2、ORD The ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector) is a permanent organ of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommen- dations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a
3、 worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the IT-T is cover
4、ed by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). ITU-T Recommendation F.16 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 1 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 21st of February 1995. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Adminis
5、tration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1995 Ali rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfil
6、m, without permission in writing from the ITU. CONTENTS Page . 1 Definition 1 1.1 Scope 1.2 References . 1.3 Definitions 1.4 Abbreviations Description . 2.1 General description . 2.2 GVNS access 2.3 GVNS calling 2.4 GVNS features description . 2.5 GVNS operation, administration, maintenance and prov
7、isioning 2.6 Applicability . 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 8 3 Procedures 8 3.1 Provisiodwithdrawal 8 3.3 Exceptional procedures . 8 3.4 Alternate procedures 8 3.2 Normal procedures. . 8 . 4 Network capabilities for charging 9 5 Interworking requirements 9 5.1 Interworking with non-ISDN networks 9 5.2 Interwo
8、rking with the private networks (non-ISDN and ISDN) 9 6 Interactions with supplementary services 9 6.1 Number related supplementary services 9 6.2 Community of interest supplementary services 10 6.3 Charging supplementary services 10 6.4 Other supplementary services 10 7 SDL diagrams 10 . . . . . .
9、Recommendation F.16 (0295) 1 SUMMARY The Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS) is a multi-network international service which provides private network functions to users at geographically dispersed international locations while minimizing the need for dedicated network resources. It may be offered t
10、o customers over the PSTN and/or ISDN. INTRODUCTION This Recommendation focuses on how interworking service providers can provide the seamless Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS). It presents the service description of GVNS that supports global virtual networking. The GVNS is described here from t
11、he users point of view and is characterized by a prose service definition description in accordance with Recommendation I. 130. 11 Recommendation F.16 (02195) GLOBAL VIRTUAL NETWORK SERVICE (Geneva, 1994) 1 Definition The Global Virtual Network Service (GVNS) is a multi-network international service
12、 which provides private network functions to users at geographically dispersed international locations while minimizing the need for dedicated network resources. It may be offered to customers over the PSTN and/or ISDN. The Global Virtual Network Service is a feature-rich communications service. It
13、provides the functions typically associated with the private networks (see 1.3. lo), but utilizing the public switched network). The GVNS Customers network configuration is defined per the customers direction using customer-specific service information resident in multiple networks. The network conf
14、igurations may be administered by the GVNS Customer directly, the GVNS Participating Service Provider(s) and/or the GVNS Coordinator(s) (see 1.3.1 1 and 1.3.12). The GVNS provides the customers with global services as a result of internetworking among the GVNS Participating Service Providers in vari
15、ous countries. GVNS may accommodate this interconnection both via ISDN and non-ISDN facilities. 1.1 Scope This Recommendation contains the service description of GVNS for the PSTN and ISDN. This Recommendation defines the service from a users perspective. This Recommendation does not specify the req
16、uirements where the service is provided to the user by the private networks; however, it addresses the interworking requirements with private networks. This Recommendation is the Stage 1 service description for the ISDN and is applicable to the ISDN Stages 2 and 3 Recommendations for GVNS. The terms
17、 Stages 1,2 and 3 are defined in CCITT Recommendation 1.130. 1.2 References The following Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Re
18、commendations and other references are subject to revision: all users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently valid IT-T Recommendations is reg
19、ularly published. - CCITT Recommendation I. 130 (1988), Method for the characterization of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN. ITU-T Recommendation 1.1 12 (1993), Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs. ITU-T Recommendation 1.210 (1993), Principles of telecomm
