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NACE NO 10-2002 Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks (Item No 21093 SSPC-PA 6).pdf

1、Item No. 21093Joint StandardNACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) LiningsApplied to Bottoms of Carbon Steel AbovegroundStorage TanksThis NACE International (NACE)/SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings standard represents aconsensus of those individual members who have reviewed

2、 this document, its scope, andprovisions. It is intended to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. Itsacceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has adopted the standard or not,from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or proced

3、ures notaddressed in this standard. Nothing contained in this NACE/SSPC standard is to be construed asgranting any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection with anymethod, apparatus, or product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyoneag

4、ainst liability for infringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents current technology andshould in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictablecircumstances

5、 may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE and SSPCassume no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and acceptresponsibility for only those official interpretations issued by NACE or SSPC in accordance withtheir governing procedure

6、s and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individualvolunteers.Users of this NACE/SSPC standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health, safety,environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to thisstandard prior to its use

7、. This NACE/SSPC standard may not necessarily address all potentialhealth and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials,equipment, and/or operations detailed or referred to within this standard. Users of thisNACE/SSPC standard are also responsible for establishing

8、 appropriate health, safety, andenvironmental protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities ifnecessary, to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to theuse of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE/SSPC standards are subject to p

9、eriodic review, and may berevised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice. The user is cautioned to obtain the latestedition. NACE and SSPC require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standardno later than five years from the date of initial publication.Approved February

10、 2002ISBN 1-57590-129-32002, NACE International and SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsNACE International1440 South Creek DriveHouston, TX 77084-4906(telephone +1 281/228-6200)SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings40 24th Street, Sixth FloorPittsburgh, PA 15222(telephone +1 412/281-2331)Pri

11、nted by NACE InternationalNACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6NACE International i_ForewordThis standard recommended practice specifies the procedures to design, apply, and inspectfiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) linings that are applied internally to the bottom of carbon steelaboveground storage tanks (ASTs).

12、FRP linings are used worldwide to prevent the corrosion anddeterioration of storage tank bottoms in petroleum, petrochemical, and other services. Experiencehas shown that the useful life of an FRP lining may exceed 25 years. API(1)Standard 6531permits aminimum remaining thickness of the tank bottom

13、plate to be 1.25 mm (0.050 in.) when lined with FRPcompared to a thickness of 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) if unlined or lined with a nonreinforced coating systemand not equipped with a tank bottom leak detection system. This standard will serve as a resource forfacility owners preparing specifications to achi

14、eve successful lining applications in ASTs in thepetroleum/petrochemical industry. The practices described are also useful during preparation ofspecifications for ASTs in other services.This joint standard was prepared by the SSPC/NACE Task Group 009 on Fiberglass-ReinforcedPlastic Linings for Above

15、ground Storage Tank Floors. This task group is administered by NACESpecific Technology Group (STG) 80 on Intersociety Joint Coatings Activities, and also sponsored bySTG 03 on Protective Coatings and LiningsImmersion/Buried. This standard is published by NACEunder the auspices of STG 80, and by SSPC

16、._(1)American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L St. NW, Washington, DC 20005-4070.NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6ii NACE International_Joint StandardNACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Linings Applied toBottoms of Carbon Steel Aboveground Storage TanksContents1. General 12. Definitions 13

17、. Lining Materials 24. Storage Tank Preparation 35. Applicator Qualifications and Submissions 36. Surface Preparation . 37. Holding Primer Application . 48. Caulking and Coving Application . 49. Laminate Application 510. Roof Leg Bearing (Striker) Plates 711. FRP Lining Inspection, Testing, and Repa

18、ir . 7References 8Bibliography 9Appendix A: Documents and Standards to Be Used in Conjunction with this Standard 10Figure 1: Squeegee Application of Caulk . 4Figure 2: Schematic of Overlap at Floor Plate or Striker Plate Showing Caulking andSingle Laminate Application 5Figure 3: Schematic of Caulkin

19、g and Single Laminate Applied at Juncture of Sketch Plateand Shell Plate 5Figure 4: Wet-Film Thickness Gauge . 6Table 1: Items Evaluated by Inspector . 8_NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6NACE International 1_Section 1: General1.1 Procedures outlined below and detailed in subsequentsections of this standard shal

