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本文(NASA-TR-R-100-1961 Collection Of Zero-Lift Drag Data On Bodies Of Revolution From Free-Flight Investigations《自由飞行研究的回转体零升力阻力数据采集》.pdf)为本站会员(terrorscript155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

NASA-TR-R-100-1961 Collection Of Zero-Lift Drag Data On Bodies Of Revolution From Free-Flight Investigations《自由飞行研究的回转体零升力阻力数据采集》.pdf

1、- .;S., - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-/Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. k LTECHNICAL REPORT R-100COLLECTION OF ZERO-LIFT DRAG DATA ON BODIESOF REVOLUTION FROM FREE

2、-FLIGHTINVESTIGATIONSBy WILLIAM E. STONEY, JR.Langley Research CenterLangley Field, Va.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-h- .!_4JTECHNICAL

3、 REPORT R-100COLLECTION OF ZERO-LIFT DRAG DATA ON BODIES OF REVOLUTION FROMFREE-FLIGHT INVESTIGATIONS 1By WILLIAME. STONEr, Jr.SUMMARY ._7_7/,4 compilation is made of most of the zero-liftdrag results obtained from free-flight measurementsmade by the Langley Pilotless Aircraft ResearchDillon on fin-

4、stabilized bodies of revolution.The data are arranged on standard forms, whichalso contain the significant geometrical factors.Supplementary data have been provided to facilitatethe determination of the body pressure drags from“- the measured total drags. Summary plots anddiscussions have been inclu

5、ded to provide a unifiedand broad picture of the effects of body geometry onzero-lift drag. The ._lach number range of thetests extends .from 0.6 to approximately 2.0 and theReynolds numbers based on body length from2 X 10“ to 100 X 10“.INTRODUCTIONAt the present time, the most accurate methodof obt

6、aining the zero-lift drag at transonic andlow supersonic Mach numbers of an arbitrarilyshaped body of revolution is measurement bymeans of _ind-tunnel or free-flight tests. Theimportance of accurate knowledge of zero lifthas been increased by the usefulness of the “arearule“ concept in the design of

7、 complete aircraftconfigurations, since this concept states that thedrag of a complete aircraft configuration can bedetermined from its equivalent body of revolntioh.The Langley Pilotless Aircraft Research Divi-sion has flown nearly 200 bodies of revolution ofdifferent sizes and shapes for the purpo

8、se ofmeasuring their drag at zero lift. The resultsof many of these tests have been published inreports dealing with the systematic variationswhich they explored (refs. 1 to 16). However,iz Supersedes NACA Technical .Note 4201 by William E. Stoney, Jr., 1958.many of these models were designed as equ

9、ivalentbodies of revolution, and their drags have beenpublished in the widely scattered reports dealingwith the airplane configurations they represented.In view of the large amount of data availableand of the comparative obscurity of a large partof it, it was believed that a collection of suchdata p

10、resented in a standard form would be ofaid to the aircraft and missile designers.This collection is presented in a form that will beuseful in several ways. The large number ofshapes presented herein may allow the designerto estimate easily the drag of a desired shape by asimple comparison. Supplemen

11、tary data andtheoretical estimates have been provided to facili-tate the deternfination of the body pressure dragsfrom the measured total drags. Summary plotsand discussions have been included to providethe user with a unified and broad picture of theeffects of body geometry on drag at zero lift.SYM

12、BOLSA cross-sectional area of bodyCD drag coefficientACD incremental drag coefficientACo,p incremental drag coefficient due tofinsC: friction drag coefficient based onwetted areaCp pressure coefficientd maximum diameterl length.1/ Mach numberNR, Reynolds numberp free-stream static pressurep_ local s

13、tatic pressureProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2 TECHNICAL REPORT R-100-NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATIONR maximum body radiusr local body radiusro radius at body baser_ nose radiusS surface (wetted) areaU free-stream veloc

14、ityx axial coordinate#b body slope at x/lr = 1 (slope is alwaysnegative but is expressed as posi-tive)p air density_iscositySubscripts:A afterbodyB bodyb baseC cylindrical center sectionF finf frictionmax maximumN noseN+A nose plus afterbodyT totalTESTSMost data included in this compilation wereobta

15、ined by methods for which details are in-cluded in references 1 to 16. In brief, the pro-cedure was as follows: A fin-stabilized model flying at or near zero lift was tracked with a CWDoppler radar unit as it decelerated through aspeed range from supersonic Mach numbers tohigh subsonic Mach numbers.

