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本文(FORD FLTM CB 002-01-2017 PROCEDURES FOR METALLOGRAPHIC PREPARATION AND MICROHARDNESS EVALUATION OF ALUMINUM ALLOY WELDS.pdf)为本站会员(rimleave225)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 Da2017 0ControlledPROCEThe procealuminum E M Idof Sco MTFusion wewires mayThe docuProceProceProceProceProceProceProceChemicalsproperly. proper PmetallograTools forA weld mpneumaticaluminumany combextractionConsuma- Silico- Band - Band te A3 28 Redocument aDURES FORdures outlinalloy welds fvaluation

2、 of measurement entification ofusion, inclucanning Elempositional icrohardnesshermo-Mechalds in AA5xalso be prepment is structdure A: dure B: dure C: dure D: dure E: dure F: dure G: , materials, Each party isersonal Prophic preparaWeld Extracay be extracut-off tool , a band sawination there. Plasma

3、cuttbles n carbide cut-saw blades ssaw coolant ction leased t www.MATSMETALLOGed herein aror the followietallurgical cof weld profilef internal dissions, and gactron Microanalysis testing to dnically Affecxx, AA6xxx, ared using thured as followMetallograpMetallograpPreparationMetallograpDispersive M

4、icrohardnDeterminatUsing Exceparts, and eresponsible tective Eqution. tion cted from a with a siliconwith blade aof. Exercise ing is not recoff discs uitable for RAPHIC PROF ALUMINAe used to mng: haracteristiccharacteristcontinuities sp scopy (SEMifferentiate ated Zone (TMand AA7xxx ese procedus: h

5、ic Preparathic Preparatfor Spot Wehic PreparaSpectroscopyess Measureion of Heat-Al Pivot Tablesquipment refor determinipment (PPEEquipmsample, comcarbide discnd settings care not to imommended.uminum alloyFORDRCopyright 2017, FoEPARATIONUM ALLOY Wpplication etallographics such as solics such as such

6、 as hot te) and Enend measure AZ) microhaaluminum ares. ion for Weld Mion for Weld Pld Section Cution for ScAnalysis ments ffected Zonefor Microhaferenced in ing proper us) and folloent Requirponent, or s, a reciprocasuitable for apart heat ans LABORAevisionsrd Global TechnologieAND MICRWELDS ally p

7、repare idification mo-value, penears, cracks, rgy Dispersweld zone, Hardness complloys incorpoMetallurgical Profile Measut through Cecanning ElecExtent from ardness Mappthis documee and handlw all requed ubassemblyting saw withluminum (and/or mechanTORY TEs, Inc.OHARDNESAA5xxx, AArphology andetratio

8、n, conveencapsulatedive Spectroeat-Affectedared to parenrating ER4xxExamination rement nterline tron MicroscMicrohardnesing nt must be uing in its faciired safety using a pneblade and sd liquid-cooliical damage ST METHCB 0Rev. K. MorganPage 1 oS EVALUAT6xxx, and AAgrain structuxity, concavipores, in

9、nescopy (EDSZone (HAZ)t substrate.x or ER5xxxopy and Es Data sed and halities. Alwaysprotocols dumatic nibbettings suitabng, if possiblto the weld dOD 02-01 00 , NAf 20 ION A7xxx re ity r lack ) for , and filler nergy ndled wear uring ler, a le for le), or uring Abrasive An abrassection thfor alumin

10、Consuma- Abras- AbrasMetallogrIf mountinMetallograrecommeConsuma- Two-p- Moun- SectioMetallogrThe sectioof progresabrasive aprevent cmounts mConsuma- SilicoConsuma- Alumi- PolishUltrasoniIt is recomremove aConsuma- Liquin- AlcohCompresCompressCompounAn opticaphotograpmicroscopStereo MA stereo weld p

11、rostereomicScanningA scanninmagnificaweld andspectroscCut-Off Sawive cut-off sarough the exum. bles ive cut-off blaive cut-off saaphic Castag is requiredphic mountinded since thbles art epoxy or ting molds in n clips aphic Grindn is ground sive grits. Tlumina slurrontaminationay be used. bles for gr

