2、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 2 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directive
3、s.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG Status (Baseline/ Revision/ Canceled) Document Revision Effective Date Description Baseline J 9/30/99 History log added with this revision; previous history contained in Directives Managers Reference File. Document updated
4、 to change ownership from CO01 to AD01; and converted from MMI to MPG format. Revision K 2/24/00 Changes the level of delegated authority in Document Content, Paragraph 2, Responsibilities from organization Directors to Department Managers or functional equivalents. Includes the review process relat
5、ive to export control in paragraphs 3a. and 3b. Revision L 7/10/00 Changed references to MWI 2190.1 to MPG 2190.1 in paragraphs P.4.b., 3.a., and 3.b. Revision M 5/22/03 Updated Master List URL in footer. Changed NPD 2220.5 to NPD 2200.1 to reflect change in number for this document. Added NPG 1441.
6、1 to paragraph P.4. Updated organization names in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4. Changed section VII to IX in paragraph 3.5. Added Flow Diagram in paragraph 5. Revision N 9/20/2004 Changes per HQ Rules Review Action. Changed font, changed MPG to MPR, changed Department Managers to Directors in 2.1 & 3.5, c
7、hanged fiscal to calendar, certification to Purchase Order & Document Control Number to Purchase Order Number in 4. Revision O 7/22/2005 Revised to reflect organizational changes. Updated Definitions reference in 1. Reordered authority and applicable documents in order of precedence. Revision P 9/12
8、/2006 Changes made to reflect current organization. Updated references to NF 1676 to coincide with current version of form. Revision Q 3/21/2008 Revised 2. Applicability statement to reflect transition of MAF from GOCO to GOGO. Revision R 6/30/2009 Updated applicable documents and reference list. Re
9、vised procedures and flow diagram to reflect current process. Updated organization name. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30,
10、 2009 Page 3 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface P.1 Purpose P.2 Applicability P.3 Authority P.4 Applicable Documents P.5 References P.6 Cancellation Document Content 1.
11、Definitions 2. Responsibilities 3. Procedure 4. Records 5. Flow Diagram Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 4 of 1
12、2 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE PREFACE P.1 PURPOSE This Marshall Procedural Requirements (MPR) describes procedural requirements for the acquisition, processing, publication, announcement, and di
13、ssemination of scientific and technical information (STI) and to implement the requirements of the latest edition of NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) 2200.2. P.2 APPLICABILITY a. This MPR applies to the personnel, programs, projects, and activities at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and MSFCs
14、Michoud Assembly Facility, including contractors and resident agencies to the extent specified in their respective contracts or agreements. (“Contractors,” for purposes of this paragraph, include contractors, grantees, Cooperative Agreement recipients, Space Act Agreement partners, or other agreemen
15、t parties.) b. This MPR applies to all organizational elements and contractor personnel who originate STI from contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements for publication or presentation within the scope of this MPR. P.3 AUTHORITY a. NPD 2200.1, “Management of NASA Scientific and Technical Informat
16、ion” b. NPR 2200.2, “Requirements for Documentation, Approval, and Dissemination of NASA Scientific and Technical Information” P.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS a. NPR 1441.1, “NASA Records Retention Schedules (NRRS)” b. NPR 1600.1, “NASA Security Program Procedural Requirements” c. MPD 2190.1, “MSFC Export
17、Control Program” d. MPR 1600.1, “MSFC Security Procedural Requirements” e. Standard Form 298 “Report Documentation Page” f. NASA Form 1676, “NASA Scientific and Technical Document Availability Authorization (DAA)” g. NASA Form 1686, “Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)” Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo
18、reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 5 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS
19、 THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE h. MSFC Form 3908, “Request For Payment of Publication and Reprint Charges” P.5 REFERENCES a. NASA/SP-2006-6114, “NASA Scientific and Technical Information Standards” b. NASA/SP-2005-7602, “NASA Publications Guide for Authors” c. U.S. Government Printing Office “Style
20、 Manual” P.6 CANCELLATION MPR 2220.1Q dated March 21, 2008. Original signed by Robert M. Lightfoot Acting Director Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1
21、Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 6 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE DOCUMENT CONTENT 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1. Availability. The degree of authorized access to a given document based on approved
22、distribution limitations. 1.2. Dissemination. Dissemination is referred to as the process by which STI is transmitted to the user community. 1.3. Document. An information package that may consist of printed hard copy, alternative media, diskettes, CD-ROMs, or electronic versions. 1.4. Document Avail
23、ability Authorization (DAA). The process by which NASA determines which restrictions, if any, need to be placed on the availability of a document. The form used in this process is NASA Form 1676. 1.5. Hard Copy. Full-sized reproduction of a document on paper. 1.6. NASA STI Report Series. Discrete re
24、port designations that characterize NASA and NASA contractor STI reports. The NASA STI Report Series comprise six types of publications: Technical Publication (TP), Technical Memorandum (TM), Contractor Report (CR), Conference Publication (CP), Special Publication (SP), and Technical Translation (TT
25、). 1.7. Printing. The processes of composition, platemaking, presswork, duplicating, silk-screen processes, binding, microform, and the end items of such processes. 1.8. Professional Journals. Scientific, technical, and trade publications produced by professional, technical, and/or academic organiza
26、tions. 1.9. Professional Review. A review (also called editorial and content reviews) performed by individuals or groups with technical knowledge or background tempered by interdisciplinary expertise in history, education, and program management. Such reviews assess the quality of the document conte
