1、QUESTION ITU-R 91-1/4*Technical and operating characteristics of the radiodetermination-satellite service (1988-1990) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that there is a need for reduction of the cost of terminal equipment; b) that few frequency bands are available for radiodetermina
2、tion-satellite services; c) that there are various radiodetermination systems; d) that potential advantages, including those of frequency economy, might result from integrated systems for communication and radiodetermination, decides that the following Question should be studied 1 What are the prefe
3、rred system concepts and technical and operating characteristics of systems in the radiodetermination-satellite service? 2 What are the preferred frequency bands for radiodetermination-satellite services? 3 What is the technical feasibility of frequency sharing between the radiodetermination-satelli
4、te service and other services, and sharing criteria (considering the bands 1 610-1 626.5 MHz, 2 483.5-2 500 MHz and 2 500-2 516.5 MHz with the aeronautical radionavigation, fixed, mobile, radiolocation and radioastronomy services)? 4 What are the potential interference conditions between the radiode
5、termination-satellite service and the services in adjacent frequency bands? 5 What are the technical and operational feasibility and potential advantages of an integrated system for communication and radiodetermination? 6 What are the preferred types of orbit for the radiodetermination-satellite service? _ *Former Question ITU-R 91-1/8.