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本文(NASA NACA-WR-L-261-1942 Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with a Handley Page slat and two flap arrangements《带有一个手柄板条和两个襟翼组合的NACA 23012机翼的风洞研究》.pdf)为本站会员(bowdiet140)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NASA NACA-WR-L-261-1942 Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with a Handley Page slat and two flap arrangements《带有一个手柄板条和两个襟翼组合的NACA 23012机翼的风洞研究》.pdf

1、NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICSW!lrmm lum)luORIGINALLY ISSUEDFebruary 1$)42asAdvance Restricted Re”iwrtWIND-TUNNEL INVESTIGATIONOF AN NACA 2301.2AIRFOIL WITH A HANDLEY PAGE SLATAND Two FLAP ARRANmmBy Marvin J. SchuldenfreiLangley Memorial AeronauticalLaboratoryLangley Field. Va.NACAWASHI

2、NGTONNACA WARTIME REPORTS arereprintsofpapersoriginallyissuedtoproviderapiddistributionofadvanceresearchresultstoahauthorizedgrouprequiringthemforthewareffort.Iheywerepre-viouslyheldunderasecuritystatusbutarenowunclassified.Some ofthesereportswerenottech-nicallyedited.Allhavebeenreproducedwithoutcha

3、ngeinordertoexpeditegeneraldistribution.L 261Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I AIEBOIL lfITItA HAIWLEY PAGE SLATAr ,“AND !Wt)LAP+J?IUd?G3MEHTS .+.-. - .-LIw By Marvin J. Sckuldenfreia1xl SUIWA3Y“An investlgaton was made in the 7- by 1

4、0-foot windtunnel of an VACA 23012 airfoil equipped with a HandleyPage slat and e.slotted and a split flap. The purposeof the lnes%i.gation was to determine the aerodynamic sec-tion characteristics of thie airfoil with and withoutflaps, a affected b the location of the Handley Pageelt . A raag of sl

5、ut-nose locations wan Investigatedboth wltil and without flaps at e csnstant slat gap, andthe effct OS le.t gap was investigated for the slottedflap deflected 40. The slat positZon for ra:cimum lift,polars for slotted and split flaps for tke nest favorableslat arrangements for maximuin lift, ar.d co

6、=plste soctlondata for tle most favorable slat arrangements are included- -Contours of slat-nose location aro given for mmzimum liftCODfficient, for angle of attack for maximtm lift coeffi-cient, ant. for drag end iitching momonts at solectod liftCOi3ffCielltB.The Eandley Pago slat in its optimum po

7、sition on thoplain air:oil increased the maxtmum sectio lift .cocffi-clont b: 0.52 and iacreasod the angle o: attack for naxi-mum llft coefficient by about 9. With either the nplitor slottnd flr.p deflcctcd, th slat Increased the maximuulift coofficiont o: tho airfoil-flap combination by about.0.26

8、and the angle 02 attack for maximum lift by about 14 .In all cases the drag coaificiont zt a given llft cooffl-ciont was higher with tho slat oxtondod than with tho slatrotractod.Sovoral previous invostigetions by tho WLCA and othorshave shown that an oxtensihlo loading-odgo dovico offors afair solu

9、tion to tho nrobloms cncountorod In docroasinglanding spcods, which havo bocomo Incroaslngly high aswing loalngs aro incroasod to obtain groator maximumSpacds. ho probloa of maintaining IatorP.1 ContrOl oVOr .tho incronsod spood rango usunlly rosolvos itsialf into onoProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

10、reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2of naintalning control at low spoos, ospoclally in thoy/rosoncn of ?.ift-increasing dovicos, The USS of high-li5t dovicos brings othor associated probloms: Incroasodtail load nocossar for trim, duo *C tho roarmrd clJILtOr.of-prosnuro

11、 trnvol with flaps, nnil tha nhrupt drop in 15ftat tho stall oncuntcro l.;lthsOmO hig-h-ift (OVicSDTh extenritle leadtng-e?.ge slat h,as tws separate ef-fects that contrihuie to tho solution of these problems.Iho slat meintains the air flov over the top Qurface of:ha z:ain wing whlc Is !ceFt fron bu

12、rblinG up to an acgloqrociabl ooyond the aorai 6.tall. Tho lift i6 ?husmaintained for an aprec?.abla rango of anles above thenorual fitall acg19., +he 6?.at itself contrib-ute a lift that aclts to tt.s llft of tho Cain wing. Thetotnl affect is an i.creased mximm lift, as well as aniacre

