1、UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TLCOMMUNICATIONS5)4 4 8 SECTEUR DE LA NORMALISATION (04/95)DES TLCOMMUNICATIONSDE LUIT2 3%!58 $% #/-5.)#!4)/. $% $/ %3%4 #/-5.)#!4)/. %.42% 3934 -%3 /56%243).4%2#/%8)/. $%3 3934 -%3 /56%243 grs par des systmes diffrents; prsentant diffrents niveaux de complexit; et mettant e
2、n oeuvre des techniques diffrentes.La Rec. UIT-T X.236 | ISO/CEI 9576-1 spcifie le protocole de prsentation en mode sans connexion. La prsenteRecommandation spcifie le codage et les procdures du protocole de prsentation, utiliser pour rpondre aux besoinsdes utilisateurs du service de prsentation.Pou
3、r valuer la conformit dune instance particulire, il est ncessaire de disposer dune dclaration indiquant lescapacits et options qui ont t mises en oeuvre. Une telle dclaration est appele dclaration de conformit duneinstance de protocole (PICS) (protocol implementation conformance statement).La prsent
4、e Recommandation | Norme internationale dcrit le formulaire PICS pour le protocole de prsentation enmode sans connexion qui est dfini dans la Rec. UIT-T T X.236 | ISO/CEI 9576-1.ISO/CEI 9576-2 : 1995 (F)Rec. UIT-T X.256 (1995 F) 1NORME INTERNATIONALEISO/CEI 9576-2 : 1995 (F)Rec. UIT-T X.256 (1995 F)
6、de conformit dune instance deprotocole (PICS) pour la Rec. UIT-T X.236 | ISO/CEI 9576-1, conformment aux prescriptions et directives de la Rec.UIT-T X.296 | ISO/CEI 9646-7. La prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale fournit le mode demploi dtaillde ce formulaire.Le ralisateur dune ralisation d
7、clare conforme la Rec. UIT-T X.236 | ISO/CEI 9576-1 remplira un exemplaire duformulaire PICS donn dans lAnnexe A, et fournira les informations ncessaires pour identifier le fournisseur et laralisation.2 Rfrences normativesLes Recommandations et les Normes internationales suivantes contiennent des di
8、spositions qui, par suite de la rfrencequi y est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale. Aumoment de la publication, les ditions indiques taient en vigueur. Toutes Recommandations et Normes sont sujettes rvision et les parties prenant aux a
9、ccords fonds sur la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale sont invites rechercher la possibilit dappliquer les ditions les plus rcentes des Recommandations et Normes indiques ci-aprs.Les membres de la CEI et de lISO possdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur. Le Bureau de lan
10、ormalisation des tlcommunications de lUIT tient jour une liste des Recommandations de lUIT-T en vigueur.2.1 Recommandations | Normes internationales identiques Recommandation UIT-T X.200 (1994) | ISO/CEI 7498-1:1994, Technologie de linformation Interconnexion de systmes ouverts Modle de rfrence de b
11、ase: Le modle de rfrence de base. Recommandation UIT-T X.216 (1994) | ISO/CEI 8822:1994, Technologie de linformation Interconnexion de systmes ouverts Dfinition du service de prsentation. Recommandation UIT-T X.236 (1995) | ISO/CEI 9576-1:1995, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion des systmes
12、 ouverts Protocole de prsentation en mode sans connexion: Spcificationdu protocole. Recommandation UIT-T X.690 (1994) | ISO/CEI 8825-1:1995, Technologie de linformation Rgles decodage de lASN.1: Spcifications des rgles de codage de base, des rgles de codage canoniques et desrgles de codage distincti
13、ves.2.2 Paires de Recommandations | Normes internationales quivalentes par leur contenu technique Recommandation UIT-T X.290 (1995), Cadre gnral et mthodologie des tests de conformitdinterconnexion des systmes ouverts pour les Recommandations sur les protocoles pour les applicationsde lUIT-T Concept
14、s gnraux.ISO/CEI 9576-2 : 1995 (F)2 Rec. UIT-T X.256 (1995 F)ISO/CEI 9646-1:1994, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion de systmes ouverts Cadregnral et mthodologie des tests de conformit OSI Concepts gnraux. Recommandation UIT-T X.2961), Cadre gnral et mthodologie des tests de conformit OSI p
15、our lesRecommandations sur les protocoles pour les applications de lUIT-T Dclaration de conformit duneinstance.ISO/CEI 9646-7:1995, Technologies de linformation Interconnexion de systmes ouverts Cadregnral et mthodologie des tests de conformit. Partie 7 Dclarations de conformit dinstance.3 Dfinition
16、sPour les besoins de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale, les dfinitions suivantes sappliquent:3.1 Les termes dfinis dans la Rec. UIT-T X.236 | ISO/CEI 9576-1.3.2 Les termes suivants, dfinis dans la Rec. UIT-T X.290 | ISO/CEI 9646-1:a) dclaration de conformit dune instance;b) formulaire
17、 de dclaration de conformit dune instance;c) dclaration de conformit dune instance de protocole (PICS);d) formulaire PICS.3.3 Termes additionnelsa) demandeur: La machine PPM qui lance une action donne.b) accepteur: La machine PPM qui accepte une action donne.4 AbrviationsPour les besoins de la prsen
