1、KS X 1010 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS KS X 1010 :2007 (2012 ) 2007 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X 1010:2007 : ( ) ( ) SJ ( ) : (JTC1/SC2) () ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :1979 11 22 :2007 11 30 :2012 12 28 : 2012-0832 : (JTC1/SC2) ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 ,
2、 . KS X 1010:2007 (2012 ) Graphical representations control characters for Information interchange 1 , . 2 . . KS X 0001, ( ) KS X 1003, ( ) 3 KS X 0001 4 7 34. 4 1 . KS X 1010:2007 2 1 a b a 0/0 NUL (Null) 0/1 TC 1 (SOH) (Start of Heading) 0/2 TC 2 (STX) (Start of Text) 0/3 TC 3 (ETX) (End of Text)
3、 0/4 TC 4 (EOT) (End of Transmission) 0/5 TC 5 (ENQ) c(Enquiry) 0/6 TC 6 (ACK) (Acknowledge) 0/7 BEL (Bell) 0/8 FE 0 (BS) (Backspace) 0/9 FE 1 (HT) (Horizontal Tabulation) 0/10 FE 2 (LF) (Line Feed) 0/11 FE 3 (VT) (Vertical Tabulation) KS X 1010:2007 3 1 () a b a 0/12 FE 4 (FF) (Form Feed) 0/13 FE 5
4、 (CR) (Carriage Return) 0/14 SO (Shift Out) 0/15 SI (Shit In) 1/0 TC 7 (DLE) (Data Link Escape) 1/1 DC 1 1 (Device Control1) 1/2 DC 2 2 (Device Control2) 1/3 DC 3 3 (Device Control3) 1/4 DC 4 4 (Device Control4) 1/5 TC 8 (NAK) (Negative Acknowledge) 1/6 TC 9 (SYN) (Synchronous Idle) 1/7 TC 10 (ETB)
5、(End of Transmission Block) KS X 1010:2007 4 1 () a b a 1/8 CAN (Cancel) 1/9 EM (End of Medium) 1/10 SUB (Substitute) 1/11 ESC (Escape) 1/12 IS 4 (FS) (File Separator) 1/13 IS 3 (GS) (Group Separator) 1/14 IS 2 (RS) (Record Separator) 1/15 IS 1 (US) (Unit Separator) 2/0 SP (Space) 7/15 DEL (Delete)
6、a KS X 0001 4 1 . b 7 , 8 . 8 10 0 . 0/0 00/0 2/0 02/0 c0/5 “” . 153787 1 145 3(16) (02)26240114 (02)26240148 http:/ KS X 1010 :2007KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS Graphical representations control characters for information interchange ICS 35.040 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr
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