1、- - L79q 484L411b 0304724 719 Doc 9733 AIS/MAP/98 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES/ AERONAUTICAL CHARTS (AISIMAP) DIVISIONAL MEETING (1 998) (Al S/M A Pl98) REPORT Montreal, 23 March - 3 April 1998 Approved by the Meeting and published by authority of the S
2、ecretary General COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICA0 9733 AIS
3、/MAP/SB-ENGL 3977 119 q8LIZLiLb 0304725 855 Published in separate English, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and subscriprions, should be addressed to the Secretary General. Orders for this publication sho
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14、 Document Sales Unit, ICAO COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- STD-IC
15、A0 7733 AIS/MAP/S-ENGL 1777 D q84L41b OlO972b 771 W Supplement No. 1 Doc 9733, AIS/MAP/98 INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION SERVICES/AERONAUTICAL CHARTS (AIS/MAP) DMSIONAL MEETING (1998) Montreal, 23 March to 3 April 1998 SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 1. The Council, at the tenth
16、 meeting of its 155“ Session on 8 December 1998, and the Air Navigation Commission at the 6“ and 7“ meetings of its 148“ Session on 26 and 28 May 1998 respectively, and at the 4“ meeting of its 149“ Session on 29 October 1998, under authority delegated by the Council, took action as indicated hereun
17、der, on the recommendations of the Aeronautical Information ServiceslAeronauticd Charts (AIS/MAP) Divisional Meeting (1998). 2. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMENDMENT OF STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES (Rsm 2.1 Recommendations 1.211 - page 1.2-3 2.111 - page 2.1-4 2.411 - page 2.4-3 3.311 - page 3.3-4 3.
18、312 - page 3.3-5 4.112 - page 4.1-3 511 - page 5-3 512 - page 5-3 513 - page 5-4 2.2 The Air Navigation Commission made a preliminary review of the above recommendations, and agreed that they should be referred for comments to Contracting States and appropriate international organizations, together
19、with the Commissions own comments and proposals thereon. Following receipt of comments, the Commission will conduct a detailed review and will then present its recommendations for action by the Council. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS OTHER THAN FOR STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES 3.1 recommendations as indi
20、cated in the action taken hereunder. The Secretary General will arrange for any follow-up action in respect of all approved COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license wi
21、th ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - STD-ICA0 9733 AIS/MAP/SB-ENGL 3777 LiB4343b 0304727 b28 -2- Doc 9733, AIS/MAP/98 Supplement No. 1 Report Reference Recommendation No. 1.14 1.1/2 1.3/1 Page No. 1.1-8 1.1-9 1.3-4 Action by Council (C) or Air
22、Navigation Commission (ANC) ANC C ANC Recommendation Title and Action Taken International standard aeronautical information model Approved the first part of the recommendation and requested the Secretary General, as a matter of high priority, to: d) evaluate and validate the proposed ICA0 and the Un
23、ited States/ EUROCONTROL data models in accordance with the validation objectives of paragraphs and of the Report on Agenda Item 1.1; and b) present a proposal for action to the Development of guidelines for the application of IS0 9000 standards to aeronautical information services
24、 ANC, in due course. Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to undertake the development of guidance material on the application of IS0 9 series quality assurance standards for AIS. True vs. Magnetic bearing issue Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary Gener
25、al to study all aspects of the possible change from Magnetic to True bearings and present the findings of the study for consideration by the ANC, in due course. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organiza
26、tion Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICA0 9733 AIS/MAP/SB-ENGL 1919 48414Lb O104728 5b4 -3- Supplement No. 1 Doc 9733, AISIMAPI98 Report Reference tecommendation No. 2.112 2.211 2.212 2.311 Page No. 2.1-5 2
27、.2-2 2.2-3 2.3-4 Action by Council (C) or Air Navigation Commission (ANC) ANC ANC ANC ANC Recommendation Title and Action Taken Further development of Annex 4 specifications to support electronic aeronautical chart displays Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to present a
28、 proposal to amend Annex 4, in due course. Development of additional Annex 4 specifications to support global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based operations Approved the recommendation on the understanding that, taking into account the work of the OCP on the new design criteria for RNAV operati
29、ons, the Secretary General will present a consequential amendment to Annex 4 for consideration by the ANC, in due course. Development of Standards and Recommended Practices (SAWS) to support the introduction of “computer navigation fmes“ on charts Approved the recommendation and requested the Secret