18、te Recommandation | Norme internationale, les abrviations suivantes sappliquent:ICS Dclaration de conformit dune instance (implementation conformance statement)PCI Informations de contrle du protocole (protocol control information)PDU Unit de donnes de protocole (protocol data unit)PDV Valeur de don
19、ne de prsentation (presentation data value)PICS Dclaration de conformit dune instance de protocole (protocol implementation conformancestatement)PPDU Unit de donnes de protocole de prsentation (presentation protocol data unit)PPM Machine protocole de prsentation (presentation protocol machine)UD Don
20、ne unitaire (unit data)5 ConformitUn formulaire PICS conforme sera techniquement quivalent au formulaire PICS publi par lUIT-T | ISO/CEI, et enconservera la numrotation et lordre des items.Une dclaration PICS conforme la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale doit:a) dcrira une ralisation con
21、forme la Rec. UIT-T X.236 | ISO/CEI 9576-1;b) sera prsente sur un formulaire PICS conforme, rempli selon les instructions donnes en A.2;c) comportera les informations ncessaires pour identifier sans quivoque tant le fournisseur que laralisation._1)Actuellement ltat de projet.ISO/CEI 9576-2 : 1995 (F
22、)Rec. UIT-T X.256 (1995 F) 3Annexe A2)Formulaire de dclaration de conformit dune instance de protocole (PICS)pour le protocole de prsentation en mode sans connexion(Cette annexe fait partie intgrante de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale)A.1 Identification of PICS proforma corrigendaTh
23、e supplier of the PICS proforma shall identify any corrigenda (i.e. Technical Corrigenda or equivalent) to thepublished proforma that have been applied. Suppliers of the proforma should modify the proforma, or attach relevantadditional pages in order to apply the corrigenda, and then record the appl
24、ication of the corrigenda in the table below.A.2 InstructionsA.2.1 Purpose and structure of the proformaThe purpose of this PICS proforma is to provide suppliers of implementations of ITU-T Rec. X.236 | ISO/IEC 9576-1with a consistent means of stating which capabilities have been implemented.The pro
25、forma is in the form of a questionnaire and consists of a set of items. An item is provided for each capability forwhich an implementation choice is allowed. Items are also provided for major mandatory capabilities for which noimplementation choice is allowed. Each item includes an item number, an i
26、tem description, a status value specifying thesupport requirement, and room for a support answer to be provided by the supplier.This clause provides general information and instructions for completion of the proforma.Subclause A.3 is for identification of the implementation.Subclause A.4 contains th
27、e means of specifying, at a high level, the protocol and corrigenda that have beenimplemented.Subclause A.5 contains the global statement of conformance.Subclause A.6 onwards contain tables in which the supplier specifies details of the implementation options chosen.A.2.2 Symbols, terms and abbrevia
28、tionsA.2.2.1 IntroductionIn order to reduce the size of tables in the PICS proforma, notations have been introduced. These have allowed the use ofmulti-column layout where the columns are headed Status, and Support. The definition of each is given below.Additionally, the following definitions apply:
29、(PICS) item: A row in a PICS proforma table.(PICS) question: The question to be answered in the intersection of a PICS item and either a support column (i.e. “Isthis item supported in the context applying to this table and column?”) or supported values column (i.e. “What values aresupported for this
30、 item in the context applying to this table and column?”) in a PICS proforma table._2)Droits de reproduction du formulaire PCSLes utilisateurs de la prsente Recommandation | Norme internationale sont autoriss reproduire le formulaire PICS de laprsente annexe pour utiliser celui-ci conformment son ob
31、jet. Ils sont galement autoriss publier le formulaire une foiscelui-ci complt.Identification of corrigenda applied to this PICS proforma ITU-T Rec. X.256 (1995) | ISO/IEC 9576-2:1995Corr:Corr:Corr:ISO/CEI 9576-2 : 1995 (F)4 Rec. UIT-T X.256 (1995 F)status (value): An allowed entry in the status colu
32、mn for an item in a PICS proforma table.(support) answer: An allowed entry in the support or supported values columns for an item in a PICS, in answer to aPICS question.A.2.2.2 Prerequisite notationIf a predicate applies to a whole ICS proforma table, a prerequisite line may be specified in front of
33、 the table to which itapplies. A prerequisite line takes the form:Prerequisite: The meaning of such a line is that if is True, then the table applies, else it is not-applicable.A.2.2.3 Item numberingEach line within the PICS proforma which requires implementation detail to be entered is given an ite
