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本文([考研类试卷]2007年厦门大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2007 年厦门大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、名词解释1 stream of consciousness2 heroic couplet3 black humor4 anti-hero5 psychoanalytic criticism6 narratology二、匹配题7 The Autobiography(first published in 1791)8 “A Psalm of Life“9 Bleak House10 “Ulysses“(a poem)11 Lord of the Flies12 Satanic Verses13 Go Down Moses14 A F

2、arewell to Arms三、问答题15 Please explain the characteristics and social influence of James Joyce s works.16 Why the decade of the 1920s can be termed the second renaissance in the history of American literature?四、评论题17 Ahab(from: Moby Dick)18 Benjy(from; The Sound and the Fury)19 Montresor(from; The Ca

3、sk of Amontillado)20 Hamlet(from: Hamlet)21 Jane Ayre(from; Jane Eyre)22 Santiago(from; The Old Man and the Sea)五、分析题23 Read the following poem and write a short essay based on the following questions in about 100 words(8 points):At the Un-National Monument Along the Canadian Border By William Staff

4、ord(1914 - 1993)This is the field where the battle did not happen, where the unknown soldier did not die. This is the field where grass joined hands, where no moment stands, and the only heroic thing is the sky.Birds fly here without any sound, unfolding their wings across the open. No people killed

5、or were killedon the ground hallowed by neglect and an air so tamethat people celebrate it by forgetting its name. Questions:A. What nonevent does this poem celebrate?B. What is the speaker s attitude toward it?C. The speaker describes an empty field. What is odd about the Way in which he describes

6、it?2007 年厦门大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 stream of consciousness: Term stream of consciousness in literature refers to the depiction of the thoughts and feelings which flow, with no apparent logic, through the mind of a character. The technique became influential after it was used by James Joy

7、ce in Ulysses, also used by such distinguished 20th -century authors as Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner.2 【正确答案】 heroic couplet: A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs

8、 of iambic pentameter lines. The rhyme is always masculine. Use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Legend of Good Women and the Canterbury Tales.3 【正确答案】 black humor: Black humor is a major literary trend popular in 1960s in America, represented by Joseph Heller, Ku

9、rt Vonnegut and Thomas Pynchon. The term is mostly employed to describe baleful, naive or inept characters in a fantastic or nightmarish modern world playing out their roles in a “tragic farce“ , in which the events are often simultaneously comic, horrifying and absurd.4 【正确答案】 anti-hero: In fiction

10、, an anti-hero is a protagonist archetype whose character or goals are antithetical to traditional heroism. That is, whereas the traditional hero stands for the values of courage and self-sacrifice, the anti-hero often acts selfishly and without concern for others. The term dates to 1714, although l

11、iterary criticism identifies the trope in earlier literature.5 【正确答案】 psychoanalytic criticism; Psychoanalytic literary criticism refers to literary criticism which, in method, concept, theory, or form, is influenced by the tradition of psychoanalysis initiated by Sigmund Freud. The critic analyzes

12、the language and symbolism of a text to reverse the process of the dream work and arrive at the underlying latent thoughts.6 【正确答案】 narratology; Narratology denotes both the theory and the study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect our perception. Its theoretical linea

13、ge is traceable to Aristotle(Poetics)but modern narratology is agreed to have begun with the Russian Formalists, particularly Vladimir Propp.二、匹配题7 【正确答案】 Benjamin Franklin【试题解析】 (富兰克林的自传是自传体文学的佳作,引人人胜地叙述了美国第一位自力更生、白手起家者的成长经历,第一次把美国梦的实现过程记录于笔端。)8 【正确答案】 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow【试题解析】 (朗费罗的人生礼赞写成于

14、1838 年,副标题为“青年人的心对歌者说的话“。诗中说,人生不是一场幻梦,人要有英雄气概,要不断追求和进取。)9 【正确答案】 Charles Dickens【试题解析】 (狄更斯的荒凉山庄(或译为萧斋),发表于 1852 年至 1853年之间,是狄更斯最长的作品之一,以错综复杂的情节揭露了英国法律制度和司法机构的黑暗。)10 【正确答案】 Alfred, Lord Tennyson【试题解析】 (尤利西斯是英国维多利亚时期著名诗人丁尼生的一首长诗,写于 1833 年,出版于 1842 年。该诗表达了尤利西斯永不满足的探索精神和永不屈服的坚强意志。)11 【正确答案】 William Gol

15、ding【试题解析】 (蝇王是一部揭示人性恶的现代版寓言,在这部小说里,戈尔丁用他特有的沉思与冷静挖掘出人类千百年来从未停止过的互相残杀的根源。)12 【正确答案】 Salman Rushdie【试题解析】 (萨尔曼拉什迪的撒旦诗篇是一部幻想型小说,全书共 500 多页,作者用一种类似圣经的语言,叙述一个印度电影明星梦幻中出现一位商人,受了主的耳语,成了先知,进入一座城市创建一种宗教。该书引起了伊斯兰世界的不满。)13 【正确答案】 William Faulkner【试题解析】 (去吧,摩西由 7 个相互连接的故事构成。作者对黑人和白人两个种族之间充满痛苦和耻辱的关系进行了严肃探讨。)14 【

