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本文(ITU-R BT 1619 FRENCH-2003 Vertical ancillary data mapping for serial digital interface《连续数字接口的垂直辅助数据映射 问题ITU-R 42 6和ITU-R 20 6》.pdf)为本站会员(花仙子)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ITU-R BT 1619 FRENCH-2003 Vertical ancillary data mapping for serial digital interface《连续数字接口的垂直辅助数据映射 问题ITU-R 42 6和ITU-R 20 6》.pdf

1、 Rec. UIT-R BT.1619 1 RECOMMANDATION UIT-R BT.1619 Mappage de donnes auxiliaires verticales pour interface numrique srie (Questions UIT-R 42/6 et UIT-R 20/6) (2003) LAssemble des radiocommunications de lUIT, considrant a) que de nombreux pays se dotent actuellement dinstallations de production de tl

2、vision numrique composantes vido numriques conformes aux prescriptions figurant dans les Recom-mandations UIT-R BT.601, UIT-R BT.656, UIT-R BT.709, UIT-R BT.799 et UIT-R BT.1120; b) quun signal conforme lune des Recommandations UIT-R BT.656, UIT-R BT.799, ou UIT-R BT.1120 peut accepter des signaux d

3、e donnes additionnels multiplexs avec le signal de donnes vido proprement dit; c) que le multiplexage des signaux de donnes auxiliaires avec le signal de donnes vido prsente des avantages conomiques et oprationnels; d) que les avantages oprationnels sont dautant plus grands que le nombre de formats

4、diffrents utiliss pour les signaux de donnes auxiliaires est petit; e) que le formatage des paquets de donnes auxiliaires est spcifi dans la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1364; f) que lacheminement de services de radiodiffusion publique de donnes ainsi que le contrle et la communication internes du radiod

5、iffuseur dans linterface srie numrique facilitent les oprations de transmission de radiodiffusion, recommande 1 dutiliser le formatage de donnes auxiliaires dcrit dans la norme SMPTE 344M-2000, Vertical Ancillary Data Mapping for Bit-Serial Interface comme mthode pour acheminer des communications et

6、 des informations de commande dans linterface srie numrique. NOTE 1 La norme SMPTE 334M comporte une rfrence normative la norme SMPTE 292M Bit-Serial Digital Interface for High-Definition Television Systems. Le format 1250 lignes/50 Hz figurant dans la colonne C du Tableau 1 de cette norme nest pas

7、considr comme faisant partie de la prsente Recommandation. Rsum de la norme SMPTE 334M-2000 Cette norme dfinit une mthode de codage permettant dacheminer des services de donnes dans lespace de donnes auxiliaires verticales dun signal de tlvision composantes srie binaires conforme la Recommandation U

8、IT-R BT.656 ou UIT-R BT.1120 et format comme indiqu dans la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1364. 2 Rec. UIT-R BT.1619 Elle englobe les services de radiodiffusion publique de donnes ainsi que la commande et la communication interne du radiodiffuseur. En dpit de la rfrence linterface srie, aucun lment de cet

9、te norme nexclut son utilisation dans une interface numrique parallle pour les signaux vido numriques composantes numriques. Les donnes figurant dans cette norme peuvent galement tre achemines au format cl-longueur-valeur conformment la Recommandation UIT-R BT.1563 (SMPTE 336M-2001) ou par dautres m

10、oyens. NOTE 1 Les normes SMPTE 334M-2000 et 292M-1998 sont donnes dans les Annexes 1 et 2. Les normes SMPTE 334M-2000 et 292M-1998 renvoient uniquement aux versions 2000 et 1998 respectivement qui sont celles qui ont t approuves, le 03.05.03 en application de la Rsolution UIT-R 1-3, par les Administ

11、rations des Etats Memebres de lUIT. Comme convenu entre lUIT et la SMPTE, lesdites versions ont t fournies par la SMPTE qui en a autoris lutilisation et lUIT-R a accept de les inclure dans la prsente Recommandation. Toutes versions ultrieures des normes SMPTE 334M et 292M, qui nauraient pas t agres

12、et approuves par la Commission dtudes 6, nentrent pas dans le cadre de la prsente Recommandation. Pour des versions ultrieures de documents SMPTE, le lecteur est pri de consulter le site web de la SMPTE ladresse suivante: http:/ Rec. UIT-R BT.1619 3 Annexe 1 1 ScopeThis standard defin

13、es a method of coding whichallows data services to be carried in the vertical ancil-lary data space of a bit-serial component televisionsignal conforming with SMPTE 292M or ANSI/SMPTE259M.This includes data broadcast services intended for thepublic as well as broadcaster internal control andcommunic

14、ations.Despite the reference to the bit-serial interface,nothing in this specification precludes its use in aparallel digital interface for component digital videosignals.The data described in this standard may also betransported in KLV format according to SMPTE 336M,or via other means.2 Normative r

15、eferencesThe following standards contain provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publication, the editionsindicated were valid. All standards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on thisstandard are encouraged to inves

