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本文(NASA NACA-TN-776-1940 The aileron as an aid to recovery from the spin《作为恢复旋转帮助的副翼》.pdf)为本站会员(tireattitude366)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NASA NACA-TN-776-1940 The aileron as an aid to recovery from the spin《作为恢复旋转帮助的副翼》.pdf


2、ORYIANGLEY FiELD, HANPTON, VIRGIKI,4RETURN TO THE MO!E ADDRESS.REQIJEsTS FOR PUBUCATIOIS SHOULD READDRESSEDAS FOLLOWSINATIONM ADVISORY COhlffim FOR AERONAUTlm1724 F STREET, N.w.,WASHING_iON 25, D.C, I. ItWashingtonSeptember 1340. .,- . .“. -. - .,- . . . -. -.7-. , -, z -. -., - - . . . , -7 - ,. .

3、. . ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,:, ,. ,J ,. .,.-,_.-,. . . . .,-. Ix, where Ix and. Iy are the moments of inertiaabout the X and the Y axes, respectively) . The $e-sults for this group are summarized in figure 1. Thesecond group, the results for which are pre”ented in fig:ure 2, comprises models

4、9, 10, and 6R, with weight dis-tributed chiefly along the wings (Ix Iy) . . The wdightdistribution of model 9, an .uns.taggored biplane, fell inthe sane category as that 0$ model 10, a mul.tiongine de-sign. Model 6R was obtained by reballasting node16 tosimulate the mass distribution of a nulticngin

5、c design.Tho tests ofthis nodcl therefore, provided direct checkon the validity of classification of the aileron effectaccording to the typo of mass distribution,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 NACA Technical Note Eo776.,-, t,-,. “

6、-,:.- ,.A study of the results for models 1 to 8 indicatesthat tho use of a large-downward dflection of the out-board aileron was generally favorable to the spin and therecovery characteristics. Tests with,tiheinbo”ard aileronneutral and the” outboard .aiLoron preset “hi various posf-tions were mdde

7、 wih-modols lr 2, 3, 5, “and 6Thosetests showed that, astho downward deflection”.of the ?iler-on increased., the steady: spip. tended to s%ee.pbn.until.acondition was reached in which the rotation: could nolonger be maintained. The model then automatically ”re-covered when launched into the tunnel i

8、n rotation. The tests were usually stopped when the vertical ,velocity be-came too great for the ttinnel even though ”the nonspinning condition had not been attained. With models 4, 7, and 8,the tests were made for only the 600 downward aileron set-ting. Tho extent to which the model spins were affe

9、ctedby a given aileron setting varied considerably among thomodels. Yor example, tho.vertical velocity of model 2lecame too fast for the tunnel when the outlord aileronwas set down 10; whereas, with modol 3, this conditiondid not obtain even with a 40 setting. Four out of fivomodels of this group te

10、sted with a 600 downward aileronsetting would not spin for this control configuration, Models 3 and 5.were not tested with 60 settingsof the aileron but, for these models as was the case formodel 23 smaller settings were quite effective. The in-dications are that, in every case, a large downward de-

11、flection of the outboard aileron would be sufficienteither to prevent the spin or to steepen the spin enoughso that recovery ly rudder reversal would ho rapid. Theaileron setting required to insure a rapid recovery wouldprobably be less than 60 for these cases. Drooped ailer-ons sot full with the sp

12、in approximate the condition ofthe outboard aileron alone deflected down through a largeangle. These results idicate the advantages of holdingdrooped ailerons full with the spin where the weightdistribution is of the type represented by modelsl to 8.When the steady spin was made ith the ailerons ou-

13、tral and the outboard aileron moved down simultaneous,ywith the rudder reversal for recovery, the recoveries woronot so good as when this aileron was present. Of,tho SiXmodels tested on whichthe outboard aileron and the rudderwere moved together, satisfactory recoveries,.wero obtainodfor five cases.

