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IMO EA755E-2006 Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels 2005 Part B Safety and Health Requirements for the Construction and Equipment of Fishing Vessels (2nd Edition).pdf

1、Code of Safety forFishermen andFishing Vessels2005Part BSafety and Health Requirements for theConstruction and Equipment of Fishing VesselsD EBINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATIONLondon, 2006Published by theINTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRPrinted and bound in the U

2、nited Kingdom by William Clowes Ltd, Beccles, Suffolk24681097531First edition, 19752nd edition, 2006ISBN-13: 978-92-801-4209-9ISBN-10: 92-801-4209-7IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IA755ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced

3、,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the International Maritime Organization.Published by theINTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRFirst edition, 19752nd edition, 2006(ISBN-13: 978-92-801-4209-

4、9ISBN-10: 92-801-4209-7)Electronic edition: 2006IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: EA755ECopyright # InternationalMaritimeOrganization2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in wri

5、tingfrom the International Maritime Organization.Preface1 The Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels originatedfrom a resolution adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO)in 1962. Subsequent to that resolution, the Food and AgricultureOrganization (FAO), ILO and the Internation

6、al Maritime Organization(IMO) entered into an agreement to co-operate, within their respectivefields of experience, to elaborate the Code. The agreement acknowledgedthat the respective areas of competence are:. FAO fisheries in general;. ILO labour in the fishing industry; and. IMO safety of life, v

7、essels and equipment at sea.The Code was elaborated in two parts:.1 part A to be addressed to skippers and crews, containingoperational and occupational requirements; and.2 part B to be addressed to shipbuilders and owners, containingrequirements for the construction and equipment for fishingvessels

8、.2 Part A of the Code was adopted by the first session of the Joint FAO/ILO/IMO Meeting of Consultants on Safety on Board Fishing Vesselswhich was held at ILO Headquarters in Geneva in September 1968.3 Later amendments to part A were approved by the Maritime SafetyCommittee (MSC) of IMO, at its thir

9、tieth session in the spring of 1973. Atthe same session, the Committee approved the final text of part B whichwas endorsed by the FAO Council at its 64th session (autumn 1974) andalso endorsed by the Governing Body of the ILO at its 195th session(February 1975).4 In 1977, an International Conference

10、 on the Safety of FishingVessels adopted the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safetyof Fishing Vessels, 1977 which, for a number of reasons, did not enter intoforce. Consequently, a further International Conference was convened, alsoin Torremolinos, Spain, that adopted the Torremolinos

11、Protocol of 1993relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety ofFishing Vessels, 1977, hereinafter referred to as the Protocol.5 The Conference also adopted, inter alia, resolution 4 in which it isnoted that the Protocol does not contain specific requirements for certainsafety

12、 equipment for fishing vessels of less than 45 m in length, such aslife-saving appliances. Consequently, it urged all States, in view of theiii.inherent risks involved in the operation of fishing vessels, to consider therequirements for safety equipment when deciding, in accordance witharticle 3(4)

13、of the Protocol, which regulations they should apply, wholly orin part, to fishing vessels of 24 m in length and over but less than theapplicable length criteria of the chapter in question.6 It was also noted that initiatives had been taken by certain States todevelop uniform regional standards as c

14、alled for in article 3(5) of theProtocol to ensure that the safety of fishing vessels covered by article 3(4)thereof is maintained at an acceptable level by determining whichregulations, contained in the annex to the Protocol should apply, whollyor in part, to such vessels.7 In its review of regiona

15、l standards so developed, the MSC of IMO notedthat they had been examined by the Sub-Committee on Stability and LoadLines and on Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF) with a view to the desirability ofdeveloping a template for other countries or regions (see documents MSC 68/INF.10 and MSC 70/INF.24). It was

16、 also noted that, in the examinationprocess, the provisions of these regional standards had provided valuableinformation in relation to the revision of part B of the Code.8 The MSC accepted that for certain sizes of vessels, the minimumstandards contained in the Protocol should be applied and consid

17、ered thatit would be appropriate to refer to such provisions of the Protocol, whererelevant, in the revised text of part B of the Code. It was also accepted bythe Committee that any such references must stress the voluntary natureof the Code and substitute the mandatory terms shall and will with the

