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本文([考研类试卷]2012年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(explodesoak291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012 年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 abstract translation2 adequacy3 agent4 appeal-focused texts5 multi-media texts6 naturalness7 loan translation8 coherence9 commission10 consecutive interpreting11 domesticating translation12 pre-editing13 explicitation14 poly-system theory15 under-translation汉译英16 借

2、用17 可比语料库18 文化置换19 自然语言20 语法分析21 中间语言22 隐形23 显型翻译24 术语库25 视译26 配字幕27 文本类型学28 可接受性29 冗余30 赞助英译汉31 The stages of a writers professional life are marked not by a name on an office door, but by a name in ink. There was the morning when my father came home carrying a stack of Sunday papers because my byl

3、ine was on page one, and the evening that I persuaded a security guard to hand over all early edition, still warm from the presses, with my first column. But theres nothing to compare to the day when someone hands over a hardcover book with your name on the cover. Im just not sure the moment would h

4、ave had the same grandeur had my work been downloaded instead into an e-reader.Reading is not simply an intellectual pursuit but an emotional and spiritual one. Thats why it survives. There are still millions of people who like the paper version, at least for now. And if that changeswell, what is a

5、book, really? Is it its body, or its soul?32 Laughlin acknowledges that “a lot of responsible people“ are worried about atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels. This has, he says, “the potential“ to modify the weather by raising average temperatures several degrees cen

6、tigrade and that governments have taken “ significant, although ineffective“ steps to slow the warming. “On the scales of time relevant to itself, the earth doesnt care about any of these governments or their legislation.Someday, all the fossil fuels that used to be in the ground will be burned. Aft

7、er that, in about a millennium, the earth will dissolve most of the resulting carbon dioxide into the oceans. The dissolving will leave the concentration in the atmosphere only slightly higher than todays. Then “ over tens of millennia, or perhaps hundreds“ the earth will transfer the excess carbon

8、dioxide into its rocks, “eventually returning levels in the sea and air to what they were before humans arrived on the scene. “ This will take an eternity as humans reckon, but a blink in geologic time.汉译英33 在这个社交网站盛行的时代,按理说我们每人都应该有数百位朋友。但研究表明,我们中的大多数人事实上只有两个亲密的朋友,而 25 年前人均好友数量为三个。研究人员认为并不需要为此担心。他们指

9、出,尽管我们当中有一部分人可能会变得“更脆弱”,但很多人只是更善于判定谁才是自己能够信任的知己密友罢了。34 国际空间站的设计初衷是作为一个向其他星球发送航天器的平台。不过,这一使命后来转变成了一个绕地球运行的实验室,对人类和其他生物体在太空环境下的表现进行试验,希望借此对基本生命功能有更多的了解、发现新的医疗方法。在很多试验中,需要有人类进行或参与。2012 年北京航空航天大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 摘要翻译2 【正确答案】 充分性3 【正确答案】 经纪人4 【正确答案】 呼吁性文本5 【正确答案】 多媒体文本6 【正确答案】 自然性7 【正确答案】 借译8 【

10、正确答案】 连贯性9 【正确答案】 委托10 【正确答案】 交替传译11 【正确答案】 归化翻译12 【正确答案】 译前编辑13 【正确答案】 明晰化14 【正确答案】 多元系统论15 【正确答案】 欠额翻译汉译英16 【正确答案】 loan17 【正确答案】 comparable corpora18 【正确答案】 cultural transposition19 【正确答案】 natural language20 【正确答案】 syntactic analysis21 【正确答案】 intermediate language22 【正确答案】 invisibility23 【正确答案】 ph

11、enotype translation24 【正确答案】 term bank25 【正确答案】 sight translation26 【正确答案】 subtitling27 【正确答案】 text typology28 【正确答案】 acceptability29 【正确答案】 redundance30 【正确答案】 patronage英译汉31 【正确答案】 一位作家写作生涯的各个阶段并不是体现在办公室门牌的名衔上,而是体现在油墨印刷的姓名上。某天清晨,父亲拿着一摞星期日晨报回到家,报纸首页上有我的文章,我的名字赫然纸上;某天晚上,我软磨硬泡终于说服保安人员给了我一份刚刚印出来的还存留着印

12、刷温度的报纸,上面有我的第一个专栏作品。然而,有人把印着你的大名的精装本递给你的那一刻是无可比拟的。假如我的作品不是印刷成册而是被下载到电子阅读器的话,我不确定那一刻我是否会同样风光无限。阅读不仅仅是对知识的追求,更是一种对情感和精神的追求。正因如此,书本才流传至今。仍有数百万人喜欢阅读纸质书籍,至少现在是这样。如果情况发生了变化那么,到底什么是书?真正的书。是它的形式还是它的灵魂?32 【正确答案】 劳克林承认,有“许多负责任的人” 对大气层中因燃烧化石燃料而产生的二氧化碳浓度感到担心。他说,这有可能使全球平均温度升高,从而改变天气状况,各国政府采取了重大但不是很有效的措施来推迟全球变暖。劳

13、克林称:“就地球的时间度量而言,地球并不关心任何政府或者它们的法律。”某一天,所有原先埋在地下的化石燃料会被燃烧殆尽。之后,地球将需要大约 1 000 年的时间,将大部分二氧化碳溶解到海洋中,从而使空气中的二氧化碳浓度达到比今天略高的水平。再经过几万年,也许几十万年,地球将缓慢地把过量的二氧化碳转化为岩石,“ 最终使海洋中和空气中的二氧化碳浓度恢复到人类出现之前的水平”。从人类的视角来看,这个过程可以算是杳无尽头了,但放在地质年代中则是一眨眼的工夫。汉译英33 【正确答案】 In this age of Facebook and Twitter, we are all supposed to

14、have hundreds of friends. But in fact most of us have just two people we would consider to be close friendsdown from an average of three 25 years ago, a study claims.Researchers say this is no cause for concern. Instead, they claim that while some of us may be getting “ more vulnerable, “ many are s

15、imply becoming more adept at deciding who they can trust to be a close confidant.34 【正确答案】 The space station was originally conceived as a platform for sending spacecraft to other planets. But its mission has changed into an orbiting laboratory to conduct experiments on how humans and other organisms fare in a low-gravity environment. The hope is to understand more about basic life function and to discover new medical treatments. And humans are needed to conduct, or be participants in, many of these experiments.

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