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1、POLLUTIONPREVENTIONEQUIPMENTUNDER MARPOL2006 EDITIONBINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATIONLondon, 2006First published in 1997by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRSecond edition, 2006Printed in the United Kingdom by William Clowes Ltd., Beccles, Suffolk24681097531I

2、SBN 978-92-801-1470-6IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IA646ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2006All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writingfrom the Internation

3、al Maritime Organization.Foreword1 The purpose of this publication is to provide easy reference to theInternational Maritime Organization (IMO) resolutions on shipboard pollutionprevention equipment that are required by MARPOL. The following paragraphsare intended to give a brief background to and d

4、escription of those resolutionsupon which equipment on board some ships is based.Introduction2 MARPOL requires ships to be fitted with certain pollution preventionequipment, including oil filtering equipment, oil discharge monitoring and controlsystems, oil content meters, oil/water interface detect

5、ors, sewage treatmentplants and shipboard incinerators. Such equipment should be of the type whichhas been approved by Governments in accordance with the relevant resolutionsadopted by IMO.3 Over the years, IMO has adopted a series of resolutions on pollutionprevention equipment standards and test s

6、pecifications which have been keptcontinuously under review following the experience obtained on theirperformance and taking into account the advancement in technology.Consequently, many of the early resolutions adopted in the 1970s and 1980sbecame obsolete and have now been replaced.4 Thepresentpub

7、lication isarevisedand updated versionof the1997editionand contains those live resolutions on pollution prevention equipment whichare currently applicable to new installations on board ships, except whereexpressly provided otherwise. These resolutions are:.1 Revised Guidelines and Specifications for

8、 Pollution Prevention Equip-ment for Machinery Space Bilges of Ships (resolution MEPC.107(49);.2 Revised Guidelines and Specifications for Oil Discharge Monitoringand Control Systems for Oil Tankers (resolution MEPC.108(49);.3 Specification for Oil/Water Interface Detectors (resolutionMEPC.5(XIII);.

9、4 Revised Guidelines on Implementation of Effluent Standards andPerformance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants (resolutionMEPC.159(55);.5 Standard Specification for Shipboard Incinerators (resolutionMEPC.76(40) as amended by resolution MEPC.93(45); andiiiPollution prevention equipment under MARPOL.6

10、Guidelines for On-board Exhaust Gas-SOxCleaning Systems (resolu-tion MEPC.130(53).Summary information in respect of each of these resolutions is provided in theensuing paragraphs.Oil filtering equipment5 Regulation 16 of MARPOL Annex I (regulation 14 of the revised Annex I)requires that all ships of

11、 400 gross tonnage and above be fitted with oil filteringequipment approved by the Administration. The MEPC adopted, in July 2003,resolution MEPC.107(49) on the Revised Guidelines and Specifications forPollution Prevention Equipment for Machinery Space Bilges of Ships. The RevisedGuidelines seek to

12、ensure that a 15 ppm bilge separator be capable of handlingany oily mixtures from the machinery space bilges and be expected to beeffective over a wide range of oils including oil of very high relative density, orwith a mixture presented to it as an emulsion. Cleansing agents, emulsifiers,solvents o

13、r surfactants used for cleaning purposes may cause the bilge water toemulsify.Withthe possibility ofemulsified bilgewater always present,the15 ppmbilge separator must be capable of separating the oil from the emulsion toproduce an effluent with an oil content not exceeding 15 ppm.6 Resolution MEPC.1

14、07(49), which supersedes previous guidelines adoptedover the years, invited Governments to implement the Revised Guidelines andSpecifications and apply them so that all equipment installed on board shipson orafter 1 January 2005 meets the new standards insofar as is reasonable andpracticable.Oil dis

15、charge monitoring and control system7 Regulation 15 of MARPOL Annex I (regulation 31 of the revised Annex I)requires that all oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage and above be fitted with an oildischarge monitoring and control (ODMC) system approved by the Administra-tion. MEPC adopted, in July 2003, re

16、solution MEPC.108(49) on the revisedGuidelines and Specifications for Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control Systemsfor OilTankers.Resolution MEPC.108(49) applies toalloil tankersconstructedonor after 1 January 2005. Other existing oil tankers should comply with theprevious standards containedinresolu

17、tions A.393(X),A.496(XII),MEPC.13(19) orA.586(14), as applicable, or with the requirements contained in the newGuidelines and Specifications.Oil/water interface detectors8 Regulation 15(3)(b) of MARPOL Annex I (regulation 32 of the revisedAnnex I) requires that all oil tankers of 150 gross tonnage a