30、ary General to present a proposal regarding development of the required SARPs, in due course. Development of an amendment to Annex 4 - Electronic terrain data Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to present a proposal to amend Annex 4, in due course. COPYRIGHT Internationa
31、l Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4- Doc 9733, AISIMAPI98 Supplement No. 1 I Report Refere
32、nt;: 1 Action by Council (C) or Air Navigation Commission (ANC) 2.3-4 3.1-3 I ANC 3.1-4 C ANC Recommendation Title and Action Taken Review of Annex 4 specifications relating to Aerodrome Obstacle Charts and development of specifications for the use of digital terrain and obstacle data Approved the r
33、ecommendation and requested the Secretary General to: a) examine, with the assistance of the AISMAPSG, the possibility for rationalization of the number of AOC charts; b) develop provisions for the use of electronic terrain and obstacle data in AOC production; c) explore the provision of electronic
34、obstacle and terrain data by States; and d) present the results of the above for consideration by the ANC, in due cour se. Use of ICA0 satellite broadcast for AIS information Noted the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to bring it to the attention of GREPECAS. in due course. Aeronau
35、tical information in a data link environment Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to take appropriate action and, in consultation with users, the AMCP and the ADSP, present a proposal to amend Annex 15 for consideration by the ANC, in due course. COPYRIGHT International Ci
36、vil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICA0 9733 AIS/MAP/SB-ENGL 1779 = L(BL(LL(1b OLOL(730 112
37、 -5- Supplement No. 1 Doc 9733, AISIMAPI98 Action by Council (C) or Air Navigation Commission (ANC) ANC ANC ANC C ANC ANC Recommendation Title and Action Taken )hect transfer of aeronautical nformation into the FMS ipproved the recommendation and ,equested the Secretary General to study he matter wi
38、th the assistance of the IISMAPSG and present the results to the INC, in due course. Use of the INTERNET technology for be aeronautical data exchange 4pproved the recommendation. Provision of information regarding the avoidance of mid-air coilisions Approved the recommendation and requested the Secr
39、etary General to present proposals to amend Annexes 4 and 15 to be included in the next amendment cycle. Establishment of Regional AIS/MAP Training Capabilities Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to inform States accordindv. Development of ICA0 Training Guidelines for AI
40、S/MAP personnel Amroved the recommendation. Amendment to Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing Approved the recommendation and requested the Secretary General to present a proposal to amend Annex 1 for consideration bv the ANC. in due course. - END - COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicens
41、ed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICA0 7733 AIS/MAP/SB-ENGL 1999 = 484191b 0304733 057 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To : From: T
42、he President, Air Navigation Commission The Chairman, Aeronautical Information Services/Aeronauticai Charts (AIS/MAP) Divisional Meeting (1998) I have the honour to submit the report of the Aeronautical Information Services/Aeronautical Charts (AIS/MAP) Divisional Meeting (1998), which was held in M
43、ontreal, from 23 March to 3 April 1998. D.T.E. Mein Chairman Montreal, 3 April 1998 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCopyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or
44、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICA0 9733 AIS/MAP/SA-ENGL 1777 W 48414Lb 0104732 T75 D i - Table of Contents i- 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HISTORY OF THE MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
45、 . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 1. Duration , . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Representation . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. officers 4. Secretariat . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .
46、5. Adoption of the agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . 6. Working arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Opening remarks by the President of the Council . . . .
47、. . . . . . . 9. Opening remarks by the President of the Air Navigation Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LISTOFREPRESENTATIVES . AGENDA OF THE MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GLOSSARYOFTERMS . REPORT ON THE A
48、GENDA Agenda Item 1: Aeronautical Data Bases 1.1: Review and update existing Annex 15 specifications, including those related to the elements of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package, in order to bring them into line with operational requirements for the aeronautical data base content, for
49、mat and provision of data . . . , . . . . vis-vis the future need for on-line provision of electronic aeronautical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3: TRUE vs. MAG bearing issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2: Review the status, role and need for an AIRAC system Agenda Item 2: Aeronautical Charts 2.1: Review and u
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