14、 For models 1, 2 aad 6, i 400 downvrard.a71.- -. . , , - :. . . . ,. ,.- .- - - . .- -,.,.:,.”,. - , ,: - . . ,., :,. . .J ,., ,. ,. . . -. ,.,:- “,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NAC.ATechntca ”Rotb No. 776 5deflection of the outboar

15、d aileron was sufficient but formodels 3 and 4 a 60 deflection was necessary. For model5, which had a very flat attitude in;the spin (approxi-mately 800), recovery, although showing some improvement,still took on the order of 14 turns even when the outboardaileron was deflected as much as 800 downwa

16、rd.Oa modol 4,which would not recover by rudder rever-sal for aileron”s neutral, a test was made in which theoutboard aileron was moved down after the rudder had beenneutralized. This condition corrosp-ondeti to the ,situationin which n pilot finds neutralizing of the fiudder to beineffoctivo and fo

17、llows up his initial manipulation by do-flccting tho outboard nilcron as an added omcrgcncy device.!l?hoensuing rocovory for the case tested wcLs rapid.Tests on modols 7 and 8 indicated that individualdofloction of the outbor.rd aileron down through e.largeangle was more effective than any other ind

18、ividual deflec-tion of either aileron, up or down. Although the compari-son was not complete for the remaining models, it wasfound that, in general, deflection of the outer ailerondown was most effective, hut in a few isolated instancesother deflections appeared equally effective.The results for mod

19、els 9, 10, and 6R, models whoseweight was distributed chiefly along the wings, show thatpresetting the outboard aileron down 60 had very littloeffect with these models. With mo-del 9, it appeared aileron deflection “larger than 600 would produce as-light favorable effect. For model 10, the s

20、pin with theouthord aileron deflected down 600 WO.S slightly flatterthan th spin with this aileron neutral and, for model 6R,.-there was little effect with this aileron setting.T)ie effect of normal angular settings of the aileronswas invetigated and the results indicated that presettingthe ailerons

21、 with the spia, tried for five of the firsteight models, gave results consistent with those for alarge downward deflection of the outboard aileron in thatthe spins wore steeper and tho recoveries were more rapidthan from the aileron-neutral spins. Presetting the ai-lerons against the spin had the op

22、posite effect; the ,spingenerally %ecame flatter and the recoveries slower. As:with tho larger aileron settings, tho “magnitudes of “theeffects varied considerably among models. With model 1,for example, the recovery depend.d critically upon the .aileron setting; with mode15j,ti? effects were barely

23、-:- -JA“ -Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, . . ,: .-, . .-:.4. -.-6 I?ACA Technical Note No. 776.!:,.“percipt.ipleo When the steady spins vere made with theilqrons in neutral and the alerons moved simultaneously- witdi the rudder, si

24、milar. effects ieiq obtained; but inno case in which compar”able-re.suits were available wadthe improvcnont as great as that for presetting tho ai-lerons. Only a small effect was ohsorved with model 5,a model that gave a very flat. spin. Yor moael 3, a bi-plane with ailerons on only the uporwingj th

25、ero waspractically no effect of normal aileron deflectionsThe results for-models 9; 10$ and. 6R, hich were “o%-taincd only with preset ailerons, ho: that the directionof tho aileron effect “for normal angular settings was ro-versod from that for models 1 to 8 in that ailerons setagainst tho spin now

26、 gavo a fqvorable offoct. For modols10 and 6R, normal angular settings of tho ailerons againstthe spin proventod tho spin even when both rudde,r and ele-vators were set full with.the spin. The down-elevatorsetting also tended to prevent the spin for these twomodels.CONCLUDING REMARKS17hodata present

27、ed indcate that weight distributionof the model is an important factor in detornining thedirection of aileron effect, that is, whether aileronsdeflectod with or against the spin aro favora%le to re-covory characteristics. Yigure 1, which gives resultsfor models vhose weight is distributed chiefly al

28、ong thofuselago (Iy Ix), shows that ailerons with the spin,including the special case of tho outboard aileron downthrough a large angle, .=re gcnorally favorable to rocovorycharacteristics and that ailerons against the spin givoan advorso effect. Only for a biplane modol that has ai-lerons on only t

