1、Res. ITU-R 11-4 1 RESOLUTION ITU-R 11-4 Further development of the Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries (1993-1995-1997-2003-2007) The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, considering a) that an upgraded spectrum management system would contain software modifications to the current Spectr
2、um Management System for Developing Countries (SMS4DC) to support and facilitate upgraded national spectrum management and monitoring, coordination among administrations and notification to the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR); b) that the SMS4DC has been developed in Unicode by the Telecommunication
3、Development Bureau (BDT) in close cooperation with BR based on the technical specifications developed by the ITU-R and ITU-D group of experts; c) that data elements used in the SMS4DC were based on relevant ITU-R Recommendations on spectrum management, including those for notification and coordinati
4、on purposes; d) that administrations need to maintain spectrum management data with an automated database management system; e) that many administrations have been successful in implementing automated database management systems (DBMS) in the development and maintenance of their national spectrum ma
5、nagement data, noting a) that ITU-R Recommendations on radiowave propagation are being taken into account in the development of the System, resolves 1 that Study Group 1 and BR experts should continue to assist in the further development of the SMS4DC in accordance with WRC decisions and relevant ITU-R Recommendations, Handbooks and Reports; 2 that BR should continue to assist BDT in implementing the Spectrum Management System in different countries through the participation of Study Group 1 and BR experts in relevant training projects. _