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本文([考研类试卷]2012年南京大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(visitstep340)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012 年南京大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、填空题1 1 s poetry stands up for the civil liberties of the Self in the New World.2 Toward the end of the nineteenth century; the 2 writers committed themselves to the premise of “absolute determinism,“ and wrote novels in which conditions dictated events.3 3 is best kno

2、wn for his international novels in which protagonists arrive in Europe with dreams of cultural possession and end with disillusionment.4 The epic 4 is the oldest surviving works in Old English.5 From 1790s to 1830s in Britain, there was a sweeping literary shift known as 5 whose chief emphasis was u

3、pon freedom of individual self-expression.6 In the Poetics, Aristotle set down a detailed analysis of 6 whose heroes are high-born individuals whose personalities develop out of moral choices under extreme pressures.7 “Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player/that struts and frets his hour upon the

4、 stage,/and then is heard no more; it is a tale / told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/signifying nothing. “ The quote above is excerpted from William Shakespeares play 7 and 8 took the phrase “ sound and fury“ to be the title of one of his novels.8 9 is the position from which the events seem

5、to be observed and presented to the reader.9 The phrase 10 was coined by William James in 1890 as a description of the flow of thought within the human mind. It is a phrase much used in the criticism in the new fiction of the 1920s and 1930s.10 Author_Title_ I stand on top Of our back steps and brea

6、th the rich air A mother skunk with her column of kittens swills the garbage pail.11 Author_Title_ I am going to take just one little tiny nip more, sort of to put the stopper on, so to speak. Then put the bottle away so I wont be attempted. I want you to look at my figure! You know I havent put on

7、one ounce in ten years, Stella?12 Author_Title_ I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury, in order that I may be able to go down into the country whenever 1 choose.13 Author_Title_ If I were a dead leaf though mightest bear; If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee; A wave to p

8、ant beneath thy power, and share14 Author_Title_ The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?15 Author_Title _ Some books are to be

9、tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.16 Author_Title_ Though use make you apt to kill me, Let not to that, self-

10、murder added be, And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.17 Author_Title_ She could see the tablecloth, white linen with a drawn thread-work border, and thick embroidered flowers spilling in swags deepening and paler shades of the same color. She mostly saw the flowers as roses, though many of th

11、em, looked at more closely, were hybrid or imaginary creations. She was overdoing the pink.18 Author_Title_ Moving the lamp as the man moved, I made out that he was substantially dressed, but roughly; like a voyager by sea. That he had long iron-grey hair. That his age was about sixty. That he was a

12、 muscular man, strong on his legs, and that he was browned and hardened by exposure to weather.19 Author_Title_ Mr. Lucas was almost breathless with excitement. When he stood within the tree, he had believed that his happiness would be independent of locality. But these few minutes conversation had

13、undeceived him.20 Author_Tide_ A succession of loud and shrill screams, bursting suddenly from the throat the chained form, seemed to thrust me violently back. For a brief moment I hesitated, I trembled.21 Author_Title_ Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.2

14、2 Author_Title_ I couldnt work toady. I couldnt take no interest. Thell with the farm! Im leavin it! Ive turned the cows an other stock loose! Ive druvem into the woods whar they kin be free!23 Author_Title_ Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak thats wondrous clear I rise2

15、4 Author_Title_ Out of that again the question sprang at him, making his eyes, as he felt, half-start from his head, as they had done, at the top of the house, before the sign of the other door. If he had left that one open, hadnt he left this one closed, and wasnt he now in most immediate presence

16、of some inconceivable occult activity?二、问答题25 Pay special notice to the setting in the story “ A Woman on a Roof. “ How does weather help account for the behavior of the characters? Comment on the effectiveness of the descriptions of the heat wave; of the final rain. Do you find the story a comment

17、on any familiar attitudes of men towards women? Explain your answer.(20%)26 What is the point of view in Hemingways story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place“? Discuss its appropriateness.(20%)27 Choose ANY TWO from the following list of authors and write a comparative essay focusing on ONE of the followin

18、g elements; literary style, writing techniques, and thematic concerns.(20%)27 Read the following poem and answer the questions.(20 %)Late AirBy Elizabeth BishopFrom a magicians midnight sleevethe radio-singersdistribute all their love-songsover the dew-wet lawns.And like a fortune-tellersTheir marro