12、inn carbide discbles for polna: 5, 3, 1, cloths c Cleaner mended thany embeddedbles ox soap ol (isopropyl,sed Air ed air is used Optical Ml compound h the sample with Insighetallurgical Mmicroscope efile measureroscope with Electron Mg electron mtions. Energysubstrate. opy system, ow (alternat

13、ivtracted weld.des for alumw coolant ble Mountin, the sample ng molds aree pressure aother castabappropriate der/Polisher on a metallohe section isies. A separa. If availableding s with grits: ishing 3, and 0.05t an ultrasongrit or debrisethanol, or md to dry the setallurgical Mmetallurgicae for met

14、allot camera andicroscope wquipped withment. A KeInsight cameicroscope wicroscope isDispersive SA Jeol 66r equivalent ely referred The saw muinum alloysg Equipmentmust be coldavailable innd heat may le mounting riameters graphic grindalso polishete platen/pol, an automa180, 240, 320m ic cleaner beth

15、at may scethanol) ection. icroscope l microscopegraphic examSPOT 5.1 sith Cameradigital camyence VHXra and SPOTith Energy Dused to expectroscopy10 scanningsystems, areFORDCopyright 2017to as a metst employ co-mounted in a variety of cause damagesin er/polisher wd on a metaishing cloth ptic metallogr

16、a, 400, 600, 1used after gratch the secwith Cameraequipped wination. An oftware, or eqera is used -5000 digita5.1 softwareispersive Spamine, photois used to chelectron mused. LABORA, Ford Global Technoallographic solant and becastable resf diameters. He to the samith water coollographic grair should

17、 bphic grinder1200, and 240rinding and tion. ith digital caOlympus GXuivalent systto examine al stereomicr, or equivaleectroscopygraph, and aracterize thicroscope aTORY TEologies, Inc. aw) is usedequipped wiin. Two-part eot-mountingple. ling using siinder/polishebe used for ea/polisher tha0 between

18、eacmera is use51 inverted em, is used. nd photograoscope, an nt system, is analyze the e elemental nd AZtec eST METHCB 0Page 2to cut downth a blade supoxy is prefof sections licon carbide r with progrech slurry stat handles mh polishing sd to examinecompound oph the sampOlympus Sused. weld at veryco

19、mposition nergy dispeOD 02-01 of 20 and itable erred. is not discs ssive ge to ultiple tep to and ptical le for ZX12 high of the rsive MicroharA Leco AemployingaluminumScope Procedurefusion weanalysis uExtract Mark the heat damainterest. Uthereof), designateCut Use a liquwhen chuor longitudweld sect

20、encompasDeburr anUse a cosection. Falcohol anMount Prepare tcareful nothe bottomsupport this compleavailable,completelsince this Grind Grind theprogressivprevent oremove eflush the ssoap and dry with cPolish Polish the3, 1, 0.5, dness TesteMH43 Automa Vickers 2alloy welds. ProcedureA should blds in

21、these ander high maintended cutge to the wesing the pneextract the wd on the engid-cooled abcking the weinal section ions in whichs the full extd Clean urse-grit SiClush the sectd dry with cohe two-part t to incorpor. Place thee section if ntely covereduse a vacuy before remcan cause phmounted se gr

22、its: 180,verheating thmbedded gritection thorouwater. Remoompressed asection usin0.3, 0.05 micr atic Hardnes00g indenterA: Metalloge employed lloys incorpognification oplines on theld section duumatic nibbeld from theineering drawrasive cut-ofld to avoid mcut through tthe Heat-Affent of the HAmetall

23、ograpion thoroughmpressed aircastable resate air bubblweld sectionecessary. Ge. Use tweezum chamber oving sampleysical deformection using240, 320, 4e section. Fluwhich may tghly with wave section froir. g a metallogrron aluminas Testing S, or equivalePrraphic Prepto prepare Arating ER4xxtical micros

24、csample, comring extractioler, pneumatsubassembing or Enginef saw to trim echanical dehe weld, fixtuffected Zone Z. hic paper orly with water . in accordinges into the rein the moldntly pour theers to carefuto extract infrom mountiation and/ora metallo00, 600, 120sh the sectioransfer to theter and u

25、ltrasm ultrasonic aphic grinder. Rinse the sFORDCopyright 2017ystem with Lnt system, isocedures aration for WAA5xxx, AA6xx or ER5xxx fopy. ponent, or n, locate the ic cut-off tooly. If requireering Specifthe roughly-formation orre carefully t(HAZ) is of inother suitabto remove deto manufacsin. Pour

