2、NGTONLilT.AC.AWARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide r+d distribution ofacivancs research results to an authorized group requiring them for We war effort. They were pre-viously held under a security status but s-re now Unclasstiied, Scme of these reports were nc)t tecn-n
3、ical.iy indited. .LJ1 laVkJ been reo,rjuced inut ,fi.le in crde.r co e;)edi te (;nel-:li C!i.5tril)l.l*.iCjll.- . . -. .! .;, . : ),2.*s.,.,.“LProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3 1176013M 5395 -. . _.JW7ABCM EESTRIOTD BEPORT, -.OR IIATl
4、lRAkS!CABIIJITY0HAJiACT31RIS!CIOS .v- SYH141WRI(M,IJLY9!AJ?EEEDWIMG WITH A OIRGIJIUI 3TJSS!MiGIlEAVI19GA HOEIZONTL:,I“IWl!EODUOl!IOti. .Conoid.erable data are available for the evaluationof the effect of aerodynamic interfez=encebetween wing,fuselage, and vertical tail on lateral-stabiltty oharao-te
5、ristics (references 1, 2, and 3). These data ”indioatethat tho vertical-tail effectiveness Is greater with thewing in a low position ontthe fuselage than with the wingIn a high potiition. klr-flow surveys in the region ofthe vertical tail showed that the change”in tall effective-ness with wlag posit
6、ion”resulted from a sidle flow themagnitude and direction of which were functions of wingpositiou (reference 4). Beoause the data of references 1to 4 were obtained for models without q horizontal tall,the question arises as to whether a horizontal tail willmodify these resq.lts. The horizontal tail
7、has been knownto iqcease the effectiveness of the vertical tail by act-Ing.as an.end plate. A theoretical analysis.of this end.platq.effect was made in reference 5.,Tho present report continues the .lnveatigation oflateral-tabillty characteristics by adding a fourth part,the horizontal tail, to the
8、previous model consisting ofa wtng, fuselage, and vertioal tall. The purpose of thepresent report” is to determine to what extent the hori-zontal tail Influences the effect of winefuselage inter-ference on the vertioal tail and to determine eqerlmen-tally tho end-plate effeot of the horizontal tail
9、on thevertical tail. . MODUL MD APPARATUSm-.ne tests were made in the LMAL 7- by lo-foot tunelwith the regular sloomponent balance. The tunnel and thebalance e.redescribed In reference 6 and 7.Tho model (fig. 1) was identioal with the circularfuselage .1,rolling momentdraglateral forcepitching momen
10、tyawtng momentilmamlcFreasure (1/2 ma)tunnel-air velocity .air deneitrwin.careavertical-tail arenwing aanaverage wing chord .effeative aapect ratio of vertical tailanglo of cttack corrected to free stream, degreesuncorrected angle of attack, degreesangle of yaw, degreesangle of flap deflection, degr
11、eesProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6The subscript f refers to the vertloal tails exceptwhen used with 6.Lift, drag, and pitching-moment coefficients for thevarioue winfuselage arrangements are presented in flure 2. The valuee of “a, C
12、D, and Cm ehown in thisfigure wore corrected to free air, hut in all subsequentfires no correction were made.The corroctlons were aomputed ae follows:Aa = Sc57.3 6 L (deg.),wherejet-boundary correction for wing (G.117)total jet-boundary correction at tall (0.179)wing area (4.1 sq ft)tunnel cross-sec
13、ttonal area (69.59 sq ft) or.tioof dyna21ic pressure at tail to free-streamdynamic pressure; assumed to be unitychange in pitchinmoment coefficient per degree .change in stabilizer setting as determined intestscorrections were additive. .The Iateral-stabillty derivatives for oommonentparts of the mo
14、del appear in figure 3, which shows theend-plate effect of the horizontal tail on the verttcaltail.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-III1. . .,Another method illustrating the effect of the hort-so-ntaltail on the vertical tail is to tr”
