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本文([考研类试卷]2012年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(bonesoil321)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012 年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 人文交流2 法人3 大型实景歌舞演出4 廉租房5 经适房6 人才战略7 科教兴国战略和人才强国战略8 服务种类9 资源调配10 激发内在经济活力11 公务接待费12 新型农村社会养老保险13 农产品流通体系14 载人航天15 违法征地拆迁汉译英16 Bill of exchange17 CBD(center of business district)18 CCPIT(China Council for the Promotion of international trade)19 Head office20 OPEC21 Kno

2、ckout product22 Emergency room23 Pediatric intensive care unit24 Outpatient surgical center25 Cardiology26 Ophthalmology27 Illegal foreign exchange transaction28 Foreign exchange revenue and spending29 Netizen30 The e-business英译汉31 Penny Gold: For three people thrown together by chance, its interest

3、ing that we all have spent part of our lives at the University of Chicagome as an undergraduate student, John Komlos as a graduate student, and John Goldsmith as a professor. And the three of us are close in age and in the types of disciplines chosenI am also a historian, with additional graduate tr

4、aining in literature and art history. A large difference among us, however, is that my teaching career has been primarily at a small liberal arts college(Knox College), an institution that puts its strongest emphasis on teaching, even while research is encouraged and expected. Im also female and beg

5、an my career during a period of time in which women were just beginning to enter academia in significant numbers; this has been a formative influence on my life in the academy and in my attitudes toward it.I entered graduate school without a clear commitment to professional training. In the fall ter

6、m of my senior year, I was suddenly caught up in my studies by a serendipitous concatenation of courses in medieval studies and cultural history, and I just wanted to keep learning. It happened that Stanford, where I chose to go, was giving full funding for four years to all entering history graduat

7、e students at that time(thanks to generous funding from the Ford Foundation, which wasunsuccessfully, it turns out-trying to speed completion of Ph. D. s), so I paid nothing for my graduate education, nor did I have to go into debt. The first year of graduate school was quite a shock, and if I had b

8、een spending thousands of dollars of my own money, Im not sure I would have stayed in school. But in the end, I was very glad the financial support enticed me to stay, helping me through a rough transition. While Stanford then gave its graduate students no instruction in teaching(a situation now cha

9、nged), I had the good fortune to experience excellent mentoring while I was there, and unlike John Komlos and John Goldsmith, I learned a great deal during graduate school about how the academy works. My advisor was beginning his first job as a professor in the same year I began graduate school, and

10、 I learned much from him about the demands, pleasures, and precariousness of academic life. Another professor I worked closely with was denied tenure while I was in my third year; I contributed a letter to her successful appeal and learned a good deal about academic values and processes along the wa

11、y. I was at Stanford in the early years of the womens movement(19691974), and my involvement in the History Graduate Students Womens Caucus was also a crucial learning experience. The department at Stanford had only one female professor at the time, a Harvard Ph. P. who, because of nepotism rules(he

12、r husband had a position in another department), was limited to a non-tenure-track adjunct appointment. When this woman resigned, the Womens Caucus organized an effort to persuade the department to hire a woman for a tenure-track appointment. We talked, we wrote letters, and we succeeded. Another st

13、udent and I were members of the search committee that resulted. I think I learned more about how the academy works, and how one can work to change it, in that one year than in many of the rest. Also, within this early cohort of women in the academy, there was a strong sense of solidarity, amongst bo

14、th graduate students and faculty, within and across institutions. We knew we needed to figure out all we could about academic institutions and procedures in order to make it as newcomers, and we helped each other out as best we could. Often without access to the “old boy“ networks, we founded “new g

15、irl“ networks, and these have been a crucial source of support, comfort, and help to me over the years.From Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career汉译英32 除非是研究近代史的,很少人会知道中俄战争后,从本世纪初英国即与日本结为同盟。这一特殊关系一直延续到一九四一年的“珍珠港事变” 。这期间,英国老百姓自然始终坚定地站在中国这一边。我先是在“七七事变” 头一年就有所察觉。当时上海还有租界,而大公报馆无论在津、沪、港,都是始终位于洋人管辖的地方。事变前的