19、w-piercing guesses are whatever you believe.But on the navy-yard aerial I findbetter witnessesfor love on summer nights.Five remote red lightskeep their nests there; Phoenixesburning quietly, where the dew cannot climb.28 List of Authors-. William Wordsworth, Oscar Wilde, E. M. Forster, James Joyce,

20、 Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Arthur Miller.In the first stanza, what suggestions do you find in the magician and the fortune-teller? What do the two have in common?(5%)29 Does line 4 contain a literal fact, a meaningful suggestion, or both? Comment also on the poets reference t

21、o dew in the last line.(5%)30 Discuss this comment: “In Late Air Elizabeth Bishop doesnt like vague, soggy language that can mean just any old thing the hearer wants it tothe language of pop songs and penny-in-the-slot fortune tickets. She likes language to be precise and mechanical, like an aerial.

22、 She doesnt want language to be rich in suggestions. “(10%)三、分析题30 Write a critical essay in response to the quote and questions below.(30 %)Raymond Williams observed in his The Long Revolution(1961)that “the ordinary Victorian novel ends. . . with a series of settlements, of new engagements and for

23、mal relationships, whereas the ordinary twentieth-century novel ends with a man going away on his own, having extricated himself from a dominating situation, and found himself in so doing. “31 Does Williamss observation bear out your reading of English novels? Why or why not?(10%)32 If you agree wit

24、h Williams, what leads to the difference in denouement? If you disagree, how does the ordinary twentieth-century novel differ from the ordinary Victorian novel in the way they end themselves? Use concrete examples to support your argument.(20%)2012 年南京大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、填空题1 【正确答案】 Roger William

25、s【试题解析】 罗杰威廉姆斯是美国早期的神学家。他提倡个人和宗教自由,并倡导建立民主政府。2 【正确答案】 naturalist【试题解析】 自然主义文学是现实主义文学吸收了实证主义、遗传学说和决定论的观点而发生演变的结果。自然主义认为,人是受环境(包括自然环境和社会环境)、遗传等因素影响的。3 【正确答案】 Henry James【试题解析】 亨利詹姆斯(Henry James,1843 一 1916),是 19 世纪继霍桑、麦尔维尔之后最伟大的小说家。他的小说以“国际主题”而闻名。小说中常写美国人和欧洲人之间交往的问题。詹姆斯在小说里大致塑造了两种人物:即世故势利、老练圆滑的欧洲人(包括欧

26、化的美国人),以及滞留欧洲大陆、通常是天真无邪天使化身的美国少女。詹姆斯常将欧洲人刻画为缺乏道德观念的人,却赋予美国人高尚的道德及强烈的责任感,从而形成了强烈对比。4 【正确答案】 Beowulf【试题解析】 贝奥武夫是英国文学史上第一部最重要的民族史诗。这首叙事长诗在结构上与古希腊史诗伊利亚特相仿。第一部分以神话中的英雄、主人公贝奥武夫先后战胜巨怪的英雄事迹为主要线索,描写了主人公年轻时代的光辉业绩。第二部分记述他晚年时不畏火龙、英勇奋战的壮举。5 【正确答案】 Romanticism【试题解析】 浪漫主义作为一种文艺思潮产生于 18 世纪后期欧洲资产阶级革命时代,反映了部分作家和诗人在社会

27、变革时期的人生观和意识形态。浪漫主义文学强调人的主观精神和个性自由,着力表现个人的思想和情感。浪漫主义诗人在政治上反对封建专制和资本主义社会的黑暗,在艺术上与古典主义所标榜的理性和规则对立,强调灵感,发挥想象,主张以诗歌来表达对理想的追求,抒发个人的感情。6 【正确答案】 tragedy【试题解析】 亚里士多德在西方文化史上首次构建了系统的美学理论,即他的诗学。他从哲学高度提炼魅力永恒的希腊艺术精神,铸成了西方美学的开山杰作。亚里士多德在诗学中着重讨论悲剧,剖析其艺术特征及构成要素,展示它的审美意义与价值。这并非单纯讨论创作技巧,而是在论悲剧中展开论述他的美学思想。7 【正确答案】 Macbe

