2、 - ISDN USER- ITU-T Recommendation Q.941 (Previously “CCITT Recommendation”) ITU-T RECMN*Q*7411 73 48625711 0586357 8bT FOREWORD The Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the International Telecom- munication Union. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical,
3、operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, established the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in t
4、heir turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. IT-T Recommendation 4.941 was revised by the ITU-T Study Group XI (1988-1993) and was approved by the WTSC (Helsinki, March 1-12, 1993). NOTES 1 As a consequence of a reform process within the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the CCITT
5、ceased to exist as of 28 February 1993. In its place, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) was created as of 1 March 1993. Similarly, in this reform process, the CCIR and the IFRB have been replaced by the Radiocommunication Sector. In order not to delay publication of this Recom
6、mendation, no change has been made in the text to references containing the acronyms “CCITT, CCIR or I=” or their associated entities such as Plenary Assembly, Secretariat, etc. Future editions of this Recommendation will contain the proper terminology related to the new ITU structure. 2 telecommuni
7、cation administration and a recognized operating agency. In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a O ITU 1994 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
8、 including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. ITU-T RECMN*Qo94L 93 m 4862571 058b358 7Tb CONTENTS General . 1.2 Abbreviations and symbols . 1.3 Terms ISDN user-network management profile: overview . Physical layer profile 3.1 Basic rate physical layer . 3.2 Prima
9、ry rate physical layer . Data link layer profile 5.1 Use of the extended facility information element . 5.2 Call independent management procedures . 5.3 1.1 scope Network layer profile . Call associated management procedures Convergence function 6.1 Mapping Application layer 7.1 Association control
10、. 7.2 Remote operations 7.3 Common management information service 7.4 System management application service element (SMASE) Conformance 7.5 Syntax and encoding . Annex A . Example of APDU mapping to Q.93UQ.932 messages . References . Recommendation Q.941 (03/93) Page 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5
11、6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 1 ITU-T RECIN*Q-941 93 W 4862593 0586359 632 W Recommendation Q.941 DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 1 SS 1) - ISDN USER-NETWORK INTERFACE PROTOCOL PROFILE FOR MANAGEMENT (Melbourne, 1988; modified at Helsinki, 1993) 1 General This Recommendation is one of a series of Recomme
12、ndations describing the model, protocol profile and the communications capabilities in support of management and maintenance functions to be provided at the ISDN user- network interface. This Recommendation describes the protocol profile employed in providing management information transfer capabili
13、ties at the ISDN user-network interface. The overall management architecture, communications paths and service requirements are specified in Recommendation Q.940 l. These protocols can be used on the D-channel of both the basic and primary rate interface structures and across both reference points S
14、 and T, and are based on the DSS 1 messages. Because these messages are transferred between a network node and the directly connected users, these protocols only have local significance at the user-network interface. If management information transfer is end-to-end between a user and a remote OS, ma
15、pping in the network node has to be provided. Other Recommendations in this series specify the procedures and protocol associated with specific management functions that are provided at the ISDN user-network interface. The protocols and procedures described in these Recommendations provide the means
16、 to support management functions at the ISDN user-network interface. In particular, these management functions “provided by the ISDN user-network interface” should “enable the network node or network user” to support the activities of the Telecommunications Management Network (Th4N) and support spec
17、ific requirements such as those expressed in the I.6-Series 2 Recommendations (Subscriber access and installation maintenance). These protocols make the local control of these management functions possible, e.g. the control of loopbacks and diagnostic tests, the initiation and termination of event r
18、eports, etc. NOTE -The means by which file transfer capability is to be provided on the ISDN primary rate access is for further study. 1.1 Scope This Recommendation specifies the application protocol and the use of the layer 1-3 protocols at the ISDN user-network interface in providing management ca