16、一年一九三六年,大公报就由于我发表的陈白尘一个剧本中多处提到“洋人”( 是编者打的 )而三次被英、日控制的工部局(Shanghai Municipal Council)传到法院,最终还是由于事先打了叉叉而没坐牢。三八年至三九年间,我在香港大公报编文艺副刊时,因所登的稿件而与英国新闻审查官起冲突的事,更是屡见不鲜。说是“冲突” ,其实,他是主子。在送审的校样上他随便打个红叉,我就只好抽调。选自说起香港,萧乾著2012 年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 汇票2 【正确答案】 中央商务区3 【正确答案】 中国国际贸易促进委员会4 【正确答案】 公司总部5 【正确答案

17、】 石油输出国组织6 【正确答案】 拳头产品7 【正确答案】 急诊室8 【正确答案】 儿科重症监护病房9 【正确答案】 门诊手术中心10 【正确答案】 心脏病学11 【正确答案】 眼科学12 【正确答案】 非法外汇交易13 【正确答案】 外汇收支14 【正确答案】 网民15 【正确答案】 电子商务汉译英16 【正确答案】 cultural and educational exchanges17 【正确答案】 legal person18 【正确答案】 real-scene musical extravaganza19 【正确答案】 low-rent housing20 【正确答案】 econo

18、mically affordable housing21 【正确答案】 talent strategy22 【正确答案】 the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science,education and human resource23 【正确答案】 type of service24 【正确答案】 resource allocation25 【正确答案】 stimulate internal economic vitality26 【正确答案】 spending on official reception27 【正确答案】 new

19、rural social endowment insurance28 【正确答案】 circulation system of agricultural product29 【正确答案】 manned space flight30 【正确答案】 illegal land requisition and demolishing英译汉31 【正确答案】 我没有经过任何专业的培训,就进入了研究生院。在大四的秋季学期,由于中世纪研究和文化历史课程的一些机缘巧合,我突然沉迷于我的一些研究之中,我只想一直学习下去。正好那时我选择的斯坦福大学给所有考入历史专业的研究生以四年的全额资助,(福特基金给予慷慨的资



22、。在研究生院早期的这群女性中,不管是研究生和职员之间,学院内部之间还是和其他学院之间,大家都是团结一致。我们知道我们需要弄清楚学院的规程,目的是将它当作新生者来看待,我们尽最大努力互相帮助脱离困境。经常在没有“ 老男孩儿 ”人际网的情况下,我们找到了 “新女孩儿”人际网,这些都是赢得支持的重要资源,帮助我顺利度过了这一年。选自芝加哥学术生活导航汉译英32 【正确答案】 Few people knew that Britain had made an alliance with Japan at the beginning of the century after Sino-Russia war

23、, apart from those who studied the modern history. The special relationship lasted until the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor Incident in 1941. However, the British people remained firm in siding with China. I began to be aware of their alliance in the year before the July 7 th Incident of 1937 broke ou

24、t. At that time, there were foreign settlements in Shanghai and Ta Kung Pao Press established its offices in foreign-controlled districts of Tianjin, Shanghai and Hongkong. And in 1936, one year before the July 7 Incident, as in the play “Chen Baichen“ where the expression of “ x foreigner“(the cros

25、s was marked by the editor)was mentioned many times, the press was summoned three times to the court by Shanghai Municipal Council under British and Japanese control. At last, they werent imprisoned thanks to editors cross in the play.From 1938 to 1939, I often made disputes with British censors who were actually my masters, because of manuscripts when I was in charge of Art and Literary Supplement of Ta Kung Pao in Hongkong. I can do nothing but to quit if he made a red cross at will. Excerpts from About Hongkong written by Xiao Qian

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