1、- 1 - Place des Nations Telephone +41 22 730 51 11 Telex 421 000 uit ch E-mail: itumailitu.int CH-1211 Geneva 20 Telefax Gr3: +41 22 733 72 56 Telegram ITU GENEVE www.itu.int Switzerland Gr4: +41 22 730 65 00 QUESTION ITU-R 114/6 Characteristics of television receivers and receiving antennas essenti
2、al for frequency planning (2004) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) the importance of certain characteristics of television receiving installations, receivers and antennas in the work of the Radiocommunication Assembly, the Radiocommunication Bureau and other organizations concerned
3、 with establishing frequency plans; b) that under the organization of the ITU-R, Study Group 6 should deal with matters concerning television receiving installations, receivers and antennas; c) that account should be taken of the methods of measuring characteristics specified by the International El
4、ectrotechnical Commission (IEC), decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What are the principal characteristics of television receivers, receiving installations, feeders, multi-couplers, baseband distribution and antennas which values might be useful in frequency planning undertaken by the Radiocommunication Bureau and other organizations concerned? further decides 1 that the results of the above studies should be addressed to: update existing Recommendation)s); prepare new Recommendation(s); 2 that the above studies should be completed by 2007. Category: S2