not acceptable. N stack di6meter6 6hsll be oi6ed 60 a6 t0 PX-OdUW UA OhUt Section B, Hydraulic; Section N, Pneumatic. and NFPA Standard k70. The ruler 6nd mgulationr ofthelocal utility OSHA or other in6peoting authority a6 applicable. 5.2 Eachitemofe
3、quipmsntahrllliastalledandconneaerscby the mnufacturer thereof. 5.4 ectricalwiriagaudequipmnt 6h6Ube installed outside the booth enclo6ure, duct6 and 6tack6, and shsll be located 80 that it i6 aot subject t0 deposit6 of combwtible ZWSidlle6. Any electrical w-uipmentwithin 20 feet of a spray booth op
4、ening 6hall be of an approved explosion-proof typ6 For Clam I, Group D, Divirion 1 location6 axk6hal.l conform to OSEA 6tandard6 a6 applicable. u An emergency 6uitch to shut off dl booth facilities ahll be located 6djaceatto the part loading 6tation. 5.6 Amomentary 6tart rtoppu8h-button control stat
5、ion shall be provided. 6. FIRE PROTECTION 6.1 Automatic 6prinkltr6 6hd.l be provided on a wet system for the spraying unit. 6.2 Sprinklers providsdonaaopeahtad,cantrolled 6y6temin Owt stacks 6nd OXh6uat phnDI6 in dim&t6 subject to freezing temperatures. Uhere not atbjtct to freeting, sprinklers in t
6、he tdaust sp6tem 6h6U be autorpatic and on the 666 vet 6y6tem a6 the spray unit. BAL1 PIQI4 m*u.SA. PAINTSPRAYBBTHS DESIGN AND -CE DATA Manufacturing Staff July 1977 Mmufacturing Standard8 Ford Motor Compmy B 6.3 8priXIkl8t 6y6tOM 8UbjOCt t0 fbS2hg EipOr&rO6 6hall be COntXdbd by ea outride stem and
7、yoke vnlve, nommlly open9 for fire protection 6upply to the upny booth and a separate outclide strm and yoke VahV, normally closed for fire proteation 6upply to tbe stackr. Wet 6yutem6 (not subject to f?eeaing temperature8) 6haJ.l be controlled by a single outside stem and yoke valve, norm8lly open.
8、 (See page 6 for typiaal piping dOtail6.) Control vdves shdl be readily aeC868ibh and located not over fiw feet off the floor. Permanent lpstal signs desigatiag the valve number 6nd the area eontrolled ball be prooided at each valve. 6.4 Sprinkler head6 ahrll be spaced not more thsn 10 feet apart in
9、 6prayiq unit and in horizontal duets 6nd not more than 15 feet apart in vertical duct6 8tld 6taCk6. aprinklerhead6 nhrllh8ve 8n “m teIEpeXXttare rata Of Open head8 in the 8Xh&Ut sgst8m ahrll be 3/8n bub!td head6 uith proteEtion blow-off cap8 t0 prevent p8iYd alOg&Ig Of diSChargeI OpeI&XVJ. SUNFACE
10、PROIZCTION Stnrcturdelblsckironettarhrllcleaned before in8fdlation andpainteduith one coat of Ford Motor Company red mefdprimarb6J9lorS6J92. Exterior 6urfaces of duct vork or plbnW fabricated of galv6aitsd eheet metal 6hallb6 thoroughlycleaMdu6lnineml6Zit8, follovedby complete wipedown with clean cl
11、othe, 8nd painted one coat of galvanized metal primer M-6J129A. Exterior 6urfaces 6hal.l be finieh p6inted with one of the follouixq: N-5J77 aluminum, L5J86 or L5J91 green, M34tl or M-5J85 gray. Machined or other marfaces of sprssiag unit or equipmentvhich uiU rem& unpainted, rhrll be protected 612
12、mnde rust-proof prior to delivery. 8. LUBRICATION 8.1 &pmsnt uhich h86 6ix or more point6 of hbrication uhich require fHquent appliaatioa of the 661 type lubricant shall be lubricated by a metered type centr6li6ed lubrication 6y6ttm. Reference: LXI lubrication 6tand6rdS. 8.2 Lubrication point6 shall
13、 be 066ily acct66iblt and shown on a qtntral equipment byout drawing. Uhere various lubricants are required, a chart mu6t 6lso be furnished identifying lubricating pointe, and the recommended lubricant6 and frequency&f application. 8.3 Contractor shall completely lubricate 6J.l chain component6 and
14、other moviq plWt6phorto 6tarbup. Manufacturing Staff Julp 1Y77 DyIU3.A PAR4TSPRAXBooT&s DESIGNAHDEFEREZJCEDA!TA G-1 pm5 Mmufacturing Standard8 Ford Motor Company Y* .- 9.1 Equ?i.lqu?i.&8hdl be aw-t.4 tlP-4 uld confom to OSHL 8tuhrd6 a6 . u gtmW%be rpprowdbytheSafetyEn&neeroftheirsuirrgCoqaay . 10. P
15、-TEST The in&allation ebllbe impectedbythe Ford Uotor Compenyreuident engineer or other derignated Fordhotor Coqmay repeeentatirs, prior to stodeterine conformance to the conditian8 outlined in tbi6 Stuviard, to the 8pecifiaatianri86wdbgthe affeated Coqmayactitimdtothe aertifbd draubg6 8ubmitted by
16、the 8upplier with the aacmptanae k8t report. Th68upplier8hllfihen8t8rtup6nd0uttheeqUia6*in 10.3. Suaaerrful trput 8hall con8i6t of perfomiag a aarmd 8tulbtrp in acaord8nae with urittal8tm+llp imtruutioru dopemtingthe equipm8ntaoatixmou8ly mderfullratedloadvithout mdfmctionfor fourhom6vhile mntro aa
17、ut farth in th8 8pecification of the i88uing Comp8ny activity. Aaceptanae of the llpryfng unit 8h6.U be coni w cwfm tOthi Standard 8ad the 8p8cifi8ation8 in accord8zbaevith lO.land on a maae88fbl txy-aut in aaaordanae with 10.3. Ei6 mmu.sA PAINTSPRAYBOOTBS DESIW AND BEFE&BJCEDATA Wnufacturing Staff
19、SEE NOTE) ELIMINATE - FOR WET SYSTEM (SEE NOTE) 0. S. & Y. VALVE - NORMIULY OPD AUXILIARY DRAINVALVE NIPPLEANDCAP Arrangement shown (solid lines) is for systems subject to freezing temperatures. For wet system (not subject to freeaing temptmtures) eliminate branch shown leading to open head6 in stacks and provide take-off to automatic heads in stack as shown by dotted line. kuimum of Seven stacks per control valve. 1 to 5 sprinkler heads - nipple and cap. 6 to 20 sprinkler heads - drain valve, nipple and cap. Over 20 qziddtr heads - drain valve with drain connection.
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