27、nt in terms of its readability, communication of information, and suitability for a particular audience without particular focus on content. 1.10. Publication. The process of officially releasing a NASA document for public or restricted access through print, electronic, or alternative media. Also, t
28、he resultant Document. 1.11. Publicly Available. Availability assigned to STI information for which distribution and use are unrestricted (i.e., unclassified/unlimited). 1.12. Report Series. See NASA STI Report Series. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice
29、nse from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 7 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 1.13. Scientific
30、and technical information. NASA STI is defined as the results (facts, analyses, and conclusions) of the Agencys basic and applied scientific, technical, and related engineering research and development. STI also includes management, industrial, and economic information relevant to this research. Exa
31、mples include, but are not limited to, technical papers and reports, journal articles, meeting, workshop, and conference papers and presentations, conference proceedings, preliminary or non-published STI, including any of these examples that will be posted to a public Web site. 1.14. Technical Monit
32、or. The NASA employee appointed to monitor or manage technical progress, referred to in grant instructions as the Technical Officer. In contract instructions, this employee may be identified as the Project Manager or the Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR). 1.15. Technical Review. A
33、 review performed by peers having expertise within the technical discipline of the activity or research being documented. Such reviews assess the technical integrity and merit of the activity or research being performed and the results being documented without regard to the effectiveness of the docu
34、ment at communicating the information. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 Directors of NASA Centers or their designees shall ensure that all NASA STI activities under their cognizance are in accordance with NPR 2200.2. This authority is hereby further delegated to all MSFC Directors or functional equivalents a
35、nd to those appointed to serve in their absence. No other delegation is authorized. 2.2 Officials to whom authority is delegated in this MPR shall ensure that the Center Director is kept fully and currently informed of significant actions, problems, or other matters of substance related to the exerc
36、ise of this responsibility. 2.3 MSFC Chief Information Officer (CIO), Office of the CIO, shall be responsible for the operational management of the STI function to include support in the documentation control and preparation of technical reports, which consists of final editing, typing, proofing, pr
37、inting, and disseminating. 2.4 Manager, Planning, Policy, and Integration Office, through the MSFC STI Technical Publications Head and Document Availability Authorization (DAA) Representative, shall be responsible for processing of DAA forms, including the identification of the appropriate Project O
38、fficer or Technical Monitor, when necessary. 2.5 MSFC Program/Project Officers/Managers and Technical Monitors shall ensure that all STI produced under MSFC sponsorship, within their area of responsibility, are appropriately published or made available in accordance with this MPR and NPR 2200.2. Pro
39、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Technical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 8 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/direc
40、tives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 2.5.1 Per NPD 2200.1, Managers who approve STI shall track STI that is not approved for release and provide the list to the Center STI Manager on a regular basis (at least annually) or as requested by the Center STI Manager for NASA STI Pr
41、ogram Office compliance reviews. 2.6 Director, Office of Procurement, shall follow the instructions provided by the Assistant Administrator for Procurement to ensure that appropriate provisions, as applicable, are included in MSFC contracts and grants to fulfill the intent of this MPR and NPR 2200.2
42、. 2.7 Authors or submitters of STI shall ensure that the STI and correctly completed NASA Form 1676 are submitted to the DAA Representative prior to release. 3. PROCEDURE The procedural requirements for review and approval of the NASA STI Report Series, presentations, and external publications are c
43、ontained in NPR 2200.2. MSFC specific requirements are as follows: 3.1 When an STI document is authored/sponsored by an MSFC employee or employee under MSFC contract, grant, or cooperative agreement, the author shall: 3.1.1 Submit document to immediate supervisor for review. 3.1.2 Coordinate any req
44、uired reviews to include DAA, legal, export control, security, technical, or professional. 3.1.3 Complete NASA Form 1676 in accordance with NPR 2200.2, MPD 2190.1, and this MPR. With respect to Part 2 of NASA Form 1676, refer any questions pertaining to the appropriate security classificatio
45、n to the Protective Services Office. Refer documents that contain information pertaining to national security or nuclear energy to the Protective Services Office for review and approval. With respect to Part 9 of NASA Form 1676, only MSFC Directors or functional equivalents, includin
46、g individuals designated to act in the absence of those individuals, shall approve for distribution. 3.1.4 Ensure document is marked appropriately with restriction notices and availability statements in accordance with NPR 2200.2, NPR 1600.1, and MPR 1600.1. 3.1.5 Ensure NASA Form 1686 is completed
47、and submitted with documents containing Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information in accordance with NPR 1600.1, MPR 1600.1, and MPR 2190.1. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements IS01 Scientific and Techn
48、ical Publications MPR 2220.1 Revision: R Date: June 30, 2009 Page 9 of 12 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msfc.nasa.gov/directives/directives.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 3.1.6 Ensure STI and NASA Form 1676 are complete and have appropriate signatures. 3.1.7 Subm
49、it STI with NASA Form 1676 and, if document contains SBU information, NASA Form 1686 to the MSFC DAA Representative. 3.2 When a NASA series report (e.g., NASA Technical Publications (TP), NASA Technical Memorandum (TM), NASA Contractor Report (CR) is authored/sponsored by an MSFC employee or under MSFC contract, grant, or cooperative agreement the au
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