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IMO IC772E-2008 Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (Ninth Edition).pdf

1、 BCH CODECode for the Construction and Equipment ofShips Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk2008 EditionLondon, 2009First published in 1972by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRwww.imo.orgNinth edition 2008Printed in the United Kingdom by CPI Books Limited, Re

2、ading RG1 8EX24681097531ISBN: 978-92-801-1503-1IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: IC772ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2009All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,without prior permission in

3、 writing from theInternational Maritime Organization.This publication has been prepared from official documents of IMO, and every effort has been madeto eliminate errors and reproduce the original text(s) faithfully. Readers should be aware that,in case of inconsistency, the official IMO text will p

4、revail.CONTENTSPageForeword. ixCode for the Construction and Equipment ofShips Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in BulkPreamble . 1CHAPTER IGENERAL1.1 Purpose. 31.2 Scope . 31.3 Hazards 41.4 Definitions. 51.5 Equivalents 71.6 Survey and certification. 71.7 Effective date. 131.8 New products 14CHAPTER II

5、 CARGO CONTAINMENTA Physical protection (siting of cargo tanks;floatability and damage stability)2.1 General. 152.2 Ship types . 16B Tank types2.3 Installation. 202.4 Design and construction . 202.5 Requirements for individual substances. 20C Ship arrangements2.6 Cargo segregation 212.7 Accommodatio

6、n spaces 21iiiPage2.8 Cargo pump-rooms 222.9 Access to void spaces, cargo tanks and otherspaces in the cargo-tank area. 23D Cargo transfer2.10 Piping arrangements. 232.11 Cargo-transfer control systems . 252.12 Ships cargo hoses 25E Tank vent systems2.13 General. 262.14 Types of tank vent systems 27

7、F Cargo temperature control2.15 General. 292.16 Additional requirements 30G Materials of construction2.17 General. 302.18 Additional requirements deleted 31H Environmental control of vapour space in cargotanks and void spaces surrounding such tanks2.19 General. 312.20 Environmental control requireme

8、nts for individual substances 322.21 Ballast tank arrangements 332.22 Bilge pumping arrangements from spaces withinthe cargo-tank area. 332.23 Pump and pipeline identification 33CHAPTER III SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND RELATED CONSIDERATIONSA Ventilation in cargo-handling spaces3.1 Spaces normally entered d

9、uring cargo-handling operations . 343.2 Spaces not normally entered . 35ContentsivPageB Electrical requirements in respect of flammable cargoes3.3 General. 353.4 Installations in spaces containing cargo tanks or pipes 363.5 Installations in enclosed spaces immediately aft of,forward of, or above the

10、 cargo-tank area 363.6 Installations on open decks . 363.7 Bonding 373.8 Electrical requirements for individual substances 37C Gauging3.9 General. 373.10 Gauging for individual substances 38D Vapour detection3.11 General. 383.12 Requirements for individual substances. 38E Fire protection3.13 Fire sa

11、fety arrangements 393.14 Fire-extinguishing arrangements for cargo-tank areas. 403.15 Fire protection for ships built prior to 20 May 1980. 42F Personnel protection3.16 Requirements. 43G Tank filling3.17 General. 46CHAPTER IV SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS4.1 Carbon disulphide 474.2 Diethyl ether 504.3 Sulphu

12、r (molten) 51vContentsPage4.4 Acetone cyanohydrin and lactonitrile solution(80% or less) . 514.5 Phosphorus, yellow or white 524.6 Motor fuel anti-knock compounds (containing lead alkyls) 534.7 Propylene oxide and mixtures of ethylene oxide/propylene oxide with an ethylene oxide content ofnot more t

13、han 30% by weight. 534.8 Acids 594.9 Toxic products. 604.10 Cargoes protected by additives 614.11 Cargoes which have a vapour pressure greaterthan 1.033 kp/cm2at 37.88C 624.12 Materials of construction deleted 624.13 Cargo pump-rooms 624.14 Overflow control (Alternative 1). 634.14 Overflow control (

14、Alternative 2). 644.15 Cargo contamination 654.16 Samples taken from chemical cargoes 664.17 Respiratory and eye protection 664.18 Cargoes not to be exposed to excessive heat 664.19 Ammonium nitrate solution, 93% or less. 674.20 Hydrogen peroxide solutions. 684.21 Sodium chlorate solution, 50% or le

15、ss 724.22 Alkyl (C7C9) nitrates, all isomers. 734.23 Temperature sensors. 73CHAPTER VOPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS5.1 Maximum allowable quantity of cargo per tank. 745.2 Cargo information 745.3 Personnel training. 755.4 Tank entry. 755.5 Openings in cargo tanks . 765.6 Tank heating coil returns. 765.7 Ad


17、TES8.1 Preamble. 828.2 Definitions. 828.3 Applicability. 828.4 Permitted shipments. 838.5 Documentation 838.6 Classification of liquid chemical wastes. 838.7 Carriage and handling of liquid chemical wastes 83APPENDIXModel form of Certificate of Fitness for the Carriageof Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk.

