1、ICAO CIRCULAR 278-AN11 64 CIRCULAR 2000 NATIONAL PLAN FOR CNS/ATM SYSTEMS GUIDANCE MATERIAL Approved by the Secretary General and published under his authority INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION MONTREAL*CANADA Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license
2、with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Published in separate English, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish editions by the International Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence, except orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to the Se
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4、ed at ICAO Headquarters. International Civil Aviarion Organization. Attention: Document Sales Unit 999 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 5H7 Telephone: (514) 954-8022; Telex: 05-24513; Facsimile: (514) 954-6769; Sitatex: YULADYA; E-mail: sales-uniticao.int Egypt. ICAO Regional Director
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13、the Catalogue lists all publications and audio-visual training aids currently available. Monthly supplements announce new publications and audio-visual training aids, amendments, supplements, reprints, etc. Available free from the Document Sales Unit, ICAO Copyright International Civil Aviation Orga
14、nization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICAO CIRCULAR 278-AN/Lb4-ENGL 2000 4B414Lb 0320237 LTT E FOREWORD Following comprehensive studies over several years, the communications, navigation and surveillance
15、/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems concept was endorsed by the Tenth Air Navigation Conference in 1991 and by the 29th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 1992. Planning for successful implementation of CNS/ATM systems is necessitated by the large and complex nature of the undertaking and the mul
16、tidisciplinary roles of the partners involved. Planning takes place mainly at three levels: global, regional and national. To progress with the planning, ICAO first determined the requirements for facilities and services to serve the international civil aviation community at the global level in the
17、form of a global plan. The Global Co-ordinated Plan for Transition to the ICAO CNSIATM Systems was initially developed by the fourth meeting of the Special Committee for the Monitoring and Co-ordination of Development and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS Phase II) in 19
18、93. The Global Plan has now been revised and published as the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems and was presented to the World-wide CNS/ATM Systems Implementation Conference (Rio de Janeiro, 11-15 May 1998). Regional planning is the principal engine of ICAO planning and implementation w
19、ork. It is here that the top-down approach comprising global guidance and regional harmonization measures converges with the bottom-up approach constituted by States and aircraft operators. While ICAO addresses planning strategy at the global and regional levels, planning at the national level is th
20、e responsibility of each State. However, in response to a request by a number of States for more information concerning the planning and implementation of CNSATM systems, this guidance material in the form of a Model National CNUATM Systems Plan has been developed. This circular is intended to assis
21、t States in structuring, formulating, amending and enhancing their individual plans for the transition to CNWATM systems. At the same time, those States that have completed their respective national CNS/ATM systems plans can validate their findings by adopting the approach. This guidance material, i
22、n addressing shortcomings of the current systems, identifies functional requirements in the short term (suggesting enhancements to current systems) as well as in the long term (suggesting implementation of the new systems). National planning guidance as contained in this circular, while being useful
23、 to States for planning for both domestic and international operations, requires coordination and harmonization with planning in adjacent States so that the implementation of facilities and services can be accomplished in line with the regional plan. While describing the techniques and requirements
24、of various systems configurations that can be implemented at the national level, this guidance material is not intended to indicate preference for any particular system configuration. The choice of a system configuration will depend on a variety of circumstances and requirements, such as type of air
25、space, density of air traffic and cost-effectiveness. The planning decision will therefore require the study of operational requirements, technical suitability and economic analyses. The guidance material presented in this circular is consistent with, and complementary to, the Global Air Navigation
26、Plan for CNS/ATM Systems (Doc 9750). For guidance on the application of CNS/ATM systems in relation to meteorology, aeronautical information services, organizational and international Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduc
27、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-STD-ICAO CIRCULAR 278-AN/164-ENGL 2000 48414Lb 0320238 03b m (ii) Circular 278-AN1164 sooperative aspects, financial aspects, legal issues, training and technical cooperation - which are not specifically addressed in this circular - the reade
28、r is referred to the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems. The costhenefit guidance material in this circular is based on the Economics of Satellite-based Air Navigation Services - Guidelines for costfienefit anulysis of communications, navigation and surveillance/nir trafic management (CN
29、S/ATM) systems (Circular 257). Formatted spreadsheets using WordPerfect and Excel software to apply the approach used in this Circular 278 covering technical analysis and costhenefit analysis are available on diskette from the ICAO Secretariat on request. It should be noted that, in order to make th
