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本文(NASA-TN-D-5857-1970 Full-scale wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal and lateral characteristics of a light single-engine low-wing airplane《轻型单发动机低机翼飞机静态纵向和横向特性的全比例风.pdf)为本站会员(ideacase155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NASA-TN-D-5857-1970 Full-scale wind-tunnel investigation of the static longitudinal and lateral characteristics of a light single-engine low-wing airplane《轻型单发动机低机翼飞机静态纵向和横向特性的全比例风.pdf


2、ACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. JUNE 1970Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No.NASA TN D-5857 4.

3、 Title and SubtitleFULL-SCALE WIND-TUNNEL INVESTIGATION OF THESTATIC LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL CHARACTERISTICSOF A LIGHT SINGLE-ENGINE LOW-WING AIRPLANE7. Author(s)James P. Shivers, Marvin P. Fink, and George M. Ware3. Recipients Catalog No.5. Report DateJune 19706 Performing Organization Code8. Perf

4、orming Organization Report No.L-712110. Work Unit No.736-01-10-0111. Contract or Grant No.13. Type of Report and Period CoveredTechnical Note14. Sponsoring Agency Code9. Performing Organization Name and AddressNASA Langley Research CenterHampton, Va. 2336512. Sponsoring Agency Name and AddressNation

5、al Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWashington, D.C. 2054615. Supplementary Notes16. AbstractThe airplane was a light single-engine low-wing monoplane. Tests were made for anangle-of-attack range of -4 to 22 and over a sideslip range from 15 to -15 at thrust coef-ficients of approximately 0.03 an

6、d 0.23. Control effectiveness was determined for a fullrange of deflections on the aileron, elevator, rudder, and flap.17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s) 18. Distribution StatementLight single-engine airplaneStability and controlUnclassified - Unlimited19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. S

7、ecurity Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price“Unclassified Unclassified 63 $ 3.00*For sale by the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical InformationSpringfield, Virginia 22151Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Pr

8、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FULL-SCALE WIND-TUNNEL INVESTIGATION OF THESTATIC LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ALIGHT SINGLE-ENGINE LOW-WING AIRPLANEBy James P. Shivers, Marvin P. Fink, and George M. WareLangley Research

9、CenterSUMMARYA wind-tunnel investigation has been conducted in the Langley full-scale tunnel todetermine the static longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics of alight single-engine airplane. The investigation was made over an angle-of-attack rangeof -4 to 22 at various angles o

10、f sideslip between 15 and -15 for various power andflap settings. The power conditions were T c = 0.03 which represents a cruise condi-tion of about 70 percent power and T c = 0.23 which corresponds to a full power climbcondition (where T c is thrust coefficient).The investigation showed that the ai

11、rplane has stick-fixed longitudinal stability forangles of attack up to and through the stall for all configurations tested with the center ofgravity at 0.25 mean aerodynamic chord. Power generally had a small destabilizingeffect. The airplane is directionally stable and has positive effective dihed

12、ral throughthe stall for all test conditions. The aileron and rudder effectiveness was maintainedthrough the stall and was powerful enough to trim out all airplane rolling and yawingmoments through the stall.INTRODUC TIONFor the past several years the Flight Research Center has been conducting a pro

13、-gram to evaluate the flying qualities of a number of general-aviation aircraft. Theresults of these investigations have been reported in reference 1. As a part of the con-tinuing investigation, one of the airplanes investigated in reference 1, a light twin-engineconfiguration, was tested in the Lan

14、gley full-scale tunnel, and the results given in refer-ence 2. In addition, a single-engine version of the airplane of reference 2 was investi-gated and the results are reported in reference 3. The present investigation was madeto determine the static longitudinal and lateral stability and control c

15、haracteristics ofanother single-engine airplane of about the same gross weight as the airplane of refer-ence 3 but with different geometric characteristics and airfoil. The investigation wasmade with various power and flap settings over a range of angle of attack from -4 to 22 Provided by IHSNot for

16、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-and over a range of sideslip anglefrom -15 to 15. The tests were madeat a tunnelspeedof about93feet per second (28.3meters per second) giving a Reynoldsnumberof approximately 3.37x 106.SYMBOLSThe stability-axis system used i

17、n the presentation of the data and the positive direc-tion of forces, moments, and angles are shown in figure 1. The data are computed aboutthe moment center shown in figure 2 which is at 25 percent of the mean aerodynamicchord.bCDCLCyClCl_C/saCmCm6eaCm8C LCnCn_CnsaCnsrwing span, 33.38 feet (10.20 m

