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本文(NASA NACA-TR-633-1938 Pressure distribution over an N A C A 23012 airfoil with a slotted and a plain flap《带有开缝和普通襟翼的NACA 23012机翼的压力分布》.pdf)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NASA NACA-TR-633-1938 Pressure distribution over an N A C A 23012 airfoil with a slotted and a plain flap《带有开缝和普通襟翼的NACA 23012机翼的压力分布》.pdf

1、REPRODUCED BYNATIONAL TECHNICALINFORMATION SERVICEU. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCESPRINGFIELD, VA. 22161Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-REPO

2、RT No. 633PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012AIRFOIL WITH A SLOTTED AND A PLAIN FLAPBy CARL J. WENZINGER and JAMES B. DELANOLangley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory74939-38-1Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NATIONAL ADVISOR

3、Y COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICSHEADQUARTERS, NAVY BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D. CLABORATORIES, LANGLEY FIELD, VA.Created by act of Congress approved March 3, 1915, for the supervision and direction of the scientificstudy of the problems of flight (U. S. Code, Title 50, Sec. 151). Its membership was increased

4、 to 15 byact approved March 2, 1929. The members are appointed by the President, and serve as such withoutcompensation.JOSEPH S. AMES, Ph.D., Chairman,Baltimore, Md.DAVID W. TAYLOR, D. Eng., Vice Chairman,Washington, D. C.WILLIS RAY GREGG, Sc. D., Chairman, Executive Committee,Chief, United States W

5、eather Bureau.WILLIAM P. MACCRACKEN, J. D., Vice Chairman, ExecutiveCommittee,Washington, D. C.CHARLES G. ABBOT, Sc. D.,Secretary, Smithsonian Institution.LYMAN J. BRIGGS, Ph.D.,Director, National Bureau of Standards.ARTHUR B. COOK, Rear Admiral, United States Navy,Chief, Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy

6、 Department.HARRY F. GUGGENHEIM, M. A.,Port Washington, Long Island,N. Y.SYDNEY M. KRAUS, Captain, United States Navy,Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department.CHARLES A. LINDBERGH, LL. D.,New York City.DENIS MULLIGAN, J. S. D.,Director of Air Commerce, Department of Commerce.AUGUSTINE W. ROBINS, Briga

7、dier General, United StatesArmy,Chief Matdriel Division, Air Corps, Wright Field,Dayton, Ohio.EDWARD P. WARNER, Sc. D.,Greenwich, Conn.OSCAR WESTOVER, Major General, United StatesArmy,Chiefof Air Corps, War Department.ORVILLE WRIGHT, Sc. D.,Dayton, Ohio.GEORGE W. LEWIS, Director of Aeronautical Rese

8、archJOHN f. VICTORY, SecretaryHENRY J. E. REID, Engineer-in-Charge, Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Field, Va.JOHN J. IDE, Technical Assistant in Europe, Paris, FranceTECHNICAL COMMITTEESAERODYNAMICS AIRCRAFT STRUCTURESPOWER PLANTS FOR AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTSAIRCRAFT MATERIALS

9、INVENTIONS AND DESIGNSCoordination of Research Needs of Military and Civil AviationPreparation of Research ProgramsAllocation of ProblemsPrevention of DuplicationConsideration of InventionsLANGLEY MEMORIAL AERONAUTICAL LABORATORYLANGLEY FIELD, VA.Unified conduct, for all agencies, ofscientific resea

10、rch on the fundamentalproblems of flight.|IOFFICE OF AERONAUTICAL INTELLIGENCEWASHINGTON, D. C.Collection, classification, compilation,and dissemination of scientific and tech-nical information on aeronautics.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from I

11、HS-,-,-REPORT No. 633PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012 AIRFOIL WITH A SLOTTEDAND A PLAIN FLAPBy CARL J. WENZINGER and JAMES B. DELAI_OSUMMARYPressure-distribution tests of an N. A. C. A. 23012airfoil equipped with a slotted flap and with a plain flapwere made in the 7- by lO-foot wind

12、tunnel. A test instal-lation was used in which the 7-foot-span airfoil wasmounted vertically between the upper and lower sides ofthe closed test section so that two-dimenslonal flow wasapproximated. The pressures were measured on theupper and lower surfaces at one chord section both on themain airfo

13、il and on the flaps for several different flapdeflections and at several angles of attack.The data are presented in the form o pressure-distribu-tion diagrams and as graphs of calculated section coe_-cients or the airfoil-and-flap combinations and also forthe flaps alone. The results are useful or a

14、pplication torib and flap structural design; in addition, the plain-flapdata furnish considerable information applicable to thestructural design of plain ailerons.INTRODUCTIONUp to the present time, many high-lift devices havebeen developed and investigated, but each appears tohave some disadvantage

15、s. One of the most promisinghigh-lift devices thus far developed is the combinationof a slotted flap with a main airfoil. Investigations ofthis arrangement (reference 1) have shown that it iscapable of developing high lifts and that it gives lowerdrags at these high lifts than do external-airfoil, p