26、enwith the suremaining relly repositioncorporated ang mold. Do heat damaggraphic grind0, and 2400n thoroughlynext stage onically cleabath, rinse w/polisher withection with sLABORA, Ford Global TechnoM248AT Mics used to evaeld Metalluxxx, or AA7xfiller wires, fosubassemblycut lines welol, or reciproc

27、d, extract thfication. cut edges awdamage. Who ensure thaterest, be sule tool to rebris and cuttturers instruough resin inrface of inteesin into the the sectionir from the not use a heae to the sectier/polisher . Always emwith water band scratch n for at least ith fresh wateprogressiveoap and watTOR

28、Y TEologies, Inc. roindentationluate microhrgical Examixx aluminumr metallurgica. To minimizl away from tating saw (oe weld(s) froay from the ile making tt the sectionre to leave emove all buing fluid. Rinctions and sto the mounrest facing dmounting moif it shifted resin-filled mt/pressure mon. with

29、 silicon ploy sufficienetween eachthe section. At 5 minutes inr, then rinseely finer alumier and cleanST METHCB 0Page 3Hardness Tardness profination alloy weldsl examinatioe mechanicahe weld locatr any combinm the locatweld. Use cahe final transcut is squarenough materrs from these the sectiontir th

30、oroughlting mold to own. Use clld until the seduring pouriold. Allow toounting techcarbide dist cooling wagrinding stafter final grina bath of Liqwith suspensioultrasonicallOD 02-01 of 20 ester iles in , and n and l and ion of ation ion(s) ution verse . For rial to weld n with y. Be cover

31、 ips to ction ng. If cure nique cs of ter to ge to ding, uinox Blow ns: 5, y in a bath of Liqwhich maclean the bath and Etch for WEtching tmorphologpores, innetchants etching. Esection wMicroscoObserve Tungsten metallurgiTEtchant Kellers Graff-Sargent Adlers uinox soap ay transfer to tmounted secrin

32、se with freseld Metalluhe section y and grainer lack of fare given in tch the weldith water, thepy and photogrArc Weld (Gcal examinatable 1: MetaSuitaMetallurgicexaminatioAA6xxx, AAMetallurgicexaminatioAA6xxx, AAWeld profilemeasurememetallurgicexaminationd water forhe next stagtion on its sh alcohol

33、. Blrgical Examis required structure ausion, and iTable 1. Desection as n rinse with aaph the sectTAW) sectioion is shown llographic Ebility al n of A7xxx al n of A7xxx nts, al n of AA5xxx at least 5 mie and scratchide in alcohoow section dination for examinand internal dnclusions. Rcant an appinstr

34、ucted in lcohol. Blow ion using a n in 0.9mm in Figures 1 atchants for ACo190 mL dist5ml Nitric a3mL HCL 2mL HF 84mL distill15.5mL Nitr0.5mL HF 3.0g Chrom3g Copper A20mL distill50mL HCL15g Ferric (FORDCopyright 2017nutes betweethe section.l for at least ry with comprtion of metaiscontinuitiesecommen

35、dedropriate amothe table untsection dry wcompound oto 0.9mm AAnd 2. luminum Amposition illed water cid ed water ic acid ate luminum Ched water III) ChlorideLABORA, Ford Global Technon each stage. After the fina5 minutes. Ressed air. llographic fesuch as hoetchants aunt of etchail desired etcith comp

36、ressptical micro6022 with Elloy Welds foImmcott30 swhereacImm30 swhereacloride Swain eRinsetchTORY TEologies, Inc. to remove el polishing semove sectifeatures suchot tears, crand immersiont into a suith level is aced air. scope. An eR4047 filler r Optical MiMeterse or swabon dipped in econds. Rinsn

37、desired etched. erse while ageconds. Rinsn desired etched. b with surgictchant for 1 toe with waterlevel is reacST METHCB 0Page 4mbedded alutage, ultrasonion from ultraas solidificcks, encapsun times for able containhieved. Rinsxample of ar wire preparecroscopy hod with surgicaetchant for 10e with w

