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本文(NASA-CR-2215-1977 Two-dimensional wind-tunnel tests of a NASA supercritical airfoil with various high-lift systems Volume II - Test data《带有多种高升力系统的NASA超临界机翼的二维风洞试验 第II卷 试验数据》.pdf)为本站会员(orderah291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NASA-CR-2215-1977 Two-dimensional wind-tunnel tests of a NASA supercritical airfoil with various high-lift systems Volume II - Test data《带有多种高升力系统的NASA超临界机翼的二维风洞试验 第II卷 试验数据》.pdf

1、L_-.%? ! i(_! NASA CONTRACTOR-5Ti)I:bREPORTNASA CR-2215ZCLASS IFIEDBY Henry AIF_k_ ;,:;- -_SecuntX ClassificationOfficerIk(_SUBJECT TO GENERAL DE_AffO-N SCHEDOI_“i0_EXECUTIVE ORD_ATICALLY DOWNGRADED -_S AND DECLASSIFIED ON DEC 3_I_SSIF.ICATI01; C_A;G_, _ _ 979F: To_: C . -_ b_,flhr,.Ht_ i ._O_%_ : _

2、-_-:-_ _,i,eii_o_ A _ASA SUPERCRmCAL mRrO_LWITH VARIOUS HIGH-LIFT SYSTEMS _ L Volume II - Test Datai by E. Omar, T. Zierten, hi. Hahn, E. Szpiro,and A. hiabalP repa red btTHE BOEING COMPANYSeattle, _Zash. 98124for Lang/er Research CenterC“_.t_:.,i:“i,:_,tion Change NO%iCeS Bo c_a;ea *-*“1-9TC1I_-“NA

3、TIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. , SEPTEMBER1973/Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2. Government Accession No

4、,NASA CR-22154. Title and Subtitlerwo- DIMENSIONAL Wl ND-TUNNELTESTS OFA NASA SUPER-CRITICAL AIRFOIL WITH VARIOUS HIGH-LIFT SYSTEMSVOLUME II- TESTDATA7. Author(s)E. Omar, T. Zierten, M. Hahn, E. Szpizo, and A. Mahal3. Recipients Catalog No,5. Report DateSeptember 19736. Performing Organization CodeP

5、erforming Organization Report No.D6-41063-210. Work Unit No760-64-60-0111 Contract or Grant NoNASI- 1082413. Type of Report and Period CoveredContractor Report14 Sponsoring Agency Code9. Performing Organization Name and AddressThe Boeing CompanyCommercial Airplane GroupSeattle, Washington 9812412. S

6、ponsoring Agency Name and AddressNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWashington, D. C. 2054615. Supplementary NotesThis is a final report.16. AbstractIn fulfillment of NASA contract NAS1-10824, Two-Dimensional Wind Tunnel Tests of aNASA Supercritical Airfoil With Various High-Lift Systems,

7、“three high-lift systems for a NASA)9.3-percent blunt-based, supercritical airfoil were designed, fabricated, and wind tunnel tested.In addition, a method furnished by NASA for calculating the viscous flow about two-dimensionalmulticomponent airfoils was evaluated by comparing its predictions with t

8、est data.The primary objective of this program was to determine whether high-lift systemsderived from supercritical airfoils would have performance comparable to high-lift systemsderived from conventional airfoils. The high-lift system for the supercritical airfoil weredesigned to achieve maximum li

9、ft and consisted of: (1) a single-slotted flap, (2) a double-slottedflap and a leading-edge slat, and (3) a triple-slotted flap and a leading-edge slat.This volume contains the experimental wind-tunnel data obtained for these high-liftsystems. Aerodynamic force and moment data and surface pressure d

10、ata are presented for allconfigurations and boundary-layer and wake profiles for the single-slotted flap configuration.This volume also contains discussions of the wind-tunnel models, test facilities andinstrumentation, data reduction procedures, and data two dimensionality.17. Key Words (Suggested

11、by Author(s)Su0ercritical airfoilHigh- Lift flap systemsTwo- Dimensional data19. Security Classif, (of this report)18. Distribution Statement_ilable to U.S. Government,gencies and their contractors only20. Security Classif. of this page)Unclassified21. No. of Pages23422. PriceAUTOMATICALLY_VALS AND

12、DECLASSIFIED ON DEC 31Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONTENTSPage1INTRODUCTION SYMBOLS .5TEST SETUP AND DATA REDUCTION .5Model Descript

13、ion 5Test Facilities . “.Data Description . 79Data Reduction .12TWO-D1MENSIONALITY .APPENDIX A Airfoil Section Characteristics . 47APPENDIXB Wake/Boundary-Layer Measurements ModelB . 97APPENDIX C- Pressure Distributions . 1 17iiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

14、thout license from IHS-,-,-imbr_ LL_Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TWO-DIMENSIONAL WIND-TUNNEL TESTS OF A NASA SUPERCRITICALAIRFOIL WITH VARIOUS HIGH-LIFT SYSTEMSVolume ll-Test DataBy E. Omar, T. Zierten, M. Hahn, E. Szpiro, and A. M

15、ahalTile Boeing CompanyCommercial Airplane GroupINTRODUCTIONThis document is the second volume of a two-volume technical report on NASA contractNAS 1-10824, “Two-Dimensional Wind Tunnel Tests of the NASA Supercritical Airfoil With VariousHigh-Lift Systems,“ awarded to The Boeing Company in May 1971.

