1、C:DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSQGV33745MY DOCUMENTSDOWNLOADSR-QUE-SG04.209-1993-MSW-E.DOC 17.10.03 15.07.10 QUESTION ITU-R 209/4 The use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service for both the up and down links of geostationary-satellite systems (1993) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly,
2、considering a) that the utilization of the geostationary-satellite orbit may be improved by sharing frequencies between up links and down links of the same and/or different services, i.e. reverse-band working; b) that reverse band working is particularly useful where services are unidirectional such
3、 as bands used for broadcasting-satellite service (BSS) feeder links; c) that fixed-satellite service (FSS) down links could share frequencies with BSS feeder links; d) that interference from reverse band emissions into the receivers of geostationary space stations in antipodal locations might arise
4、; decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What are the conditions and the extent to which it is feasible for space stations in the FSS (space-to-Earth) to share Earth-to-space frequency allocations with BSS feeder links? 2 What is the feasibility of reverse-band working taking into account its impact on antipodal networks? further decides 1 that the results of these studies should lead to the formulation of a Recommendation by 2006. _