30、e software as user-friendly as possible, several simplifications in assumptions and input of data have been made. The software developed for this Circular is intmded to give Statesiproviders and users a quick view of the economic potential of the CNS/ATM systems, as well as to allow ready comparison
31、s of different implementation options. Wherever there is a need for a more comprehensive analysis, the software referred to in the foreword to Circular 257 should be applied. That software is also available from the ICAO Secretariat. The guidance material includes a glossary that provides brief expl
32、anations of the common technical terms and acronyms. These explanations should be viewed as an aid to the general understanding of the reader and are not necessarily officially endorsed by ICAO. Users are invited to express their views and offer comments and suggestions for improvements or additions
33、 based on their practical experience when using this guidance material for national planning for CNS/ATM systems. These should be directed to the Secretary General of ICAO. Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or net
34、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Glossary (4 Chapter 1 . Introduction . 1 Why develop a national CNS/ATM systems plan? 1 How will the planning document for CNS/ATM systems benefit the State? 1 How is this circular structured? 2 Highlights of the guidance material
35、 . 2 Approach to national planning . 3 What are the working levels required to plan for national CNS/ATM? 4 Coordination with adjacent States 6 What are the objectives and how are they to be seen bytheplanninggroup? 6 ICAOs planning structure for CNS/ATM systems . 7 Chapter 2 . CNWATM systems overvi
36、ew and the global plan 13 Background 13 Globalplanning . 14 Air traffic management . 14 Communications 22 Navigation . 27 Surveillance . 31 TheFANSsystemconcept 13 Chapter 3 . Current infrastructure 36 Airports . 36 Navigation . 37 Airspace 36 Communications 36 Surveillance . 37 Chapter 4 . Evaluati
37、on of current systems 44 Chapter 5 . Air traffic forecasts . 47 ICAOs forecast 47 Demand for CNS/ATM services 47 Chapter 6 . Airspace users needs and functional requirements 51 Airspace users needs 51 Gap analysis leading to functional requirements . 52 (iii) Copyright International Civil Aviation O
38、rganization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- . STD.ICA0 CIRCULAR 27B-AN/Lb4-ENGL 2000 I 484343b 0320240 774 (iv) Circular 278-AN/164 Page Chapter 7 . Transition methodology . 55 Transition strategy 55 Transitio
39、n methodology 55 Communications 58 Navigation . 80 Surveillance . 89 Air traffic management . 95 Institutional options . 127 DevelopmentofSARPs 130 Chapter 8 . Implementation strategy 132 Work programme of CNS/ATM implementation . 132 Development of milestones 132 Implementation timescale . 134 Arch
40、itectural philosophy . 134 Chapter 9 . Costhenefit analysis 143 Introduction 143 Net present value approach 144 Main factors affecting costs and benefits . 145 CBA software with self-calculating spreadsheets 145 Data required for the CBA spreadsheets . 145 Comments on the application of the software
41、 . 146 Sensitivity analysis 148 Concludingremark 148 Chapter 10 . Integration. harmonization and interoperability . 149 Harmonization of national plans and regional plans 149 Mechanism 149 Methods 150 Harmonization tools . 150 Gateway for data communications fop. interoperability 151 Tools for CNS h
42、armonization 151 Benefits of harmonization . 151 Chapter 11 . Global planning methodology . 154 Introduction 154 Planningprocess 154 Homogeneous ATM areas and major interlational traffic flows . 154 Characteristics of the approach to implementation of CNYATM systems based on homogeneous ATM areas an
43、d major international traffic flows 155 Step-by-stepapproach 155 Appendix Bibliography . 158 Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-GLOSSARY Note.- The explanations
44、of the acronyms and technical terms provided here should be viewed as an aid to the general understanding of the reader and are not necessarily oficially endorsed by ICAO. The reader should also recognize that there are ongoing developments in some of the technology and institutions. A-SMGCS AAC AAG
45、DI AAIM ABAS ACARS ACAS ADS ADS-A ADS-B ADS-C ADSP AFrN NG AIDC AMS(R)S Ah4ss ANP AOC APANPIRG APC MIRG ARABSAT ASDE ASECNA ASM ATC ATFM ATIS ATM advanced surface movement guidance and control system aeronautical administrative communication automated air-ground data interchange aircraft autonomous
46、integrity monitoring aircraft-based augmentation system aircraft communications addressing and reporting system airborne collision avoidance system automatic dependent surveillance automatic dependent surveillance-addressed automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast automatic dependent surveillance-
47、contract Automatic Dependent Surveillance Panel aeronautical fixed telecommunication network air-ground air traffic services interfacility data communication aeronautical mobile-satellite (route) service aeronautical mobile-satellite service air navigation plan aeronautical operational control Asia/
48、Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group aeronautical passenger communication AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group Arab Satellite Organization airport surface detection equipment Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar airspace management air traf
49、fic control air traffic flow management automatic terminal information service air traffk management Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(vi) Circular 278-AN/164 Am ATS ATSC BORPC CBA CDTI CFIT CDIN CNS CNSIATM COCESNA COSPAS-SARSAT COTS CPDLC CSMA DME EANPG EUROCONTROL FANS FA
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