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本文([考研类试卷]2012年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(feelhesitate105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012 年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、填空题1 The _ function refers to that language can be used to establish an atmosphere or maintain social contact rather than for exchanging information or ideas.2 _ linguistics attempts to lay down rules of correctness as to how language should be used while_linguist

2、ics aims to discover and record what language is like and how it is used.3 _ refers to a sound made with the obstruction of the air stream caused by the tongue tip or blade and the alveolar ridge, such as in the production oft.4 _refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive wo

3、rd and a more specific word.5 The disjunction in logic corresponds to the English “or“. Its truth table shows that only when and as long as one of the constituents is true, the composite proposition will be _.6 The representative of interpretive perspective on sentence structure is the _ grammar.7 C

4、homsky claims that it is the linguists task to characterize what speakers know about their language, i. e. , their_, not what they do with their language, i. e. , their_.8 If two speakers say, respectively “I done it last night“ and “I did it last night we can say that they are speaking two differen

5、t _.二、判断题9 The branch of linguistics which studies the meaning of language is semiotics.(A)True(B) False10 Paul Grice made a distinction between what he called “constatives“ and “performatives“.(A)True(B) False11 The English sentence If only I could fly! is in imperative mood.(A)True(B) False12 Gram

6、matical features can not have any influence on a persons nonverbal behavior, perceptual habits, and cultural outlook.(A)True(B) False13 Radar is an example of acronym.(A)True(B) False三、简答题14 How do you interpret “arbitrariness“ as a design feature of language?15 What do you think of the assumption t

7、hat a language is more advanced than another?16 What is assimilation in phonology? How is assimilation classified? Please use examples to illustrate it.17 How do you understand synonymy? Are there real synonyms? Why(not)?18 List and discuss four defining properties of verbs in English.19 What are th

8、e deictic expressions in the utterance “Im busy now so you cant do that here. Come back tomorrow“ ?20 How does the following exchange of conversation illustrate the Politeness Principle? A; How do you like my painting?B: I dont have an eye for beauty, Im afraid.2012 年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题

9、1 【正确答案】 phatic【试题解析】 (考查语言的寒暄功能)2 【正确答案】 Prescriptive ;descriptive【试题解析】 (考查规定性语言学与描述性语言学的区别)3 【正确答案】 Alveolar【试题解析】 (考查齿龈音的定义)4 【正确答案】 Hyponymy【试题解析】 (考查上下义关系的定义)5 【正确答案】 真【试题解析】 (考查析取连词)6 【正确答案】 (Transformational-)Generative【试题解析】 (考查生成语法的定义)7 【正确答案】 competence;performance【试题解析】 (考查乔姆斯基关于语言能力和语言表

10、现的定义)8 【正确答案】 dialectsvarieties codes【试题解析】 (考查方言、变体或语码)二、判断题9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查语义学的定义。该句给出的是语义学的定义,而不是符号学的定义。语义学是研究语言意义的语言学的分支,而符号学是一种对人类社会使用符号的法则进行研究的科学。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查叙事句与施为句的提出者。二者的提出者是奥斯汀,而不是格赖斯。奥斯汀在 How to DoThings with Words(如何以言行事)一书中提出了施为句和叙事句的区别。而格赖斯则是合作原则的提出者。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查语气的概

11、念。该句应为虚拟语气,而不是祈使语气。英语中的语气分为陈述语气、祈使语气及虚拟语气三类。虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,而不表示客观存在的事实,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反。虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来表示,比如本句中的 could。12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 考查语法特征。语法特征会对人们的非言语行为、感知习惯以及文化观产生影响。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 考查首字母缩略词。首字母缩略词指通过组合每个词的首字母构成新词或是专有名词的形式。Radar 是由词组 radio detecting and ranging 的首字母组合而成的。三、简答题14

12、 【正确答案】 Arbitrariness means that there is no logical(motivated or intrinsic)connection between sounds and meaning. The Swiss linguist Saussure regarded the linguistic sign as composed of signifier(sound image)and signified(referent). In his view, there is no inherent relation between the two. A pen

13、we write with is called a pen in English and bi in Chinese.(3 points)In addition, there are a few words in most languages that are onomatopoetic. This seems to prove that language is not arbitrary. However, when these words of different languages are compared, it is easy to find that they sound diff