16、lain,or split flaps.The force tests of reference 1, in which several com-binations of an N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with flaps ofdifferent sections and with slots of several differentshapes were investigated, indicated that the best ar-rangement thus far obtained is a combination of anairfoil and a s

17、lotted flap, the flap having an airfoilshapeand the slot an easy entrance; this combination is des-ignated flap 2-h in reference 1. A survey of flap loca-tion with respect to the main airfoil was made to obtainthe best aerodynamic characteristics. It was alsofound that some particular flap path woul

18、d give opti-mum aerodynamic characteristics; the flap pathdeveloped is reported in reference 1.Very few data are available for application to thestructural design of slotted flaps. Some recent data(references 2 and 3) are available but, as the reportedtests were not very comprehensive, the present i

19、nvesti-gation was undertaken to supply information applicableto the structural design of slotted flaps. Similar dataare already available for the design of split, external-airfoil, and Fowler flaps (references 4, 5, and 6).Pressure-distribution tests were made in the 7- by10-foot wind tunnel of an N

20、. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil incombination with a slotted flap. The optimum flappath previously developed for this flap (reference 1)was used in these tests. Pressure-distribution testswere also made over the same airfoil in combinationwith a plain flap for purposes of comparison and also toobtain addit

21、ional information for the detailed structuraldesign of both flaps and ailerons.APPARATUS AND TESTSMODELSThe models used in the present tests are the onespreviously used in the force tests reported in reference1. The main airfoil, made of laminated pine to theN. A. C. A. 23012 profile, has a uniform

22、chord of 3feet and a span of 7 feet. A removable full-spantrailing-edge section permits the testing of differentfull-span flaps in combination with the same mainairfoil. Both a slotted flap and a plain flap made oflaminated pine were tested; each was supported on themain airfoil by three metal fitti

23、ngs, one located at mid-span and one inboard of each flap tip.The slotted flap tested (fig. 1) is the one previouslydeveloped by the N. A. C. A. and designated 2-h inreference 1; it has a chord of 9.238 inches (25.66 per-cent of the over-all airfoil chord). A full-span fixedlip made of strip brass i

24、s located on the upper surfaceof the main airfoil over the flap-slot exit to seal the slotwhen the flap is neutral and to direct the passage ofair downward over the flap when the flap is defleete(hThe path of the nose point of the flap chosen (fig. 1) isthe optimum one reported in the tests describe

25、d inreference 1. The nose point of the flap is defined asthe point of tangency of a line drawn normal to theairfoil chord and tangent to the leading-edge arc of theflap when neutral. The flap is arranged for locking atdownward flap deflections between 0 and 60 inincrements of 10%1Provided by IHSNot

26、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 REPORT NO. 633-NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICSThe plain flap (fig. 1) has a chord of 7.20 inches(20.0 percent of the over-all airfoil chord). The flapgap was sealed for all flap deflections by interchange-ab

27、le full-span brass lips on the upper and lower sur-faces of the airfoil to prevent a flow of air through thegap. The flap is arranged for locking at flap deflec-tions between 45 up and 75 down in increments of15 .A single row of pressure orifices was built into theupper and lower surfaces of both th

28、e main airfoil andthe flaps at a chord section 21 inches from one end ofthe models (fig. 2). The orifices were located on themodels as listed in table I, the tubes from the orificesbeing brought through the models and out at one end.The pressures were photographically recorded by amultiple-tube liqu

29、id manometer.TI co0 82 7c_ ._0o788c_ lR=oO8#cjasos/_, -_“ F-4 .:Xdo%:-aO_d3o “J“-.%.-.t c:,:-O2m “-._L_t _ To_ -ear, _ of.- _) _ max/-_ _ mum. i ordi-“ / notes_: V of“ _.-_ , I flop“c.-/_Ahead “-tool- “ _ mum “ordi- o:Ts , ,04 : 8.0 “Co,=-0“36 _, _“,. -.To _reor “.oftool- x mum “_%./c_,=-0.40 ,_,_or

30、di-notesofflop% -,. ., -. ?_ ,_,_“3, -. _ ( ._o- O0 , c_,=-0.4.1 (- c_ =-cZ.31 _x _,_ _ _ , ,-_._- aa“ ,“%/_ _o-l_.O ,_Ftougm t4.-Chord pressure distribution on a 0.2566c,_ slotted flap mounted on the FIGUR_ 15.-Chord pressure distribution on a 0.2566c_ slotted flap mounted oa theN. A. C. A. 23012 a

31、irfoil. Flap set at 50 . N.A.C.A. 23012 airfoil. Flap set at 60 .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-14 REPORT NO. 633-NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS4 _ -45LlL_ (=o=-4.0C.,_=-LJ3cco= /2.0 c,_,= 0.19N. . .f_o= 0.0“c,_, =-/.061

32、119_,o= 16.0“C,_,= 067_xo= 4.0 c._,= -0.672qUpper _urfoc_. Lowersl-,_, 0/ _ _“ _o= ZO.O c,_,= L 04oo= 8.0 c,_, =-O.Z4FIUURE 16.-Iressure distribution on the N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.20cw plain flap, at various angles of attack. Flap set at -45 .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

