1、GeneralSpecificationOverall Vehicle GME14090Part IdentificationGeneral Rules1 ScopeThe uniform identification of all vehicle parts (produc-tion and customer service parts) in all vehicles is car-ried out in the interest of optimum production comple-tion and quality assurance.Basically, all vehicle p
2、arts (production and customerservice parts) shallbe identified. Due totechnicalfea-sibility exceptions to this rule are sensible and possi-ble (e.g. mass parts such as rivets and bolts). Thisdecision shall be taken by GME Engineering.The components are divided into three main groups:1.1 Parts to be
3、provided with Basic Identification.All parts which cannot be allocated to one of thegroups below are provided with basic identification(see paragraph 3).1.2 Parts which shall be identified accordingto ISO Guidelines/Recommendations. Partswhich shall be identified according to ISO 1043-1,ISO 1043-2,
4、ISO 1043-3 (only in case of healthendangerment by plasticizers), ISO 1043-4,ISO 1629, ISO 11469 guidelines/recommenda-tions. This group includes, e.g. all elastomer andplastic parts as well as all other materials.1.3 Parts dependent on EU/ECE Type Approvaland which shall be identified. This group cu
5、rrentlyincludes: Parts inthe nonvisible area, alllightingfacil-ities (headlamps and rear lamps, flasher lamps, etc.),horns, fanfares and electronic subassemblies (ESA).Note: Nothinginthisstandardsupersedesapplicablelaws and regulations.Note: In the event of a conflict between the Eng-lish and the do
6、mestic language, the English languageshall take precedence.2 ReferencesNote: Only the latest approved standards are appli-cable unless otherwise specified.2.1 External Standards/Specifications.DIN 1451-4ISO 1043-1ISO 1043-2ISO 1043-3ISO 1043-4ISO 1629ISO 114692.2 GM Standards/Specifications.GMW16331
7、2.3 Additional References. VDA 2613 Elements of Part IdentificationGM Trademark shall be integrated part of the tool. Ifnot technical feasible printing is permissible. Refer toGMW16331.Identification shall be carried out so that it remainslegiblethroughout theentireservicelifeofthepartandunder the i
8、nfluence of all permissible influences.Pictures and texts which contain advertising shall notbe used.3.1 Basic GMPart NumberElement. Thepartnum-ber with the preceding GM trademark (= GM corpo-rate symbol) is always present as the first line in type-face 45 New Helvetica light. Form A of the GM trade
9、-mark, which should generally be used, is shown inFigure 1. If this cannot be used due to tool-technicalreasons, Form B may be used instead of Form A ofthe GM trademarks (see Figure 2).Figure 1: GM Trademark Form AA GM trademark GMW16331-AB GM part number Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Ri
10、ghts ReservedPublication Department: GME Specification CenterJuly 2010 - Issue No. 4 Page 1 of 9PRD045 - VPRE ST 1 10/03 GME14090 GM EUROPE ENGINEERING STANDARDSFigure 2: GM Trademark Form B3.2 Type Approval Symbol and Number. Thespecifications for the type approval symbol and num-bers are specified
11、 in the ECE and EU regulations.Inspecial cases, itisdemandedthatthetypeapprovalsymbol of the ECE (see Figure 3) and that of the EU(see Figure 4) be present simultaneously in the iden-tification. In this case, it is possible to position the twotype approval symbols next to one another or belowone ano
12、ther.Figure 3: ECE SymbolFigure 4: EU SymbolIn the case of lamps and reflex reflectors which areassembled, combined or installed in one another, thelegislator permits the depiction of the type approvalsymbolonlyonceonthejointlampcoveringlens. Thisapplies to both rear lamp and front lamp assemblies.T
13、he identification for the individual lamps shall then(preferably)begrouped above thetype approval sym-bol.3.3 Supplier Number. The supplier number “DUNS”(Digital Universal Numbering System) may only beapplied unabridged.It is set in standard typeface “45 New Helvetica light”of the same size as the p
14、art number.3.4 Manufacturers Name or Trademark. Themanufacturers name or trademark is not requiredby GM. Exceptions are external guidelines (such ase.g. ECE, EU, ISO) and internal requirements, inwhich the name or trademark of the manufacturer isexplicitly specified or demanded.If necessary the manu
15、facturers name shall be setuncoded in standard typeface 45 New Helvetica lightof the same size as the part number.The manufacturers trademark shall not be larger orin a more prominent position than the GM trademark.3.5 Material Abbreviations. The material abbrevia-tions are described in ISO 1629 and
16、 ISO 1043. Thematerialabbreviationshallbe setinstandard typeface45 New Helvetica light of the same size as the partnumber.3.6 Manufacturing Date. The manufacturing dateshall be set uncoded in standard typeface 45 NewHelvetica light of the same size as the part number.3.6.1 Manufacturing of a part on
