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2、mber: 1619E Copyright 0 International Maritime Organization 1982 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing from the International Maritime Organization. CONTENTS Page

3、 Introduction 5 Resolution A.495(XI I) - Revised Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks 7 Annex 1 - Revised Specifications . 8 Appendix 1 - Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Appendix 2 - Agreed interpretations of certain provisions of Procedures . 11 the revised Speci

4、fications 13 Annex 2 - Standard format for theDedicated Clean Ballast Tank Appendix 1 - General guidelines for operation procedures and Operation Manual . 14 checklists for the purpose of sections 4 to 8 of the Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual . . . dedicated clean ballast tanks . 24 17

5、 Appendix 2 - Specimen Manual for a tanker operating with 3 INTRODUCTION I Specimen Manual for a Tanker Operating with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks. This publication contains: The attention of Governments is drawn to the fact that the Assembly urged them to establish, in time for the entry into for

6、ce of MARPOL 73/78, requirements for the dedicated clean ballast tank arrangements based on the revised Specifications, and urged further that such requirements should not impose requirements over and above those laid down in the revised Specifications. Revised Specifications for Oil Tankers with De

7、dicated Clean Ballast Tanks, including dedicated clean ballast tank operation procedures and agreed interpretations of certain of the provisions of the revised Specifications. Standard format for the Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual, including general guidelines for operation procedures

8、 and checklists for the purpose of sections 4 to 8 of the Operation Manual. REVISED SPECIFICATIONS The International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention (TSPP Conference) convened by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in February 1978 adopted, inter alia, the Protocol of

9、1978 relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollu- tion from Ships, 1973, which modified the 1973 Convention (MARPOL 73/78). MARPOL 73/78 requires certain oil tankers to operate with dedicated clean ballast tanks (Regulation 13(9) and (10) of Annex 1). An oil tanker operating

10、 with dedicated clean ballast tanks must have adequate tank capacity dedicated solely to the carriage of clean ballast and the arrangements and opera- tional procedures of the dedicated clean ballast tanks must comply with the requirements of the Administration which are based on the Specifications

11、for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks adopted by the Conference in resolution 14 and as may be revised by the Organiza- tion (Regulation 13A of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78). The Conference requested the Organization to review and revise the Specifications, as necessary, in order that the re

12、vised Specifications should reflect the latest technology and practices which might be developed by the time of entry into force of the Protocol. The task of reviewing and revising the Specifications was carried out as a matter of urgency by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the

13、Organization at its thirteenth and fourteenth sessions. In the course of its work, the MEPC found that there was a need not only to revise certain provisions of the Specifications but also to agree on interpretation of some of the provisions. The Assembly of the Organization, at its twelfth session,

14、 received and examined the recommendation made by the MEPC on this matter and, by its resolution A.495(Xll) of 19 November 1981, adopted the revised Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks together with agreed interpretations of certain of the provisions of the revised Spec

15、ifications. As stated in the resolution, the revised Specifications supersede the Specifications contained in the Annex to resolution 14 of the TSPP Conference. 5 Previous page is blank DEDICATED CLEAN BALLAST TANK OPERATION MANUAL Every tanker which operates with dedicated clean ballast tanks in ac

16、cordance with Regula- tion 13(9) or (10) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 must be provided with an Operation Manual approved by the Administration. The Manual must detail the system and specify operational procedures (Regulation 13A of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78), the purpose being not only to provide guidan

17、ce to the crew of the ship for the proper operation of the system but also to provide information on the system and its operational procedures for inspectors going on board for inspection in ports. The MEPC considered it useful to standardize the format of the Manual with the,indication of the type

18、of information to be contained in each section. The MEPC accordingly developed a standard format for the Manual, which was subsequently adopted by the twelfth session of the Assembly by resolution A.495, together with the revised Specifications. It is hoped that the standard format will help shipown

19、ers in preparing the Manuals for their ships and assist Administrations in approving them. The standard format contains: (1 ) Standardized wording for the Introduction section of the Manual; (2) Index of the Manual; (3) Eight or nine sections, depending on the type of tanker, detailing the informati

20、on or Operational instructions to be provided under each section as required by the revised Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks (Assembly resolu- ti on A.495( X I I ) ) . Administrations may require information and operational instructions to be included in the Manual i

21、n addition to those specified in the standard format. Such information should be included in part 2 of the Manual. If no such information or operational instructions are required, the Manual will consist of one part only. Appendix 1 of the standard format contains the general guidelines for operatio

22、n procedures and checklists for the purpose of sections 4 to 8 of the Manual. SPECIMEN MANUAL This publication also contains, in Appendix 2 of the standard format, an example of the Manual developed in accordance with the standard format for an actual tanker. It should be noted in this connexion tha

23、t: (1) What is standardized is the type of information to be included in the Manual under each section and not its presentation. (2) The specimen Manual shows how the information may be presented. Although some sections may be generally applicable to many ships, these are merely examples and should

24、be treated as such. The attention of Governments is drawn to the recommendation made by the Assembly, inviting them to use the standard format when approving the Manual and to ensure that, if the language of the Manual is neither English nor French, the Manual should include a translation into one o

25、f those languages. 6 REVISED SPECIFICATIONS FOR OIL TANKERS WITH DEDICATED CLEAN BALLAST TANKS (Resolution A.495(Xllj adopted on 19 November 1981 by the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization at its twelfth session) I THE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING resolution A.297(VI I I) by which it establis

26、hed the Marine Environment NOTING Regulation 13A of Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention Protection Committee and specified the functions and responsibilities of that Committee, of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78),

27、concerning requirements for dedicated clean ballast tanks and resolution 14 of the International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, 1978, which contains the Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks, NOTING ALSO that by the same resolution the Conference re

