2、onal Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ICA0 CIRCULAR 27q-AT/L14-ENGL 1777 Li414Lb 0308372 845 D Published in separate English, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and su
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13、al Training Aids Issued annually, the Catalogue lists all publications and audio-visual training aids currently available. Monthly supplements announce new publications and audio-visual training aids, amendments, supplements, reprints, etc. Available free from the Document Sales Unit, ICAO COPYRIGHT
14、 International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD = ICAO CIRCULAR 274-AT/334-ENGL 3999 4BVL43b O308373 781 m FOREWORD Pursuant to a resolution of the 26th Session of the ICAO Assembly, the Tenth Session of the Facilitation Division (FAL/lO), in 1988, introduced a
15、 number of Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) concerning access to air services and airport facilities by elderly and disabled persons into Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation - Facilitation. In 1995, the Eleventh Session of the Facilitation Division (FAL/I 1) built up
16、on this work by introducing new SARPs to reflect additional concepts, with the intent of addressing accessibility to all elements of the air transport chain by a person with reduced mobility. FAL/I 1 also recommended that ICAO adopt the term “persons with disabilities” to denote people requiring spe
17、cial assistance. The following definition is now included in the Tenth Edition of Annex 9: Person with disabilities. - Any person whose mobility is reduced due to a physical incapacity (sensoy or locomotor), an intellectual dejiciency, age, illness or any other cause of disability when using transpo
18、rt and whose situation needs special attention and the adaptation to the persons needs of the services made available to all passengers. The guidance material in this circular was put together by the ICAO Secretariat, with the advice and assistance of the Facilitation Panel, for the purpose of elabo
19、rating on the Annex 9 SARPs and assisting the civil aviation community in their implementation. For ease of reference, these SARPs are reproduced in the Appendix. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ICA0 CIRCULAR 274-AT/LL4-ENGL 1777 48LIL4
20、Lb OLOB174 bLB I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GENERAL ISSUES . 1 Communication of information 1 Training programmes 2 AIRPORTS 2 Physical accessibility 2 Ground transportation 3 3 ACCESS TO AIR SERVICES Physical accessibility of aircraft. . 4 4 Services . Appendix. Standards and Recommended Practices pert
21、aining to persons with disabilities (Extract from Annex 9 - Facilitation, Chapter 8, Section G) . 7 (iii) COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ICA0 CIRCULAR 27LI-AT/LL9-ENGL L777 M 48419Lb OLOBL75 554 GUIDANCE MATERIAL FOR IMPLEMENTING THE S
22、TANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES PERTAINING TO PERSON WITH DISABILITIES IN ANNEX 9 - FACILITATION GENERAL ISSUES 1. Contracting States should encourage operators, airport authorities and travel agents to use common definitions for the different categories of persons with disabilities. Such entitie
23、s should follow the standard system of classification and codification developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for this purpose. 2. Operators and airport authorities should consult with the organizations that represent persons with disabilities when developing services and tr
24、aining programmes or when finding solutions for better serving persons with disabilities. 3. disabilities in order to facilitate the clearance of such persons in a dignified manner. Immigration, customs and security operational procedures should be adapted to the needs of persons with Communication
25、of information 4. Contracting States should publish, or encourage operators or interested organizations to publish, general information or guidance material relating to air travel by persons with disabilities. Such information should, where practicable, be made available in alternative media such as
26、 braille, cassettes, large print or computer diskettes. 5. Operators, airport authorities, ground handling operators and travel agents should provide those persons with disabilities who are planning to travel with all available information concerning access to air services and airport facilities by
27、disabled persons. 6. Operators and airport authorities should ensure they have the means to facilitate communication with travellers who have sensory (deaf or hard of hearing, blind or low vision) or cognitive disabilities, and they should describe such facilities in the public information materials
28、 referred to above. 7. for persons with disabilities into their general product literature or advertising. Contracting States should encourage operators, airport authorities and travel agents to integrate information 8. Persons with disabilities requesting special assistance should be encouraged to
29、inform the operator or the travel agent of their needs at the time of booking their flight. Operators and/or travel agents should be encouraged to complete an information checklist when taking bookings. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD.I
30、CA0 CIRCULAR 27Y-ATILL4-ENGL 1999 M 48414Lb O1OL7b 490 = 2 ICAO Circular 274-AT/114 Training programmes 9. In addition to general training, operators and airport authorities should ensure that their employees and contractors who interact with the public, or make decisions regarding the carriage of p
31、ersons with disabilities, receive general sensitivity training to be able to identify and respond appropriately to the needs of such persons when they travel. 10. In addition to general training. operators and airport authorities should ensure that they properly train employees and contractors who m