16、tigate the possibilityof applying the most recent edition of the standardsindicated below.ANSI/SMPTE 125M-1995, Television ComponentVideo Signal 4:2:2 Bit-Parallel Digital InterfaceANSI/SMPTE 259M-1997, Television 10-Bit 4:2:2Component and 4fsc Composite Digital Signals Serial Digital InterfaceSMPTE

17、 291M-1998, Television Ancillary DataPacket and Space FormattingSMPTE 292M-1998, Television Bit-Serial DigitalInterface for High-Definition Television SystemsANSI/EIA-608-1994, Recommended Practice for Line21 Data ServiceEIA-708-B, Digital Television Closed-Captioning(DTVCC)EIA-766-1998, U.S. Region

18、 Rating Table (RRT) andContent Advisory Descriptor for Transport of Con-tent Advisory Information Using ATSC A/65 Programand System Information Protocol (PSIP)3 Location of vertical ancillary dataThe data packets are located in the active line portionof one or more lines in the vertical ancillary sp

19、ace.Data may be located in any lines in the area from thesecond line after the line specified for switching to thelast line before active video, inclusively.Individual data services are not assigned to any spe-cific data lines; receiving equipment should identifyand select services on the basis of t

20、heir ANC DID andSDID fields.Because ANC data may be located in the lines imme-diately preceding active video, manufacturers of videocompression equipment should ensure that thesedata bits are not included in video compression cal-culations.The chrominance (Cb/Cr) and luminance (Y) data arecarried in

21、 two separate streams within the SMPTE292M signal with their own ANC data flags and CRCs.ApprovedMay 12, 2000Copyright 2000 by THE SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE AND TELEVISION ENGINEERS595 W. Hartsdale Ave., White Plains, NY 10607(914) 761-1100for Television Vertical Ancillary Data Mappingfor Bit-Serial

22、 InterfaceSMPTE 334M-2000SMPTE STANDARDPage 1 of 4 pages4 Rec. UIT-R BT.1619 Defined data services shall be carried in the Y stream.Other data services may be inserted into either one ofthese streams without restrictions.In the 259M/125M signal, the chrominance and lumi-nance data are carried in a s

23、ingle stream. In this case,all data services shall be carried in this stream with asingle ANC data flag and CRC.4 Format of VANC data packetsEach data packet follows the format defined inSMPTE 291M for a type 2 ANC packet. It consists ofthe ancillary data flag (ADF), the data ID (DID), thesecondary

24、data ID (SDID), the data count (DC), theuser data words (UDW), and the checksum (CS). TheUDW consists of the data payload plus forward errorcorrection overhead.4.1 ANC packet header formatThe ADF has the value 000h 3FFh 3FFh.The following value of DID is used for the closed-captioning services defin

25、ed in this standard: 161h(61h plus parity bits per 291M). A second value of DID(162h = 62h plus parity) is used for other serviceswhich are identified by this standard, and whoseformat is specified by recommended practices.Other data services which are internal to a broadcastnetwork may use DID valu

26、es in the ranges specifiedfor user application data (40h-5Fh and C0h-DFh).These DID values are not registered.The specified values of DID (61h and 62h) identify type 2ANC packets. In each packet, the SDID code identifiesthe type of data. Table 1 shows the values of DID andSDID for services defined w

27、ithin this standard. Table 2shows the values of DID and SDID for other services.DC is a count of the number of words in the UDW; bitsb7-b0 of DC represent the number of words of userdata; bits b8 and b9 are parity per 291M.For defined services such as captioning, the format ofthe data in the UDW is

28、defined in this specification orin a normative reference. For other data services, thedata content is not specified here, and the value of DCis variable.4.2 UDW formatAll data services consist of 8-bit data bytes, which aretransmitted in bits b7-b0 of the 10-bit data word. Bitb8 is even parity for b

29、7 through b0, and b9 = not b8.In addition to providing a simple error detection capa-bility, this avoids transmitting data which match one ofthe code words 0-3 and 1020-1023 which are prohib-ited by SMPTE 292M and ANSI/SMPTE125M.Service DID SDID DCClosed captioning (EIA-708-B) 61h (161h) 1 (101h) Va

30、riableEIA-608 data 61h (161h) 2 (102h) 3 (203h)Table 1 Defined data servicesService DID SDID DCProgram description (DTV) 62h (162h) 1 (101h) VariableData broadcast (DTV) 62h (162h) 2 (102h) VariableVBI data 62h (162h) 3 (203h) VariableTable 2 Variable-format data servicesSMPTE 334M-2000Page 2 of 4 p

31、agesRec. UIT-R BT.1619 5 The data payload for each service is inserted into theUDW of the ANC packet as a sequence of 10-bitwords. The number of words is indicated in the DCfield of the ANC packet header.4.3 Defined servicesThe services shown in table 1 have their format de-fined in this clause. The

32、 values in parentheses for DID,SDID, and DC include parity bits b8 and b9.4.3.1 Format of the closed captioning (EIA-708-B)packetThe payload of the closed captioning (EIA-708-B)packet is the caption distribution packet (CDP) de-fined in EIA-708-B. This packet has a variable length.4.3.2 Format of th