18、word should.9 The MSC acknowledged that there had been significant developmentsin relation to the management of fisheries that contained principles insupport of the safety of fishermen and fishing vessels. It noted in particular:.1 the agreement for the Interpretation of the Provisions of theUnited

19、Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of StraddlingFish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks of 1995; and.2 the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries adopted by theConference of FAO in 1995.10 The MSC recognized that the safety

20、 at sea aspects contained withinthese instruments could be relevant in relation to the revision of part B, inparticular:.1 the arrangements for the monitoring, control and surveillanceof fishing vessels including recommendations for the reportingof the position of a fishing vessel at sea;Code of Saf

21、ety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels Part Biv.2 the marking of fishing vessels in accordance with uniform andinternationally recognized systems such as the FAO StandardSpecifications for the Marking and Identification of FishingVessels*; and.3 the integration of fishing vessels into search and resc

22、uesystems.11 In entrusting the revision of the Code to the SLF Sub-Committee,the MSC recommended that the recent developments in fishing vesseldesign and fishing operations should be taken into consideration. TheMSC also entrusted the SLF Sub-Committee to revise the VoluntaryGuidelines for the Desig

23、n, Construction and Equipment of Small FishingVessels, that had been approved by MSC in 1979, which addresses vesselsof 12 m in length and over but less than 24 m in length. In this regard, IMOwas requested to invite FAO and ILO to participate in the revision. BothOrganizations responded positively

24、to the subsequent invitation.12 The SLF Sub-Committee established a correspondence group tofacilitate the revision of the Code and the Voluntary Guidelines and,following clearance by the relevant sub-committees of the IMO, the revisedtext was submitted to the MSC at its seventy-ninth session (1 to 1

25、0December 2004) at which it was approved. At the twenty-sixth session ofthe Committee on Fisheries in March 2005, FAO welcomed the revisedCode and Voluntary Guidelines and recommended the early publication byIMO of these documents. The Governing Body of ILO approved the revisedtexts at its 293rd ses

26、sion in June 2005.13 Concerning the procedures for future amendments to the Code andthe Voluntary Guidelines, the MSC considered that any amendmentsshould be effected as expeditiously as possible. It was agreed that non-controversial amendments should be approved by correspondence butjoint meetings

27、of experts might be necessary for other amendments forwhich no ready agreement by correspondence could be reached.14 Recognizing that the majority of items covered by the Code and theVoluntary Guidelines are within the scope of IMO and noting the differentworking procedures within the three Organiza

28、tions and also that the SLFSub-Committee holds regular meetings, it was agreed that:.1 IMO should act as a focal point for co-ordinating proposedamendments to the Code and in particular the IMO Secretariatshould undertake to receive any proposed amendments, todistribute them to the Organizations and

29、 to collate theirrespective comments;.2 any future joint FAO/ILO/IMO meeting should be held, when-ever possible, in conjunction with a meeting of the SLF Sub-Committee; and* Refer to the FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries No 1 FishingOperations. (ISBN 92-5-103914-3) and MSC/Circ.572.

30、Prefacev.3 any proposed amendments should always be subject to thefinal approval of the appropriate bodies of the three Organiza-tions.viCode of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels Part BContentsPageChapterIGeneralprovisions. 1ChapterI Construction,watertightintegrityandequipment 7ChapterIIISta

31、bilityandassociatedseaworthiness. 16ChapterIVMachineryandelectricalinstallationsandperiodicallyunattendedmachineryspacesPartAGeneral.24PartBMachineryinstallations.28PartCElectricalinstallations39PartDPeriodicallyunattendedmachineryspaces44ChapterVFireprotection,firedetection,fireextinctionandfirefig

32、htingPartAGeneralfireprotectionprovisions.48PartBFiresafetymeasuresinvesselsofalengthof60mandover51PartCFiresafetymeasuresinvesselsof45minlengthandoverbutlessthan60m.76PartDFiresafetymeasuresinvesselsof24minlengthandoverbutlessthan45m.87ChapterVIProtectionofthecrew 99ChapterVIILife-savingappliancesa

