1、Collaborative ProcessAutomation SystemsHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page i Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page ii Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMCollaborative ProcessAutomation SystemsMartin HollenderHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page iii Monday, September
2、14, 2009 3:18 PMCollaborative Process Automation SystemsCopyright 2010 by ISAInternational Society of Automation67 Alexander DriveP.O. Box 12277Research Triangle Park, NC 27709All Rights Reserved.Printed in the United States of America.10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2ISBN: 978-1-936007-10-3No part of this work ma
3、y be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. NoticeThe information presented in this publication is for the general education of the read
4、er. Because neither the author nor the publisher have any control over the use of the information by the reader, both the author and the publisher disclaim any and all liability of any kind arising out of such use. The reader is expected to exercise sound professional judgment in using any of the in
5、formation presented in a particular application. Additionally, neither the author nor the publisher have investigated or considered the affect of any patents on the ability of the reader to use any of the information in a particular application. The reader is responsible for reviewing any possible p
6、atents that may affect any particular use of the information presented. Any references to commercial products in the work are cited as examples only. Neither the author nor the publisher endorses any referenced commercial product. Any trademarks or trade names referenced belong to the respective own
7、er of the mark or name. Neither the author nor the publisher makes any representation regarding the availability of any referenced commercial product at any time. The manufacturers instructions on use of any commercial product must be followed at all times, even if in conflict with the information i
8、n this publication.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page iv Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMvTo Sigrid and AntonHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page v Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page vi Monday, September 14, 2
9、009 3:18 PMviiTable of ContentsPreface ixAcknowledgments xiChapter 11.1 Introduction21.2 Industries and Utilities 91.3 The History of Process Automation Systems 181.4 The ARC Advisory Groups Collaborative Process Automation System (CPAS) Vision 25Chapter 22.1 CPAS System Architecture422.2 Common Obj
10、ect Model .562.3 Industry Standards and Open Interfaces 672.4 OPC Unified Architecture .862.5 Dependable Automation 1002.6 Scalability and Versatility1122.7 IT Security for Automation Systems .1182.8 SafetyOne of the Key Practices in Control Engineering . 1332.9 Traceability 147Hollander, CPAS (ISA
11、2009).book Page vii Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMviii Table of ContentsChapter 33.1 Engineering1563.2 Control Logic Programming1833.3 CPAS Functional Units191Chapter 44.1 Alarms and Events .2104.2 Common Process Control Application Structure.2244.3 Remote Operation and Service 238Chapter 55.1 A
12、dvanced Process Control.2445.2 Loop Tuning 2585.3 Loop Monitoring2695.4 Plant Asset Management .2815.5 Information Management 2945.6 Enterprise Connectivity 3135.7 Planning and Scheduling .330Chapter 66.1 Operator Effectiveness.3526.2 Alarm Management .378List of Acronyms 393Index 399Hollander, CPAS
13、 (ISA 2009).book Page viii Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMixPrefaceThere are many books about control systems on the market, but a gap in thisarea still remains. This book is intended to fill that gap.Most books on control systems present control theory. They mainly dwellon the theory behind the
14、analysis and synthesis of continuous closed controlloops, but they may also present methodologies for the control of discrete eventsystems. Students, both undergraduate and graduate, have a variety of choicesfor learning how to design control systems. Some books deal with control technology. They pr
15、ovide informationabout the inner structure and functioning of control processors and about thecommunication technologies used to combine controllers. Both for studentsand for practitioners, they describe how to develop communication stacks forfieldbuses and how to program controllers.All these books
16、 have their merits, but they fail to convey an impression ofwhat industrial control systems are really about. Beyond the basic control func-tions, modern process control systems present a wealth of further functionswhich allow the safe, secure, and efficient operation of an automated plant andwhich
17、deliver significant benefits to the plant owner and operator. Furthermore,these functions and how they are integrated with each other and with the enter-prise resource planning (ERP) system tend to become the differentiating fac-tors between the process automation systems on the market. Therefore,au