33、or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012 AIRFOIL WITH FLAPS axf .,o.c._ =-/./5= 0.0 c ,_,=- 073i_ _s _u o= 16.0c,_,=0.81Upper ,surface_o= “ifO Lower ,c._=-0.4Z _61-4q-2 I-_ 0 -_e 8 0 I “_-_ _ _o = 20.0“e._ffi-O.08 e._= 0.83FIeUR_ 17.-Pressu

34、re distribution on the N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.20c_ plain flap, at various angles of attack. Flap set at -_0 74939-38-3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-16 REPORT NO. 633_-NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS-C _-_ -/5

35、 _“ -1_ -._ _IO:o= -40“c._ = -0.30_ = 12.0 c,_,:0.70_:o= O.0 ,_=-0.53t_6 o= I6.0 e,_,= 0.34(_o= 4.0“c._ :-0.14 X).(_o= 8.0“V,_= 0.28Upper _urfoce. Lower“ ,P -4 L-20- ao= 20.0“c,_= /.0/FIc, Vll_ 18,-Pressure distribution on the N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.20c_ plain flap, at various angles of

36、attack. Flap set at -15 .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012 AIRFOIL WITH FLAPS :17f0 0 o_Io =-4.0 c._ = -0.33eQ = 12.0“c._= 1.31c_o = 0.0 c._= 0.12_o= #.0 c._= 0.553, _i - 6o = 16.0 Cn_,= 1

37、.37Upper ._urfoce. Lowet-o_o . 8.0 c.,_ = O.95-4pq-g_o= 0.0 C,.,.,= /.25FIGURE 19.-Pressure distribution on the N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.20c_ plain flap, at various angles of attack. Flap set at 0%Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

38、-,-,-18 REPORT NO. .633-NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICSC f=- , oao 80c , = -0.02a o = IZ.O C,w= 1.73o_o= 0.0 C.,.= 0.77“_ _ “ cto = 16.0“C,=,= 1.636fP.P_q-4-20Upper- ._urfoceLower“ “-“ at= 20.0“c_. l L41FIGURE 20.-Preseure distribution on the N. A C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.20c,plain f

39、lap, at various anglos of attack. Flap set at 15.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012 AIRFOIL WITH FLAPS 19a o: -8.0 cn_: 02/.,L_“ ,_o = 8.0“c_,= 1.74-_ -_ _ oo= -c._= 0.60-6Upper ._urfoceLow

40、erpV0/ - _o= IG.O C,_,= /. 7,.9FIGURE21.-Pressure distribution on the N. A. C. A. 23012airfoil with a 0.20c_ plain flap, at various angles of attack. Flap set at 30%Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2O REPORT NO. 633-NATIONAL ADVISORY C

41、OMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICSa o =-12.0c= 0.06_- _o = 8.0“ -._%)c.,= 1.97e%=- - .o= 4.o: _e,_,= /.881 . %_x - - . T -Jc_= e.17 _ .)-6p/ /2 o _, JUppeF 5urfGce. LOWeFL,:-;_o- r ,C,=/93FIGURE 24.-Pressure distribution on the N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.20c_ plain flap, at various angles o attack, Fl

42、ap set at 75 ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012 AIRFOIL WITH FLAPS 23/ / /LoI%Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-t,D-5pq .Pla

43、in airfoil- - - Airfoil with flop, _ -15 30 . 45“(a) At the same lift, Cnw=l.3l. (b) At the same angle of attack, a0=8 .FIGURE 26.-Comparison of the pressure distribution on an N. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil and a 0.20c_ plain flap with that on the plain airfoil.0SProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduc

44、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-oPRESSURE DISTRIBUTION OVER AN N. A. C. A. 23012 AIRFOIL WITH FLAPS-4 An_/e of ottock, _o, deg.0 4 8 12 /6 _0 0 4 8 I_ I_ ZO -4 z 0 4 8 I_(a) Airfoil with flap.(b) Flap alone.FIGURE 27.-Section characteristics of theN. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil

45、with a 0.2566c_slotted flap set at 0.L2 L6 20 .P4coeffic/ent of(a) Airfoil with flap.(b) Flap alone.FIGURE 28.-Section characteristics of theN. A. O. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.2566.slotted flap set at 10 4 .8 /2 LG _0 24(a) Airfoil with flap.(b) Flap alone.FIGURE 29.-Section characteristics of theN.

46、 A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.2566coslotted flap set at 20%25Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-26 REPORT NO. 633-NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS8OIO00-.4(a) Airfoil with flap.(b) Flap alone.FmURE 30.-Section characteristi

47、cs of theN. A. C. A. 23012 airfoil with a 0.2566cwslotted flap set at 30 ,.4 .8 I.Z L6 2.0 _.4 .4 .8 1.2 /.6 _.0 24 Zcoefficientof c._(a) Airfoil with flap. (a) Airfoil with flap.(b) Flap alone. (b) Flap alone.FIGURE31.-Section characteristics of the FIOURZ32.-Section characteristics of theN. A. C. A. 23012airfoil with a C.256,_c_ N.A.C.A. 23012airfoil with a 0.2566cwslotted flap set at 40. slotted flap set at 50.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduct

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