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本文(ITU-T X 245 FRENCH-1995 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - CONNECTION-ORIENTED SESSION PROTOCOL PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION CONFORMANCE STATEMENT (PICS) PROFORMA《信.pdf)为本站会员(boatfragile160)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TLCOMMUNICATIONS5)4 4 8 SECTEUR DE LA NORMALISATION (04/95)DES TLCOMMUNICATIONSDE LUIT2 3%!58 0/52 $/ %3 %4 #/-5.)#!4)/.%.42% 3934 -%3 /56%243).4%2#/%8)/. $%3 3934 -%3 /56%243 grs diffremment; de niveaux de complexit diffrents; sappuyant sur diverses technologies.La Rec. UIT

2、-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1 spcifie le protocole de session en mode connexion.Pour valuer la conformit dune application particulire, il est ncessaire de disposer dune description des capacitset des options qui ont t incluses. Une telle description est appele dclaration de conformit dinstance de protoc

3、ole(PICS).La prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale contient le formulaire PICS pour le protocole de session en modeconnexion, tel quil est dfini dans la Rec. UIT-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1.ISO/CEI 8327-2 : 1996 (F)Rec. UIT-T X.245 (1995 F) 1NORME INTERNATIONALEISO/CEI 8327-2 : 1996 (F)Rec. UIT


5、on de conformit dinstance deprotocole (PICS) de session en mode connexion, tel quil est spcifi dans la Rec. UIT-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1,conformment aux prescriptions et directives pertinentes de la Rec. UIT-T X.296 | ISO/CEI 9646-7. Lutilisationdtaille de ce formulaire est dcrite dans la prsente Re

6、commandation | Norme internationale.Le fournisseur dune ralisation dclare conforme la Rec. UIT-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1 est tenu de remplir unexemplaire du formulaire PICS fourni en Annexe A; il doit galement fournir les informations ncessaires pour identifierladite ralisation et ledit fournisseur.2

7、 Rfrences normativesLes Recommandations et Normes internationales suivantes contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la rfrence quiy est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale. Au moment dela publication, les ditions indiques taient e

8、n vigueur. Toutes Recommandations et Normes sont sujettes rvision etles parties prenantes aux accords fonds sur la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale sont invites rechercher la possibilit dappliquer les ditions les plus rcentes des Recommandations et Normes indiques ci-aprs.Les membres de

9、 la CEI et de lISO possdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur. Le Bureau de lanormalisation des tlcommunications de lUIT tient jour une liste des Recommandations de lUIT-T en vigueur.2.1 Recommandations | Normes internationales identiques Recommandation UIT-T X.200 (1994) | ISO/CEI 7

10、498-1:1994, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes ouverts Modle de rfrence de base: le modle de rfrence de base. Recommandation UIT-T X.214 (1993) | ISO/CEI 8072:1994, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes ouverts Dfinition du service de transport. Recommandation

11、UIT-T X.215 (1995) | ISO/CEI 8326:1996, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes ouverts Dfinition du service de session. Recommandation UIT-T X.225 (1995) | ISO/CEI 8327-1:1996, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes ouverts Protocole de session en mode connexion: sp

12、cification.2.2 Paires de Recommandations | Normes internationales quivalentes par leur contenu technique Recommandation UIT-T X.290 (1995), Cadre gnral et mthodologie des tests de conformitdinterconnexion des systmes ouverts pour les Recommandations sur les protocoles pour les applicationsde lUIT-T

13、Concepts gnraux.ISO/CEI 9646-1:1994, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes ouverts Cadregnral et mthodologie des tests de conformit OSI Partie 1: Concepts gnraux.ISO/CEI 8327-2 : 1996 (F)2 Rec. UIT-T X.245 (1995 F) Recommandation UIT-T X.296 (1995), Cadre gnral et mthodologie des t

14、ests de conformit OSI pourles Recommandations sur les protocoles pour les applications de lUIT-T Dclarations de conformitdinstance.ISO/CEI 9646-7:1995, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes ouverts (OSI) Essais de conformit Mthodologie gnrale et procdures Partie 7: Dclaration de co

15、nformit desmises en uvre.3 DfinitionsPour les besoins de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale, les dfinitions suivantes sappliquent.3.1 Les termes dfinis dans la Rec. UIT-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1.3.2 Les termes suivants, dfinis dans la Rec. UIT-T X.290 | ISO/CEI 9646-1:a) dclaration de c