18、tomation system suppliers spend significant efforts on these topics, and theirendeavors deserve attention. For engineering and computer science students,modern process control systems offer a variety of interesting topics to delveinto, and valuable career perspectives afterwards. Engineers, both the
19、 noviceand the experienced, should familiarize themselves with these developments tobe able to understand modern process control system functionality and to makethe best use of it. This is the aim of this book. It not only conveys the overall picture ofmodern process control systems, but provides a
20、thorough understanding of thefunctions that turned the “classical” distributed control system (DCS) into theso-called “Collaborative Process Automation System (CPAS).” It does not pro-pose to deal with all the details but to stimulate further reading, for which itHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page
21、 ix Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMx Prefaceprovides appropriate hints. Thus, this book is unique in focus and structure. Iwish for this book the numerous interested readers that it deserves.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander FayHelmut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg, GermanyHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Pag
22、e x Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMxiAcknowledgmentsThe contributors who have written or reviewed chapters for this book comefrom many different countries. I have always enjoyed this kind of internationalcooperation throughout my career. Im very grateful to all colleagues whodirectly or indirectl
23、y contributed to this book and am especially honored thatDave Woll from ARC, one of the creators of the CPAS concept, has contributeda section defining the ARC CPAS vision.The following persons were of invaluable assistance by reviewing one ormore of the chapters: Margret Bauer, Carlos Bilich, Armin
24、 Boss, Rainer Drath,Krister Forsman, Christopher Ganz, Georg Gutermuth, Stefan Hei, AlexanderHorch, Gunnar Johannsen, Jim Kline, Michael Lundh, Dejan Milenovic, PerErik Modn, Mikael Rudin, Wolfgang Schellhammer, Mario Schwartz, RobTurner, and Kay Wilke. Many thanks also to my wife, Sigrid Hollender,
25、 whohelped with language issues.This book was made possible by the outstanding contributions of SusanColwell (ISA) and Scott Bogue (Words2Work). They are to be recognized fortheir exceptional efforts in making this book a high-quality piece of work. Many thanks to the following authors, who contribu
26、ted insightful andwell-reasoned chapters in their areas of expertise:Chapter AuthorThe ARC CPAS Vision Dave WollOPC UA Wolfgang MahnkeDependability Hubert KirrmannSecurity Martin Naedele/Markus BrndleSafety Zaijun HuEngineering Georg GutermuthControl Logic Programming Georg GutermuthCPAS Functional
27、Units Christopher GanzHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page xi Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMxii AcknowledgmentsCommon Process Control Application Structure David HuffmanAdvanced Process Control Alf IsakssonLoop Tuning Alf IsakssonLoop Monitoring Alexander HorchPlant Asset Management Alexander Ho
28、rch/Margret BauerEnterprise Connectivity Margret Bauer/Sascha StoeterPlanning and Scheduling Iiro HarjunkoskiOperator Effectiveness Tony Atkinson/Martin HollenderHollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page xii Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PMCHAPTER 1Hollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page 1 Monday, Septemb
29、er 14, 2009 3:18 PM21.1 IntroductionMartin HollenderThe idea for this book came into being during a discussion with MartinNaedele, because we both believed there is a need for a book that makes theCPAS concepts concrete using an existing system and its features. The knowl-edge necessary to automate
30、a modern industrial plant is so broad that no singleengineer can have it all. Such automation projects are usually done by a team ofhighly specialized engineers. Similarly, a book on CPAS can not be written by asingle author. Many existing books on process automation are thick and heavy;for example,
31、 the “Handbuch fr Prozessautomation” (Frh et al., 2008)includes more than eight hundred pages, and the “Instrument Engineers Hand-book” (Liptk, Ed., 1995) comes in three volumes totaling several thousandpages. Many existing books focus on control theory. Other books focus onhardware, sensors, and ac
32、tuators. Very few books, however, span all the impor-tant parts of process automation necessary to reach world-class automation.Areas already covered in many other books, such as digital fieldbuses, controltheory, or IEC 61131 programming, are covered in less depth in this book andpointers are given
33、 to the relevant literature.The concept for this book is to put modern and important topics, whichare often difficult to find in other literature, into a single handy book. Topicscover a well-established state of the art in industrial plants. There is one excep-tion: The current state of the art for