16、 While this volume is completein itself as a data report, it is also intended to complement volume 1, which presents the evaluationand analysis portion of the contract study.Tile data presented in this volume include: Aerodynamic data in the form of C_ versus c_, C d, and Cm0.25c Surface pressures i

17、n the form of Cp versus x/c Boundaryqayer and wake profiles of a single-slotted flap configurationTables of the locations of boundary-layer transition and separation obtained through flowvisualizationThis volume also includes discussions of: Wind tunnel models Test facilities and instrumentation Dat

18、a reduction procedures Data two-dimensionalityProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SYMBOLSPcfcfC_eCdCD iACd BC_C_ma xCLCm0.25cAll geometric airfoil parameters defined below are illustrated in figure 1.AR wing aspect ratioc airfoil referenc

19、e chord length, metersc camber-line length of a deployed high-lift system measured from the wing leadingedge (0,0) to the trailing edge of the last flap component, meterscamber-line length of a deployed trailing-edge flap, meterschord length of a retracted flap, meterschord length of a deployed lead

20、ing-edge device, meterssection drag coefficient, C d = D/q_Swing induced-drag coefficientincrement in drag due to buoyancy forcesection lift coefficient, C = L/q_Smaximum lift coefficient an airfoil configuration generates as angle of attack is variedwing lift coefficientsection pitching moment coef

21、ficient about a moment center located at (0.25c, 0),Cm0.25c = m/q_ScCp pressure coefficient, (PL “ P_)/%oD drag, newtonsG slot gap size, meters11 wind tunnel test section height, metersH boundary-layer shape factor, H = 6*/0L lift, newtons2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p

22、ermitted without license from IHS-,-,-m pitchingmoment,newton-metersM_o freestream Math numberPL PSPTPT ePoq_Relocal static pressure, newtons per square meterlocal total pressure, newtons per square metertotal pressure at the outer edge of wake or boundary layer, newtons per square meterfreestream s

23、tatic pressure, newtons per square meter“3freestream dynamic pressure, %0 = Poo Uoo“/2, newtons per square meterReynolds number based on airfoil reference chord lengthS arc length, metersairfoil maxmmm thickness, metersUUo_local velocity (see eq. ( 1) and fig. B2), meters per secondfreestream veloci

24、ty, meters per secondUpU elocal potential velocity (see eq. (2J and fig. B21, meters per secondvelocity at the outer edge of the wake or boundary layer (see fig. B2), meters persecondx,y horizontal and vertical cartesian coordinates, metersXo YO location of the leading-edge point of a high-lift comp

25、onent in a deployed posi-tion, metersAxYtairfoil component overlap measured parallel to the chord line of the most forward oftwo overlapping components, meterselevation (measured from the wing chord line) of the trailing edge of a leading-edgedevice, metersProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio

26、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-oq8_fairfoil angle of attack, degreeswing induced angle of attack, degreesboundary-layer thickness, meterstrailing-edge flap deflection measured from the wing chord line to the flap componentchord line, degrees6feq equivalent plain flap deflecti

27、on angle“ the deflection of a plain flap having the samechord and producing the same potential flow lift as a deployed slotted trailing-edgeflap, degrees8_e deflection of a leading-edge device measured from the wing chord line to the devicechord line, degreesboundary-layer displacement thickness, me

28、tersboundary-layer momentum thickness, metersPI_Olocal fluid density, kilograms per cubic meterfreestream density, kilograms per cubic meter4 it.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TEST SETUP AND DATA REDUCTIONMODEL DESCRIPTIONThe wind tu

29、nnel model was machined of 4340 steel, heat treated to 112.5 kN/m 2 (160,000psi) for tile basic section and SAE 06 tool steel, heat treated to 105.5 kN/m 2 (150,000 psi) for tilehigh-lift devices to achieve the strength necessary for proposed future high Reynolds number testing.The 0.6096-m (24-in.)

30、 chord by 0.9144-m (36-in.) span basic model (fig. 2) was built with detach-able leading and trailing edges to allow incorporation of combinations of high-lift devices. Tile con-tours of the model components were maintained at tolerance levels of +0.025 mm (-+0.001 in.) nearthe leading edge and -+0.