18、 84Decisions of the MSCRecommendation on uniform interpretation of theapplication of 2.7.1 and 2.7.3 of the Bulk ChemicalCode to existing chemical tankers. 95Guidelines for a uniform application of thesurvival requirements of the Bulk Chemical Codeand the Gas Carrier Code 98viiContentsPageCalculatio

19、n of the capacity of the foam systemsfor chemical tankers 105Resolution MSC.7(48) Recommendation forchemical tankers and gas carriers constructedbefore 1 July 1986 108viiiContentsForewordThis publication contains the Code for the Construction and Equipment ofShips Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bul

20、k (BCH Code) and informationrelated to that Code. The Code was originally adopted in 1971 and wasaltered by a series of amendments between 1972 and 1983 before anamended version was adopted by the Marine Environment ProtectionCommittee (MEPC) in 1985 and by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)in 1986

21、. There have been further amendments, the most recent of whichwere adopted by the MEPC by resolution MEPC.144(54) in March 2006and by the MSC by resolution MSC.212(81) in May 2006. These came intoforce on 1 August 2007.This edition also includes amendments which were adopted by the MEPC byresolution

22、 MEPC.41(29) which became effective on 3 February 2000; byresolution MEPC.56(33) which became effective on 1 July 1994; by resolu-tion MEPC.70(38) which became effective on 1 July 1998; by resolutionMEPC.80(43) which became effective on 1 July 2002 and by resolutionMEPC.91(45) which also became effe

23、ctive on 1 July 2002.Chapters VI and VII of the BCH Code are now much shorter than in earliereditions because they refer the user to chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code.Under the provisions of Annex II of the International Convention for thePrevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the

24、 Protocolof 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), chemical tankers constructedbefore 1 July 1986 must comply with this Code; those built on or after thatdate must comply with the International Code for the Construction andEquipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) forthe purp

25、oses of MARPOL 73/78 and the International Convention for theSafety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74).ixCode for the Construction and Equipmentof Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicalsin Bulk (BCH Code)Preamble1 The purpose of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of ShipsCarrying Dangerous Chemicals in B

26、ulk (BCH Code) is to provide an inter-national standard for the safe carriage of dangerous and noxious chemicals inbulk by prescribing the constructional features of ships, regardless of theirtonnage, involved in such carriage and the equipment they should carry so asto minimize the risk to the ship

27、, to its crew and to the environment, havingregard to the nature of the products involved.2 The basic philosophy is to assign to each chemical tanker one of theship types according to the degree of the hazards of the products carried bysuch ship. Each of the products may have one or more hazard prop

28、erties,which include flammability, toxicity and reactivity as well as the hazard theymay present to the environment if accidentally released.3 Throughout the development of the Code it was recognized that itmust be based upon sound naval architectural and engineering principles andthe best understan

29、ding available as to the hazards of the various productscovered; furthermore that chemical tanker design technology is not only acomplex technology but is rapidly evolving and that the Code should notremain static. Therefore the International Maritime Organization (IMO) willperiodically review the C

30、ode, taking into account both experience andtechnical development.4 Amendments to the Code involving requirements for new productsand their conditions of carriage will be circulated from time to time asrecommendations, on an interim basis, when adopted by the Maritime SafetyCommittee (MSC) and the M

31、arine Environment Protection Committee(MEPC) of the Organization, in accordance with the provisions of article 16of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships(MARPOL 73/78), pending the entry into force of these amendments.5 The Code primarily deals with ship design and

32、equipment. In order toensure the safe transport of the products, the total system must, however, beappraised. Other important facets of the safe transport of the products, suchas training, operation, traffic control and handling in port, are being or will beexamined further by the Organization.6 Cha

33、pter VI of the Code, dealing with operational requirements ofchemical tankers, highlights the regulations in other chapters that are1applicable and mentions those other important safety features that arepeculiar to chemical tanker operation. The summary of minimum require-ments of the products cover