20、unication services supported by an ISDN and the means to describe them. ITU-T Recommendation Z. 100 (1993), CCITT specjcation and description language (SDL). - - - 1.3 Definitions 1.3.1 GVNS customer: A GVNS Customer (e.g. a person or an organization) is the entity that purchases the service (e.g. t
21、he telecommunication manager of a corporation). The GVNS Customer functions as an interface between the GVNS Service Provider(s) and the GVNS Users. The GVNS Customer can define aspects of the service; for example, the on-net locations, numbering plan, andfor the calling privileges of the GVNS Users
22、. 1.3.2 their calling privileges. GVNS user: A GVNS User is the end-user of the service. Typically, GVNS Users are not allowed to change Recommendation F.16 (02/95) 1 1.3.3 on-net locations: These are stations, user-network interfaces and authorized remote access locations that are logically defined
23、 by the GVNS Customer to be part of its virtual network during service provisioning or remote access (see GVNS Customers may define a physical entity (station or user network interface) as multiple on-net locations during service provisioning. As a result, one physical entity may be regist
24、ered to one or more GVNS User Groups. The relationship between the logical virtual networks and the physical networks is depicted in Figure 1. 1.3.4 off-net locations: These are stations and user-network interfaces that are not defined by the GVNS Customer to be part of the GVNS. In some cases, a cu
25、stomer may define off-net locations as part of its customer-defined numbering plan. Such locations are termed as virtual on-net locations. 1.3.5 virtual on-net locations: These are off-net locations included in the customer-defined numbering plan. The numbers that are defined in the numbering plan t
26、o reach to these off-net locations may be subject to GVNS-specific treatments (e.g. Call Screening). 1.3.6 on-net location. GVNS Calls include the following two types of calls: GVNS calls: GVNS Calls are calls from an on-net location. It may terminate to an on-net, off-net, or virtual - On-net Calls
27、: An On-net Call is a call from an on-net location to another on-net location of the same GVNS User Group. - Off-net Calls: An Off-net Call is a call from an on-net location to an off-net location. These calls can be specified with a customer-defined number (to a virtual on-net location) or as a pub
28、lic number. 1.3.7 the GVNS Customer (including authorized remote access locations, see GVNS user group and subgroup: A GVNS user group is made up of a group of on-net locations defined by A GVNS Customer may optionally define GVNS subgroups when they are offered by the GVNS Participating S
29、ervice Provider. A GVNS subgroup is made up of a subset of the locations defined by the GVNS Customer as on-net locations (including authorized remote access locations). An on-net location belongs to one and only one GVNS subgroup. Subgroup identification is required to support subnetworking (see 2.
30、4.8). The relationship between the user group and subgroups is depicted in Figure 1. 1.3.8 GVNS user group and subgroup identifier: A GVNS user group is assigned a unique GVNS user group identifier to identify a group among supporting networks. The subgroup identifier uniquely identifies a group of
31、users within a customers GVNS user group, and has meaning only within that user group. 1.3.9 numbering plan: A GVNS Customer has a numbering plan which associates addresses with locations in the GVNS (on-net addresses). These numbers may be public numbers or customer-defined (private). The GVNS Cust
32、omers may also define private numbers to identify off-net addresses. When a GVNS Customer uses customer-defined numbers, the capabilities may include, but are not limited to those of the Support of Private Numbering Plans supplementary service. These capabilities are defined by each GVNS Participati
33、ng Service Provider. 1.3.10 private network functions: Private network functions include those provided by dedicated private networks and dedicated business groups. The private network functionality can be customer based (e.g. PBX), network based (e.g. business group) or a combination of both. 1.3.1
34、1 GVNS participating service provider: The GVNS Participating Service Provider is a ROA that provides customer access and egress to and from the GVNS. The GVNS Participating Service Provider optionally offers the features defined in 2.4 on a national and/or international basis. The interworking of s