17、 a particular day:DDD YDDD = Day of year (001 to 365)Y= Last digit of year (0 to 9)Example: 1235 represents 03 May 20053.6.2 Manufacturing of a part in a particular week:WW YWW= Week of year (01 to 52)Y= Last digit of year (0 to 9)Example: 124 represents week 12 of 20043.6.3 Manufacturing of a part
18、in a particular month,performed as a stamp (see example):M YM= Month of year (1 to 9); O = October,N = November, D = DecemberY= Last digit of year (0 to 9)Example: 44 represents April of 20043.7 Serial Number. The serial number can be set instandard typeface 45 New Helvetica light of the samesize as
19、 the part number.3.8 Country-specific and/or Manufacturing-spe-cific Requirements. These data are set in standardtypeface 45 New Helvetica light of the same size asthe part number.3.9 Additional Data and Deviations. In this case,the responsible development departments of GMEhave a coordinating funct
20、ion.Additional data and deviations are set in standardtypeface 45 New Helvetica light of the same size asthe part number. Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedPage 2 of 9 Issue No. 4 - July 2010PRD045 - VPRE ST G 10/03 GM EUROPE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GME140904 Identification Stru
21、ctureFigure 5 shows the systematic structure of the iden-tification. The sequence and layout of the data arebindingly specified (enlarged depiction).Figure 5: Identification StructureA GM trademark GMW16331-A and part numberB Type approval symbol and number together withotherdatawhichare required ac
22、cordingtoEU/ECEregulationsC Material abbreviations according to ISO 1629 andISO 1043 recommendationsD Serial numberE Manufacturing date according to paragraph 3.6F Manufacturers name or symbol4.1 Exceptions. Country-specific and/or manufac-turing-specific requirements and parts codes shall beclarifi
23、ed in accordance with the relevant productionrequirements in coordination between manufacturersand the relevant GME specialist departments (seeparagraph 3.9).The EU/ECE type approval symbol and number maybe dispensed with if the component (e.g. headrest,horn, ESA) is a component of a system and isin
24、cluded in the system type approval.5 Examples of Part Identification5.1 Basic Identification 1 (for parts according toparagraph 1.1). Figure 6 shows the nominal stan-dard identification with the specified minimum data.The size ofthe identification text is selectedaccordingto paragraph 6 so that the
25、identification can be usedfor all parts (with the exception of very small parts)and various production procedures.Figure 6:GM trademark GMW16331-A: Size NPart number: Upper case height (UCH) 2.6 mm5.2 Basic Identification 2 (for parts accordingto paragraph 1.2). Figure 7 shows the nominalstandard id
26、entification with additional data for partswhich shall be identified in accordance with ISOguidelines/recommendations, i.e. material abbrevia-tions, manufacturers name and manufacturing date.Figure 7:GM trademark GMW16331-A: Size NEntire text:Upper case height: 2.6 mmLine space: 4.5 mmIn special cas
27、es (e.g. parts which cannot be providedwith basic identification due to their small or irregulararea)thedrawingcheckingdepartmentsofGME havea coordinating function.5.3 Basic Identification 3 (for parts according toparagraph 1.3). On the following pages, examplesof identification for parts which are
28、subject to compul-sory type approval according to EU/ECE regulationsare shown. The significant factor in this case is thefact that each identification shall bear a type approvalsymbol and a type approval number, the size of whichcan be seen in the relevant EU/ECE regulations.5.3.1 Headlamps. The EU/
29、ECE regulations specifyan approval symbol for identifying headlamps. Thisshall be combined with a type approval number (seeFigure 8, Figure 9 and paragraph 3.2). Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedJuly 2010 - Issue No. 4 Page 3 of 9PRD045 - VPRE ST U 10/03 GME14090 GM EUROPE EN
30、GINEERING STANDARDSFigure 8: GM Trademark GMW16331-A and PartNumber optionally located in another area of theLighting and Lamp Signal FacilitiesFigure 9: GM Trademark GMW16331-A and PartNumber optionally located in another area of theLighting and Lamp Signal Facilities5.3.1.1 Dimensions.A Upper case
31、 height text: 2.6 mmB Space: 16.125 mmC Space: 2.0 mmD Line space: 4.5 mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 10 point (UCH2.6 mm)Line space: 13.2 point (4.5 mm)“E4“ circle:Diameter: 12.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.25 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 24 point (UCH 6.0 mm),“4“ size: 16 point (U
32、CH 4.0 mm)5.3.2 Lighting and Lamp Signal Facilities (withthe exception of headlamps and fog lamps). TheEU/ECE regulations specify an approval symbol forlighting and lamp signal facilities. This shall be com-bined with a type approval number (see Figure 10and paragraph 3.2).Figure 10: GM Trademark GM