29、ho upper wing was the offoct of normalangular deflections of the ailerons indefinite. Settingthe outboard. aileron down through a large angle is gen-erally superior to normal angular settings of the aileronswith the spin for this condition. Rapid recovery from W, with spin; A, against spin; U* UP; D

30、 dovnControl setting (deg) TurnsAilerons forRudder Elevator recoveryRight LoftInitial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Finalo 0 0 0 3oYi 30A o 0 43. 20D 20D 20U 20U 301? 30A o o mo 0 10D 10D 30W 30A o 0 3aSteep; Vo - 20D - 30W - 0 too greatWould noto - 40D - 30W - 0 -spino - 60D - 30W - 0 -

31、 Would notspin20U “ aSteep; V20D - 30W - 0 + too greato 20D o 0 30W 30A o 0 70 20U o 0 30W 30A o 0 2$0 0 0 20D 30W 30A o 0 2*o 0 0 40D 30W 30A o 0 2$0 20U o 20D 3011 30A o 0 2*aIndications are that recovery would probably be rapid.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

32、without license from IHS-,-,-10NACA TechnicalTABLE IIIEffect of Ailerons on Recoveries from(V, rate of descent; If,with spin: A,Modelspin;2:u,Right Sinsup; D,down)S-pins.againstControl setting (deg)AileronsTurasforrecovery-=-=-iRudder lllevatorRightI IlinalInitial Final Initial FinaInitiall Final In

33、itialO 30W I 30A I 20D I 20Do+-t+20U I 301 =FF30A 20D 20D20D -20D -20UaSteep; Ttoo great+30W3oir20U 30Wo 301/o I 10DaSteep; Vtoo great-Q-l= 20D0o I 20D m0 I 20U o00 I o 20D 30“f/ 30A 20D 20D40D 3o11 30A 20D 20D60D 301( 30A 20D 20D20D 301/ 30A 20D 20D010 000010o I 20UIndications are that recovery wou

34、ld probally be rapid.QProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA Technical Note No.TABLE IVEffect of Ailerons on Recoveries776from11Spins“Model 3: (biplane with ailerons on Upper wing)Right Spins(W, with spin; A, against spin; U, up; D, dow

35、n)Control setting (deg)?urnsforreocmcryAil ronsRudder ElevatorRight Left=T=Initial Final Initial Final010 9Not in 103011 030W o030W0-0 25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D10D I 10D20D I 20D 010 mcm301 I o40D I 40D480 I o I 60U I 60U I 30? I o0 I o I 10D I 10D I 3olf I o0 I o I 20D I 20D

36、 I 30W I o 53oV I 0+25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D301 I 00 I 0 I 0 I 20U I 301/ I 0 Not in 50 825D I 25D Not in 105*3$30W o0 I o I o I 20D I 3oti I o 25D I 25Do I o I 4dD I 3olf I o+25D 25D25D 25D25D 25D+-k-k-=-b-030W I 301/ Not in 158. 025D I 25Do 20U I o I 20D 301 I oaGoes into very steep spin when control

37、 moves,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. Technical Note No. 12Effect of Ailerons on Recoveries from Spins. Model 4:(V, rate of descent; W, with spin; A, against spin; U,Right Spinsup; D, down)Control setting (deg)Ailerons TurnsRudder

38、Elevator forRight Left recoveryInitial Final Initial Final Initial 3?inal Initial Finalo 0 0 0 3olr 30A 25D 25D am,60D 60D o 0 3oi 30A 25D 25D amk. 0 0 60U 60U 301 30A 25D 25D20D 20D 20U 20U 307 30A 25D 25D hbSteep; Vo . 60D - 30W - 25D “too great “20U 20U 20D 20D 3oW 30A 25D 25D c1o 20D o 20U 3oii