28、th,William Faulkner【试题解析】 威廉福克纳(19871962)是美国南方文学的代表人物。他十分热衷探索在美国南方的大背景下的家庭问题和描写庄园主家族的没落。喧哗与骚动就是这样的一部杰作。小说的书名出自莎士比亚悲剧麦克白第五幕第五场麦克白的台词:“人生如痴人说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义。”8 【正确答案】 Point of view【试题解析】 叙事角度指叙述者站在何种角度、以何种方式来叙事,重点解决的是“谁在说”的问题。9 【正确答案】 stream of consciousness【试题解析】 “意识流”原是西方心理学上的术语,最初见于美国心理学家威廉 詹姆斯的

29、论文论内省心理学所忽略的几个问题。他认为人类的意识活动是一种连续不断的流程。这是“意识流”这一概念在心理学上第一次被正式提出。而意识流文学则泛指注重描绘人物意识流动状态的文学作品,既包括清醒的意识,也包括无意识、梦幻意识和语言前意识。意识流文学是现代主义文学的重要分支,主要成就局限在小说领域,在戏剧、诗歌中也有表现。10 【正确答案】 Robert Lowell, Skunk Hour【试题解析】 本段选自臭鼬的时光的最后一节。洛威尔(1917 一 1977)是美国自白派诗歌的重要代表人物。臭鼠由时光全诗八节,每两节描述一个场景。整首诗歌描写的是洛威尔进入中年期时的“危机情结”。全诗前 7 节

30、描述的是作者颓丧、抑郁的心情,但最后一节随着作者看到臭鼬妈妈的出现,她勇敢无畏地带领宝宝们在夜间觅食的场景深深地触动并鼓舞了作者。臭鼬妈妈本身就是作者心理的投影,冈为洛威尔作为一名诗人,恰恰也是从已经异化了的如垃圾堆一样的都市文明之中汲取养分赖以为生。11 【正确答案】 Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire【试题解析】 本段选自美国著名戏剧家田纳西威廉斯(1911 一 1983)的名剧欲望号街车。欲望号街车糅合了“性、美国南方和暴力”三个元素,而这些成为威廉斯作品的标记。作者自己评价这部剧时曾经说过:“欲望号街车的意义是现代社会里各种野蛮残忍

31、的势力强奸了那些温柔、敏感而优雅的人。”此段节选描述的就是女主人公布兰琪和她的妹妹斯蒂拉的一段交谈。12 【正确答案】 Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest【试题解析】 本段选自英国作家奥斯卡王尔德的著名喜剧认真的重要性。该剧是王尔德的喜剧代表作。其中语言俏皮幽默,剧中人物妙语连珠。作者借用了一个荒诞的故事,批判了英国上层阶级,讽刺了维多利亚时代所谓的高尚的道德与理想。节选中提到的 Bunbury 是主人公为了下乡玩乐而杜撰的弟弟。13 【正确答案】 Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind【试题解

32、析】 本段选自英国诗人雪莱(1792 一 1822)的著名诗歌西风颂的第四节。诗人由自然界的电闪雷鸣自然地联想到人世间的狂风暴雨。1819 年 8 月,曼彻斯特的 8 万名工人为争取生活权利举行示威游行,英国政府竞派骑兵镇压,致使 15 名工人被杀,400 人受伤。西风颂正是在这样的背景下创作而成,诗人借自然景物来抒情言志,表达对黑暗的反抗,对光明的热切期盼和向往,以及对未来的坚定信念和希望。节选的第四节中诗人写到了自己,他呼唤西风将“我”带走,像树叶、浮云、水波一样,不羁地、自由地浮游于世界。14 【正确答案】 William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming【

33、试题解析】 本段选自英国诗人叶芝(18651939)的名诗第二次降临。这首诗的题目指的是传统基督教的一个信念:基督会在将来的某天重返这个世界,并且会在善恶之战中消灭旧有的文明之后,统治这个世界。基督在未来的再生被称为第二次降临。诗人写这首诗的时候(1919 年)正值一次世界大战结束之际,爱尔兰(叶芝的祖国)正处于动荡与流血冲突之中。惨烈的战争似乎预示着旧有的基督教文明的终结,而一个可怕的时代即将来临。狂野的狮身人面怪兽将出现,象征着叶芝对西方文明的幻灭感,讽刺的是这个“第二次降临”不是和平地到来,伴随它而来的,将是由一个可怕的野兽带来的巨大的混乱时代。诗的结尾处,那个狮身人面怪兽正走向伯利恒去