34、m number in thefirst column. The item number column provides a means of uniquely referencing each possible answer within the PICSproforma. Such referencing is necessary for specifying predicates, conditional expressions, test suite parameters, and testsuite selection expressions.The means of referen
35、cing individual answers is to specify the following sequence:a) If, and only if, the reference is being made from another Specification, then start with an unambiguousidentifier for the relevant ICS proforma specification, enclosed in parentheses this identifier is stated inthe PICS proforma specifi
36、cation and is updated whenever the PICS proforma is updated. It isrecommended that this identifier be the relevant Specification number and year of publication, as is usedin a Normative References clause, and this is the default for such identifiers.b) The number of the relevant table or, if the tab
37、les are not numbered, of the smallest subclause enclosing therelevant table.c) A solidus character, “/ ”.d) The item number or mnemonic reference to the item, to identify the row in which the answer appears.e) If, and only if, more than one question occurs in the row identified by the item number or
38、 mnemonicreference, then each possible answer is implicitly labelled a, b, c, etc., from left to right, and this letter isappended to the sequence, prefixed by a solidus character (“/ ”) if a mnemonic reference is used.If mnemonic references are specified and each uniquely identify an item in the PI
39、CS proforma, thenentries b) and c) in the above sequence may be omitted.A.2.2.4 Status columnStatus as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.236 | ISO/IEC 9576-1. This column indicates the level of support required forconformance to ITU-T Rec. X.236 | ISO/IEC 9576-1.A. Definitions applying to the table in
40、A.6The values are as follows:o.n selectable options among a set of items (where n is the number which identifies the group of optionalitems that are grouped together).If support is claimed for the sending of the PPDU, then the implementation shall be able to- build the PPDU (i.e. build correctly the
41、 heading, all mandatory parameters, and all supportedoptional parameters) in the situations required by the protocol specification;- encode the PPDU according to a valid encoding format.If support is claimed for receiving of the PPDU, then the implementation shall be able to- syntactically identify
42、the PPDU and parse all valid instances of the PDU, including all validPDU parameters. Supporting the receipt of a PDU whilst having no ability to parse one of itsvalid parameters is non-conformant.A. Definitions applying to the tables in A.7The values for the sender of a PDU are as follows:m
43、Mandatory support is required. The implementation shall be able to build and encode this parameterwithin the PPDU.o Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.236 | ISO/IEC 9576-1.ISO/CEI 9576-2 : 1995 (F)Rec. UIT-T X.256 (1995 F) 5The values for the receiver of a PDU are as follo
44、ws:m Mandatory support is required. The implementation shall be able to parse this parameter within thePPDU, and also perform the actions required by the semantics of the parameter.o Optional support is permitted for conformance to ITU-T Rec. X.236 | ISO/IEC 9576-1. If support isclaimed, the impleme
45、ntation shall support the semantics of the parameter.A.2.2.5 Support columnThe Support column shall be completed by the supplier or implementor to indicate the level of implementation of eachfeature. The proforma has been designed such that the only entries required in the Support column are:Y Yes,
46、the feature has been implemented;N No, the feature has not been implemented;A.2.3 Instructions for completionThe supplier shall complete all entries in the column marked Support. In certain clauses of the PICS proforma furtherguidance for completion may be necessary. Such guidance shall supplement t
47、he guidance given in this subclause andshall have a scope restricted to the clause in which it appears. In addition, other specifically identified information shallbe provided by the implementor where requested. No changes shall be made to the proforma except the completion asrequired. Recognising t
48、hat the level of detail required may, in some instances, exceed the space available for responses anumber of responses specifically allow for the addition of appendices to the PICS.A.3 Identification of the implementationA.3.1 Date of statementA.3.2 Implementation detailsThe supplier of the protocol implementation shall specify the information necessary to uniquely identify theimplementation and the system in which it may reside. This may include details of:a) supplier, implementation name, operating system, suitable hardware;b) system supplier and/or clie
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