13、2f3ei!anglo of attack foz raxluua lift. Above thenorual stall ngl of the airfoil without the slat, thelift increased rather slowly for te irfoil-slat combi-nation. This condition yoluces a ilattecing of tho liftcurvo and th slow respose of the rirpl.oUe.:-serve mea Nnrning to tlie ptiot tiiat tho st

14、all is hcinz approached.Tho proqor.t invostint!on oztcnds tho toets of thoproviouc roforoncos to ntiITACA 23012 airfoil cqulpcdSUCCCSSiVCly lth Split ;nd SiottOd flnl)S. 2?1c data fortho .airioil-flmp couhinationa rlonc mu f;lv3n in rofcr-C1lCC 6.Pluj.n nwi,rf.- The hnstc, or lain; airfoil hd Rchord

15、 of 3 fout nnd n sm.n of 7 fcot. It WaS i)lliltto thoHACA 23012 proflloo tho ordinmtos of wiiich aro given inroforoilco 6.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I 3lbm- A Slottod nd Q plt flm WOrO tostod. Thoslottod flnp hcd-z-ohord of 25-6p

16、oroontontof.tho airfoilchord, wns dosignntod 2-h in roforonoo 6, and was fastenedto the main airfoil as Indicated %n that referenoe. Theordinates for the slotted flap are given in figure 1. Thesplit flap had a chord of 20 percent of the airfoil chordand was nade of -inch plywood. Hor tests with the

17、eplitflap, the slotted flap was locked in its ceutral positlr)nthe gas at the flap-slot entry and exit were gealed withplasticene, au-d the split flap was fastened to the airfoilby ueans of wood blocks that gave the desired flap deflec-tions.Slat.- Qhe slat, which is shown extended in figure 2,was u

18、acLlned from an aluuinun alloy to the ordinates sup-plied by Eendley Page, Ltd., of England. These ordinatesare given in figuro 1. The slat was zada la two pieces,tho d.ivison being In tho center, spanwise, of the slat.g!rec s;ecld fittings were attached to tho airfoil, acdtti-rosa of the slat (here

19、inafter refarrod to as tho slatroferonco point”) pivoted on those fittings in such e uan-nor that tko reforonce point could bo locatod through awido rango of positions. Tho trailing ede of the slatwas 3old et fivo points nlong tho span by fittinge fhatRIBO sorvcd to sot tho slat grip.T?iu :.OSO of t

20、ho basic airfoil was Llodlfiod as indi-cated in figwo 1 tc accornriadnto t.c slat. ith tho elatfully rotractdd, Lo airfoil shage was that of tho NACA -25012 airfoil. A small .rorkizgcloa.ranco botwcon tho slatand tho airfoil was allowed, tko slat fitting against tiloairfoil only .attho rOfOi”O?lCO p

21、oint and at tho slat trail-ing odgo in tho rotractod position.TZSTSThe model was mounted vertically In the test sectionof the HLOA closed-throat 7- b lo-foot wind tunnel sothat it completely spanned the set except for small clear-ances at each end (reference 6). The main airfoil wasrigidly attaed to

22、 the balace frame by torque tubes whichextended through the upper and the lower boundaries of thetunnel. The angle of attack of the model was set from out-sido the tunnel by rotating tha torque tubes with a cali-brated drSvo. Approximately two-dimeuelonal flow is ob-tained with thie type of test Ins

23、tallation and the sectionProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-c!:arzctcrtstlcs of the modol under toet ce,n be d.otorminod.All tooto woro rmdo nt a dynamtc prossuro of 16.37pounds par squaro foot, corresponding to a volecit ofabout 80 mile

24、s por hour uador staadar?. atmospheric conCi-tlons ant! to a test Reynolds nunbor of about 2,190,000.Bccauso of tunnel turtulonco, tko offcctlc oynols nua-bor was 305o,o() basOd on a wi.g ChOrd (8.lit flap iieflectecl 60 ,Oant. for the nir-foil with the siotteJ flap deflected 40 . The slat gapwas ma

25、intained at 2 perceut of the airfoil chord, the op-tiauu Gap irom previous In=resti;ations. Sufficient datawere o“itained to plot coatours of tke slat-reference-poir.t position for fario-islift coefffcieuts.For t:.e slotte?. CLd oplit flaps te itermetiate flapangle were run with the roferance-point