34、投胎,犹如两千年前耶稣基督的诞生一样,预示着一个新的时代的到来,只是这一次是一个可怕的两千年。15 【正确答案】 Francis Bacon, Of Studies【试题解析】 本段选自英国作家培根(1561 一 1626)的散文论学习。【节选译文】有些书可浅尝辄止,有些书可囫囵吞枣,但有少量书需细细咀嚼,慢慢消化;换言之,有些书可只读其章节,有些书则可大致浏览,有少量书则需通篇细读并认真领悟。陈才宇译16 【正确答案】 John Donne, The Flea【试题解析】 本段选自英国诗人约翰多恩(1572 一 1631)的跳蚤。多恩是英国最伟大的玄学派诗人之一,他的诗作善于运用奇思妙喻,节

35、奏有力,语言生动,想象奇特而大胆。跳蚤一诗描写了一位男士向一位女士求爱。约翰多恩采用第一人称叙述,形象地传递出以男性为中心的爱情观。诗中,多恩的语气既轻佻又不屑,女性最珍视的贞操的失去,在他眼里就像被跳蚤叮咬一样无关紧要。得不到女性的青睐,他就把所有的责任全部归咎到她的身上。不仅否定了这个女人,还否定了全部的女性。多恩选择跳蚤吸取两人的血作为两性交接的象征,说明了他想象的奇特。17 【正确答案】 Antonia Susan Byatt, Rose-coloured Teacups【试题解析】 本段选自英国作家拜厄特(1936 一)的短篇小说玫瑰色茶杯。女主人公维罗妮卡的思绪在现在与过去、现实与

36、想象之间来回跳跃,打破了传统的时空界线。女儿简将家里的一台老缝纫机弄坏了,缝纫机是已故母亲的结婚礼物,维罗妮卡正要朝女儿发火,突然想起当年自己打碎粉红色茶杯后母亲的责骂。简代表了新一代女性:思想开放、轻视传统、尽情享受现代科技的便利。维罗妮卡从女儿身上看到了自己当年的影子,对母亲的愤怒有了新的认识。玫瑰色茶杯表现的是母女间的隔阂,同时也包含了作者对女性生存状况的反思。这段文字节选自该小说的第二段。18 【正确答案】 Charles Dickens, Great Expectations【试题解析】 本段选自英国作家狄更斯(18121870)的名著远大前程的第39 章。远大前程是狄更斯最成熟的作

37、品之一,也是他比较晚期的作品。狄更斯在经历了丰富的人间生活后,对人、对周围环境、对自己的生活经历都有了深刻的认识,而所有他成熟的思想认识都汇聚在远大前程一书中。这部作品描述了孤儿皮普想当上等人的理想幻灭的过程。节选段落描写的是皮普与他的幕后资助人逃犯马格维奇的见面过程。19 【正确答案】 E. M. Forster, The Road from Colonus【试题解析】 本段选自英国作家福斯特(18791970)的离开科罗诺斯之路,是福斯特早年创作的短篇小说。故事主人公卢卡斯先生与女儿埃塞尔去希腊旅行途中,偶然在科罗诺斯发现一处树穴,让他领悟到了生活的真谛,因此他很想在大树附近的小旅店住下,

38、不肯与其他英国游客一起离开。埃塞尔劝说木果后,在其他旅客的协助下,将他强行带走。小说的结尾,埃塞尔正准备结婚,而卢卡斯先生则是满腹牢骚,总在抱怨。埃塞尔偶然从报纸上得知,就在他们离开科罗诺斯的当晚,在卢卡斯先生曾坚持要停留的地方,狂风吹倒大树,附近小旅店中的人全被压死,卢卡斯先生却对这一消息无动于衷。在埃塞尔和其他游客看来,他们是救了卢卡斯先生,而对于他而言,戏剧性的离开人世远比寂寞惨淡的人生黄昏要好。福斯特试图唤起的是对老年的尊重和不同年龄层次之间更多的交流。20 【正确答案】 Edgar Alan Poe, The Cask of Amontillado【试题解析】 本段选自美国作家爱伦坡