18、nd above be providedwith effective oil/water interface detectors for use in slop tanks and other tanksivwhere the gravity separation of oil and water is effected and from which it isintended to discharge effluent direct to the sea. Realizing it was desirable that oil/water interface detectors, when

19、being approved by Administrations, meetinternationally agreed performance standards, the MEPC, adopted on 13 June1980, resolution MEPC.5(XIII), Specifications for Oil/Water Interface Detectors.The specifications are intended to provide guidelines to Administrations inconsidering oil/water interface

20、detectors for approval.Sewage treatment plants9 Regulation 9.1.1 of MARPOL Annex IV requires that sewage treatmentplants fitted on board ships shall be of a type approved by the Administration. Inorder to improve the performance standards of sewage treatment plants takinginto account advances in tec

21、hnology that have taken place since 1976 when theoriginal Guidelines (MEPC.2(VI) were adopted, the MEPC adopted, in October2006, resolution MEPC.159(55) on the revised Guidelines on Implementation ofEffluent Standards and Performance Tests for Sewage Treatment Plants.Resolution MEPC.159(55) invites

22、Governments to apply the Revised Guidelinesto equipment installed on board on or after 1 January 2010 insofar as isreasonable and practicable. It should be noted that the recommendationscontained in resolution MEPC.2(VI) will still be applicable to equipment installedon board ships before that date.

23、Shipboard incinerators10 Regulation 16 of MARPOL Annex VI requires that incinerators installed onboard ships be approved by the Administration. MEPC adopted, on25 September 1997, resolution MEPC.76(40) which superseded the Standardspecification for shipboard incinerators originally adopted by resolu

24、tionMEPC.59(33). The Standard specification was further amended, on 5 October2000, by resolution MEPC.93(45) and this amendment has been incorporatedinto the text shown in this publication.On-board exhaust gas-SOxcleaning systems11 The MEPC, noting that MARPOL Annex VI regulation 14(4)(b) requires t

25、hatships within an SOxemission control area (SECA) are permitted to operate withan exhaust gas cleaning system approved by the Administration taking intoaccount guidelines developed by IMO, adopted, on 22 July 2005, resolutionMEPC.130(53) on Guidelines for on-board exhaust gas-SOxcleaning systems.Re

26、solution MEPC.130(53) invites Governments to apply the Guidelines from thedate of their adoption. The Baltic Sea SECA came into effect on 19 May 2006 andtheNorthSeaSECA willcomeintoeffect on22November2007.Astandard formfor SECA Compliance Certificate, as adopted by MEPC 55, is also provided asappend

27、ix 2 to the Guidelines.ForewordvMARPOL Annex I regulations12 The revised MARPOL Annex I was adopted by resolution MEPC.117(52)and will enter into force on 1 January 2007. Whilst the revised Annex I does notintroduce any new substantive requirements, concerning pollution preventionequipment, other th

28、an those previously existing, it is intended to be more userfriendly by rearranging and re-grouping the regulations across a new layout andnumbering system and its text will replace in its entirety that of the old Annex I.In order to update the cross-references to Annex I regulations mentioned in th

29、edifferentpollutionprevention Guidelines ofthis publication,it becomes necessaryto refer to MEPC/Circ.421 on cross-reference tables between old and newregulations of MARPOL Annex I.IMO database on pollution prevention equipment13 In order that pollution prevention equipment installed on board ships

30、arethose which have been tested and approved by Governments, the IMOSecretariat, since 1980, has been collecting and disseminating information onapproved pollution prevention equipment through annual MEPC circulars. Thelatest edition was issued on 31 August 2005 under the symbol MEPC.5/Circ.9.14 MEP

31、C 54 (20 to 24 March 2006) noted that the number and extent ofreports on pollution prevention equipment from Member Governments receivedby the Secretariat was currently quite low, as only three Member Governmentshad informed the Organization of any newly approved pollution preventionequipment in the

32、 previous year and that the possibility existed that there might bepollutionprevention equipment inuse of whosetype approval IMO had not beennotified. As a consequence, it might be argued that the object and purpose ofissuing the MEPC.5/circular series were not being fulfilled.15 MEPC 54, in order t

33、o address this issue and with the aim of facilitatingglobal access to information on pollution prevention equipment world-widewhilst promoting the exchange and accuracy of pollution prevention equipmentdata, agreed to set up an electronic database as a module within IMOs GlobalIntegrated Shipping In

34、formation System (GISIS) with the following objectives:.1 the dissemination of up-to-date information on approved pollutionprevention equipment to the maritime community world-wide over theinternet;.2 the regular updating of the information by Member Governments; and.3 the facilitation of user-frien