16、正确答案】 Ernest Hemingway【试题解析】 (永别了,武器发表于 1929 年,该书表达了一战后普遍存在于西方资本主义世界的失望情绪。)三、问答题15 【正确答案】 James Joyce is one of the most original novelists of the 20l century. His works show unique synthesis of realism, the “stream of consciousness“ and symbolism. His masterpiece Ulysses has been called “a modern p

17、rose epic. “ But he is also the greatest enigma in 20th-century literature. His admirers have praised his as “second only to Shakespeare in his mastery of the English language,“ whereas the average readers and not a few reviewers have complained that his masterpieces, especially Finnegans Wake, are

18、difficult to comprehend and even “unreadable.“ It may be still early to arrive at a final estimation of his literary achievement. We had better regard Ulysses and Finnegans Wake as unprecedented experiments in a new prose style and a new novel form, the verdict of whose real value will be given by f

19、uture literary historians, or by Time, who is the most impartial literary historian of all.16 【正确答案】 The decade of the 1920s has been one of special interest in more ways than one. Sandwiched as it was between two events of great historic significance, the First World War and the Great Depression ,

20、it assumed a unique importance of its own. There were at least two important factors that made the decade different from the periods both preceding and following it: The First World War, and the sense of life being dislocated and fragmented which was more keenly felt in the first years of the twenti

21、eth century. The 1920s was a peculiar period in which the postwar economic boom and the sense of spiritual disorientation combined to produce a peculiar mood of the age. The greatness of the literature of the decade lies in the fact that it managed to capture that mood and keep it on record for post

22、erity. Just as Emerson and his contemporaries embodied in their writings the temper of their age, so the works of T. S. Eliot and Ernest Hemingway and their generation constituted an adequate expression of the spirit of their times.四、评论题17 【正确答案】 Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod who is d

23、riven by a monomaniacal desire to kill Moby Dick, the whale that maimed him on the previous whaling voyage. Despite he s a Quaker, he seeks revenge in defiance of his religion s well-known pacifism. He ultimately dooms the crew of the Pequod(save for Ishmael)to death by his obsession with Moby Dick.

24、18 【正确答案】 Benjamin(“Benjy“)Compson is the mentally retarded fourth child, who is a constant source of shame and grief for his family, especially his mother, who insisted on his name change to Benjamin. He has an almost animal-like “sixth sense“ about people, as he was able to tell that Caddy had los

25、t her virginity just from her smell.19 【正确答案】 Montresor is the protagonist in “The Cask of Amontillado“ , a short story by Allan Poe. Mon-tresor tells the story of the night that he took his revenge on Fortunato, a fellow nobleman. Angry over some unspecified insult, Montresor murders his friend dur

26、ing Carnival when the man is drunk, and hangs his body by chains.20 【正确答案】 Hamlet is the protagonist in Shakespeare s tragedy Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. Hamlet is melancholy, bitter, and cynical, full of hatred for his uncle s scheming and disgust for his mother s sexuality. A reflective and tho

27、ughtful young man, Hamlet is often indecisive and hesitant, but is regarded as a representative of humanism.21 【正确答案】 Jane Eyreis the protagonist of Jane Eyre. Orphaned as a baby, Jane Eyre struggles through her nearly loveless childhood and becomes governess at Thornfield Hall. Her strong sense of

28、conscience does not permit her to become Edward Rochester s mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance.22 【正确答案】 Santiago is an old Cuban fisherman. For 84 days he does not catch a single fish but he does not feel discouraged.

29、He goes far out into the sea and desperately struggles with a giant marlin. He finally kills the fish, but on his way home some dangerous sharks eat up the marlin, leaving only a skeleton. Santiago represents the spirit the noble Hemingway type of individualism.五、分析题23 【正确答案】 This poem celebrate an

30、empty field “where the battle did not happen, where the unknown soldier did not die. “ There were no major battles along the Canadian border. The United States and Canada have cooperated and coexisted peacefully, but there is no monument to celebrate this triumph. The speaker admires the peace found

31、 on this national border.The speaker enforces the paraphrase by calling the ground “hallowed“ and conveying the irony found in its absence from the minds of the people. He says they “celebrate it by forgetting its name. “ Its therefore a success, he says, because the common person must concern himself with the issues which threaten him and affect his life.【试题解析】 (参考译文:在沿加拿大边界的非国立纪念碑前这是那战役不曾发生之地,那无名士兵不曾阵亡之地。这是那草丛连接着手之地,那没有纪念碑矗立之地。众鸟不发一丝声响飞翔于此,翅膀伸越空旷地。无人杀死或被杀死在这片被忽略和一种温顺得使人们凭借忘却其名字来庆祝它的空气所蚀空的地面上。(董继平译)

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