39、(18091849)的哥特小说一桶白葡萄酒。哥特小说最主要的两个主题就是复仇与谋杀。这部小说短小紧凑,以蒙特利梭家的墓窖为背景,描写了蒙特利梭为复仇而精心谋划杀人的过程。这部小说被称为哥特式小说的典范。21 【正确答案】 Langston Hughes, Dreams【试题解析】 本段选自美国诗人兰斯顿休斯(1902 一 1967)的诗歌梦想,是一首意象派小诗,曾被谱成歌曲,一度非常流行。诗人以哀怨的格调唱出黑人的不幸。冷酷的现实剥夺了许多黑人的理想,他们只能在梦幻中的荒原上寻求安慰。休斯继承了黑人现实主义文学的优秀传统,重视反映黑人的苦难生活。22 【正确答案】 Eugene ONeill,

40、 Under the Elms【试题解析】 本段选自美国著名剧作家尤金奥尼尔的戏剧榆树下的欲望。榆树下的欲望(1924) 是尤金奥尼尔的代表作之一,也是一部广受关注的戏剧,有些学者认为它是“美国第一部伟大的悲剧”。故事围绕着一个家庭为了争夺一块农场这个线索展开,反映了现代人在情感与利益之间的取舍中的价值倾向。本段选自剧本的第四幕。23 【正确答案】 Maya Angelou, Still I Rise【试题解析】 本段选自玛娅安吉罗(1928 一)的代表作我仍将奋起,曾被制作成了公益广告,多年来不断在美国各大电视台上播放,为广大电视观众所熟悉。该作品是继马丁路德金的著名讲演我有一个梦想之后,美

41、国黑人争取民权运动的又一重要代表作。24 【正确答案】 Henry James, The Jolly Corner【试题解析】 本段选自亨利詹姆斯(18431916)的短篇小说快乐的一角(1908),故事讲述的是主人公斯宾塞在纽约一座空宅子的历险过程。他小时候曾经在那里长大。这篇小说被认为是詹姆斯最著名的短篇鬼故事之一。二、问答题25 【正确答案】 The major theme in Doris Lessings short story “A Woman on the Roof“ is about a womans power struggle. Lessing uses symbolism

42、 such as the weather to help show the power struggles the woman goes through to gain freedom in an unequal, sexist, and male-dominating society.Throughout the story, the weather, particularly heat waves play an important role in bringing about the story. The hot weather, as the backdrop of the story

43、 which makes all that happens possible, also carries a hint of mens passion or lust for the woman. As the weather gets hotter and more irritating each day, so does the tension between the three mens desperate attempts to get attention from the woman. In the denouncement, the weather gets cooler with

44、 the final rain, which brings the story to a natural end. With the rain, the sunbathing woman disappears too and her total disappearance leaves the three heroes in particular endless emptiness and sense of failure.Doris Lessings “ A Woman on the Roof“ demonstrates that there is a definite inequality

45、 in power among men and women. Whether it is in a relationship, in so far as gender and emotional involvement are concerned; or in a social role, in that there are always safe guards preventing women from having an equal stance in the social structure of society. The idea of men being domineering an

46、d women being viewed as secondary is slowly but surely changing. The woman on the roof was a symbolic goddess. She stood for a womans right to equal treatment of power by ignoring the three workmen, wearing red, and holding her head up high as she took a journey through a non-traditional role. The f

47、eminist movement may not be as strong as the 1960s, but women already have a foot in the door to equality. No longer shall women be seen as submissive, timid, overmatched, or inferior but as equal, because unequivocally as this story demonstrates, it is the woman who asserts her power and wins.26 【正

48、确答案】 Hemingway begins by narrating this story in the “Third Person Omniscient Author“ point of view but soon switches over to the dramatic method. Most of the story is presented as a play in two scenes which is being enacted right in front of our eyes.The first scene begins with “ Last week he tried to commit suicide, one waiter said“ and ends with “The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity. “The second scene is the conversation between the married waiter whose wife is waiting for him at home and the older but lonely waiter. This scene

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