35、dly searches.16 MEPC 54 agreed to discontinue issuing the annual MEPC.5/circular seriesin hard copy; and instructed the Secretariat to populate the database, once it hasbeen created, with pollution prevention equipment information currently storedin the MEPC.5/circular series and, once this task has

36、 been completed, to issue acircular letter inviting Member Governments to review, amend and updatePollution prevention equipment under MARPOLvirelevant pollution prevention equipment data previously supplied to them priorto the database going public after a trial period of three months.17 At the tim

37、e of going to press, December 2006, the Secretariat is uploadinginformation stored in the MEPC.5/Circ.9 to the PPE database as described above.It is recommended that Governments and interested parties consult the databaseonce public access has been established in order to assess the availability of

38、PPEapproved by Governments.ForewordviiCONTENTSPageResolution MEPC.107(49)Revised guidelines and specifications for pollution preventionequipment for machinery space bilges of ships . 11 Introduction. 22 Background . 53 Definitions 54 Technical specifications 65 Specifications for type approval testi

39、ngof pollution prevention equipment . 86 Installation requirements. 9ANNEXPart 1 Test and performance specifications for type approvalof 15 ppm bilge separators 11Part 2 Test and performance specifications for type approvalof 15 ppm bilge alarms 19Part 3 Specifications for environmental testingfor t

40、ype approval of pollution prevention equipment . 23Part 4 Method for determination of oil content . 24Part 5 Documentation of Approval . 25Resolution MEPC.108(49)Revised guidelines and specifications for oil dischargemonitoring and control systems for oil tankers 371 Introduction. 382 Background . 3

41、93 Definitions 404 Implementation requirements 415 Construction, maintenance, security,calibration and training 416 Technical specifications 427 Specifications for type approval of the oil content meterand the control section of an oil discharge monitoringand control system 50ixPage8 Workshop functi

42、onal test requirements 519 Plan approval requirements 5210 General installation requirements 5311 Installation survey . 5412 On-board functional test and checkout procedure . 55ANNEXPart 1 Test and performance specifications fortype approval of oil content meters 56Part 2 Specification for environme

43、ntal testing fortype approval of the oil content meter andthe control section of an oil discharge monitoringand control system 65Part 3 Documentation of approval . 67Resolution MEPC.5(XIII)Specifications for oil/water interface detectors 811 Scope. 812 General requirements . 823 Technical specificat

44、ions 824 Test specifications. 83Resolution MEPC.159(55)Revised guidelines on implementation of effluent standardsand performance tests for sewage treatment plants. 851 Introduction. 862 Definitions 873 General. 874 Standards . 885 Testing considerations. 896 Renewal and additional surveys 937 Famili

45、arization of ship personnel in the useof the sewage treatment plant. 93Resolution MEPC.76(40) as amended by resolution MEPC.93(45)Standard specification for shipboard incinerators . 991 Scope. 1002 Definitions 1013 Materials and manufacture 102Pollution prevention equipment under MARPOLxPage4 Operat

46、ing requirements . 1065 Operating controls 1076 Other requirements . 1097 Tests 1108 Certification . 1119 Marking. 11110 Quality assurance . 111Resolution MEPC.130(53)Guidelines for on-board gas-SOxcleaning systems 119ANNEXGuidelines for exhaust gas-SOxcleaning systems. 120Scheme A EGCS-SOxunit type

47、 approval and certification1 General . 1212 Survey and certification 1213 Emission limits. 1234 Approval of an EGCS-SOxunit 1255 Emission testing . 1266 Procedures for demonstrating compliancewith emission limits on board 1287 Washwater monitoring 129Scheme B Continuous monitoring of SOxemissions8 G

48、eneral . 1309 Exhaust gas measurement . 13010 Calculation of emission rate 13011 Washwater monitoring 13012 Data recording and processing device . 13113 On-board Monitoring Manual 13114 SECA Compliane Plan (SCP) . 13215 Ship compliance. 13216 Demonstration of compliance . 133ContentsxiPage17 Washwat

49、er 13418 Washwater residues. 134Appendix 1 SO2over CO2Monitoring Method . 135Appendix 2 SECA Compliance Certificate . 139Pollution prevention equipment under MARPOLxiiResolution MEPC.107(49)adopted on 18 July 2003Revised guidelines and specifications forpollution prevention equipment formachinery space bilges of shipsTHE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE,RECALLING Article 38(a) of the Convention on the International MaritimeOrganization concerning the functions of the Committee,NOTING resolution MEPC.60(33) adopted on 30 October 1992 by whi

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