18、eters)Dragdrag coefficient, qSLiftlift coefficient,qSside-force coefficient, Side forceqSRolling momentrolling-moment coefficient,qSblateral stability parameter (taken between 10 _), 8a-_ , per degreeeC laileron rolling-moment parameter, -_-, per degreePitching momentpitching-moment coefficient,qS_e

19、levator effectiveness parameter, aCm per degree_Se longitudinal stability parameteryawing-moment coefficient, Yawing momentqSb8Cndirectional stability parameter (taken between +10 _), -_-fi,OCnaileronyawing-moment parameter, 8-_-a,per degreerudder effectiveness parameter, 8Cn ,per degree85rper degre

20、eProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mean aerodynamicchord, 5.67feet (1.73meters)itqTTT cVhorizontal tail incidence, positive trailing edge down, degreesfree-stream dynamic pressure, pounds per foot 2 (newtons per meter2)wing area, 180 fo

21、ot 2 (16.70 meter2)effective thrust (at a = 0),Dragpropellers removed - Dragpropellers operatingTthrust coefficient, q-_velocity, feet per second (meters per second)X,Y,Z stability axesangle of attack of fuselage reference line, degreesangle of sideslip, positive nose to left, degrees6a total ailero

22、n deflection, positive right aileron down, 5a,left - 5a,right ,degrees6e5f6 relevator deflection, positive trailing edge down, degreesflap deflection, positive trailing edge down, degreesrudder deflection, positive trailing edge left, degreesAIRPLANEThe airplane tested was a light, single-engine, lo

23、w-wing monoplane having a maxi-mum take-off weight of 2750 lb (12 250 b0. The principal dimensions are given in fig-ure 2 and the airplane mounted in the tunnel test section is shown in figure 3. The air-plane had a wing span of 33.38 ft (10.20 m), a wing area of 180 ft 2 (16.70 m2), an aspectratio

24、of 6.19, and a mean aerodynamic chord of 5.67 ft (1.73 m). The airfoil section forthe wing was designated by the manufacturer as an NACA 4415R airfoil section at theroot and an NACA 6410R airfoil at the tip. The wing had 3.0 of geometric twist (the3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

25、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-wing tip had 3.0 less incidencethan the wing root), had 7.5 of dihedral, andwas at 2positive incidence with respect to the fuselagereference line. Thethrust axis was par-allel to the reference line. The airplane hada standardthree-control system. The ho

26、r-izontal tail was of the stabilizer-elevator type with an elevator travel from 20 to -30 .The stabilizer for this airplane is normally set at zero incidence, but for these tests, itwas set at -5 and +5 incidence. The aileron travel wasfrom 20 to -30, and the rud-der travel was from -30 to 30. The v

27、ertical stabilizer was offset 2 to the left of thecenter line. The hinge line of the slotted trailing-edge flap was modified so that the flaphingeaxis was in line with the aileron hinge line. For this investigation, the main landinggear was removed andthe wheelwells covered with sheetmetal. The nose

28、gear wasalways retracted. Power was provided by a 266-hp (198kW) variable-frequency elec-tric motor.TESTSThe tests were madeto determine the static longitudinal and lateral stability andcontrol characteristics of the airplane for several flight conditions. The airplane wastested over an angle-of-att

29、ack range from -4 to 22 and over a sideslip range from -15to 15 for 0, 20, and30 flap deflections. A range of elevator anglefrom 17.9 to -23.0was investigated at zero sideslip with -5 tail incidence andfrom 11.3 to -30 with 5 tailincidence. Thetwo tail incidence settings were tested to provide infor

30、mation for esti-mating the averagedownwashangleat the tail. Ruddereffectivenesswas measuredoverthe sideslip range. References2 and 3 showedthat aileron effectiveness was not appre-ciably affected by power, flap deflection, or sideslip. Consequently,in the present inves-tigation, aileron effectivenes

31、s was measuredonly at zero sideslip and flap deflection forlow and high thrust coefficients T_ of approximately 0.03 and 0.23which represent acruise and a climb condition, respectively. A thrust coefficient of 0.20would correspondto 600pounds (2.67kN) of thrust at a flight speedof 80 mph (35.7632m/s

