1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Material Name Specification Number Date Action Revisions 2009 03 25 N-STATUS No Replacement Named L. Sinclair, FNA 2002 07 24 Revised Updated in normalised condition). 3.5 FLATTENING TEST No cracks (ISO R 302: 3 oclock position of weld seam; distance between press
2、ure plates 4 times wall thickness; in normalised condition). 3.6 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING The tubes must be 100 percent tested for defects. The test is carried out at an eddy current testing facility which conforms in design and calibration with BS 3889 Part 2A. On tubes having an outside diameter larger than 63mm, the calibration of the testing facility, as it is understood by this specification, has to be done with a testhole of 2 mm. Tubes which give a defect signal have to be segregated.