39、30A 25D 25D amo 20U o 0 301/ 30A 25D 25D %$ W, with spin:A, against spin; U, up; D, down ) . .Control settinq (deq) -Turnsforre-cov-eryAilerons I Rudder Elevator. IRight Left IFinall Initiall FinalInitial Final HInitial l?inal Initial. 0 0 30W. .27U 27U 3Ow_ %am_H_J_LL:-0 I 0ZOA I o I o23D 23Da - 0

40、0.0 -20DI-20D 30W 40D - 3olv.123D 23D 3olv. - .o 0 30W% ,30A “ o I obSteep;v tooqreat-2-Q-L=-l-Q- A, against spin; U, up; D, down)Control setting (deg)Ailerons !?urnsRudder Elevator forRight Left recovery, ,* o0.10D60Do00000000, 00Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final.0 0 0 30W 30A 20D 20D

41、 2%o 0 0 30W o 20D 20D 7$10D o 0 30W o 20D 20D Not in 960D o 0 30W o 20D 20D mo 20U 20U 30W o 20D 20D Not in 120 60U 60U 301J o 20D 20D 50 10D 10D 30W o 20D 20D 2Would. 60D - 30W * 20D -not spin20D o 20U 30W o 20D 20D m20U o 0 30W o 20D 20D 3+o 0 20D 30W o 20D 20D 60 0 40D 30iV o 20D 20D l%o 0 60D 3

42、0W o 20D 20D 10 0 60D 30W 30W 20D 20D 20U o 20D 30W o 20D 20D 2+Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Effect of Ailerons on Recoveries from SpinsNACA Technical Note No. 776TABLE VIII15Model 7 (biplane with ailerons on both wings): Right Spi

43、ns(W, with spin; A, against spin; U, up; D, down)Control setting (deg)Ailerons TurnsRudder Elevator forRight Left recoveryInitial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial l?inalao 0 0 0 3olf 30A o 0 2. 60D 60D o 0 30W 30A o 0 alo 0 60U 60U 30W 30A o 0 1+llD lID 13U 13U 30?! 30A o 0 218D 18i) 28U 28

44、U 30W 30A o 0 2*60U 60U o 0 30W 30A o 0 1$0 - 60D - 30W - 0 - ilovldnot spin13U 13U llD llD 30W 30A o 0 128U “28U 18D 18D 30W 30A o 0 3/4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-16NACA TechnicalTABLENote N,o. 776IXEffect of Ailerons on Recover

45、ies from SpinsModel 8: Right Spins(w, with spin; A, against spin; U, up; D, down ).- . Control setting (deg)r_.Rudder ElevatorTurnsforre-ooveryAileronsLeft -l .Final-0.0-w.00-LFinal Initia:- .3OA o- _-Initia: Initial Fins: Initia. Final 30T. -30ivo. .4 60Do.-60D0 k-0 0 0 3OA I o wT-0OYd dnotspin-33.

46、roul dnotspinWouldnotspin. . 015D6OU6OU - 30Wt.30A o -.30W.3on.15D-*-3OU 30U0 0-6OU 10.00 l-60D -30W -30U 15D - 3olva71a15Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA Technical Note No, 776 17TABLE XEffect of Ailerons on RecoveriesModel 9 (bi

47、plane with ailerons on both wings): Right Spins(,with Spin; A, against spin; U, up; D, down)Control setting (deg)AileronsRudderRight LeftInitial Final Initial Final Initial Final.0 0 0 0 3o11 30Ao 15D 15D o 0 30W 30A30D 30D o 0 30W 30A60D 60D o 0 30W 30Ao 0 15U 15U 30W 30Ao 0 40U 40U 3ow 30A15D 15D 15U 15U 301 30A15U 15U o 0 30W 30Ao 0 15D 15D 30W 30Ao 0 60D 60D 30W 30Ao 0 70D ?OD 30W 30A15U 15U 15D 15D 30W 30A+4ElevatorInitial Final20U 20U mTurnsforrecovery=-t=t+-20U 20U m20U 20U 4*20U I 20U I 420U I 20U I 4*20U 20U w20U 20U m20U 20U m=-l=H-0 0 60D 60D 30W 30A 20U 20U am, 5.aUppor ailer

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