16、onformit dinstance de protocole (PICS);b) formulaire PICS.3.3 Termes additionnels: demandeur: machine SPM qui lance une action particulire; accepteur: machine SPM qui accepte une action particulire.4 Abrviations4.1 Les abrviations sont donnes dans la Rec. UIT-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1 et dans larticl

17、e 8.4.2 La prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale utilise labrviation suivante dfinie dans laRec. UIT-T X.290 | ISO/CEI 9646-1: PICS Dclaration de conformit dinstance de protocole (protocol implementation conformancestatement).4.3 Pour les besoins de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internat

18、ionale, les abrviations suivantessappliquent galement:Sts Colonne StatusSpt Colonne SupportStr EmetteurRcv Rcepteur5 ConformitUne dclaration PICS conforme doit tre techniquement quivalente au formulaire PICS publi par lUIT-T | ISO/CEIdont elle doit conserver la numrotation et lordre des items.Une dc

19、laration PICS conforme la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale doit:a) dcrire une ralisation qui est conforme la Rec. UIT-T X.225 | ISO/CEI 8327-1;b) tre tablie selon un formulaire PICS conforme, rempli conformment aux directives indiques en A.2;c) inclure les informations ncessaires pour i

20、dentifier sans ambigut le fournisseur et la ralisation.ISO/CEI 8327-2 : 1996 (F)Rec. UIT-T X.245 (1995 F) 3Annexe AFormulaire de dclaration de conformit dinstance de protocole (PICS)pour le protocole de session en mode connexion1)(Cette annexe fait partie intgrante de la prsente Recommandation | Nor

21、me internationale)A.1 Identification of PICS proforma corrigendaThe supplier of the PICS proforma shall identify any corrigenda (i.e. Technical Corrigenda or equivalent) to thepublished proforma that have been applied. Suppliers of the proforma should modify the proforma, or attach relevantadditiona

22、l pages in order to apply the corrigenda, and then record the application of the corrigenda in the table below.A.2 InstructionsA.2.1 Purpose and structure of the proformaThe purpose of this PICS proforma is to provide suppliers of implementation of ITU-T Rec. X.225 | ISO/IEC 8327-1with a consistent

23、means of stating which capabilities have been implemented.The proforma is in form of a questionnaire and consists of a set of items. An item is provided for each capability forwhich an implementation choice is allowed. Items are also provided for major mandatory capabilities for which noimplementati

24、on choice is allowed. Each item includes an item number, an item description, a status value specifying thesupport requirement, and room for a support answer to be provided by the supplier.This clause provides general information and instructions for completion of the proforma.Subclause A.3 is for i

25、dentification of the implementation.Subclause A.4 contains the means of specifying, at high level, the protocol and corrigenda that have been implemented.Subclause A.5 contains the global statement of conformance.Subclauses A.6 onwards contain tables in which the supplier specifies details of the im

26、plementation options chosen.NOTE Throughout the PICS proforma, tables specifying Requestor and Accpetor roles are inserted as required forprecise definition of the status of SPDUs and SPDU parameters, but these tables shall not be used for static conformance review norfor test case selection.A.2.2 S

27、ymbols, terms and abbreviationsA.2.2.1 IntroductionNotations have been introduced in order to reduce the size of tables in the PICS proforma. These have allowed the use ofmulti-column layout where the colums are headed Status, Support, Value, Mnemonic and Length. The definition ofeach are given belo

28、w.Additionally, the following definitions apply.A. (PICS) item: A row in a PICS proforma table._1)Droits de reproduction du formulaire PICS: Les utilisateurs de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale sont autoriss reproduire leformulaire PICS de la prsente annexe pour utiliser celui

29、-ci conformment son objet. Ils sont galement autoriss publier le formulaire une foiscelui-ci complt.Identification of corrigenda applied to this PICS proforma ITU-T Rec. X.245 (1995) | ISO/IEC 8327-2:1996Corr:Corr:Corr:ISO/CEI 8327-2 : 1996 (F)4 Rec. UIT-T X.245 (1995 F)A. (PICS) question: Th

30、e question to be answered in the intersection of a PICS item and either a support column(i.e. “Is this item supported in the context applying to this table and column“) or supported values column (i.e. “Whatvalues are supported for this item in the context applying to this table and column“) in a PI

31、CS proforma table.A. status (value): An allowed entry in the status column for an item in a PICS proforma table.A. (support) answer: An allowed entry in the support or supported values columns for an item in a PICS, inanswer to a PICS question.A.2.2.2 Item numberingEach line within the

