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本文(FORD WSD-M13P7-A2-1992 LUBRICANT - WAX《蜡式润滑油》.pdf)为本站会员(李朗)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

FORD WSD-M13P7-A2-1992 LUBRICANT - WAX《蜡式润滑油》.pdf

1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Release/Revision1992 07 02 C10226347 Released B.L. EdwardsWP 3948-a Page 1 of 2 LUBRICANT, WAX WSD-M13P7-A21. SCOPEThis specification defines the requirements for a wax lubricant consistingof a blend of petroleum t

2、ype waxes and either natural waxes or fattyesters.2. APPLICATIONThis specification was original ly released to reduce assembly noise levelsfor trilobular bolts, screws with special crest configuration.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSupplie rs must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality S

3、ystemStand ard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatist ical tools must be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation in the final product is continuously reduced.3.2 APPLICATION OF THE LUBRICANTThis lubrica

4、nt is suppl ementary to WSD-M13P7-A and is applied to thelead threads of bolts and screws over the length designated on theEngineering drawing.3.3 FINISHED CONDITIONThe parts must be dry to touch such that when held with a WhatmansNo. 41 filter paper, or equivalent, and applying hand pressure for 5t

5、o 10 seconds, there shall be no visible stainin g of the filter paperwhen viewed without using supplementary magnification. For refereepurposes this test shall be carried out using a force of 10N.There must be no significant change in the appearance of the partsafter application of the lubricant.3.4

6、 STABILITYShall be stable so that it does not dry out, exude oil or crumbleunder normal storage. See Q-101, Section 2.8 Packaging Planning.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSD-M13P7-A2WP 3948-b Page 2 of 2 3.5 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent i

7、nal l characteristics to the material upon which approval wasoriginally granted.Pri or to making any change in the properties, composition,constr uction, color, processing or labeling of the materialorig inally approved under this specification, whether or not suchchange s affect the materials abili

8、ty to meet the specificationrequir ements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials Engineering activity of the proposed changesand obtain the written approval of the Materials Engineeringactivity. Test data, t est samples and a new code identification areto be subm

9、itted with the request.Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, apply tothe materials addressed by this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Material Specification WS S-M99P9999-A1, unlessa different suffix (e.g., A2 or A3) is specified on the engineeringdocument f

10、or the application.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSMat erials defined by this specification must have prior approval by theresp onsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desiring approvalof thei r materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from theaffec ted Purchasing, Design and Materia

11、ls Engineering activity. Uponrequest, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivity a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by aqualified and authorized representative of the test faci lity, demonstratingful l compliance with all the requirements of this s

12、pecification (testresults, not nominal values), the material designation a nd code number, andtes t specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of amateri al will be based on its performance to this specification and on anassessment of suitability for i ntended processes and/or applications. Uponapprov al, the material will be added to the Engineering Material ApprovedSource List.

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