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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 : TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-!.G13-!#().%G0G0,!.5!%-!.G13-!#().%G0G0$)!,/5%G0G002/#%$52%3)45G134G0G0RecommendationG0G0: (Extract from the “LUEG0“OOK)NOTES1 ITU-T Recommendation Z.317 was published in Fascicle X.7 of the Blue Book. This

2、file is an extract from theBlue Book. While the presentation and layout of the text might be slightly different from the Blue Book version, thecontents of the file are identical to the Blue Book version and copyright conditions remain unchanged (see below).2 In this Recommendation, the expression “A

3、dministration” is used for conciseness to indicate both atelecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. ITU 1988, 1993All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and m

4、icrofilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.317 1Recommendation Z.317Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.317MAN-MACHINE DIALOGUE PROCEDURES1 GeneralMan-machine communication comprises two types of information interchange, namely dialogue and outputoutside dialogue; they occur sequen

5、tially and in no particular order. Output outside dialogue is fully defined inRecommendation Z.316.Dialogue is that part of man-machine communication initiated and, normally, terminated by the user. It isaccomplished by means of the dialogue procedures described in this Recommendation. In the text,

6、the terms “dialogue”and “dialogue procedure” are used interchangeably.The text in 2 describes the dialogue procedure, the syntax diagrams of which are given in 3 in sub-divisionshaving numbers corresponding to those used in 2.A systematic analysis of possible errors made by users is not considered.

7、Diagrams mainly refer to correctlygiven commands and only obvious error situations are considered. It is recognized that the diagrams are not exhaustiveand some of them might be modified when error recovery procedures have been completely considered.2 Definition of the dialogue procedure2.1 Overview

8、 of the dialogue procedureA dialogue is opened by a procedure prologue. The procedure prologue contains the various preparations whichmust be performed before commands can be initiated. It may include a header from the system. Following theprocedure prologue a destination prologue can precede one or

9、 more interactive operating sequences. The dialogue canbe terminated by a procedure epilogue.2.2 procedure prologueThe procedure prologue may consist of three parts given in the following order: the request, which is an action to activate the man-machine terminal and the system; the identification o

10、f the user. The identification of the user is optional. Identification may be bypassedunder special conditions, for example system initialization. In situations where no identification procedureis used, then it must be possible to allow access only for certain periods per day, e.g., office hours; a

11、header, which is given from the system and contains the exchange identification, information relating todate and time, etc. Headers can be optional for a system or within a system for certain terminals.The procedure prologue is intended to be executed only once at the beginning of a dialogue. The pr

12、ocedureprologue is followed by a ready indication inviting a destination prologue or an interactive operating sequence.The request, the identification of the user and the header are defined in the following paragraphs.2.2.1 requestThe request is a manual action to activate the terminal and the syste

13、m or to cause an interrupt. The compositionof the request is highly dependent on the type of terminal and implementation.The request can consist of keying the break key or actuating a control switch, power on, etc. and/or keying asequence of characters on the keyboard.2.2.2 identification procedureT

14、he identification procedure is used to identify the user to the system. The identification procedure may involvethe use of identity cards which provide secure access to the system.After a user has been identified to the system, different authorization levels may be applied that restrict accessto gro

15、ups of commands depending on security or functional classification.2 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.317The identification procedure (see figure 3.2.2/Z.317) is flexible, with many options, but the followingguidelinesFascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.317 3apply: if an identity card is used, it should always be preceded o

16、r followed by a password; for security reasons, it might be required to suppress all response from the system to the identificationprocedures; after a number of consecutive attempts some appropriate action is needed. For example: generate analarm, or temporarily block access to the system from that

17、terminal. ready indicationThe ready indication indicates that the direction of the dialogue has changed and that the system is waiting forinformation to be given at the terminal. The ready indication is defined as the character (greater than sign) soas to distinguish it from a command.The des

18、tination identifier indicates the physical area where the command is to be mainly processed, e.g.,exchange identification, processor number. It consists of one or more information units separated by - (hyphen). Thedestination could also be defined by a parameter in the command.The destination identi

19、fier may be followed by a header to indicate that a selected destination is allowed,available and ready or alternatively by a rejection output to indicate the converse.2.4 procedure epilogueThe procedure epilogue is used to terminate the dialogue procedure. The composition of the procedure epiloguei

20、s highly dependent on the type of terminal and implementation. The procedure epilogue can consist of actuating acontrol switch, power off, etc. and/or keying a sequence of characters on the keyboard and/or the output of end ofdialogue from the system.2.5 interactive operating sequenceThe interactive

21、 operating sequence may consist of a single command entry sequence terminated by an optionalend statement or of a series of command entry sequences or special actions. The latter occurs when, as a result ofpartial execution of a function, the system requests the supply of further information in the

22、form of special actions orfurther commands for which human judgement and/or decision is required.2.5.1 command entry sequenceA command entry sequence contains a single command code, together with an alternating sequence of one ormore parameter blocks and an appropriate number of executions.Any inter

23、active operating sequence may be stopped prematurely by the user with the entry of a particularcommand entry sequence. The latter could consist of a certain command which is independent of any interactiveoperating sequence, e.g., EXIT, etc.2.5.2 Manual responseSpecial actions can include manual resp

24、onses, such as the actuation of keys on terminals or switchframes andthe replacement of equipment.2.5.3 Interaction request outputThe system generates an interaction request output in order to obtain further actions.4 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.3172.5.4 end statementAn end statement is an indication that

25、 an operating sequence has finished.2.6 Direct parameter inputOnly one method of inputting parameters is dealt with in direct parameter input. For other methods refer toRecommendations Z.321 to Z.323.Direct parameter input consists of an optional parameter block entry sequence preceded by the separa