34、ed by the Code is set out in chapter 17 of theInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships CarryingDangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code). Cross-references to the IBC andBCH Codes are provided in chapter VI of this publication.7 The Code has been revised to reflect the 2007 revisio

35、n of MARPOLAnnex II.2PreambleChapter IGeneral1.1 PurposeThe purpose of the Code is to recommend suitable design criteria, constructionstandards and other safety measures for ships transporting dangerous andnoxious chemical substances in bulk so as to minimize the risk to the ship, itscrew and the en

36、vironment. For the purposes of MARPOL 73/78, the Codeapplies only to chemical tankers which are engaged in the carriage of noxiousliquid substances falling into category X, Y or Z and identified as such by anentry of X, Y or Z in column c of chapter 17 of the International Code for theConstruction a

37、nd Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk(IBC Code).1.2 Scope1.2.1 Products: The Code applies to bulk cargoes of dangerous and noxiouschemical substances, other than petroleum or similar flammable products, asfollows:(a) Products having significant fire hazards in excess of those of

38、petroleum products and similar flammable products.(b) Products having significant hazards in addition to or other thanflammability.(c) Products which may present a hazard to the environment, ifaccidentally released.The Code is at present limited to the liquids shown in the summary ofminimum requirem

39、ents in chapter 17 of the IBC Code. Products that havebeen reviewed and determined not to present safety and pollution hazards tosuch an extent as to warrant application of the Code are found in chapter 18of the IBC Code.1.2.2 Ships: The Code is at present limited to tankships.31.3 Hazards1.3.1 Haza

40、rds of chemicals and other substances relating to human lifeconsidered in this Code are:(a) Fire hazard defined by flashpoint, boiling point, explosion limitrange and auto-ignition temperature of the chemical.(b) Health hazard defined by:(i) irritant or toxic effect on the skin or on the mucousmembr

41、anes of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs in the gas orvapour state combined with vapour pressure; or(ii) irritational effects on the skin in the liquid state; or(iii) toxic effect via skin absorption, taking into account valuesof LC50,LD50(oral), and LD50(skin).(c) Water pollution hazard defined by

42、human toxicity, watersolubility, volatility, odour or taste, and specific gravity.(d) Air pollution hazard defined by:(i) emergency exposure limit (EEL) or LC50;(ii) vapour pressure;(iii) solubility in water;(iv) specific gravity of liquid;(v) relative density of vapour.(e) Reactivity hazard defined

43、 by reactivity with:(i) other chemicals, or(ii) water, or(iii) the chemical itself (including polymerization).1.3.2 Hazards of chemicals and other substances relating to the marineenvironment considered by this Code are:(a) bioaccumulation with attendant risk to aquatic life or humanhealth or causin

44、g tainting to seafood;(b) damage to living resources;(c) hazards to human health; and(d) reduction of amenities.4BCH Code Chapter I1.4 Definitions1.4.1 Liquids covered by this Code are those having a vapour pressure notexceeding 2.8 kp/cm2at a temperature of 37.88C.1.4.2 Vapour pressure is equilibri

45、um pressure of the saturated vapour abovethe liquid expressed in kp/cm2or mmHg absolute at a specified temperature.1.4.3 Flashpoint is the temperature in degrees Celsius at which a liquid willgive off enough flammable vapour to be ignited. Values given in this Code areboth open-cup and closed-cup, w

46、hich indicate two different types of testequipment.1.4.4 Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid exhibits a vapourpressure equal to the atmospheric barometric pressure.1.4.5 Explosive range is the range of gas or vapour concentrations (per centby volume in air) which will burn or explode

47、if an ignition source is present.1.4.6 Specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of a certain volume of asubstance to the weight of an equal volume of water. For liquids of limitedsolubility, the specific gravity will predict whether the product will sink or floatin water.1.4.7 Vapour density is t

48、he relative density or the ratio of the weight of avapour or gas (with no air present) to the weight of an equal volume of air atthe same pressure and temperature. Values less than 1 indicate that thevapour or gas is lighter than air, while values greater than 1 show that the gasis heavier than air.

49、1.4.8 Viscosity is the shearing resistance of a liquid film which separates twohorizontal plates, one of which is being moved across the other. The absoluteviscosity of a substance is the force in dynes which will move 1 cm2of a planesurface with a speed of 1 cm/s relative to another parallel plane surface fromwhich it is separated by a layer of the substance 1 cm thick. The kinematicviscosity of a substance is the ratio of the absolute viscosity to

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