38、ater h level is gitating for 10e with water h level is al cotton dipp5 seconds. when desirehed. OD 02-01 of 20 mina ically sonic ation lated these er for e the Gas d for l to to ed d Figure 1examin. GTAW secation using Ktion in 0.9mmellers etchanto 0.9mm AAt. Areas in reFORDCopyright 20176022 with E

39、d rectangles LABORA, Ford Global TechnoR4047 filler wshown at higTORY TEologies, Inc. ire preparedher magnificaST METHCB 0Page 5for metallurgtion in FigureOD 02-01 of 20 ical 2. Figure 2. High magnification optical micrograpFORDCopyright 2017hs of a GTAFigure 1. LABORA, Ford Global TechnoAW section

40、deTORY TEologies, Inc. picting areasST METHCB 0Page 6shown in redOD 02-01 of 20 in Scope Procedurestereomicfine featuris limited. Extract Extract thCut Use an acaution wtransversesquare. For field wused. ExeDeburr Use a couMount Mounting Grind Grind thesufficient disc to remFor coursporosity aIf a h

41、ack progressivPolish Polishing Etch for WPrepare tetchant fodry with c2400 grit,second timMicroscoObserve aTungsten profile meBeam Wepaper andProceduB is an exroscope. Thises. Procedure section as dbrasive cut-ohen chuckinor longitudiork where arcise cautionrse-grit SiC mis not requiresection usicoo

42、ling wateove embedde profile mend cracks, gror band sawe grits: 180, is not requireeld Profile he etchant byr 30 to 60 seompressed aetch with Ne. py nd photograArc Weld (Gasurement uld (LBW) secNaOH etchare B: Metalpedited methpreparatione B can also escribed in Pff saw with lg the weld tonal sectio

43、n cliquid-cooledto avoid impetallographid for this prong a metallor to prevent ed grit whichasurements inding on prowas used to240, 320, 40d for this proMeasuremedissolving 1conds or untiir. To reveal aOH solutionph the sectioTAW) sectiosing 600 grtion in 0.9mmnt techniquelographic Prod to prepacan

44、reveal pbe useful forrocedure A.iquid coolant avoid mecut through thabrasive cuarting mechac paper or otcedure. graphic grinoverheating may transfeonly, 600 grgressive gritssection the 0, 600, (1200cedure nt 0 NaOH pell desired etchfeatures such, then grindn using a stn in 0.9mm it metallograpto 0.9

45、mm Ais shown in FORDCopyright 2017eparation fore an aluminorosity and cfield work in to trim the rhanical defore weld, fixturt-off saw is unical and heaher suitable tder/polisher the section. r to the next dit metallograof 600, 1200weld, then gr, and 2400) tlets into 50mlevel is achias hot tearsagai

46、n at 24ereo microscto 0.9mm AAhic paper aA6022 with EFigures 4 andLABORA, Ford Global Technor Weld Profium alloy weracks, but dowhich accesoughly-cut emation or dare carefully tonavailable, a t damage to ool to removewith silicon Rinse the sedisc and scraphic paper , and 2400 irind the sectio remove

47、 roul of hot wateeved. Rinse and cracks,00 grit, and ope. Figure6022 with End NaOH etR4047 prepd 5. TORY TEologies, Inc. le Measuremld for profilees not allow s to a metallodges away frmage. Whileensure thathack saw orthe section. burrs from tcarbide discction with watch the sectiois usually sus nec

48、essary. on with silicoghly-cut, damr. Immerse tthe section wit may be here-etch with3 gives an R4047 filler chant. An exared using thST METHCB 0Page 7ent analysis usfor examinatgraphic laboom the weldmaking thethe section band saw mhe weld sectics. Always emter betweenn. fficient. To rn carbide disa

49、ged edgeshe weld sectith water andlpful to grindNaOH solutexample of ar wire prepareample of a e double 240OD 02-01 of 20 ing a ion of ratory . Use final cut is ay be on. ploy each eveal cs of ion in blow up to ion a Gas d for Laser 0 grit FigFigure 4using 2ure 3. GTAWmea. LBW section400 grit metasection in 0surement usiin 0.9mm tollographic pa.9mm to 0.9mng 600 grit m0.9mm AA6per and NaOmagnificFORDCopyright 2017m AA6022 wetallographic022 with ER4H etchant twation in FigurLABORA, Ford Global Technoith ER4047 paper and N047 preparedice. Area in re 5. TORY

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