1、 STDmITU-T RECMN Q.823.L-ENGL 3997 48b259L Ob42749 TO4 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU=T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU Q.823.1 (I 0197) SERIES Q: SWITCHING AND SIGNALLING Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 - Q3 interface Management Conformance Statement Proformas I
4、LAUSES APPLICABLE TO ITU-T STANDARD SYSTEMS General Message transfer part (MTP) Signalling connection control part (SCCP) Telephone user part (TUP) ISDN supplementary services Data user part Signalling System No. 7 management ISDN user part Transaction capabilities application part Q. 1 -Q. 3 Q. 4-Q
5、. 59 Q.60-Q -99 Q. 100-Q.119 Q. 120-Q.249 Q.250-Q.309 Q.310-(2.399 Q.400-Q.499 Q.500-Q.599 Q.600-Q.699 Q.700-Q.849 Q.700 Q.701 -Q.709 Q.711-Q.719 Q.720-(2.729 Q.730-Q.739 Q .740-Q. 749 Q.750-Q.759 Q.760-Q.769 Q.770-Q.779 Test specification Q.780-(2.799 43 interface Q.800-Q.849 DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER SIG
6、NALLING SYSTEM No. 1 General Data link layer Network layer User-network management Stage 3 description for supplementary services using DSS 1 PUBLIC LAND MOBILE NETWORK INTERWORKING WITH SATELLITE MOBILE SYSTEMS INTELLIGENT NETWORK BROADBAND ISDN Q.850-Q.999 Q.850-Q.919 Q. 920-Q. 929 Q.930-Q.939 Q.9
7、40-Q. 949 Q.950-(2.999 Q. 1000-Q. 1 O99 Q.ll OO-Q.1 I99 Q.1200-Q.1999 Q.2000-Q.2999 For further details, please refer to ITU-T List ofRecommendations. ITU-T RECOMMENDATION 4.823.1 MANAGEMENT CONFORMANCE STATEMENT PROFORMAS Source ITU-T Recommendation 4.823.1 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 4 (1997
8、-2000) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 24th of October 1997. - STD-ITU-T RECMN Q=B23.L-ENGL 3997 4862593 Ob42752 5T9 FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the fieId of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommuni
9、cation Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization
10、 Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1. In s
11、ome areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recogni
12、zed operating agency. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claim
13、ed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Rec
14、ommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. O IT 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or
15、 mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation 4.823.1 (10/97) CONTENTS Page 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and structure . 1.2 2 Identification of the implementation 2.1 Date of statement 2.2 Identification of the implementation 2.3 Cont
16、act Instructions for completing the MCS proforma to produce an MCS . 3 Identification of the document in which the management information is defined . 3.1 Technical corrigenda implemented Amendments implemented . ?. 4 Management conformance summary 3.2 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1
17、8 19 20 MOCS proformas . Instructions for completing the MOCS proforma to produce a MOCS . Statement of conformance to the managed object class . Introduction acc “Q.823“ accAffectedTraffic “Q.823“ . accTrigger “Q.823“ adc “Q.823“ adcTrigger “Q.823“ cancelFrom “Q.823“ cancelRerouted lQ.823 cancelTo
18、“Q.823“ . circuitEndPointSubgroupCurrentData rQ.823“ . circuitEndPoint SubgroupHistoryData “Q . 823 “1 . congestionLevelIndication “Q.823“ . destinationCodeContro1 “Q.823 “1 . dccGroup “Q.S23“ exchangeCurrentData “Q.823“ . exchangeHistoryData “Q.823“ . 2 11 17 20 28 36 42 48 54 70 76 79 87 93 109 Re
19、commendation Q.823.1 (10/97) . 111 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 STD-ITU-T RECMN Q.823.1-ENGL 1997 H 4862571 Ob42754 371 htrDestination “Q.823“ ObservedDestination “Q.823“ observedDestinationCurrentData “Q.823“ . observedDestinationHistoryData “Q.823“ . scr “Q.823“ . scrAffected
20、Traffic “Q.823“ skip “Q.823“ . stateIndicator C“Q.823 It tarFrom 1Q.82311 tarTo “Q.823“ . tmCircuitEndPointSubgroup “Q.823“ . tmCircuitEndPoint SubgroupCurrentData “Q.823 “1 tmExchangeCurrentData “Q.823“ tmObservedDestinationCurrentData “Q . 823“ tmTrafficControlCurrentData “Q.823“ trafficContro1 “Q
21、.823“ . trafficControlCurrentData “Q.823 trafficControlHistoryData “Q.823“ Page 114 121 127 143 148 156 162 168 177 183 190 196 212 228 244 260 266 281 iv Recommendation 4.823.1 (10/97) . Recommendation 4.823.1 MANAGEMENT CONFORMANCE STATEMENT PROFORMAS (Geneva, 199 7) 1 Intro duct ion 1.1 Purpose a
