1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 0 TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU4%,%0(/.%G0G042!.3-)33)/.G0G015!,)49/“*%#4)6%G0G0%,%#42/G13!#/534)#!,-%!352%-%.43-%4(/$3G0G0 in particular, it may be necessary toapply corrections for barometric pressure, coupler volume, microphone type, et
2、c. Standardization of these calibrators iscurrently under study by the IEC.References1 International Electrotechnical Commission Precision method for pressure calibration of one-inch standardcondenser microphones by the reciprocity technique, IEC publication 327, Geneva, 1971.2 International Electro
3、technical Commission Simplified method for pressure calibration of one-inch condensermicrophones by the reciprocity technique, IEC publication 402, Geneva, 1972.3 International Electrotechnical Commission Precision method for free-field calibration of one-inch standardcondenser microphones by the re
4、ciprocity technique, IEC publication 486, Geneva, 1974.4 International Electrotechnical Commission Values for the difference between free-field and pressure sensitivitylevels for one-inch standard condenser microphones, IEC Publication 655, Geneva, 1979._1)Calibrations with an accuracy of 0.3 dB are possible.