16、 The resultingvelocity time history was arithmetically differ-entiated to give a deceleration time history.Shortly before or after the flight, a record of theatmospheric properties (density, temperature, andwind velocity) was obtained from the flight of aradiosonde balloon. This record, together wit

17、h aspace-position time record of the flight, permittedthe zero-lift drag coefficient to be calculated. Thetests differ only in the method of launching themodels into free flight and in the method of ob-taining the altitude time history. Data are in-cluded for 177 models for which the pertinentgeomet

18、ric parameters are listed in tables I and II.ROCKET MODEL TESTSThe rocket-test method provides for propulsionof the models by rockets located either in themodel or behind the model in the form of boosterrockets which dropped away after burnout. Inthese tests the models were also tracked by anNACA mo

19、dified SCR-584 position radar trackingunit, the data of which were used to obtain thespace-position time records used in the data re-duction. In general, the rocket models werefairly large: 5 to 8 inches in diameter and up to12 feet in length. The data were obtained withthe models at all altitudes u

20、p to over 50,000 feetand to Mach numbers over 4. A few modelscarried telemetering equipment and from thesethe total drag was also obtained from decelerom-eters and the base drag from pressure cells.HELIUM-GUN TESTSThe second technique, the helium-gun test,provides for launching of small models (roug

21、hly2 inches in diameter and 12 inches long) from ahelium gun. The helium gun used to launch thesemodels was a 24-foot smooth-bore barrel 6 inchesin diameter attached by valves to a 100-cubic-foottank of helium under a pressure of 200 pounds persquare inch absolute. The models were ejectedat Mach num

22、bers up to 1.4. The space timehistories of these models were calculated from thevelocity-time data, and the data were reduced asbefore. A satisfactory check of the flight-pathcalculation method was made by tracking severalmodels with the SCR-584 unit. The modelswere fired at an angle of 20 to the ho

23、rizontal andnever rose over an altitude of 2,000 feet.ACCURACYInasmuch as the tests were made over a periodof several years with continually varying tech-niques, it is difficult to assign a general figure fortheir accuracy. The velocimeter record is ac-curate to within 0.2 percent, and the derivedac

24、celerations, although obtained by a short-timeaveraging process, are accurate to within 1 percentexcept in the region of the drag rise where it ispossible for abrupt changes to be somewhat alle-viated by the averaging process.One means of determining accuracy is by com-parison of the drag of identic

25、al models, since allthe variable factors, inaccuracies in body ordi-nates, velocity measurement, atmospheric condi-tions, wind velocity, and data reduction areincluded. From the variations shown by themodels of configurations 8, 22, 27 to 30, 75 to 77,106 to 109, 128, 139, and 151, reasonable limits

26、 ofProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r.COLLECTION OF ZERO-LIFT DRAG DATAerror for Cb and Mach number appear to be,ZCo= :t:0.01AM-4-0.01Another check on the accuracy is given by acomparison of the data of model 109 with a wind-tunnel tes

27、t of an identical configuration. Thiscomparison is shown in figure 1 and is quite good.A third indication of the accuracy of the testsis given by a comparison of the nose pressuredrags obtained from eight helium-gun modelswith values measured in a wind tunnel and cal-culated by second-order theory.

28、The comparisonsare quite close and indicate accuracy at least tothe values quoted. (See the discussion on nosedrags in the section “Summary Curves.“)RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONGENERAL ARRANGEMENTInasmuch as the important product of thesetests is the body pressure drag, the configurationsare separated int

29、o two types-“smooth“ and“bumpy“-and the results are presented in se-quence according to increasing fineness ratio.A smooth body is defined as one for which themeridian increases without inflection points to amaximum and stays constant or decreases withoutinflection points to a minimum. All other bod

30、iesare classified as bumpy. Inasmuch as only thenose and afterbody contribute to the pressuredrag, the significant fineness ratio of the smoothbodies has been assumed to be based on the sumof the nose and afterbody lengths lN+A. The noseis herein defined as the forward part of the bodywittl increasi

31、ng radii up to the maximum diameterand the afterbody as that part with decreasingradii from the maximum diameter to the base.Cylindrical sections of maximum diameter areconsidered as separate units and thus the sum ofthe values of fineness ratio of the nose and after-body l.v+A/d can be less than th

32、e total finenessratio of the body lr/d. (See table I.) Groupingin this manner is justified on the assumption thatthe effects of the nose on the afterbody drag areof second orde:. Since such a simple geometricaldivision cannot, in general, be made for the bumpybodies, results for these configurations

33、 are pre-sented in sequence according to increases in theirtotal fineness ratios (table II). This classificationFROM FREE-FLIGHT INVESTIGATIONSby fineness ratio has the advantage of simplicity,and its usefulness is based on the general fact thatthis parameter is the most important single factoraffec

34、ting body pressure drag.The shape of the parts of the body is anothervariable and since the assumption that the effectof shape is independent of fineness ratio appearsto be useful, the body ordinates have been non-dimensionalized and are presented in the appendixin graphical form for each of the con

35、figurations.In order to utilize this assumption strictly, theindividual parts should have been presented indi-vidually; however, this manner of presentationwould have posed great problems for the bumpybodies and was abandoned in favor of the simplermethod used. This method has the advantage ofallowi

36、ng comparisons of bumpy and smooth bodiesto be made by matching their nondimensionalordinate curves and their total fineness ratios.Comparisons of the drag curves of such bodiesallow estimates of the bumpiness of a bumpy body,that is, insofar as drag is concerned.Figures containing pertinent informa

37、tion onbody shape and type of test for each configurationare presented, together with drag and Reynoldsnumber plots, in the appendix. The figures inthis appendix are arranged in sequence accordingto the configuration numbers given in tables I andII. -Many of these data were ori_nally presentedin ref

38、erences 1 to 16. Curves of friction, base,step, and fin drag to supplement the basic data aregiven in figures 2 to 5. Summary curves of datafrom various systematic investigations are pre-sented in figures 6 to 10. Some curves showing thegeneral effect of body shape on drag appear infigures 11 to 15.

