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本文(FORD FLTM BV 155-02-2001 ADHESION OF SOUND DEADENER PADS AFTER HEAT AGING (Replaces FLTM EU-BV 055-02)《隔音垫在热老化后的粘附性 替代FLTM EU-BV 055-02[替代 FORD FLTM EU-BV 055-02]》.pdf)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

FORD FLTM BV 155-02-2001 ADHESION OF SOUND DEADENER PADS AFTER HEAT AGING (Replaces FLTM EU-BV 055-02)《隔音垫在热老化后的粘附性 替代FLTM EU-BV 055-02[替代 FORD FLTM EU-BV 055-02]》.pdf

1、 FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BV 155-02 Date Action Revisions 2001 04 10 Revised Editorial no technical change A. Cockman 1990 06 27 Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 1 of 4 Copyright 2001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. ADHESION OF SOUND DEADENER PADS AFTER HEAT AGING Application This procedure i

2、s used to determine the adhesion properties of sound deadener pads, when subjected to impact after heat aging. Apparatus Required Mechanical Convection Oven Capable of maintaining temperatures up to 250 +/- 2 C. Balance Precision +/- 0.5 g; maximum permitted load of 3 kg. Impact Test Fixture As desc

3、ribed and illustrated in FLTM BV 151-01. Load A. 1.0 kg Load B. 2.5 kg Materials Required Test Panels Preparation as in Attachment I. Steel Body Skin Panels. Dimensions: 300 x 300 mm. Surface Finish 0.9 - 1.8 micro m C.L.A. Conditioning and Test Conditions All test values indicated herein are based

4、on material conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relative humidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested under the same conditions unless otherwise specified. FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BV 155-02 Page 2 of 4 Copyright 2001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

5、Procedure Method A (for Sound Deadener Pads used on Oiled Surfaces) 1. Prepare 3 test panels in accordance with FLTM BZ 150-11, Normal Grade. Determine the weight of the individual panels (W1). 2. Cut 3 specimens 300 x 280 mm from the material under test. Apply the specimens to the panels, leaving a

6、 20 mm strip at the top of each panel where it is to fit into the clamping fixture. 3. Condition the test assemblies according to Attachment 1, Item 1. The assemblies must be conditioned in a horizontal position. 4. Heat-age the assemblies for 336 h in the oven maintained at 90 +/- 2 C. 5. Remove th

7、e assemblies from the oven and condition for 2 h at 23 +/- 2 C and determine the total weight (W2) of the individual assemblies. 6. Insert an assembly into the clamping fixture (with deadener side outer-most). Remove the load (Part 5) and balance the assembly by means of the adjustable counterweight

8、 (Part 3). 7. Attach load B to lever (Part 4) and fix at a distance of 300 mm from the pivot center. 8. Allow the lever to fall 6 times in rapid succession from a horizontal position. 9. Remove any loose particles of test material and determine the weight (W3) of the assembly. 10. Repeat steps 6 - 9

9、 using the other 2 assemblies. Note: If required by the applicable Engineering Material Specification, the assemblies may be subjected to additional testing cycles according to Steps 6, 7, 8 and 9. Evaluation Calculate the percentage of material retained on each panel as follows: Retained material (

10、%) = W 3 W 1 x 100 W2 W1 Where: W1 = Weight of test panel. W2 = Weight of test panel plus deadener pad. W3 = Weight of test panel plus deadener pad after impact testing and removal of loose particles FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BV 155-02 Page 3 of 4 Copyright 2001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. Met

11、hod B (for Sound Deadener Pads used on Electrocoated Surfaces) 1. Prepare 3 test panels in accordance with FLTM BI 120-01. Determine the weight of individual panels (W1). 2. Cut 3 specimens 300 x 280 mm from the material under test. Apply the specimens to the panels, leaving a 20 mm strip at the top

12、 of each panel where it fits into the clamping fixture. 3. Condition the test assemblies in the oven according to Attachment 1, Item 2. The assemblies must be conditioned in a horizontal position. 4. Proceed as outlined in Method A, Steps 4 - 10. Evaluation As outlined under Method A. Chemicals, mat

13、erials, parts, and equipment referenced in this document must be used and handled properly. Each party is responsible for determining proper use and handling in its facilities. FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BV 155-02 Page 4 of 4 Copyright 2001, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. ADHESION OF SOUND DEADENER

14、 PADS AFTER HEAT AGING Attachment I Item Test Material Test Panel Preparation Conditioning Cycle 1. Sound deadener pads. For use on oiled surfaces. FLTM BZ 150-11 Normal Grade 25 minutes at 165 +/- 2 C Air Temperature. Cool to 23 +/- 2 C. 25 minutes at 165 +/- 2 C Air Temperature. Cool to 23 +/- 2 C. 10 minutes at 145 +/- 2 C Air Temperature. Cool to 23 +/- 2 C. (In a horizontal position.) 2. Sound-deadener pads. For use on electro- coated surfaces FLTM BI 120-01 20 minutes at 145 +/- 2 C Air Temperature. Cool to 23 +/- 2 C. (In a horizontal position.)

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