20、l be followed for the successfulapplication of a FRP lining system.1.1.1 Abrasive blast clean the storage tank bottomand, as a minimum, the lower 60 cm (24 in.) of the tankshell. The owner should confirm that this minimumtank shell height is acceptable. Inspect cleanedsurfaces just prior to primer o

21、r coating application.1.1.2 If required, apply primer to the storage tank floorand the lower 60 cm (24 in.) of the tank shell.1.1.3 Apply caulk to the properly prepared tank floor,deep pits, equipment supports, striker (bearing) plates,and chine angle, as required.1.1.4 Apply resin and glass reinfor

22、cement to the tankbottom and lower shell course. If a two-layer or doublelaminate system is applied, extend the first layer 45 cm(18 in.) up the tank shell and the second 30 cm (12 in.)up the tank shell. At least 15 cm (6 in.) of blasted andprimed shell wall shall be visible above the first coat ofl

23、aminate.1.1.5 Repair defects in the laminate prior to theapplication of the topcoat. (See Section 2.)1.1.6 Apply a topcoat to the laminate applied to thefloor and to the tank shell.1.1.7 During all phases of the tank lining systemapplication, inspection shall be carried out by theapplicator and, whe

24、n appropriate, by the ownersinspector. (See Section 11.)1.1.8 The lining applicator shall record all pertinentinformation concerning the entire tank bottom liningwork within NACE Coating Inspectors Logbook2orequivalent. This logbook shall be available at all timesto the owner or owners inspector.1.1

25、.9 During all phases of the lining operation, thelining applicator shall comply with the ownersprescribed working procedures.1.1.10 Do not line storage tank nozzles or coatinternal tank equipment, piping, or heating coilsupports. Terminate the FRP lining at such supportswith a design that ensures le

26、ak and corrosionresistance of the applied lining.1.1.11 All applicable safety regulations must befollowed during surface preparation, application, andcuring of the lining system.1.2 For a listing of documents and standards that shall beused in conjunction with this standard, refer to Appendix A.1.2.

27、1 The lining manufacturers technical data sheetsfor coating materials and glass reinforcement; materialsafety data sheets (MSDS); and application instructionsshall be used in conjunction with the documents listedin Appendix A and the requirements contained withinthis standard.1.2.2 Any conflict betw

28、een documents shall beresolved by the owner._Section 2: Definitions(2)Abrasive Blast Cleaning: Also called abrasive blasting, asurface preparation method that uses an abrasive propelledby air pressure, centrifugal force, or water pressure to cleanand usually to profile a surface.Barcol Hardness: Har

29、dness value obtained by measuringthe resistance to penetration of a sharp steel point under aspring load.Caulk: A heavy putty-like material composed of resin,curing agents, and fillers used to fill pitted areas, contouruneven surfaces, and encapsulate rivets.Coving: Applying caulk at the intersectio

30、n of the tank floorplate and shell in concave form.Curing: Chemical process of developing the intendedproperties of a coating or other material (e.g., resin) over aperiod or time.Dry-Film Thickness (DFT): Depth of cured film, usuallyexpressed in micrometers (millionths of a meter) or mils(thousandth

31、s of an inch). For FRP linings, the dry-filmthickness may be expressed in millimeters._(2)Some definitions are extracted from Inspection of Coatings and Linings,3SSPC, 1997, Appendix B Glossary; Industrial MaintenanceCoatings Glossary,4SSPC 94-16; and NACE Glossary of Corrosion-Related Terms,5NACE,

32、2000.NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 62 NACE InternationalFiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP): Resin linings,usually polyester, vinyl ester, or epoxy, into which layers offiberglass are incorporated to optimize the linings structuralcapability and performance.Fillet Weld: A weld, approximately triangular in cro

33、ss-section, joining two surfaces essentially at right angles toeach other in a lap, tee, or corner joint.Holding Primer: A thin-film primer applied to prevent rustblooming prior to the application of the topcoat system.Holiday Detector, High-Voltage Type: Also called a sparktester, an instrument for