19、pabilities. The protocols defined in this Recommendation are suitable for management interactions involving transaction type information exchanges. NOTE -The means of providing file transfer capabilities at the local access is for further study. Specifically, this Recommendation defines the followin
20、g: a) b) c) d) the layer services for layers 1-3 and the application layer; the protocols for layers 1-3 and the application layer; the convergence function required to allow the application layer to interface directly with layer 3; and the conformance requirements to be met by a system claiming to
21、implement the management protocol profile for the ISDN user-network interface. This Recommendation does not: a) define the structure or meaning of the management information that is transmitted by means of these protocols; b) specify the manner in which management is accomplished as a result of the
22、protocol exchanges; Recommendation 4.941 (03/93) 1 ITU-T RECMNaQ-743 73 4862593 0586360 354 W c) d) define the nature of any interactions which result in the use of the application layer protocol; and define the nature of any implementation intended to provide the ISDN management function. 1.2 Abbre
23、viations and symbols 1.2.1 Abbreviations ACSE Association Control Service Element ASN. 1 CMISE CMIP Common Management Information Protocol ROSE Remote Operation Service Element SMASE Abstract Syntax Notation One Common Management Information Service Element System Management Application Service Elem
24、ent 1.3 Terms To be provided. 2 ISDN user-network management profile: overview The ISDN user-network management profile is based on CCIIT ISDN Recommendations for the D-channel layers 1-3 protocols and on IS0 standards and CCITT Recommendations for the management application layer. To allow the mana
25、gement application layer to access the network layer interface a convergence function has been defined. The architecture of the resulting profile is shown in Figure 1. The ISDN user-network interface management protocols make use of the D-channel. 3 Physical layer profile The ISDN user-network manag
26、ement protocol utilizes the D-channel of either the primary or basic rate interface. 3.1 Basic rate physical layer Management information is transmitted on the 16 kbit D-channel of the basic rate interface. The service and protocol definition for the physical layer shall apply as defined in Recommen
27、dation 1.430 3, The default values of all parameters shall be the values specified in Recommendation 1.430. The interface connector shall comply with IS0 8877 4. 3.2 Primary rate physical layer Management information is transmitted on the 64 kbit D-channel of the primary rate interface. The service
28、and protocol definition for the physical layer shall apply as defined in Recommendation 1.43 1. The default values of all parameters shall be the values specified in Recommendation 1.431 5. The interface connector and interface wiring shall comply with 64.431 and 74.43 1, respectively. 2 Recommendat
29、ion Q.941 (03/93) ITU-T RECMN*Q=943 93 4862591 0586363 290 -, CMISE Conmgence function I I Layer3 Q.931 and (2.932 1.430 o( 1.431 T1155600-1 FIGURE UQ.941 ISDN user-network interface management profile 4 Data link layer profile Local management information shall be transmitted on the D-channel and s
30、hall use the same SAPI as for call control procedures, i.e. SAPI O. The data link layer service and protocol definition shall apply as defined in Recommendation Q.921. Default values for all parameters shall be as specified in 5.9/Q.921 6. 5 Network layer profile The network layer service and protoc
31、ol definition shall be in accordance with Recommendations 4.931 7 and 4.932 81. Default values for layer 3 parameters shall apply as defined in Table 914.93 1. In addition to 4.931 messages, to support the management profile the ISDN access shall also support the following 4.932 messages: - FACILITY
32、, - REGISTER. In addition the ISDN access shall also support the extended facility information element specified in Recommen- dation 4.932, in these 4.931 and 4.932 messages as specified in those Recommendations. Recommendation Q.941 (03/93) 3 The extended facility information element may carry info
33、rmation with a length longer than 255 octets in its PDU field. Management services which utilize layer 3 messages with a length exceeding N201 (defined in Recommendation Q.921) shall support Annex WQ.93 1, Message segmentation procedures. The default maximum number of message segments supported by A
34、nnex WQ.931 is eight. Thus the maximum length of the application protocol data unit (APDU) which may be carried by an extended facility information element is approximately 2000 octets1). 5.1 The extended facility information element is used to convey application protocol data units (APDUs). To indi