22、nd structure The Management Conformance Summary (MCS) is a statement by a supplier that identifies an implementation and provides information on whether the implementation claims conformance to any of the listed set of documents that speci conformance requirements to OS1 management. The MCS proforma
23、 is a document in the form of a questionnaire that when completed by the supplier of an implementation becomes the MCS. 1.2 The supplier of the implementation shall enter an explicit statemeht in each of the boxes provided. Specific instruction is provided in the text which precedes each table. Inst
24、ructions for completing the MCS proforma to produce an MCS 2 Identification of the implementation 2.1 Date of statement The supplier of the implementation shall enter the date of this statement in the box below. Use the format DD-MM-YYYY. Date of statement 2.2 Identification of the implementation Th
25、e supplier of the implementation shall enter infomation necessary to uniquely identify the implementation and the system(s) in which it may reside, in the box below. 2.3 Contact The supplier of the implementation shall provide information on whom to contact if there are any queries concerning the co
26、ntent of the MCS, in the box below. Recommendation 4.823.1 (10/97) 1 STD-ITU-T RECMN Q-823.1-ENGL 1997 = 4862591 Ob42756 144 3 Identification of the document in which the management information is defined The supplier of the implementation shall enter the title, reference number and date of the publ
27、ication of the document which specifies the management information to which conformance is claimed in the box below. Document to which conformance is claimed 3.1 Technical corrigenda implemented The supplier of the implementation shall enter the reference numbers of implemented technical corrigenda
28、which modi the specification in the identified document, in the box below. 3.2 Amendments implemented The supplier of the implementation shall state the titles and reference numbers of implemented addenda to the identified document, in the box below. 4 Management conformance summary The supplier of
29、the implementation shall provide information on whether the implementation claims conformance to any of the set of documents globally representing the implementation under claim. For each document the supplier of the implementation claims conformance to, the corresponding conformance statement(s) sh
30、all be filled in, or referenced by, the MCS. Columns 7 (Support), 8 (Table numbers of PICS/MOCS/MRCS) and 9 (Additional information) are to be filled in by the supplier of the implementation. The following common notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 I ISO/IEC 9646-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.296 I ISO/IEC
31、9646-7 are used for the status value column: m mandatory; O optional; C conditional; X prohibited; - NOTE 1 -The notations “c“, “m“, “o“, and “x“ are prefixed by a “c:“ when nested under a conditional or optional item of the same table. NOTE 2 - The notation “o1 may be suffixed by “.n“ (where “n“ is
32、 a unique number) for mutually exclusive or selectable options among a set of status values. The requirement for this numbered set shall be explicitly stated, preferably in a footnote to the relevant table. not applicable or out of scope. 2 Recommendation 4.823.1 (10197) STD.ITU-T RECMN Q.823-1-ENGL
33、 3997 m 4862593 Ob42757 080 I The following common notations, defined in CCITT Rec. X.291 I ISOAEC 9646-2 and ITU-T Rec. X.296 1 ISOAEC 9646-7 are used for the support answer column: Y implemented; N not implemented; - no answer required; Ig the item is ignored (i.e. processed syntactically but not
34、semantically). In the status column, the static requirements are stated. The status will be as follows: m for characteristics contained in mandatory packages or in conditional packages if the GDMO condition is always true; for characteristics of conditional packages with GDMO conditions that indicat
35、e static optionality, e.g. “if an instance supports it“; for all other conditions, where “n“ is a unique integer and “cn“ is a reference to a conditional status expression; for characteristics explicitly prohibited in the definition; for characteristics that are not mentioned in the definition. O cn