31、076 mm (-+0.003 in.)elsewhere on the model. An 8.13 micron (32 _tin.)finish was maintained on the surface of the model parts. The ordinates of the model components arepresented in tables 1 through 6.The high-lift devices, when tested, were mounted in tile tunnel by attaching them to the turn-tables

32、using steel end plates (fig. 3) so the flow over the model would be affected as little as possibleby the attachment system. The leading-edge slats and the vane of the trailing-edge flaps were equippedwith brackets at 335_ and 675_ span, in addition to the end plates, to restrict the deflections at m

33、id-span due to aerodynamic loads. The brackets (fig. 4) were constructed such that they were kept as faras possible from the slot entrances to minimize their effects on slot flow.All of the model components contain a chordwise array of surface static pressure orifices alongthe centerline of the mode

34、l, in addition, models A, B, and C (with the exception of the vane), con-tain chordwise arrays of surface static pressure orifices located 50.8 and 101.6 mm (2 and 4 in.)from the tunnel wall to verify two-dimensionality. All three models also contained spanwise arraysof surface static pressure orifi

35、ces. The locations of the orifices in all of the model components arelisted in table 7.TEST FACILITIESWind TunnelThe tests were conducted in tile Boeing research wind tunnel (BRWT) at aeattle. The BRWT isa single-return closed-circuit tunnel designed and built as a two-dimensional high-lift test fac

36、ility. Thetest section of BRWT is 0.9144 m (36 in.) wide by 2.4384 m (96 in.) high and has a length of6.0961 m (20 ft). The contraction ratio of tile tunnel bellmouth is 12.1 to 1. The wind tunnel isvented to atmospheric pressure immediately aft of the test section. The freestream turbulence levelin

37、 the test section is 0.07. The general arrangement of the wind tunnel is shown in figure 5.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Themodel,whichspannedthewidthof thetestsection,wasrigidlymountedontwo0.9144-m(36-in.)diameterturntablesthatwere

38、completelyflushwiththesidewalls.Theentireassemblyofthemodelandturntableswasrotated(pitched)abouttheaxisof theturntables,whichiscoincidentwiththebalancecenter,to varytheangleof attackof themodel.Two-stagewallboundary-layercontrol(BLC)wasappliedby meansof tangential blowing up-stream of the model and

39、at critical locations on the turntables to ensure two-dimensional flow overthe model. A layout of the model/turntable/BLC system is shown oll figure 6.InstrumentationThe two primary instrumentation modes used during the test were the balance and the pressuremeasurement system.Located below the test

40、section is a six-component external strain-gage balance that was used formeasuring the forces and moments on the model. The model and turntable assembly were attachedto the balance box beam by means of a box-beam stanchion arrangement on both sides of the testsection (fig. 7). The balance was used t

41、o measure the aerodynamic lift, drag, and pitching momentacting oll the model. Since the balance drag measurements include the skin friction drag of the turn-tables, their measurements are only used for backup. Accurate drag measurements were made withan integrating wake rake.The pressure measuremen

42、t systems used during the test consisted of the integrating wake rakeand the surface static pressure orifices.The integrating wake rake (fig. 6) consists of a vertical row of small-diameter total-pressuretubes having high line loss and vented to a common plenum. The difference between the pressure i

43、nthe common plenum and freestream total pressure has been calibrated against drag values calculatedon the basis of static and total-pressure surveys through the wake. Hence, measurements of this pres-sure difference readily yield an accurate measurement of profile drag. The wake rake was located 2.5

44、model chords aft of the model leading edge and was remotely positioned vertically such that the rakewas centered on the wake. The rake was also traversed spanwise such that the drag could be averagedacross the span.Transducers coupled with scanivalves were used for the measurement of the surface sta

45、tic pres-sures on the model components. The tunnel test section total and static pressures were measuredusing permanently installed transducers that were calibrated frequently during the test.Measurement of the geometric angle of the model was achieved by use of a potentiometer. Thetunnel total temp

46、erature was measured by means of a chromel-alumel thermocouple.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Themeasurementsof theboundarylayerandwakediscussedunder“DataReduction“andpresentedinappendixA weremadeusingpitot andstaticpressureprobesand

47、ahot-wireanemometerA flattenedpitot probewasusedfor theboundary-layersurvey,andaround-tippitot tubeof 1.02mn(0.04in.)outsidediameterand0.76mm(0.03ill.) insidediameterwasusedfor thewakesurvey(fig.8).Thesetwo probeswerestackedinarakefashionandmountedonatraversingdrivemechan-ism.Thedistancebetweenthetw

48、oprobetipswasvariedfrom I 1.4mmto 19.1mm(0.45ill. to 0.75in.).Thestaticprobewasusedto measurethestaticpressureill bothtileboundarylayerandthewake(fig.8).Theprobehasfourstatic-pressureholesof 0.05mm(0.002in.)diameterat 90inter-valsarounda 1.0mm(0.04in.)outsidediametertube.Theholeswerelocated10diametersdown-streamof thehemisphericaltip of theprobe.A constant-temperaturehot-wireanemometerwasusedto measurevelocitieswhereflowangu-laritymightpreventaccuratemeasurementwiththepitot andstaticprobes,asa

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