15、eattihb”in-ereaaed effectiveness of the vertical tail a an increaeeIn effective aspeot ratio, as was done in referenoe 6. .This method oan”be used by employing a relation betweenaspect ratio and slope of the lift ourve. A formula forgiving this relatlon that gives one of the best agreementswith expe
16、rimental values is given in referenoe 8.Aa= a.When solvod for the aspect ratio A, this equation gives- effective aspect ratio which will be termed AeAe = 2aa. - lEa (1)wherea. slope of lift curve for infinfte aspect ratio(0.1 por degree is a representative experi-eutal value for en EACA 0009 airfoil
17、)a sloge of lift curve for vorttcal tail (a =cSf %f per degree, where the crhltraryselection of -.Sf is shown In fig. 1)x ratio of seniperimeter to span of an elllpticplate of aspect ratio A!l!hevalue of WJf was obtained direotl from theforce measaents and also indlreatly from the yawinmoment measur
18、ements l)yuse of the equatioq“hence,for theoe results on exaggera-tion of fusalage-tiailinterferece 13 to ks expoted,whatovor effect ths intorferenco ma hve. ir C;pplicationto design ths angle of attack as given in figures 4 and 5should be considered tail bngle of attack rather thanangle”of attack o
19、f the airplane.New data were taken for all fuselage-tail rsultsbecause.oor correlations resulted when an ahteupt wasProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-made to compare the-fuselage-tail data of references 1, “ 2L-therefore the horizontal
20、tail Increased.the weathercockstability (fig. 7). With flaps deflected 60 the valuesof AzOnW are also negative and, for the low wing, thetendency toward veathercoek stability is considerablyLinoreasid.The values of ALCq with flaps retracted are posi-tive for the wing tn the”htgh and low positions bu
21、t nega-tive for the wing in the midposi%ion (fig. 8). The wtngaats as a modified end plate when in the high or lowpositions and thus increases the side force produoed bythe fuselage. When flaps are deflected 60, the valueof AzCyW is nearly zero except for the low-wing combl-natlon, for whioh it is m
22、ore posttive than when flaps areretracteclmMfec t of wln- fuselae Interference on vertical taalwith ho?iontal tail dn ulaae.- The increment A=CJI. tS*Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-12rather small and erratic (fig. 9). The”values sta?
23、 withinabout 1 effective dihedral for the unstalled range ofangle of attack. This result Is In good agreement withA=CZv without horizontal tail (reference 5).The increment acw is negative (increases we. attack is caused b a burble developing at the wine “fuselage juncture as explained in previous re
24、ports of thisseries.LateralStability at Lnrge Angles of Yawwhereasthose combinations which do not have weathercock stabilityhave more effective dihedral at high angles of attack.Although the horizontal tail improves the effectivenessof the vertical tall at small eagles of yaw, a more suddenbreak occ
25、urs in the curves at angles of yaw greater than10; therefore, at large angles of yaw the vertical tailis less effective when the horizontal tail is present, assho by the Cn and Cy curves.uefie mow.- The addition of the horizontal tailto the complete model has cnly small effects on Cl com-pared with
26、the effeot of a change in the vertloal positionm 1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.131of t+pewing or the addition of tho vorticd tall (fig,-13)*The offectof thos”b-modol chan”geson C- haS pro-vioualy boon disouesod in roforenoo 3Who c
27、urves for Cn with the wing present (fig. 14)show again that the end-plate effect of horizontal tallon the ertical tail Is detrimental to the restortng momentIn raw for ap.glesof yaw greater than about 25. The ad-dltioilof the wlnge to the furlage garo 8 substantialIncreaoe In tks reatoing mozii%in y
28、aw at large angles ofyaw sailincrae.sedthe vreatheroookstability at small an-.gles of yaw (figs. 12 and 34).A pronounced break In tho C= aad Cy curves of thefuselage with the horizontal tail that occurred at a hihangle of attack (fig.,12) between 26 and 30 yaw vanisheswhen the wiuR is added., The br