34、 detecting holidays in anonconductive coating applied over a conductive substrate.A spark test instrument applies a voltage to the surface witha probe that creates a spark whenever a holiday, pinhole, orother defect is found. The spark triggers an alarm or lighton the instrument. The voltage used de

35、pends on thecoating type and thickness.Laminate: A reinforced plastic composed of layers of resinand fiberglass.Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): The concentration, atordinary ambient temperatures, of a gas or vapor in airbelow which an explosion will not occur if the mixture isignited. The concentration

36、 is expressed as a percent of thegas vapor in air by volume.Manufacturers Technical Data Sheet: Sheet printed bythe supplier of a product to provide instructions andinformation on its use.Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS): A printed sourceof information about the hazards of materials, includingcoa

37、tings. Federal law, the Hazard CommunicationStandard, requires that an MSDS be published and suppliedby the manufacturer of a hazardous material. The law alsorequires that employees have ready access to the MSDS inthe workplace. The MSDS contains the followinginformation: (1) product identification;

38、 (2) hazardousingredients, their permissible exposure limits (PEL), andthreshold limit value (TLV); (3) physical properties; (4) fireand explosion hazard data; (5) health hazard data; (6)chemical reactivity/stability data; (7) spill and leakprocedures; (8) special protection information; and (9)addi

39、tional special precautions.Mil: One thousandth (0.001) of an inch. 1 mil = 25micrometers (m). The thickness of a coating on a surfacesometimes is expressed in mils and sometimes inmicrometers.Owner: The representative of the facility ownersorganization responsible for the work; others who areprobabl

40、y involved include safety personnel, tank engineers,storage tank inspectors, corrosion engineers, and coatingand lining specialists.Pitting: Localized corrosion of a metal surface confined toa small area that takes the form of cavities. For thepurposes of this standard there are two general types of

41、pits, described by Uhlig6as “shallow” and “deep.” Shallowpits have diameters greater than their depths. Deep pitshave depths greater than their diameters.Potable Water: Water that is fit for human consumption,mainly drinking water.Surface Profile: The roughened surface that results fromabrasive blas

42、t cleaning or power tool cleaning to bare metal.For steel, surface profile is a measurement of the peak-to-valley height of the roughness.Topcoat: The final coat applied over the FRP laminate toseal the laminate surface and enhance water andhydrocarbon resistance. Frequently this topcoat is alsorefe

43、rred to as gel coat, seal coat,orflood coat._Section 3: Lining Materials3.1 The laminating resins most frequently used for FRPtank bottom linings include:3.1.1 Epoxy or epoxy copolymers.3.1.2 Epoxy-novolac.3.1.3 Polyesters such as iso, bisphenol-a, and vinylesters.3.2 Primers, caulking/coving materi

44、als, laminating resin,and topcoats shall be supplied by one manufacturer, unlessotherwise approved by the owner.3.3 Suitable glass reinforcement, including continuouswoven roving, random fiberglass mat, or otherreinforcements recommended by the lining manufacturer,shall be approved by the owner.3.4

45、FRP lining systems with proven long-term effectivenesscan be proposed by the manufacturer for application tostorage tanks in specific services. Alternatives will beconsidered; however, the owner is responsible for selectingthe laminating system and design to be used.NACE No. 10/SSPC-PA 6NACE Interna

46、tional 3_Section 4: Storage Tank Preparation4.1 Prior to lining application, including surface preparation,the owner shall clean and inspect the bottom of the ASTand shall have made all repairs deemed necessary inaccordance with API Standard 653. In addition, thefollowing requirements shall be carri

47、ed out on surfaces tobe lined:4.1.1 Remove weld spatter.4.1.2 Remove any sharp weld peaks that would bedetrimental to the lining application or the liningperformance.4.1.3 Repair by filling with weld metal, adhesivelybonding steel plates, or welding steel plates on deepcorrosion pits that cannot be adequately abrasive blastcleaned.4.2 The tank bottom shall be inspected for contaminantssuch as chlorides, sulfates, or other substances that mayaffect the integrity and performance of the lining. The ownershall determine if high-pressure water wash with potable

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