32、ay be required to provide services to persons with disabilities, such as assisting with special equipment, transferring individuais between and from wheelchairs, and guiding, orienting and aiding them. 11. In addition to general training, operators and airport authorities should ensure that they pro
33、perly train employees and contractors who are required to handle different types of mobility aids so that they are familiar with the procedures for securing, carrying and stowing mobility aids, including methods of dismantling, and packing, unpacking and assembling these aids. 12. 1 1, complete init
34、ial training before assuming their duties and periodically undergo further training. Operators and airport authorities should ensure that the employees and contractors referred to in 9, 10 and 13. Cabin crew training should be geared to familiarizing persons with disabilities with their immediate en
35、vironment and possible hazards within the cabin, and assisting them in the proper use of the facilities that are provided. 14. of persons with disabilities. Training programmes and emergency procedures should include special provisions related to the evacuation 15. Organizations that represent perso
36、ns with disabilities should be consulted in the development and implementation of training programmes. 16. of special assistance to be provided, according to the type of disability. Operators and airport authorities should include in their operations manuals instructions indicating the type AIRPORTS
37、 Physical accessibility 17. Contracting States should ensure that, from the first phase of planning, new plans for building or renovating airport facilities open to the public meet the accessibility standards for persons with disabilities. In general, Contracting States should refer to the relevant
38、manuals of both ICAO and the Airports Council International (ACI) for guidance on the building and planning requirements that will ensure access by persons with disabilities. 18. arrival/departure areas for travellers who are hearing-impaired. Airport authorities should install volume-controlled, pu
39、blic telephones in both the public area and the I, Doc 9i 84 - Airport Plmrning Mmud - Part 1, Master Planning COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ICA0 CIRCULAR 27Y-AT/LLq-ENGL 1999 D Yqlqlb 010l177 327 = ICA0 Circular 274-AT/114 3 19. disa
40、bilities. Passenger walkways, including crossings to the terminal building, should be accessible to persons with 20. such a way that persons with disabilities can reach them and use them without difficulty, in particular: All areas in the terminal building that are open to the travelling public shou
41、ld include facilities designed in a) lavatories; b) restaurants; c) shops; d) communication equipment; and e) information and Check-in counters. 21. Facilities reserved or designed for persons with disabilities should be appropriately indicated by signs that are in accordance with internationally ag
42、reed standards. All other signs should take account of the needs of persons with disabilities. 22. disabilities comprising: Contracting States should encourage airport authorities to provide a special handling service for persons with a) staff trained and qualified to meet their needs, from their ar
43、rival at the airport until they are seated on board the aircraft, and vice versa; and b) the appropriate equipment to assist them. Ground transportation 23. transport of persons with disabilities within the airport. Airport authorities, operators or ground handling operators should provide vehicles
44、or equipment for the 24. Operators and airport authorities should be encouraged to provide a means of transport between airports SO that persons with disabilities can be transported at the same cost and in the same comfort and safety as other passengers. 25. the availability of accessible ground tra
45、nsportation services. Airport authorities should provide signage, in accordance with internationally agreed standards, indicating 26. controls available to persons with disabilities. Airport authorities should encourage vehicle rental companies on their premises to make vehicles with hand ACCESS TO
46、AIR SERVICES 27. persons in wheelchairs. Operator and travel agent offices should have information and service desks that are suitable for use by COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTDaICAO CIRCULAR 274-AT/LL4-ENGL 1797 D 48414Lb OlOBL78 2b3 =
47、 4 ICA0 Circular 274-AT/114 Physical accessibility of aircraft 28. of persons with disabilities. For example: Operators are encouraged to require new aircraft, or those undergoing major refurbishment, to meet the needs a) Signage should be positioned so as to avoid shadow areas and glare. b) Lightin
48、g in an aircraft, except reading and other lighting under the control of a passenger, should be directed and controlled to prevent glare or shadows. Lighting in the passenger cabin should not result in any sharp contrasts in intensity. c) Integrated boarding stairs on an aircraft should have a unifo
49、rm riser height, uniform tread depths and a height for the first step on and the last step off that does not exceed the uniform riser height. Tread surfaces should be firm and non-slippery and should not create glare. The top outer edge of each step should be marked by a contrasting colour strip, and handrails should be provided on both sides. d) Handrails should be sturdy, rounded, smooth, slip-resistant and colour-contrasted from their surrounding area, should have an exterior diameter that permits easy grasping, should not have any obstr
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