35、cate that a Use of the extended facility information element management service- has been invoked the protocol Protocol profile Bits 5 4 3 2 1 - - profile is used with the following encoding: 1 O O 1 O forCMIPProtoco1 1 O O 1 1 forACSEProtocol 5.2 Call independent management procedures For managemen
36、t procedures invoked independent of an active call, once a data link connection has been established, the user or the network start the establishment of a signalling connection (and management association) by transferring a REGISTER message across the user-network interface. The signalling connectio
37、n (and management association) is identified by the call reference allocated with the REGISTER message. The REGISTER message shall contain an extended facility information element which will carry the information for requesting to establish the management association. Management service requests are
38、 conveyed in the extended facility information elements in the FACILITY messages. The signalling connection (and management association) is released by means of a RELEASE COMPLETE message. The RELEASE COMPLETE message shall contain an extended facility information element which will carry the inform
39、ation for orderly release of the management association. If the protocol profile in the extended facility information element indicates “CMIP Protocol” or “ACSE Protocol” then the information in the extended facility information element is passed to the management entity for further processing. NOTE
40、 - The term “management entity” as used here refers to the convergence function and protocol entities that process management information. If an extended facility information element contains more than one PDU, these PDUs are treated as separate PDUs and no assumption can be made about the order in
41、which they will be processed. 5.3 Call associated management procedures When management information is exchanged in association with an existing call the management information may be carried in any Q.931 or Q.932 message that contains an extended facility information element. NOTE - Further study i
42、s required to determine the actions to be taken when either the call control process attempts to release the connection or when the management application process attempts to release the connection (e.g. due to attempted security violations or errors in the extended facility information element). 6
43、Convergence function The convergence function is required to support the mapping service. ) The exact length is determined by N201 x 8 - layer 3 headers. 4 Recommendation Q.941 (03193) ITU-T RECMN*Q=S43 93 4862593 0586363 Ob3 6.1 Mapping The mapping service is required to map the P-DATA, P-CONNECT,
44、P-RELEASE and P-U-ABORT services onto appropriate network services and 4.93 UQ.932 messages. 6.1.1 Mapping of the P-DATA service P-DATA-requests issued by the management entity shall have their user data mapped into the PDU field of the extended facility information element of a message. The protoco
45、l profile shall be set to the value indicating CMP Protocol. PDU received by the convergence function shall be mapped into the user data field of a P-DATA-indication. 6.1.2 Mapping of the P-CONNECT service P-CONNECT-requests issued by the management entity shall be mapped onto the REGISTER message.
46、Only the user data parameter of the P-CONNECT-request is required. If any other parameters are present, they shall be ignored. For information on when the P-CONNECT-request is used see 7.1.3. The first response received shall be mapped onto the P-CONNECT-confirmation. Only the user data parameter of
47、 the P-CONNECT-confirmation is required. If any other parameters are present, they shall be ignored. A RELEASE COMPLETE message shall result in a negative indication and contain a negative AARE APDU in its user data field. A FACILITY message shall result in a positive confirmation containing a posit
48、ive AARE APDU in its user data field. The protocol profile in the extended facility information element shall be set to the value indicating ACSE Protocol. 6.1.3 Mapping of the P-RELEASE service P-RELEASE-requests issued by the management entity shall be mapped onto a FACILITY message. For informati
49、on on when the P-RELEASE-request is used see 7.1.3. A RELEASE COMPLETE message received by the convergence function shall be mapped onto a P-RELEASE- confirmation with a RLRE APDU in the user data. The protocol profile in the extended facility infomation element shall be set to the value indicating ACSE Protocol. 6.1.4 Mapping of the P-U-ABORT service P-U-ABORT-requests issued by the management entity shall be mapped onto a RELEASE COMPLETE message. A RELEASE COMPLETE message received by the convergence function shall be mapped onto a P-U-ABORT-indication with an
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