33、ndarrangementsPartAGeneral.111PartBVesselrequirements113PartCLife-savingappliancerequirements119viiPageChapterVIIIEmergencyprocedures,mustersanddrills 120ChapterIXRadiocommunicationsPartAGeneral.127PartBShiprequirements.130ChapterXShipbornenavigationalequipmentandarrangements. 139ChapterXICrewaccomm

34、odation 145AnnexIIllustrationoftermsusedinthedefinitions. 153AnnexI Recommendedpracticeforanchorandmooringequipment 157AnnexIIIRecommendedpracticeonportablefish-holddivisions 162AnnexIVRecommendedpracticeforammoniarefrigerationsystemsinmannedspaces 166AnnexVRecommendationsfortestinglifejacketsandlif

35、ebuoys 169AnnexVIRecommendedstandardsforpilotladders 184AnnexVIIAnnotatedlistofpertinentpublications 188InformationNote:Fisheriesmanagementmeasures 193Index . . 197Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels Part BviiiChapter IGeneral provisions1.1 Purpose and scope1.1.1 The purpose of this par

36、t of the Code is to provide information on thedesign, construction, and equipment of fishing vessels with a view topromoting the safety of fishing vessels and safety and health of the crew.The Code is not a substitute for national laws and regulations nor is it asubstitute for the provisions of inte

37、rnational instruments in relation tosafety of fishing vessels and crew although it may serve as a guide to thoseconcerned with framing such national laws and regulations.1.1.2 The Code is voluntary. It is wider in scope than the TorremolinosProtocol and only the minimum requirements to ensure the sa

38、fety offishing vessels and safety and health of the crew are given in this part ofthe Code for fishing vessels of 24 m in length and above. Each CompetentAuthority should take every possible measure to promote the safety of thevessels concerned.1.1.3 Certain sections of this part of the Code make re

39、ference to theminimum standards set out in the provisions of the TorremolinosInternational Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels, 1977, asmodified by the Torremolinos Protocol of 1993 relating thereto. For thepurpose of this part of the Code, these are considered to be the minimumstandards ac

40、ceptable in relation to the classes of vessels, as prescribed inthe Protocol, to which they should be applied.1.1.4 Regional uniform standards or guidelines that have been submittedto IMO as provided for under article 3, paragraphs (4) and (5) of theProtocol for fishing vessels registered and operat

41、ing in such regions,prevail over chapters IV, V, VII and IX of this part of the Code. For all otherfishing vessels of 24 m in length and over but less than 45 m in length,that are registered in such regions but operate, or are intended foroperation outside the region, the whole of this part of the C

42、ode would serveas a guide.1.1.5 Unless otherwise stated, the provisions of this part of the Code areintended to apply to new decked fishing vessels of 24 m in length andabove. However, even where not otherwise stated, the Competent Authorityshould also apply these provisions, as far as reasonable an

43、d practicable, toexisting decked fishing vessels.11.1.6TheprovisionsofthispartoftheCodedonotapplytofishingvesselsforsportorrecreationortoprocessingvessels.1.1.7WhereoperatingexperiencehasclearlyshownthatdeparturefromtheprovisionsofthispartoftheCodeisjustified,orinapplyingthispartoftheCodetoanyothere





48、wardoftheforwardperpendicular,e.g.abulbousbow,thedistancestipulatedin1.2.6.1shouldbemeasuredfromapointatmid-lengthoftheextensionforwardoftheforwardperpendicularorfromapoint0.015Lforwardoftheforwardperpendicular,whicheverisless.*DefinitionsareillustratedinannexItothispartoftheCode.Chapter I2.3 The bu

49、lkhead may have steps or recesses provided they arewithin the limits prescribed in Competent Authority is the Government of the State whose flag thevessel is entitled to fly.1.2.8 Convention means the International Convention for the Safety ofLife at Sea, 1974, as amended.1.2.9 Crew means the skipper and all persons employed or engaged inany capacity on board a vessel on the business of that vessel.1.2.10 Deepest operating waterline is the waterline related to the maximumpermissible operating draught.1.2.11 The depth (D) is the moulded depth amidships.1

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