34、 OPC are the “classic” standards DA, AE,and HDA. For the brand-new OPC UA standard only a few first products exist.But as Im deeply convinced that OPC UA will play a central role in futureCPAS systems, an extra chapter was added on OPC UA.This book aims to be abstract, general, and relatively vendor
35、 neutral, butmany of the examples are explained using ABBs System 800xA. As DaveWoll writes in his chapter, the term CPAS (Collaborative Process AutomationSystems) as defined by ARC (Automation Research Corporation) does notdescribe a particular commercially available system. ARCs CPAS definition is
36、an excellent guiding framework covering the essential aspects of modern pro-cess automation.Hollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page 2 Monday, September 14, 2009 3:18 PM1.1 Introduction 3OverviewThe automation of industrial processes supports the storage, transportation, andtransformation of raw materia
37、ls into useful products (see Figure 11).Processes can be classified into batch and continuous processes. Batchprocesses are characterized by the production of a given amount of product inbatches (e.g., pills, cakes, or beer). Continuous processes transform raw mate-rials into finished or semi-finish
38、ed products, usually in a steady-state process.A typical example is refining, where crude oil is refined into gasoline in acontinuous process that often runs for years without any interruption. Examplesof the process industries include food and beverages, chemicals, pharmaceuti-cals, petroleum, meta
39、ls, pulp and paper, cement, and (although the “product” isnot physical), power generation. Sensors (e.g., flowmeters or thermometers)are used to get information about the process, and actuators (e.g., valves,pumps, or heat exchangers) can be used to influence the process. Related subject areas like
40、the automation of discrete (piece) manufactur-ing, buildings, airplanes, and trains have much in common with process auto-mation but are outside the scope of this book.Process automation is often drawn in automation pyramids with severalautomation layers (see Figure 12). Such pyramids correlate with
41、 themanagement hierarchy of a company and show how information is more andFigure 11 Technical ProcessTechnical Processtil tinput outputmateriaenergyinformations oretransformtransportdisturbanceactuators sensorsProcess automation controls the process Hollander, CPAS (ISA 2009).book Page 3 Monday, Sep
42、tember 14, 2009 3:18 PM4 Chapter 1more condensed. On the lowest level the system deals with physical values likepressure, flow and temperature whereas higher levels deal with concepts likeproduct quality, production schedule, and profitability. An example are thou-sands of measurements along a paper
43、 reel condensed into a single qualityparameter determining the price of the paper reel. The real-time requirementsare strictest on the lowest level, where the automation system needs to guaran-tee response times in the range of seconds and sometimes milliseconds, andrelax toward the higher levels, w
44、here the time horizon may extend to weeks.The crucial fact is that several different layers with different requirements existand need to interact with each other. The ISA-95 series of standards (ISA, 2007) contain the most recognizeddefinition of the different automation layers (Figure 13) and are d
45、iscussed indetail in Section 5.6. In many application areas the control algorithms aremature, and relatively simple PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controllersare sufficient for most of the tasks. While control at the levels 2,1,0 is quitewell mastered, the integration of the higher levels no
46、w plays a more and moreimportant role in the optimization of production.The biggest change in future plant performance improvement will comefrom the empowerment of the operator (Woll et al., 2002). Production willundergo fundamental organizational changes because operators are becomingknowledge work
47、ers empowered with information. This proliferation of infor-mation is allowing organizational structures to flatten, shifting the authorityand responsibility associated with the distribution of information down tolower levels. A higher degree of coordination at lower levels is thereforerequired.Anot
48、her important factor in plant performance improvement is providinga unified platform for plant and maintenance management that also automatesthe transactions between the automation system and computerized mainte-nance management systems (CMMS). As the capabilities of traditional distributed control
49、systems (DCSs) areno longer sufficient to cover all relevant areas of process automation, a newgeneration of systems was created. The concept of Collaborative Process Auto-mation Systems (CPAS) was developed by Automation Research Corporation(ARC) (), a consulting company based in Boston, Massachu-setts. A key aspect of a CPAS is the ability to present information in context tothe right people at the right time from any point within the system, to include asingle, unified environment for the presentation of information to the ope
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