36、 X - 5 MOCS proformas 5.1 Introduction The purpose of this MOCS proforma is to provide a mechanism for a supplier of an implementation which claims conformance to a managed object class to provide conformance information in a standard form. 5.2 The supplier of the implementation shall state which it
37、ems are supported in the tables below and if necessary provide additional information. Instructions for completing the MOCS proforma to produce a MOCS 5.3 These tables have been prepared without regard to manager or agent role, so they can be used in either situation. An implementation that supports
38、 both roles could either use one set of tables if all support details are the same, or a different set of tables for each role. These tables were generated mechanically from the GDMO templates, with additions and clarifications added by hand. Tables are numbered consistently for all classes, that is
39、 Table A.x.1 for Managed object class support, A.x.3 for Package support, etc. To preserve this numbering scheme, table numbers are allocated, even if a particular class does not have any of the corresponding properties. Statement of conformance to the managed object class Recommendation 4.823.1 (10
40、/97) 3 6 Value of object identifier for class O0 1782303 1) STDeITU-T RECMN Q.823.1-ENGL 1997 I 4862591 Ob42758 T17 Support of all mandatory features? (Y. I- ittributeType OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1 ittributevalue - I i. i.1.5 idditionalText I (2 9 3 2 7 7) Graphicstring I o 1.1.6 (2 9
41、3 2 7 6) dditionalInformation SET OF SEQUENCE .1.6.1 I- dentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER c:m .1.6.2 - iignificance I BOOLEAN I c:o I- nformation ANY DEFINED BY identifier Information Syntax SEQUENCE ENUMERATED SET OF CHOICE c:m m O O 4 I. 1 Statechangeinfo I iourcehdicator 112 9 3 2 7 26) 1.1.1 1
42、.1.2 IttributeIdentifierList I (2 9 3 2 7 8) ;lobalForm OBJECT IDENTIFIER c:0.8 - localForm I INTEGER I c:0.8 1.1.3 tatechangeDefinition lm SET OF SEQUENCE - IttributeID I CHOICE Im ;lobalForm I OBJECT IDENTIFIER - iocalForm I 0.9 INTEGER ANY DEFINED BY at
43、tributeID old Attributevalue O I- newattributevalue ANY DEFINED BY attributeID m 4.1.4 notificationIdentifier I(2 9 3 2 7 16) I INTEGER Io 4.1.5 correlatedNotifications SET OF SEQUENCE O correlatedNotifications I2 9 3 2 7 12) I SET OF INTEGER I c:m sourceObjectInst I
44、- I CHOICE I c:o distinguishedName c:o.ll SEQUENCE OF SET OF SEQUENCE Recommendation Q.823.1 (10/97) 9 Condition Condition number CI IF 1.3/5 THEN rn ELSE - Reference “any registered package, other than this package has been instantiated“ Name binding temp
45、late label Value of object identifier for name binding Table 6.7/Q.823.1- acc Notification support (conclude4 Index Su bindex Notification field name label Value of object identifier of attribute type associated with field Support Additional information and values IocalDistinguishedName SE
46、QUENCE OF c:o.lO SET OF SEQUENCE I- attributeTy pe OBJECT IDENTIFIER - attributevalue I ANY I c:m 4.1.6 additionalText I 2 9 3 2 7 7) Graphicstring I o 4.1.7 additionalInformation (2 9 3 2 7 6) Io SET OF SEQUENCE identifier OBJECT c:m IDENTIFIER BOOLEAN c:o ANY DEFINE
47、D c:m BY identifier I significance information - Table 6.8lQ.823.1- acc Parameter support There are no parameters specified for this managed object class. Table 6.9/Q.823.1- acc Conditions Table 6.10/Q.823.1- acc Name Binding support - Index Support Additional information Contraints
48、and values Status 1 traffcContro1-rnanagedElement O O O 17 823 O 5 20) Superior class: managedElement AND SUBCLASSES “Rec. M.3100 : 1992“: 10 Recommendation Q.823.1 (10/97) Table 6.10/Q.823.1- acc Name Binding support (concluded) Index Subindex Operation Constraints Status Support Additional and val
49、ues information 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 I I 1.4 I Delete support I I c:m I I I Create support c:m Create with reference object c:m Create with automatic instance naming c:m I l I Value of object identifier for class I 1 1.5 I Delete only if no contained objects I I c:x I I I Support of all mandatory features? (Y/N) I l I I I I 4 Index Managed object class template for actual class I I 1.6 I Delete contained objects I I c:m I I I Value of object identifier for managed
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