14、erent. Therefore, a dog barks in English, and wangwang in Chinese, illustrating the arbitrariness feature of human language.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查语言的任意性。语言的任意性指语言符号的形式和意义之间没有必然的联系,如在发音pen和我们书写所用的笔之间没有任何直接的联系。每种语言中都有象声词,但是不同语言会用不同的发音指称自然界中相同的物体。这两点都证明了语言的任意性。15 【正确答案】 There is no such thing as a primiti

15、ve language.(1 point)There are languages that have not developed their written form, and there are many peoples whose cultures are undeveloped, but the languages they speak are by no means primitive or less advanced than the other languages.(2 points)In all languages existing in the world today, the

16、re are complexities that must have been developed for years. And they can serve the communication function as well as any other language in the world.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查语言是否有高低优劣之分。世界上没有语言是原始的。世界上三分之二的语言还没有书写形式,但这并不代表它们是原始的、低劣的语言。在交流方面,它们是平等的,并且同样是复杂的。16 【正确答案】 Assimilation refers to a linguistic pr

17、ocess by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound.(1 point)In terms of the distance between the target and the trigger, assimilation falls into two types; contiguous assimilation and non-contiguous assimilation. Contiguous assimilation includes two subtypes; partial assimilation as in “ te

18、n bikes/ten plays“ and total assimilation as in “ ten mice“. Non-contiguous assimilation can be showed in “ discussing shortly“.(2 points)Assimilation can also be divided, according to its direction, into progressive and regressive types. If the target is followed by the trigger, the assimilation is

19、 regressive as in “ ten bikes“ ; if the target is preceded by the trigger, the assimilation is progressive as in “branch school“.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查音系学中的同化现象。同化可以分为临近同化和非临近同化,根据先后顺序,也可分为逆同化和顺同化。鼻音化、齿音化及软腭化都是同化现象。17 【正确答案】 Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are

20、 close in meaning are called synonyms. Some semanticians maintain, however, that there are no total synonyms.(3 points)The so-called synonyms are all context dependent. They differ from one another in one of the following aspects such as shades of meaning, stylistic meaning, emotive meaning, colloca

21、tive meaning, and dialectal differences(in British and American usages). Therefore, there are rare real synonyms.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查同义词的定义。同义关系指意义的相同或相近。意义上相近的词叫做同义词。完全的同义关系很少见。所谓的同义词都是依赖语境的,它们总是在某些方面有所不同,包括语体色彩、使用地域等方面。18 【正确答案】 The four defining properties of verbs in English are tense, aspect, vo

22、ice, and mood.(1 point)In English, three tenses are distinguished; past, present and future. Aspect is another common inherent verbal category. It indicates basically if an event, state, process, or action denoted by a verb is completed or in progress. Voice refers to the relationship between the su

23、bject and the predicate, including passive and active voice. Mood is also an inherent verbal category. Its function is to describe an event in terms of whether it is necessary, possible, permissible, describable, and the like.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查动词的区别性特征。包括时、体、语态和语气。英语中的时分为过去时、现在时和将来时;体分为完成体和进行体;语态包括

24、主动语态和被动语态;语气则包括陈述语气、祈使语气等。19 【正确答案】 Personal deictics are “I“ and “you“;(1 point)temporal deictics are “now“ and “tomorrow“;(2 points)spatial deictics are “here“ and “come“.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查指示词。本句中的人称指示词为 I 和 you,时间指示词为 now和 tomorrow,空间指示词为 here 和 come。20 【正确答案】 Politeness Principle, proposed by L

25、eech, tries to explain why Cooperative Principle is often apparently violated.(1 point)Politeness maxims include: Tact maxim; minimize cost to other; Generosity maxim; minimize benefit to self; Approbation maxim; minimize dispraise of other; Modesty maxim; minimize praise of self; Agreement maxim; m

26、inimize disagreement between self and other; Sympathy maxim; minimize antipathy between self and other.(2 points)In the dialogue, B obeys approbation maxim and minimizes the dispraise of A. B actually doesnt like the painting,but he expresses his opinion in a polite and euphemistic way.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查礼貌原则的应用。利奇提出的礼貌原则包括:得体准则、慷慨准则、赞誉准则、谦逊准则、一致准则和同情准则。本对话中 B 遵循了赞誉准则:尽量少贬损别人,尽量多赞誉别人,以减少对别人的贬损。实际上,B 并不喜欢A 的画,但是却用委婉礼貌的方式表达出来。

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