26、location at thelocation for maximum lift Zor tho flap fully r.psbotweon tio flap and the a?.rfoil were Sealed,In ordor to chock to slat-ap SOttil of 2 porcontof t:.e airfoil chord as tko optimum for maximum lift coof-ficiont, teets voro mate with 1-porcont and 2Qm section itching-monencoefficient .-

27、 Contours of the slat-reference-point locationforCm(a. c.)o at various lift coefficients are shown infiure 6. The slat has a positive pitching-moment effect,teild.i.g to decrease tk.e negatiive pitching-moment coeffi-cient of toe airfoil-flan cqir.ation. T-e effect becomesgreater as the slat is nved

28、 farther forward and upvard.Aerod.ynainic section chaacterisiics of airfOil-flaD-slat coninati.- The effect of flap defection on theaeiodynani c section characteristics of the airfoil-slat-flag combination with the slo%ted. flap is indicatcl infigure 7. It Lm.y be seen thib above the angle of stallo

29、f the plain airfoil (about 15 j , the lift increases lessraitlly with change ir: ange -of aiack. lb-efiizal stalloccurs at aIJ roxima,tely 24B or 25 . The break in the liftcurves at 15 is accoc:anicd lIY a large increase in dragcocfficieilt foiangcs of attack greater than 15. Abovea lift coefficient

30、 of alout 1.0, the negative pttching-noncn-t coefficient dccreascs witk: increasing lift coeffi-cient, which corrcsonds to a forward movenco-t .of theccntcr of yrcssurc .of.the airfoil.ITihe crod-yaic. section characteristics of the air-foil l;ith the sat and the sqlit fla at various deflec-tions rr

31、e shown in figure 8 for two slat positions. Infigure 8(3) .fic slat rcfcrcnc,c point is located at adcthof -OOG6C cr-tlin figure S(h).z at a depth of L0404c. In130th arts of fig-arc 8 the slat width is 0.09c, and the with incycasing flapl?.laxd.cflcctionoA conyarison of tlLC split aid the slotted fl

32、aps atnaxim-mz deflection- is shown- in ih-c following talle:iIIlap . . +f “ Slat r+;l . S/d p?, iio.;7“from pin perceni airfoil 4“ch?r! :%15%I 1 1 I I I I I I I -A. 1 1$:/ I u I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1.-I u-+-n-l x8 x-.4 I I I I I*%obSecfiOn Iiftcoefficient. c.Figure 7.- Aerodynamic section charactoristies

33、of NACA23012 airfoil with a 0.2566c slotted flapand a Handley Page Blat. Width, 0.09c; depth,-O.06c;gap, 0.02C.Secf70n lift coefficient, c,Figcme 9.- Aerodpmic section characteristics of NACA23012 airfoil with and without flaps and withHandley Page slat at optimumlationfor Cax.Provided by IHSNot for

34、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HACA Fig. 8I I I I I I I I II 1 I I I IIf?”.- I I I GoR-./6 I 1 1I II-.4 0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2?0 2.4 .?8 -.4 0 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8Sec fion lift coe fficien+. C,.(a) Depth of slat reference point, -0.06cFigure 8.-(b) Depth

35、of slat reference point, O.04cAerodynamic section characteristics of NACA 23012 airfoil with a 0.20c split flap and a HandleyPage slat. Slat width, 0.09c, slat gap, 0.02c.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-Figure10.- faot of fhpa endHa

36、ndloy Pa Slat oninorementofmax- sootionliftooaffioient.Fign.10,11,12I I I.“ EH-%+2%m?b%si?fkh.48.44.40$35$.32&$28.24&5.20&C.16:.8“q./2.m.040+ O .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 28 32Sectim lift cue fficienf, c,FlgPre12. - Comparison of profile-dreg ooeffioientm Qf llACA23012 airfoil with two typenof flaps and

37、aHamlley Page slat.omFIw ahtk%n. L$. FIre 11. - Effeot of flqa and FIandley mlat on angh ofattaok for mnxi- lift.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IA(UAlq?& of dtkk, e.+F* H.- Hfsat on a71rdpmmio moti m olmrcotarin-2tiom of h IACd 23012

38、 al Oil dm to thaddltiooof twotypo of flmpn d a Iimdloy R Slmt.slat looation Opth for Olin.44.M.47.04$:ife.1!8%:0$O .4 .8 L2 1.6 20 2.4 2.8 3.2Secfkm lift cmffktkf. c,Z L- Efhot of slnt *p on uridyimdo meotiooOhrMtoristiomof MIX 2m.2airfoilwith O.i?&Idofllp dofhotad4 ad mht a71t optilmmlomtion for ok .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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