29、eak may have been caused bythe installing cf the horizontal tail as its resulantangle of attack is reduced by yaw - that is, the anGlo ofattack measured in a plane Farallel to the plane of sym-metry of the unyawed model. When the wing 2s preont, thedownwash pl*ohablyprevents the tal from stalllng fo
30、r anyportion of tho yaw ranga.Curves for Cy (fig. 15) show larer alues at largean;lesof yaw when the horizontal tall is pbsent; thiofact IU in agre,cmentwith what has been shown by curvesfor Cn with l%o wing and ourves :011 On “d CT -itkoutthe win;.CO?7CLUSIOHS!thoresults of tests of a model aonsist
31、lng of a oir-culal*fuselage, tall Su-faces, and a wing tn high middle, “and lov positions indicate that%1. The offootive aspect ra+lo of the var%cal tail aadetermlaed from lateral force on the vertical tail waa ln-oroasod from 20 to 60 percent by the addition of the hori-zontal tail, depending on th
32、e anglo of attack.2. Eor angles of yaw greater than about 15, the pros-”ence of the horizontal tail decreased the restoring momentin yaw contributed by the vertioal tail.3. The vert:cal-tail effectiveness inoreesed as thewing was moved from the high to tho low position; the low-wlng combination ther
33、efore had the most weathercoak stabil-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- . I14 .,.Ity. The addition of the horizontal tail reduced thechange in vertcal-tail effectiveness with wing positionabout 50 poroent with the result that the high-
34、 and Iohwing models possessed more nearly the same weathercock “Bta3ility.Langley iimorialAeronautical Laboratory,Hational Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,Laagley ield, Va.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-“. 16REYEHENCES-, -, 7.-,.
35、-,- . -.-.,.,. L-.-1. Eouse Rufus 0., and Wallaceg Arthur R.# Wind-TunnelInvestigation of Uffect of Interference on Lateral-Stabi.lltyOharacterlstlcs of our EACA 23012 Wlnge,an Blllptical and a Oircular luselage,and VertioalFins. Rep. Mom 705, MACA, 194102. Recant, Isidore G., and WalLace, Arthur E.
36、1 WindTunnel Investigation of Effeet of Yaw on Lateral-Stabillty Characteristics. III - Symmetrically TapereclWing at Various Positions on Circular Yuselage with.and without a Vertioal qail. T.I!.Oa 825, HACA, 1941.3. Recant, I. (3.,and Wallace, Arthur R.: Wind-Tunnel In-vestigation of flffeotof Yaw
37、 on Lateral-StabflltyCharacteristics. Ili- Syrametrically TfiperedWing witha Circular Fuselage vtng u Wedge-Shaped Rear and a oVertical Tail. liLCAA.E.R., March 1942.“ 4. Recant, Isidore (3.,and Wallace, Arthur R.: Uind-Tg).03 _ High /fa75Middje On ,.14 .- - /_ Q Low on 15 , .P+ High off 14 / / m/ /
38、, “x Low off I5 /.Oz A _/ - “(Y - -= .-Ved.tai I on /“/_-Vet-f. tail off / .010-,0 IpI am-,OZ 22,1-/ 6 B e /6 24 32A“ng Ie of40 48 f-i6 -8 0 e 32Angle of ya, w,.cig40 48(b) 6f= 60.Figure l!+.-Concluded.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
39、NACA Fig. 15m.32,24.16.00u.32.24J6.000-,00B“Wing Hoclocation tall HighQ Mlddie %p Low+ High :fx LOLU offVert tui I-VeritailII-/6 -e o 0 /6 24 32. 40 x48Angie uof yaw, W, d% o(a) 6f = OO.Figure 15.- Variation of lateral-force coefficient with yaw.I?ACA2JO12 wing with fuselage and horizontal and verti
40、cal tails,nwI, x /$Ioy%m ?jfi(d;g) High OiI 13a75 Midd( On 13 /_ Q LouJ On 12+ High off 13 x Low off IIVert.tail on-n- *5-0-: =;“-/6 -8 0 8 /6 24 32 40 40Angle of yaw,deg(b) bf = 60.Figure 15.- Concluded.a73 a13 a13 a13 a13a13 a13a13a13a13 a13a13 a13 a13 a13 a13 a13a13a15a13a13 a13a15 a13 a15a13a15a
41、15a15a13a14a13a15a14a14a13a13a15a15a15a13 a14a14a13a13 a13a14 a13a13a13 a13 a15 a15 a15a15 a14a15a15 a14a15a14a15 a14a14a15 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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