28、quested the International NOTING FURTHER that Regulation 13A(4) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 provides that Maritime Organization to review and revise, as necessary, the Specifications, every tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be provided with a Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Opera

29、tion Manual detailing the system and specifying operational procedures, RECOGNIZING that the said Manual is not only to provide guidance to the crew of the ship for proper operation of the system, but also to provide information on the system and its operational procedures for the inspectors going o

30、n board for inspection in ports, Committee at its fourteenth session, HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by the Marine Environment Protection 1. ADOPTS: (a) The revised Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks, the text of which is set out in Annex 1 to the present re

31、solution, to supersede the Specifications for Oil Tankers with Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks contained in resolution 14 of the International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, 1978; (b) Agreed interpretations of certain of the provisions of the revised Specifications as shown in A

32、ppendix 2 to the revised Specifications; (c) The standard format for the Dedicated Clean Ballast Tank Operation Manual appearing in Annex 2 to the present resolution; URGES Governments to establish, in time for the entry into force of MARPOL 73/78, URGES FURTHER that the requirements to be establish

33、ed by Administrations should not 2. requirements for the dedicated clean ballast tank arrangements based on the revised Specifications; 3. impose requirements over and above those as laid down in the revised Specifications; 4. INVITES Governments: (a) To use the standard format for the Dedicated Cle

34、an Ballast Tank Operation Manual as called for by Regulation 13A of MARPOL 73/78; (b) To ensure that if the language of the Manual is neither English nor French, the Manual shall include a translation into one of these languages. I 7 ANNEX 1 2.1 modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MAR

35、POL 73/78), these Specifications apply to: Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as .1 existing crude oil tankers of 70,000 tons deadweight and above until two years after the date of entry into force of MARPOL 73/78 in accordance with Regulation 13(9)(

36、a) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78; existing crude oil tankers of 40,000 tons deadweight and above but below 70,000 tons deadweight, until four years after the date of entry into force of MARPOL 73/78 in accordance with Regulation 13(9)(b) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78; and existing product carriers of 40,0

37、00 tons deadweight and above in accordance with I , .2 .3 I Regulation 13(10) and Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. REVISED SPECIFICATIONS FOR OIL TANKERS WITH DEDICATED CLEAN BALLAST TANKS I 2.2 Compliance by these ships with these Specifications shall be shown on the International Oi I Pol tu t ion Prevent

38、 ion Certificate. I 1 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of these Specifications is to provide specific criteria, operational requirements and control and enforcement procedures for those oil tankers operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT tankers) as specified in section 2 of these Specifications. 2

39、 APPLICATION 3 INITIAL SURVEY 3.1 The initial survey referred to in Regulation 4 of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 shall include the verifications of the appropriateness of: .1 .2 3.2 The International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate shall indicate which tanks are designated as dedicated clean ballast

40、 tanks. It shall also state that the master has been supplied with information concerning approved operational procedures (CBT Operation Manual). the selection of ballast tanks and pumping and piping arrangements; and the CBT Operation Manual, i.e. detailed operational procedures including checklist

41、. 4 ON BOARD ARRANGEMENTS 4.1 Dedicated clean ballast tanks 4.1.1 The dedicated clean ballast tanks shall have sufficient capacity to enable the tanker to meet the requirements of Regulation 13(2) of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. -. 4.1.2 The selection of the dedicated clean ballast tanks must be such th

42、at the hull stresses in the ballast and loaded conditions are to the satisfaction of the Administration. 8 4.1.3 The ballast carried in dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT ballast) shall, from the accidental pollution prevention point of view, be carried in wing tanks. However, the Administration may

43、 permit the use of centre tanks where it can be shown that significant advantage can be obtained in respect of hull stresses, tank volume or piping arrangements. 4.1.4 Tanks shall be selected so as to require a minimum of involvement of the cargo piping and pumping system. 4.2 Pumping and piping arr

44、angements 4.2.1 The piping system for conveying the CBT ballast shall be such that it can be flushed to a slop tank with water, and shall be so arranged that oily water does not enter any dedicated clean ballast tank when the piping system is flushed, 4.2.2 The piping system(s) of each dedicated cle

45、an ballast tank must, not later than 1 July 1983, have at least two valves that isolate that tank from the piping system(s) serving the cargo tank. 4.2.3 The dedicated clean ballast tanks must be connected to the least practicable number of cargo pumps. 4.2.4 The discharge of CBT ballast to the sea

46、is to be monitored by an oil content meter approved by the Administration and sufficient sample points are to be provided in the discharge piping of pumps serving dedicated clean ballast tanks to enable supervision of the oil content in the ballast water being discharged. 5 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 5.

47、1 The pumps and piping system conveying CBT ballast shall be flushed with water before clean ballast is loaded, discharged or transferred. 5.2 The water for flushing shall be pumped from a sea chest or dedicated clean ballast tank through the pump and piping system of the dedicated clean ballast tan

48、k and then to a slop tank. 5.3 If sections of the piping system for CBT ballast are so arranged that they must be flushed with water from the dedicated clean ballast tanks then the minimum quantity of flushing water to be provided in such tanks at all times shall be the greater of either 10 times th

49、e volume of the piping to be flushed or sufficient to provide that level in the tank which would allow the piping to run full of water during the flushing before vortexing starts to admit air into the piping. Alternative methods for the retention of clean ballast required by this paragraph shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration. 5.4 After the loading, discharging or transferring of clean ballast the valves specified in para- graph 4.2.2 shall be shut and the piping system drained. 5.5 The overboard discharge of all CBT ballast shall be monitored by an oil content meter 5.6 Th

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