39、MODEL CHARACTERISTICSEnough information appears in the sketchesand graphical presentation of the ordinates givenfor each configuration in the appendix to allowreconstruction of the model with reasonable ac-curacy. _Iany of the smooth bodies had analyti-cal meridians of parabolic form or mixed parabo

40、licand hemispherical form; this notation has beenmade in the figures. The following equationswere used for parabolic noses a1_d afterbodies:Nose:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 TECHNICAL REPORT R-100-NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE A

41、DMINISTRATIONTABLE I.-GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SMOOTH CONFIGURATIONSConfigura-tion1-8910111213141516171819202122232425202728293O3132333435363738394O4142434445464748495O51525354555657585960l_+_/d lr/d0.503.714. 624. 644.854. 984. 985. 005. 005. 005. 105.205. 205. 345. 705. 795. 845. 846, O06. 046

42、. 046. 046. O46. 046. 086. 106. 106. 426. 506.516. 527. O07. 167. 307. 337. 357. 437. 477. 607. 667. 727.787. 787.807. 908. OOK O08. OO8.008. OO8. 008.008.0012.008. 577. 7011.207. 1513. 4713. 475.005. O07. 785. 1013. 7013. 709.515. 7014. 295. 8412. 908. 786. 046. 04i 6. 046. 046. 049.6014. 6014.609.

43、 3215. O010. 8713. 907. O07.167. 308. 577. 35I 7. 437.477. 60 7. 6610. 9011.5011.50, 11.087.908.008.008.0012. O012. O012.0012. O012.00l_/dO. 501.381.923. 502. 022. 982. 982.002. O02. O01. 923. 203. 202. 675. 703. 79 503. IO3.001. 214.832. 423. 623.715. 014. 104.102. 984. 502.713.802.801.811.953.022.

44、 OO3. 582.122. 252. 336. O06.006.003. 422. 573. 204. 664. 332. 701. 142.832. 002.002. 67.002.005. 342. 743. 004.831.213. 622.422. 331.072.002. 003, 442. 00 3.802. 724.205. 35! 5. 35I 4.315. 353.85I _.35I 5. 355. 331.72, 1.78i 1.784. 385. 33i 4.803

45、. 444.OO5.005.005. O05.005.00Ss/A =.z Se/A,49. OO 6. 3628. 30 11.0025. 20 6. 4039. 3O 11. CO22. 40 11. CO51.50 24. 6051. 30 24- 6013. 6O 11. 0013. 30 11. 0025. CO 11. O014. 60 11. 0051. OO 24- 6051. CO 24. 6030. 60 11. O011. 40 . OO51.90 24. 6019.00 II. OO51.80 12. 4026. 20 11. 0O19. 16 11. CO16. 84

46、 11. 0018. 39 11. 0017. 64 11.0017. 60 11. CO31. 60 12. 3052. 30 24. 6052. 30 24. 6030. 20 11, 0052. 60 24. 6035. 60 12. 8249. 60 12. 4019. 00 11. 0024- O0 11. CO24. 20 1 I. 0025. 60 11.0022. 70 1 I. 0020. 90 11. 0024. 30 11. 0025. I0 11.0025. 30 11.0032.60 11.0035. 50 11.0035. 50 1 I. 0034. 4O 11.

47、CO25. 70 11. CO21.90 11. 002.3. 16 5. 8026. 30 4. 4336. 38 11. CO37. 05 11. CO38. 35 11. O038. 40 11. CO38. 78 11. OOA b/A _.z1. O0 O0.00 45.CO. 52. 52.CO. 52.001. CO 52 19.25,00. 19 19. 19 19.37 69 52.52 00 52.CO. 25.00. 19 19.CO. 1900 19 19 19.CO. 17.00 19 19. 19 19 19Ob,

48、 deg Test0. CO Helium gun12. 20 Helium gun68, 00 Helium gun8. 00 Rocket15. 70 Helium gun4- 02 Helium gun4- 02 Helium gun18. 80 Helium gun11. 90 Helium gun12. 70 Helium gun90. CO Helium gun4. 02 Rocket4. 02 Helium gun15. 60 Helium gun-5. CO Helium gun4. 02 Helium gun7. 00 Rocket18. 60 Rocket12. 90 He

49、lium gun9. 20 Rocket25. 00 Rocket8. 80 Rocket13. CO Rocket6. 10 Helium gun5. 45 Helium gun4. 02 Helium gun4. 02 Rocket13. 30 Helium gun4. 02 Rocket60. CO Helium gun17. 40 Rocket12. 90 Helium gun7. 00 Rocket7. CO Rocket90. 00 Helium gun6. CO Rocket15. CO Helium gun6. 00 Rocket7. O0 Rocket7. OO Rocket2. 90 Helium gun29. 30 Helium gun29. 30 Helium gu

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