26、tor:(colon). The none or more parameter blocks are to be terminated by the execution character; (semicolon) or by thecontinuation character ! (exclamation mark) to initiate the required functions which will result in a response output.If terminated by an execution character and responded by an accep

27、tance or rejection output, the systemconcludes the direct parameter input. If terminated by a continuation character and responded by an acceptance orrejection output, the system is required to return a parameter block request indication that functions as an indication toproceed with the input of th

28、e next block or blocks of parameters. If responded by a request output the system isrequired to return a parameter block request indication that functions as an invitation for entering either an updated partof the current block of parameters (e.g., a parameter that was erroneously input) or an expan

29、sion of the current block ofparameters, dependent on the contents of the request output. Following the parameter block request indication, thecommand entry sequence can be abandoned by invoking the delete command function.The parameters are input in accordance with the parameter block entry sequence

30、.2.6.1 Parameter block entry sequenceThe parameter block entry sequence is used to input a block of parameters. All parameters are enteredaccording to the input syntax. The entry of the parameters may be done directly without help from the system asdescribed in Recommendation Z.315, or assistance fr

31、om the system may be requested by calling the prompting facility.Prompting helps in providing a correct input by the system giving guidance on the next input requirement.The output given by the prompting facility can be either of the following:a) Guidance output followed by a ? (question mark). The

32、guidance may apply to the complete block ofparameters, to that part of the block of parameters that is still to be input or to the single parameter next tobe input. Moreover it may contain an indication that the input supplied is sufficient and that an executionorder may be given. Guidance can be re

33、quested anywhere in the parameter block entry sequence.b) Parameter name output followed by an = (equal sign). The parameter name applies to the parameter valuenext to be input.It is the objective of the parameter name output or guidance output to assist the user in giving correct inputrequired by t

34、he system for the current command. In both cases the system may verify input received if possible andprompt with enough information to enable input to continue.What kind of prompting output is given is dependent on the prompting facilities supported by the systeminvolved and if more than one facilit

35、y is supported on the place of the request for prompting.These recommendations address prompting on request of the user. Unsolicited system directed prompting isalso possible but is not covered by these recommendations.Following “parameter name output”, a default value for the parameter cannot be im

36、plied by simply omitting thevalue. A specific “default indicator” must be given. If, however, a further ? (question mark) is input, the system willgive guidance output, and default by omission may then be possible.2.6.2 Parameter block request indicationThe parameter block request indication consist

37、s of a: (colon) optionally preceded by the appropriate formateffectors and/or the appropriate command code.2.7 Response outputResponse output covers all types of output conveying information about the state of an input. Types of responseoutput are acceptance output, rejection output and request outp

38、ut.A list of categories of each type of response output is given below. Each category is identified by means of thestatus of the requested action or by means of the error introduced by the user. The title of each category is not meant tobe interpreted as the text to be associated with each response

39、output. Additional categories may be created, e.g., bydividing into several parts any one of the categories listed below.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.317 52.7.1 Acceptance outputAcceptance output is an indication that an input to the system is syntactically correct and complete and that theappropriate syst

40、em actions will be initiated, or have already been carried out. In the latter case, this indication may takethe form of the result of the actual action.Category of acceptance output DescriptionCOMMAND EXECUTED The input command was correct and the requested action(s) wassuccessfully performed. The e

41、xecution of some commands may producea result to be output immediately after the command has been input. Inthis case, the result itself may act as the acceptance output.COMMAND ACCEPTED The input command was correct and the requested action(s) wasaccepted. This action(s) is either in progress or has

42、 been scheduled to beperformed. Subsequent outputs related to this requested action mayfollow later.2.7.2 Rejection outputRejection output is an indication by the system that the input received is not valid and will not be acted upon,nor can correction be applied, e.g., when the system determines th

43、at the user is not authorized to request the actionrequired by the command.Category of rejection output DescriptionUNACCEPTABLE COMMAND The command form is valid but the requested action conflicts with thecurrent system or equipment status, e.g., an attempt to restore an in-service unit.NO SYSTEM RE

44、SOURCES The requested action cannot be executed now due to unavailable systemresources such as system overload, excessive queue lengths, busyprograms, etc. The command may be entered again later.TRANSMISSION ERROR A transmission error occurred in the input and the system will not acceptthe command.S

45、YSTEM ACCESS UNAVAILABLE Input/output access to the system is currently unavailable.GENERAL ERROR Any rejection that cannot be placed in one of the more specific rejectionoutput categories.INVALID PASSWORD The input password is unknown to the system or has been input from animproper terminal.ILLEGAL

46、 COMMAND The input command cannot be requested under the current password orfrom the terminal from which it has been requested.INVALID SEQUENCE In an interactive operating sequence a command has been entered in thewrong sequence.TIME OUT ERROR # 1 The next input character has not been received in ti

47、me for processing andthe command has been aborted.INVALID COMMAND The command code contains an invalid separator.CODE SEPARATORINVALID COMMAND The command code contains an invalid identifier.CODE IDENTIFIER2.7.3 Request outputRequest output is an output message which requests further input action, e

48、.g., to correct an erroneousparameter.Category of request output DescriptionINVALID SEPARATOR The wrong input character has been used as a separator.6 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.317INVALID INDICATOR The wrong input character has been used as an indicator.INVALID PARAMETER NAME A parameter name not associ

49、ated with this command has been input.EXTRA PARAMETERS Too many parameters have been entered or a parameter has been enteredin a command not requiring parameters.MISSING PARAMETER One or more parameters required by the command have not been entered.INCONSISTENT PARAMETER The set of parameters in a command does not form a valid set, or theparameters received at an intermediate point are not a valid subset.MISSING DATA One or more information units of a parameter argument have beenomitted.INCONSISTENT DATA One or more parameter arguments are inconsistent with argumentsa

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