1、 3 ISO 5167-3:2003Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted incircular cross-section conduits running full Part 3: Nozzles and Venturi nozzles(MOD) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC)8.586.32005( 5167-3:2003)32006/33, - 1.09
2、2 . - 1.297 . , . , , -, 1 ( ), - - ( ), - - , , - (), 2 3 , (- 28 9 2005 .) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AMBYKZKGMDRUTJTMUZUA - 4 51673: 2003 , . 3. (ISO5167-3:2003 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circularcross-section conduits running full Part 3: N
3、ozzles and Venturi nozzles) -, . - 1.52001 ( 3.6)5 31 2006 . 237- 8.586.32005 ( 5167-3:2003) . - . 3. . - 1 2007 .6 ( ) - . , -. - , 2007 -, II 8.586.320051 12 13 , , .24 .24.1 24.2 .25 .25.1 1932 25.2 75.3 .96 126.1 126.2 .136.3 196.4 196.5 .206.6 .20 () .21 27III 8.586.32005 8.586.1-2005 8.586.5-2
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5、tity bymeans of orifice instruments. Part 3. Nozzles and Venturi nozzles. Technical requirements 200701011 1932, , . 1932, . 8.568.1. 1932, , - 0,05 0,63 , - 10000.2 : 8.586.12005 ( 5167-1:2003) -. . 1. ( 5167-1:2003 , . 1. , D) 8.586.52005 . . 5. - 173782001 ( 3419:1981) - . . ( 3919:1981 , , D) 24
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