1、GM DAEWOO Auto & Technology EDS Engineering, GM DAEWOO Auto & Technology Standards TEST METHOD OF WELD NUT EDS-T-7169 ISSUED DATE: 1996. 12. 21 REVISED DATE: 2006. 06. 19 VERSION: 2 TEST METHOD OF WELD NUT EDS-T-7169PAGE: 1/1 ISSUED DATE: 1996. 12. 21 REVISED DATE: 2006. 06. 19 VERSION: 2 GM DAEWOO
2、Auto & Technology 1. PURPOSE This standard specifies additional test methods for weld nuts 2. SCOPE This standard applies square and hexagon weld nuts which specified EDS-G-1306 or special standard parts in GMDAT 3. TEST METHODS 3.1. The strength of projection welding shall be sufficient as stated i
3、n table 1, when tested as figure 1. In this case, deformation of welding sections shall not be allowed. 3.2. For the purpose of observance of specified tightening torques and of the initial stressing forces resulted from it, which are important for the durability of screwing, it shall be guaranteed
4、that possible welding spatter thread doesnt injure the function of bolted connection. Table 1 Figure 1. Thread Moment M4 5NmM5 9Nm M6 15NmM8 40Nm M10 75NmM12 130Nm 7/16” - 20 UNF 130Nm M14 170Nm4. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS As the test conditions specified here are not sufficient for constructive reasons (design), the additional requirements shall be indicated on the relevant drawings. 5. CODING SYSTEM ON THE DRAWING 6. RELATED STANDARDS EDS-G-1306 NUT-WELD Note : This test is applicable