32、 PICS proforma which requires implementation detail to be entered is given an item number in thefirst column. The item number column provides a means of uniquely referencing each possible answer within the PICSproforma. Such referencing is necessary for specifying predicates, conditional expressions

33、, test suite parameters, and testsuite selection expressions.The means of referencing individual answers is to specify the following sequence:a) if, and only if, the reference is being made from another Specification, then start with an unambiguousidentifier for the relevant ICS proforma specificati

34、on, enclosed in parentheses this identifier is stated inthe PICS proforma specification and is updated whenever the PICS proforma is updated it isrecommended that this identifier should be relevant Specification number and year of publication, as isused in a Normative References clause, and this is

35、the default for such identifiers;b) the number of the relevant table or, if the tables are not numbered, of the smallest subclause enclosing therelevant table;c) a solidus character, “/“;d) the item number or mnemonic reference to the item, to identify the row in which the answer appears;e) if, and

36、only if, more than one question occurs in the row identified by the item number or mnemonicreference, then each possible answer is implicitly labelled a, b, c, etc., from left to right, and this letter isappended to the sequence, prefixed by a solidus character (“/“) if a mnemonic reference is used.

37、If mnemonic references are specified and each uniquely identify an item in the PICS proforma, thenentries b) and c) in the above sequence may be omitted.A.2.2.3 Status columnThis column indicates the level of support required for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X225 | ISO/IEC 8327-1, the givenvalues are t

38、aken from the Session Protocol Specification (see ITU-T Rec. X.225 | ISO/IEC 8327-1).A. Definitions applying to the tables in clauses A.4 to A.6The values are as follows: m Mandatory support is required. The implementation shall support the functionalities described inITU-T Rec. X.225 | ISO/I

39、EC 8327-1 for the specified item. o Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.225 | ISO/IEC 8327-1. Accordingto some specific reason, the implementation is not obliged to support the specified item. Ifimplemented, it shall conform to the specifications and restrictions contained

40、in ITU-T Rec. X.225 |ISO/IEC 8327-1. Therefore the constraints described for the mandatory support above also apply.o.n Selectable options among a set of items (where n is the number which identifies the group ofoptionals which are linked together). The implementation shall support at least one of t

41、he givenitems. For the selected item(s), the constraints described for the mandatory support above The item is conditional (where n is the number which identifies the condition which is applicable).The definitions for the conditional statements used in Annex A are written under the table wherethey

42、are used, and indexed in Annex B. n/a The item is not applicable.ISO/CEI 8327-2 : 1996 (F)Rec. UIT-T X.245 (1995 F) 5A. Definitions applying to the tables in clause A.7 (Supported SPDUs)The values are as follows:Sender item: m Mandatory support is required. The implementation shall be able: t

43、o build the SPDU (i.e. to build correctly the heading and all the mandatory parameters withinthe SPDU) in the situations required by the Protocol Machine; and to encode the SPDU into the TSDU, according to a valid encoding format. o Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.225 |

44、 ISO/IEC 8327-1. Accordingto some specific reason, the implementation is not obliged to be able to build the SPDU. Ifimplemented, it shall conform to the specifications and restrictions contained in ITU-T Rec. X.225 |ISO/IEC 8327-1. Therefore the constraints described for the mandatory support above

45、 also apply.o.n Selectable options among a set of items (where n is the number which identifies the group ofoptionals which are linked together). The implementation shall support at least one of the givenitems. For the selected item(s), the constraints described for the mandatory support above The

46、item is conditional (where n is the number which identifies the condition which is applicable).The definitions for the conditional statements used in Annex A are written under the table wherethey are used, and indexed in Annex B. Resolution of the condition (e.g. depending on protocolversion, protoc

47、ol mechanism, etc.) yields to m, o or n/a. n/a The item is not applicable.Receiver item: m Mandatory support is required. The implementation shall be able: to syntactically identify the SPDU i.e. to decode the heading and all of the parameters which arepresent (Type and Length in TLV coding scheme);

48、 and to process it correctly. o Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.225 | ISO/IEC 8327-1. Ifimplemented, it shall conform to the specifications and restrictions contained in ITU-T Rec. X.225 |ISO/IEC 8327-1. Therefore the constraints described for the mandatory support above also apply.o.n Selectable options among a set of items (where n is the number which identifies the group ofoptionals which are linked together). The implementation shall support at least one of the givenitems. For the selected

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