35、uch services between ROAS in multiple countries creates the GVNS offering. 2 Recommendation F.16 (Ol95) - ITU-T RECMNUF.16 35 4862591 Ob00262 45b Virtual (logical) networks . . 1 I / User group W User group X /“ /-“ / i :i I :Al .A5.B1. j:M.B4.B5,;*,l :* C5.C6.C7.A8 / ri, e.) i 82.C2.C3?: B6.c1 / /A
36、4.B3.B7: .i A3.A6.A7; / i/ 2: .* : 1. /: c4 =i / / f . $2 i / / 1 SubgroupWl SubgroupW2 i / Subgroup Xi Subgroup X2 / h-,-,d L,-,-,/ User group Z 1 Physical networks (GVNS Participating Networks) User Group W User Group Y Subgroup W1 No Subgroups User Group Z Subgroup W2 User Group X No Subgroups Su
37、bgroup X1 Subgroup X2 GVNS participating service provider for W = A, B, C GVNS participating service provider for X = A, B, C GVNS participating service provider for Y = C, A, B GVNS participating service provider for Z = B, A . 9 = physical connections to Network A 1 , BIO = physical connections to
38、 Network B ci ._. cg = physical connections to Network C A8 = one physical connection belonging to two user groups (X and Y) FIGURE 1E.16 GVNS user groups and subgroups Recommendation F.16 (0295) 3 ITU-T RECMN*FmLb 95 4862593 Ob00263 392 m 1.3.12 arrange with other ROAS (GVNS Participating Service P
39、roviders) the provision of GVNS. GVNS coordinator: One or more GVNS Coordinators may be elected by the GVNS Customer to provide and The GVNS Coordinator(s) will arrange customers ordering, provisioning, and billing procedures currently undertaken by each GVNS Participating Service Provider for the e
40、stablishment and ongoing provision of GVNS. 1.4 Abbreviations CLI Calling Line Identification GVNS Global Virtual Network Service ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network PBX Private Branch Exchange PIN Personal Identification Number OAM b) Single End Fault Reporting; c) Maintenance Coordination; d)
41、 Configuration Management; e) Network Management Reporting Tools. A GVNS Customer is assigned a unique identifier which identifies the global GVNS User Group (see 1.3.7). GVNS User Group identification provides a means by which various networks can recognize the GVNS Customer. A GVNS Customer may ch
42、oose to group users into one or more subgroups (see 1.3.7) in order to allow subgroup dependent service interactions and operations. GVNS users can be located in one or more networks, and may interwork with private network resources. A variety of routing privileges may be assigned to GVNS calls. GVN
43、S users can make calls to other users within their GVNS and to non-GVNS users. GVNS calls can also be made from non-GVNS locations. At the customers request, appropriate verification of the calling party may be required. 2.2 GVNS access Dependent upon GVNS Participating Service Provider capabilities
44、, the customer can choose from various user access procedures and physical access arrangements. 4 Recommendation F.16 (OZ95) ITU-T RECMN+F-Lb 95 4B6259L 0600264 229 = 2.2.1 User access procedures Based upon the GVNS Participating Service Provider capabilities, the customer can choose either direct o
45、r indirect access to the GVNS. Direct access This type of access allows the user to reach the GVNS without providing any code(s). This is only possible from on-net locations if the network recognizes the GVNS location by performing Calling Line Identification (CLI) screening or using another
46、 automatic mechanism (e.g. physical network connection). An example of User Access Procedures: a) b) c) d) the GVNS user lifts the handset and waits for network response; the network sends an acknowledgement (e.g. dial tone); depending upon customer requirements, the user may be required to provide
47、an authorization code and the network sends an acknowledgement to the user; the user is now connected to the GVNS and can use the service features available. If the GVNS location from which the user accesses its GVNS is a PBX extension, the procedure could change in a way that is PBX dependent (e.g.
48、 dialling a prefix). Indirect access This type of access allows the GVNS user to reach its GVNS by providing a service access code and/or authorization code. This type of access is available both from on-net and off-net locations. When indirect access is used from an on-net locatio
49、n, the user is only required to provide a service access code. The network recognizes the GVNS location by CLI screening or using another automatic mechanism (e.g. physical network connection). An example of User Access Procedures: Indirect access from on-net locations a) b) c) d) e) f) the GVNS user lifts the handset and waits for a network response; the network sends a network acknowledgement; the user provides a service access code; the network sends another network acknowledgement; depending upon customer requirement,
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