33、W16331-A and PartNumber optionally located in another area of theanother area of the Lighting and Lamp SignalFacilities5.3.2.1 Dimensions.A GM trademark: Height 3 mmB Upper case height text: 1.8 mmC Space: 8.0 mmD Space: 1.0 mmE Line space: 3.0 mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 7 point (UCH1.8 mm)
34、Line space: 8.6 point (3.0 mm)“E4“ circle:Diameter: 5.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 10 point (UCH 2.5 mm),“4“ size: 7.6 point (UCH 1.67 mm) Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedPage 4 of 9 Issue No. 4 - July 2010PRD045 - VPRE ST G 10/03
35、 GM EUROPE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GME140905.3.3 Seat Belts. The EU/ECE regulations specifyapproval symbols for identifying seat belts. Theseshall be combined with a type approval number (seeFigure 11 and Figure 12).Figure 11: Two Type Approval SymbolFigure 12: One Type Approval Symbol5.3.3.1 Dimensio
36、ns.Upper case height: 1.8 mmLine space: 4.5 mmA Space: 7.0 mmB Space: 7.0 mmC Minimum space from the edge: 1.0 mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 10 point (UCH2.6 mm)Line space: 13.2 point (4.5 mm)“E2“ circle:Diameter: 9.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 18 p
37、oint (UCH 4.5 mm),“2“ size: 11.4 point (UCH 3.0 mm)“E2“ box:W x H = (9 x 6) mmFrame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“e“ size: 15.4 point (Height 3.0 mm),“2“ size: 11.4 point (UCH 3.0 mm)5.3.4 Rear-View Mirrors. The EU/ECE regulationsspecify an approval symbol for identifying rea
38、r-viewmirrors. This shall be combined with a type approvalnumber (see Figure 13). Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedJuly 2010 - Issue No. 4 Page 5 of 9PRD045 - VPRE ST U 10/03 GME14090 GM EUROPE ENGINEERING STANDARDSFigure 13: Dimensions.A Distance: 12.8 mmB Distance: 4
39、.0 mmC Upper case height text: 2.6 mmD Line space: 4.5 mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 10 point (UCH2.6 mm)Line space: 13.2 point (4.5 mm)“E4“ circle:Diameter: 8.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 16 point (UCH 4.0 mm),“4“ size: 10.7 point (UCH 2.67 mm)5.3.
40、5 Headrests. The EU/ECE regulations specifyan approval symbol for identifying headrests. Thisshall be combined with a type approval number (seeFigure 14). The example below shall only be used toidentify headrests. All exceptions from the standardregulation shall be coordinated with the responsiblede
41、partments.Figure 14: Dimensions.A Space: 1.3 mmUpper case height text: 2.6 mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 10 point (UCH2.6 mm)“E4“ circle:Diameter: 8.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 16 point (UCH 4.0 mm),“4“ size: 10.7 point (UCH 2.67 mm)5.3.6 He
42、adlamp Washer System. The EU/ECEregulations specify an approval symbol for identifyingthe headlamp washer system. This shall be com-bined with a type approval number (see Figure 15).Figure 15: Dimensions.A Distance: 12.8 mmB Distance: 4.0 mmC Upper case height text: 2.6 mmD Line space: 4.5 mm
43、 Copyright 2010 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedPage 6 of 9 Issue No. 4 - July 2010PRD045 - VPRE ST G 10/03 GM EUROPE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GME14090Typeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 10 point (UCH2.6 mm)Line space: 13.2 point (4.5 mm)“E4“ circle:Diameter: 8.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typ
44、eface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 16 point (UCH 4.0 mm),“4“ size: 10.7 point (UCH 2.67 mm)5.3.7 HornsandFanfares. The EU/ECEregulationsspecify an approval symbol for identifying horns. Thisshall be combined with a type approval number (seeFigure 16).Figure 16: Dimensions.A Distance: 12
45、.8 mmB Distance: 4.0 mmC Upper case height text: 2.6 mmD Line space: 4.5 mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 10 point (UCH2.6 mm)Line space: 13.2 point (4.5 mm)“E4“ circle:Diameter: 8.0 mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,Typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“E“ size: 16 point (UCH 4.0 mm),“4“ size: 10.7 point
46、 (UCH 2.67 mm)5.3.8 Trailer Hitches. The EU/ECE regulationsspecify an approval symbol for identifying trailerhitches. This shall be combined with a type approvalnumber (see Figure 17).Figure 17: Dimensions.A Distance: 16.0 mmB Distance: 5.5 mmC Upper case height text: 3.0 mmD Line space: 4.5
47、mmTypeface: 45 New Helvetica light, 11.2 point(UCH3.0 mm)Line space: 13.2 point (4.5 mm)“e2“ box:W x H = (9 x 6) mm,Frame thickness: 0.15 mm,“e“ typeface: 65 New Helvetica medium,“e“ size: 15.4 point (Height 3.0 mm),“2“ typeface: 75 New Helvetica bold,“2“ size: 11.4 point (UCH 3.0 mm) Copyright 2010
48、 General Motors Company All Rights ReservedJuly 2010 - Issue No. 4 Page 7 of 9PRD045 - VPRE ST U 10/03 GME14090 GM EUROPE ENGINEERING STANDARDS5.3.9 Electronic Subassemblies. The EU/ECEregulations specify an approval symbol for identifyingelectronic subassemblies (see Figure 18). If, how-ever, the electronic subassemblies are examin
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