33、e ANC EIA-608 (VBI) packetIn NTSC video, the closed captioning, content advi-sory, and other services are carried in a format definedby the EIA-608 standard. Closed captioning may becarried in line 21 of either field. Content advisory andother data may be in line 21 of field 2 only.These can be carr

34、ied in an ANC packet in a 292Mstream to allow the EIA-608 data waveform to berecreated and reinserted into an NTSC signal pro-duced by converting the DTV signal into an analogsignal at a station. The format of this ANC packet isdefined in annex A.4.4 Other data servicesTable 2 lists other data servi

35、ces whose format is notspecified by this standard. Their DID and SDID valuesare specified here to ensure that they can be correctlyand consistently recognized and routed.The DTV program description service carries datawhich pertain to the video and audio programs. Itscontents are defined in the fort

36、hcoming SMPTE RP 207.The DTV data broadcast service carries data intendedfor broadcast to the public along with the video andaudio programs. Its contents are the subject of a futurerecommended practice.The VBI data service is intended for use in reconsti-tuting data in the VBI of a standard-definiti

37、on analogvideo signal produced from the digital video program.Its contents are defined in the forthcoming SMPTE RP208.5 Timing of data and videoThere is no specific provision in this standard forensuring that the relative timing between the videoand its embedded VANC data is correct. The onlytiming

38、relationship that exists is created when the dataare embedded in the video. Once that relationship isestablished, the deterministic nature of 292M or 259Mtransport ensures that the relationship is preserved.Annex A (normative)Format of the ANC EIA-608 packetThe data payload for EIA-608 data is 2 byt

39、es per line. TheANC packet encapsulates these two bytes without modifica-tion, and adds a byte which identifies the VBI line and fieldto be used for insertion. The data count (DC) is therefore3 (203h).The format of the packet is as follows:Header:ADF (3 words)DID = 161hSDID = 102hDC = 203hUDW:LINE (

40、1 word)EIA-608 data (2 words)Suffix:CS (1 word)The LINE value at the start of the UDW represents thefield number and VBI line where the data are intendedto be carried. Bit b7 of the LINE value is the field number(0 for field 2; 1 for field 1). Bits b6 and b5 are 0. Bitsb4-b0 form a 5-bit unsigned in

41、teger which representsthe offset (in lines) of the data insertion line, relative tothe base VBI frameline (line 9 of 525-line field 1, line272 of 525-line field 2, line 5 of 625-line field 1, line 318of 625-line field 2).SMPTE 334M-2000Page 3 of 4 pages6 Rec. UIT-R BT.1619 Annex B (informative)Bibli

42、ographyANSI/SMPTE 296M-1997, Television 1280 720 Scanning,Analog and Digital Representation and Analog InterfaceANSI/SMPTE 299M-1997, Television 24-Bit Digital AudioFormat for HDTV Bit-Serial InterfaceATSC A/53, ATSC Digital Television StandardATSC A/65, Program and System Information Protocol forTe

43、rrestrial Broadcast and CableSMPTE 274M-1998, Television 1920 1080 Scanningand Analog and Parallel Digital Interfaces for Multiple Pic-ture RatesForthcoming SMPTE 336M, Television Data EncodingProtocol Using Key-Length-ValueForthcoming SMPTE RP 207, Transport of Program Descrip-tion Data in Ancillar

44、y Data PacketsForthcoming SMPTE RP 208, Transport of VBI Packet Datain Ancillary Data PacketsSMPTE 334M-2000Page 4 of 4 pagesRec. UIT-R BT.1619 7 Annexe 2 1 ScopeThis standard defines a bit-serial digital coaxial andfiber-optic interface for HDTV component signalsoperating at data rates of 1.485 Gb/

45、s and 1.485/1.001Gb/s. Bit-parallel data derived from specified sourceformats are multiplexed and serialized to form theserial data stream. A common data format and channelcoding are used based on the source format paralleldata for a given high-definition television system.Coaxial cable interfaces a

46、re suitable for applicationwhere the signal loss does not exceed an amountspecified by the receiver manufacturer. Typical lossamounts would be in the range of up to 20 dB atone-half the clock frequency. Fiber optic interfaces aresuitable for application at up to 2 km of distance usingsingle-mode fib

47、er.Several source formats are referenced and othersoperating within the covered data rate range may beserialized based on the techniques defined by thisstandard. Revisions to this standard may add othersource formats when approved documents are avail-able. Mechanism s for transporting lower data-rat

48、eformats over this interface are under development andwill be specified in other documents.2 Normative referencesThe following standards contain provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis standard. At the time of publication, the editionsindicated were valid. All s

49、tandards are subject torevision, and parties to agreements based on thisstandard are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent edition of the standardsindicated below.ANSI/SMPTE 295M-1997, Television - 1920 1080 50 Hz - Scanning and InterfaceANSI/SMPTE 296M-1997, Television- 1280 720Scanning, Analog and Digital Representation andAnalog InterfaceSMPTE 260M-1999, Television - 1125/60

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