32、ec) which wouldbe equivalentto approximately 200hp (149kW).The test vehicle had a controllable pitch propeller on which blade angleand rota-tional speedwas controlled andindicated remotely. The blade angleandadvanceratiofor a given thrust coefficient were determined andset for eachtest. However, a v

33、aria-tion in instrumentation voltage which was not perceptible during the investigation resultedin a variation in propeller blade anglefrom test to test and causeddeviations from thepreselected thrust values. Onceset, however, the bladeangleremained constantoverthe angle-of-at_aEkrange. The actual t

34、hrust coefficient for eachindividual test wasdetermined from data analysis and is indicated in the figures.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PRESENTATIONOF DATAThe datafrom thesetests have beencorrected for airstream misalinement, buoy-

35、ancy effects, mountingstrut tares, andwind-tunnel jet-boundary effects.The data are presented in the following figures:Figure4Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics with propeller removed .Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics with propeller removedand at low power with propeller on 5Longitudin

36、al aerodynamic characteristics with power and for flapdeflection, i t = -5 6 to 8Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics with power and for flapdeflection, it = 5 9 to 11Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics with horizontal tail removed 12Variation of pitching-moment coefficient with elevator de

37、flection . 13 and 14Lateral stability and control characteristics with power and for flapdeflection 15 to 17Lateral stability and control characteristics for aileron deflection . 18Lateral stability and control characteristics for rudder deflection,5f = 0 . 19Lateral stability and control characteri

38、stics for rudder deflection,5f = 20 . 20Lateral stability and control characteristics for rudder deflection,5f = 30 21Effect of power on longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics 22Longitudinal stability . 23Horizontal tail control power 24Effective dihedral and directional stability characteristics

39、. 25Aileron effectiveness . 26Rudder effectiveness . 27Comparison of rolling- and yawing-moment coefficients for variousthrust coefficients and flap deflections 28Control capability for overcoming lateral moments . 29RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe basic data obtained during the wind-tunnel investigation

40、are presented in fig-ures 4 to 21 without analysis. Summary plots have been prepared from some of theseProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-datato illustrate the general static stability and control characteristics of the airplane.Only the

41、 summary plots are discussed.Longitudinal Aerodynamic CharacteristicsThe longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of the airplane with various powerconditions are presentedin figure 22 for flap deflections of 0, 20, and 30. As mightbe expected,increasing power results in an increase in lift-curve sl

42、ope and maximumlift coefficient becauseof the increased slipstream velocity over the wing.The pitching-moment curves shownin figure 22are virtually linear up to the stallandthen exhibit a nose-downpitching momentat higher anglesof attack. For a givenflap deflection, increasing power generally has li

43、ttle effect onthe pitching-moment char-acteristics except for a small trim change. Illustrated in figure 23 is the variation instatic margin -_Cm/_CL with lift coefficient for the various flap deflections and thrustcoefficients. Thesedata are a measureof the stick-fixed stability and showthat poweri

44、s slightly destabilizing.TThe variation of elevator effectiveness with angle of attack at T c = 0.03 and 0.23is presented in figure 24 for flap deflections of 0 , 20 , and 30 . These data show thatthe effectiveness remained nearly constant over the angle-of-attack range and that it wasreduced slight

45、ly by flap deflection.Lateral Stability and Control CharacteristicsThe variation of the effective-dihedral parameter Cl_ and directional stabilityparameter Cn_ with angle of attack is shown in figure 25 for the several flap deflec-tions and thrust coefficients. The data show that the airplane has po

46、sitive effective dihe-dral (-ClB _ in all conditions. The usual general reduction in the effective dihedral withincreasing angle of attack up to about the stall angle took place except at low thrust coef-ficient and zero flap deflection. The effective dihedral was greatly reduced when theflaps were

47、deflected.The data of figure 25 also show that the airplane is directionally stable for all testconditions although there is some decrease in directional stability at the higher angles ofattack and that deflecting the flaps causes a small reduction in stability with power on.Power caused an increase

48、 in the directional stability as would be expected because of theincrease in dynamic pressure at the tail.The variation of the aileron control characteristics C/5 a and Cnsa with angle ofattack is presented in figure 26 for flap deflections of 0 and30 and a low thrust coeffi-cient. These data show that, in general, the rolling moment remains at a fairly constantlevel throughout the angle-of-attack range and is relatively unaffected by flap deflection.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-

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